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Chapter 3 Chapter two

Charles de Lolier's father, who had been a captain in the regular army, returned to his hometown in 1818 and settled in Nogent.After getting married, with the money from his wife's dowry, he bought a position as an executive officer to barely make ends meet.Because the resentment in his chest has no place to vent, his character becomes more and more domineering, and the pain in the past often hurts him, and he always thinks of being loyal to him, so the relatives around him suffer and become him. A tool for venting.It is really hard to find someone in the world who is beaten like his son.However, no matter how he fights, his son is not convinced.His wife was often abused just like his son in order to save his son.The old military officer found a place for his son in the office and asked him to lie on the table all day copying the court's manuscripts, which made his son's right shoulder much thicker than his left shoulder.

In 1833, under the persuasion of the president of the court, the old officer sold the office.His wife got cancer and died.He moved his family to Dijon.Then he moved to Troyes, where he acted as an intermediary for recruiters, and got a place at half public expense for Charlie, and sent him to Sansi secondary school.It was there that Frederick met Délorier when he was at school.But the two of them are twelve years old and the other fifteen years old, and they have different interests and backgrounds, so they don't interact with each other at all. In Frederick's cupboard, there were many different kinds of food, and many fine things, such as a toilet set.In the morning, he has always been used to snoozing on the bed, loves to observe swallows flying, loves to read story books, is not used to the miserable life at school, and yearns for the comfortable and comfortable life at home.

But the executive son, on the contrary, thought that school life was good.He worked hard, finished his second year, and started his third year.However, it may be because he is too poor, or because of his stubborn personality, everyone secretly hates him.One day, a worker called him a beggar in the classroom of the middle class. He jumped up and grabbed the man's neck in anger. If the three supervisors didn't dissuade him, he might have strangled the man to death.Frederick envied his bravery very much, and hugged him tightly.Since then, the two have become inseparable and very friendly.There is no need to doubt this feeling, being able to make friends with a senior classmate is something that a junior classmate is worthy of glory; for that senior classmate, of course, I am also very happy to accept this easy-to-come loyalty.

Delorist's father had always kept his son at school for the holidays.By chance, he found a translation of Plato, and he was ecstatic with excitement.Later, he became obsessed with metaphysics, even fanatical.When reading this kind of book, he always has the vigor unique to young people, always thinking about breaking the constraints of concepts, so he has made rapid progress. ,,,, all belong to the Scottish school.In general, as long as it is a book in the library, he has not missed a single one.Because he wanted to read, he even stole the key of the library when he had to. And Frederick's life was not so monotonous.Instead of painting the series of Christian genealogy carved on the pillars in Three Kings Street, he went to paint the gate of the church.After reading the medieval scripts, I started to read the works of, , and et al.

After reading these works, the plots in the book were always kept in his mind, and he deeply felt that they should be displayed again.He is very confident and hopes that he can be like France in the future.What Delloriel studies is a philosophy that involves a wide range of fields, and this discipline will become a world-leading cutting-edge discipline. During breaks after class, the two of them often came under the big clock on campus, looked at the colorful quotes of famous people, and imagined their bright future. Even dreaming in the room overlooking the cemetery often dreamed of this.When it was time for a walk, the two of them stood at the end and chatted until the sky was dark.

When they were together, they often made plans for what would happen after high school.First, when Frederick reached the legal age, he took out part of the money and the two went on a trip; after returning to Paris, they looked for a job together and lived together forever.What about entertainment after work?Go on a date with the girls in the magnificent living room, or drink and have fun with the courtesans.However, all hope is beautiful and fleeting, and what awaits them is layer upon layer of worry; after a while of talking freely and excitedly, what awaits them is still loneliness and boredom.

