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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen Own Breath

station 森村诚一 3722Words 2018-03-21
As soon as Hakomori Shogo graduated from junior high school, he came to Tokyo from the countryside to find a job.He is currently working for a convenience store chain in Tokyo, and his office is near the private railway station in Meguro District. Because it is open 24 hours, I often work until late at night, which makes Zhengwu miserable.In the past, he rose at sunrise and went to bed at sunset, and was used to the simple and bright life in the countryside, but this 24-hour convenience store was nothing less than a conceptual shock to him.He was also amazed by the variety of customers who came to the store.

Celebrities who often show their faces on TV often come to this store. They thought they were unattainable upper-class figures, but they also buy radishes, carrots, eggs, etc. in this store. It makes people feel that they are also flesh and blood, and have a Kind of human affection. There are people who only buy toilet paper, people who only buy dog ​​food, people who mistake this place for a bookstore and stand next to the bookshelf to read magazines, couples who have to pay even two cents separately when shopping, and so on. , the weird and weird people that you never see in Zhengwu's hometown are ordinary people and normal people in Tokyo.

Pets are not allowed in the store, but many customers bring their pets at night.In the middle of the night, the store doesn't care much about people who bring pets in. When I was about to graduate from junior high school, Masago had a strong desire to work in Tokyo.His mother advised him to just find a job locally, but he wanted to go to Tokyo no matter what. His biggest reason is to find his father.His father went to Tokyo to work part-time to earn money 4 years ago, but there is no news of him now.At that time, my father felt that staying in the valley would lead to death, so he went to Tokyo to find a new way of life.

In the first half a year there was a letter, but after that I lost the news, and now I don't know if he is dead or alive. Although I have been thinking of looking for him in Tokyo, I don't know where he is in Tokyo.When his father left home, he made a wish to Zhengwu, who was in elementary school: he must give him a game console when he returned home. Not only has Zhengwu not gotten the game console yet, but he doesn't even know the whereabouts of his father.He thought, if he arrived in Tokyo, he might meet his father on the street one day!Mother seemed to stop thinking about it, but Zhengwu planned to return to mother together after finding father.

"If he wants to come back, he will write a postcard or make a phone call, but he hasn't contacted his family all the time. He definitely doesn't want to go home." Although his mother said so, Zhengwu still thought that his father wanted to go home, but In a predicament of no return.If that's the case, I should save my father from the mud pit. Zhengwu believes that as long as he is in Tokyo, he will have a chance to meet his father, so he must get a job in Tokyo.But after he came to Tokyo and was exposed to reality, he realized that the idea that he might meet his father was too naive.

This is a sea of ​​people.There are crowds of people jostling each other, but each one is just a bubble floating on the waves, and the bubble is always flowing and will never stand still. In the past few months, four people from the convenience store where Guang Zhengwu works have resigned, including a fellow from his hometown who came together at the beginning, which really hit him hard. The fellow said that he went to other night shift companies with "better income", and Zhengwu had always believed that he could not choose a job based on whether it was profitable or not. down.However, his heart was also shaken.

After stepping on the land of Tokyo, I really don't know where I was transported. This feeling has been lingering in Zhengwu's heart, and I even doubt whether Tokyo can accept him. I heard that most of the well-dressed young people gathered in Harajuku and Roppongi (a place name in Tokyo, famous for being a place where fashionable young people often meet) are also from the local area.They came to Tokyo, dressed in the most fashionable clothes, in order to obtain the self-satisfaction that Tokyo had contained itself. A sea of ​​people flooded Tokyo, but most of them could not fit into Tokyo.Those who hold this idea also give people a mistake. In fact, they are only temporarily "in" Tokyo.

Several months of living in Tokyo made him understand the above principles. This is also thanks to being able to work in a convenience store, because more than half of the customers in the store are not accommodated by Tokyo.They all went to the store in the middle of the night to buy daily necessities.Of course, Shogo, who was the vendor, did not take root in Tokyo either. Zhengwu's shop is often visited by taxi drivers.They always take a break with a cup of coffee at the corner of the counter.They are drifters in the vast ocean of Tokyo. Zhengwu gradually became familiar with those drivers, and learned some aspects of Tokyo from their conversations at the counter.

"That day I picked up a man and a woman who came out of a love hotel. The man gave the woman 10,000 yen and then got off the train. The woman immediately said to me: "Go to the station. She will go home by tram. Save the taxi fare!" "Last Saturday night, a couple got in the taxi and gave me 10,000 yen, saying they would get off in 30 minutes, and said he wanted to use the taxi as a hotel." "My, I almost became a thief's partner! That night I was stopped in front of an apartment, and they brought a lot of luggage. I felt something was wrong, so I stopped in front of the police station. The people in the car ran away. Run, and later I caught them all with the police."

"There are also those who are in labor in the car!" "On a rainy night a few days ago, when I was passing through the Qingshan Cemetery, a woman by the side of the road stopped and got into the car. But when she sat down, her body became stiff as if she was tied up, and I couldn't see her clearly. After driving for a while, I felt movement behind, it turned out that the woman’s body was moving, and I looked at her seat, oh, it’s wet a lot!” "Don't say it, don't say it! Hearing what you say, I won't dare to pass by there in the future." "As the saying goes: If you pull a ghost, it will protect us from traffic accidents."