At dusk in summer, they sometimes walked along the gravel path beside the vineyard, and sometimes walked on the wide road, and they walked for such a long time.Under the afterglow of the setting sun, waves of wheat are pressing against each other; the air is filled with the fragrance of Angelica dahurica.At this time, they felt a little breathless, and fell on their backs, as if they had fainted or drunk.There are also some children in shirts. They are either playing race walking or flying kites.At this time, the superintendent was calling them.They walked through the garden with the sound of running water, and walked on the road with ruins on both sides.The sound of their walking shook the quiet street.The fence was opened and they all went upstairs again.They have a sense of melancholy after the wanton orgy.

And Mr. Proctor described their friendship as mutual bragging.In fact, Frederick was able to successfully advance to the senior year entirely because of the encouragement of his good friend.Therefore, in the summer of 1837, he took D'Lorie back to his hometown for the summer vacation. Mrs. Moreau did not like the young man at all.Because he eats too much, does not go to church, and agrees with the Republican Party.In the end he was sure to take her son to some dirty place, she thought.So she secretly watched their actions.And they were closer than ever.In the second year, Delorolier went to study law in Paris from the middle school.When parting, the two were really reluctant to part.Frederick had long planned to go to Paris to visit him, but he didn't expect that Délorier would come to him tonight first.They have been separated for two years, and when they met this time, they hugged affectionately for a long time.Because the venue for the speech was not suitable, they came to the bridge.

Now, Delores' father owns a billiard room in Wilnox.When his son opened his mouth to share the inheritance with him, his face was purple with anger, and he didn't even send him the living expenses.Théraultlier, on the other hand, vowed to carry out the examination for the title of professor of the law school, but without a penny, he went to an attorney in Troyes to seek the position of secretary-general.Relying on his diligence and frugality, he saved four thousand francs.Calculated in this way, even if he can't get his mother's inheritance, the money he earns on his own is enough for him to study hard for another three years before he finds a job.So they must disrupt their pre-made plan of living together in the capital, at least for the moment.

Frederick hung his head.His first wish was dreamily shattered. Dai Luo Liye comforted: "Don't worry! There's still plenty of time, we're not very old. I'll come to you of course! Forget about it." To allay his apprehensions, he took Frederick by the hand, and inquired about his travels. Frederick thought there was nothing worth saying.However, the thought of Madame Arnoux immediately put his troubles out of his mind.The reason why he didn't mention her was because he felt ashamed to speak of her.He turned the subject to Arnoux, and took great pains to describe Arnoux, describing in detail everything he said, did, and did, and how he was sociable.After listening to his statement, Delores encouraged him to continue to make friends with Arnoux.

Frederick hadn't written for a long time.He changed his mind about literature, and now he was especially interested in Frank, Frank, and ordinary unknowns, and he was moved by almost any of their articles.Sometimes, he thinks only music can describe his restless mood.He began to fantasize about composing symphonies again; perhaps bewitched by the appearance of things, he wanted to engage in painting again.He had written poems in the past, and Théloris had praised him for their excellent writing, but he had never asked him for a second poem. And Delores, no longer obsessed with metaphysical philosophy, is now concentrating on social economics and the history of the French Revolution.Now, he is a young man of twenty-two years old, tall and thin, with a big mouth and a very decisive temperament.This evening he wore a dungaree coat, and his shoes were covered with gray dust; he had come from Wilnox to see Frederick. Old Izidor came up to them and told Frederick that his mother had sent him back and brought him a coat in case he would catch a cold. "Wait a moment!" said D'Oroliette. They still lingered over the two bridges, which stood on an island surrounded by canals and canals. When you come to the area of ​​Nogent, you will first see some sloping houses; several wooden mills are located on the right, and the sluice of the mills has not been opened, and the church stands behind the mills; Some gardens with unclear boundaries are surrounded by branches.In the area of ​​Paris, however, the flat roads slump for thousands of miles, and a pastoral area is hidden in the distant night.In the dead of night, the night is slightly white.The scent of moist leaves wafting in the air is simply intoxicating.About a hundred meters away, the sound of the trickling water leading to the shore and the gentle and powerful sound of the waves at night intertwined. Dai Luoli stood still and said: "How peacefully and peacefully these gentlemen sleep, it's ridiculous! Hold on for a while! What awaits us is a brand new year of 1789! Let those constitutions, charters full of absurd theories To hell with all that kind! They're all lies, and people are tired of them! Alas! If a newspaper or a pulpit belonged to me, I would do anything to overthrow these abhorrent things! That being said, no matter what You have to have money to do anything! It’s not worth it for the son of a small hotel owner to waste his youth in vain for food!” He gritted his teeth and lowered his head, because the night was very cold, his thin clothes couldn't resist it, and he shivered from the cold. Frederick spread the coat over two of them, half of each.They hugged each other like this, wearing coats, walking side by side in the night. "I couldn't go on living there without you," said Frederick.The hardships of his good friend made him worry again. "If there is a woman who loves me today, maybe I can make some achievements-what are you laughing at? People say that a genius regards love as bread and the sky for him to fly. Only a high degree of enthusiasm can inspire Excellent. But I will never do something that asks me to find this kind of woman. Even if I can find such a woman one day, I don't think she will agree to me. My luck is not good, and maybe in the future Someday I shall be ruined on a jewel; but whether the jewel is real or not, it is impossible to speculate now." At this time, someone shouted at them on the road, only to see his shadow on the road. "Hello, gentlemen!" The man who was talking to them was a short man in a big, fat brown coat and a long-brimmed hat with a pointed nose hidden under the brim. "Are you Mr. Rock?" asked Frederick. "Yes! I am!" replied the man. He was Noren, and he said that he had just come back from the garden by the river and passed by here to see if any wolves had fallen into the trap. "You're back on this land at last? I'm so glad! I got the news from my little daughter. How are you? You won't be leaving anytime soon?" Perhaps because Frederick was so indifferent to him, he walked away disappointed. In fact, Mrs. Moreau had no dealings with him at all.Old Man Rock lived with his maid, so that he was looked down upon, though he was an electoral deputy, and in charge of Mr. Dombrose's property. Delorolier interjected: "Do you mean the banker in the Rue Anjou? My dear, do you know what you have to do?" Old Izidor was urging them again.He had to take Frederick back.If the young master doesn't come home, the old lady will be worried. Delores said: "Come on, come on! Go home right away! He can't sleep here." The old servant had no choice but to stand aside, and Delores continued: "You should kindly ask this old man to take you to the Dombrose family; you will be very useful if you can associate with a wealthy family! With this black dress and white gloves of yours, you should Let them play their full role! You must first enter the society, and you will guide me later. Think carefully, he is a man of ten thousand fortune! You must do everything possible to please him and please his wife It would be great to be her lover!" Frederick couldn't help crying out. "Isn't what I'm talking about all the essence? Let's take a look at how it's done in "Human Comedy"! I believe that you can do it!" Frederick believed Délorolier to such an extent that he thought his words had shaken his heart.It is also possible that he had forgotten Mrs. Arnoux, or that Mrs. Arnoux and Mrs. Dombrose had been put together in the deduction of Thallorier, so he smiled happily. Delores said again: "I'll give you one last sincere suggestion: You must go to the job assessment! You should get a job first. Obediently throw away all those Catholics and poets. Among them, the highest level of philosophy is not equal to the philosophical theories of the twelfth century. You can't be ridiculous to the point of despair. From then to now, there are countless people who have created great achievements. Separated. In the end, I must let that old thing that embezzled my property return me the property that belongs to me. Well, I should go too, goodbye! By the way, do you have any money, pay me a hundred dinner money?" Frederick took out the ten francs change he had asked for from old Izidore that morning and handed it to him. At this moment, a beam of light came from the skylight of a small house on the left bank, forty meters away. "Bless you, King of the Gods! However, without poverty, there is no way to talk about intelligence. On this point, we have suffered too much ridicule, please show mercy!" These words, which were enough to summarize the current situation of the two of them, made them both laugh.The laughter of the two echoed in the street. After Delorix paid the inn's expenses, he accompanied Frederick to the crossroads of the municipal hospital;—the two hugged each other tightly, unwilling to separate for a long time, just like a pair of close friends separated.
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