"Speaking of young women, I also picked up one the other night. She got in the car and said she was going to a beautiful place 'anywhere. I think she is a bit weird' and asked her what's the matter, it was her Broke up in love and wanted to commit suicide. After I heard this, I advised her not to do this, and somehow she finally changed her mind, but the turnover that day was miserable!" "We are the boatmen of the river of life, carrying people across the river all day long. We don't feel tired until we land on the shore." "After going ashore, he is no longer a boatman!" As soon as I heard them talking about the world, I felt like I could feel the fetal movement of Tokyo, a huge city. Among them was an older man named Yoshihara, the one who said "the taxi driver is the boatman," whose company was located near Masago's apartment.When he sent the car to coincide with Zhengwu leaving get off work, he often let Zhengwu take his car. There were so many customers that night, and I was supposed to leave work at 11 o'clock, but I was able to get out at 1 o'clock in the morning.It just so happened that Yoshihara passed by here, so he called out: "Hakomori, if you want to go home, I can take you off." "I'm sorry for being so often." Zhengwu said politely, but Yoshihara still sincerely invited: "Anyway, I have to go back to the company. For me, whether you get in the car or not is the same thing." Since there was still a long way to go to the apartment, Zhengwu got into his car. "Have you gotten used to living in Tokyo?" Yoshihara asked after letting Masago sit on the assistant's seat. "No. I just can't get rid of the rusticity of the country people." "Don't try to get rid of the smell of the countryman, it's better to keep it! Isn't it said recently? What can prove your own existence is called your own smell." "Is it your own breath?" "That's right, Tokyo people are all the same because they don't have their own aura. I love Tokyo, but I hate Tokyo people who have lost their own aura. By the way, does the old man believe you?" In order to find his father, Hakomori told Yoshihara and the others who had a wide range of activities about his father's disappearance. "No." "Toto TV!" "I went to the TV station, but I hope there are too many people broadcasting it, so I have to come in order. Besides, the TV station doesn't seem to be very interested in things like my father." "That's right. Most of the missing person revelations on the TV station are eloped with women, or run away from home because of the involvement of a third party. Hey, don't be discouraged, keep looking! We will do our best to help." "thanks." Yoshihara's car drove to the intersection, and because it was a green signal, he continued to move forward.At this time, an imported car made a sharp turn from the opposite side. Because of his reckless driving, Yoshihara couldn't guard against it, and he didn't even have a chance to brake.The two cars touched each other as if they were kissing.Obviously, the responsibility is on the driver's side of the U-turn. However, a young man's head protruded from the car window of this sharp turn, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "Asshole, be careful!" There are several taxis around. The cars are very united.After a while, the drivers who got off from several taxis formed a group. "What else is your name? This is obviously your fault!" "You touched someone else, bastard!" "Come down, brat!" Before Yoshihara retorted, the taxi driver surrounded the other party's car and began to criticize each other. The other party was an imported limousine with a young woman sitting on the assistant's seat, which seemed to arouse the taxi driver's resentment. Surrounded by many taxi drivers, the young man in the car that made the big turn seemed a little timid.He had thin lips, a long, thin face, and a little schoolboy air. In order to suppress his fear, he shrugged and said, "Do you know who I am?" This kind of bluff inquiry angered several drivers around, and just as they were about to pull the young man down and beat him up, a patrol car drove over. Fortunately, there was no damage to the two vehicles, and the person was safe and sound. However, the young man who caused the accident was really domineering, which left a bad impression on the police officer who dealt with the incident. The perpetrator is Damen Shengming, 23 years old, and the woman in the car is his girlfriend.Although he himself is an unknown junior, his father is well-known - Makoto Damon, secretary general of the ruling Democratic Party.People inside and outside the party all know that Makoto Damon is the current Prime Minister Nagaoka Tomosei's right-hand man and a leader in the new leadership. The young man wanted to use the old man's reputation as a tiger skin to scare people, so he said the name of the gate, but the police officer not only did not flinch, but instead aroused the urge to beat him up. He is incompetent, but he uses the aura of the old man to bluff people.This kind of kid leans on the big tree of his parents, occupies a comfortable position in society without any effort, and drives around in the high-end car that the old man bought for him, causing accidents without hesitation. The police officer refers to young people like Damon Shengming as the "leftover class" of society-neither capable people nor scum.Under the protection of their parents, they eat their stomachs and brains, and they are a piece of social fat.This fat is still given sufficient nutrition, so it becomes more hypertrophic, and eventually becomes a public nuisance to the whole society. Even if it is the remaining class, since it is the son of Damen Chengzao, it must be handled with caution.In particular, police officers and cadres are simply overwhelmed by the politicians of the ruling party. The secretary rushed over after receiving the notice. In stark contrast to Shengming's bad attitude, he just bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We will fully compensate the victims. Please don't make this public." Because the damaged vehicle was not seriously damaged and there were no casualties, if the parties involved can mediate, there is no need for the police to intervene. Shengming has been involved in accidents due to reckless driving before.The last accident was also handled privately using his father's reputation.For Damon Makoto, the repeated accidents caused by this bastard son will also affect his political life. The secretary truly showed the embarrassment caused by Damen Makoto, and just kept nodding and bowing.In the end, a settlement was reached between the secretary and the taxi company.The driver Yoshihara refused to accept it, but had to obey the company's decision. The company believes that if you give some face to the big figures in the ruling party now, you will definitely be taken care of in the future.Although companies are not under the umbrella of politicians, their combat effectiveness (competitiveness) is very different, just like whether they use the underworld or not.Of course, there is also a sense of psychological security in the middle.
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