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Chapter 19 Chapter 18 Rusty Conduit

big city 森村诚一 5274Words 2018-03-21
The years have changed. Susumu Hanaoka was rewarded for his "military exploits" when he bought "Star Denken", and was promoted to the head of the home appliance business department. Under the unified command of Manager Shunichiro Hanaoka, the movement of "Kyoden" to transform from the development of strong electricity to the development of weak electricity is still going on and has achieved great success.Now that he is given the position of Minister of Home Appliances, the largest division of the weak electricity department, it seems to be announcing to him that Susumu Hanaoka is the next supreme leader.

The minister is in charge of washing machines, electric fans, air cleaners, electric sweepers, cutting presses, sewing machines, refrigerators, irons, electric heaters, televisions, stereo radios, radios, lighting equipment and other household appliances, from production to The sales entrusted with full power, in fact, is the head of the independent management unit, becoming the king of a country and the lord of a city. Business departments of general nature, such as finance department, purchasing department, manufacturing department, sales department, etc., are only responsible for income or consumption.On the contrary, each product business department bears the profit responsibility including the above two responsibilities, that is, it is responsible for the ultimate goal of the enterprise - the amount of profit.

Therefore, even in the same company, in the process of capturing profits, the various departments are completely the same as those of foreign companies.If it is required to buy cheaper and better raw materials and parts than other companies, if other business departments of the company have such varieties, they can also avoid it. There is a so-called right to avoid declaration. Needless to say, Hanaoka was very excited to be entrusted with such a big task. In the past few years, under the gale of capitalism, Susumu Hanaoka has changed.In the past, in order to overlook the higher and more open unknown world, he ate and slept in the dew, wandering among the ice and snow, rocks and wind and sand in the Alps.Now, even a shadow of that romance is gone.

Although the days and nights of distant youth are sometimes revived in the folds of memory; however, I always feel as childish and ridiculous as a story in a fairy tale. Most of the products belong to "Star Electric Research" in the field of home appliances, and in fact, they have already fallen into the hands of Susumu Hanaoka. After he took office as Minister of Home Appliances, he gradually displayed his talents.In order not to let people say that he got the top position by nepotism, he must come up with some tricks.The first move is to rectify "Xingdian Research". In short, the effective value of "Xingdianken" lies in Shibuya alone.Honestly, so many others are useless.

However, Susumu Hanaoka suggested that Shunichiro Hanaoka, the manager of Hoshikawa called "Seidenken", should become the deputy manager of "Xieden".At the same time, the entire team of "Xingdian Research" trained by Xingchuan was also transferred to the employees of "Xiedian". Of course, this approach was strongly opposed by the strong electricity faction on the executive board of directors.However, Junichiro passed the case forcibly despite the opposition of the strong electricity faction. The cadres of "Xingdianyan" were merged into "Xiedian", and in appearance, it seemed that their social status had improved.

People in the world are stunned by this decisive, no, rather, abnormally warm personnel policy. However, who would have known that this "good story" was all due to the fact that most of the employees of the old "Xingdian Research Institute" were gradually laid off by Susumu Hanaoka.And it wasn't a massive cut all at once.First of all, the key members of the trade union cadres were drawn into the "Xiedian" with generous remuneration.Pull out the skeleton of the trade union, and then remove it all at once like mowing grass.Among these people, if there is still a troublemaker, he will be assigned to a related company with favorable conditions.If he is still not obedient, send a special commercial intelligence officer from "Xiedian" to thoroughly investigate his public and private situations, and then seize a little flaw to threaten him.

"Try to piss off the 'Xiedian' all over the country. From now on, all enterprises will not want you!" Most of the prickly heads softened after being frightened like this. The "mowing" work behind "Good Story" is over, and the office building and factory of "Xingdian Research" will be rectified immediately.Only the Central Research Institute where Shibuya is located has not been moved for the time being. The factory of "Xingdianyan" was not very big, and it was disbanded within two or three days. The office building of "Xingdianyan" was bought by a super shopping mall.All the valuable items that can be used by "Kyoden" as equipment and materials have been transported to Osaka.

Finally, in less than a month, "Xingdian Research", which once had about 500 employees working enthusiastically under the banner of the company with the star badge, was literally wiped out from the earth. "Hanaoka Susumu, you did a great job!" Shunichiro Hanaoka admired Susumu Hanaoka's actions in his heart.This stallion was picked up by accident. "Let Xingchuan be the deputy manager of 'Xiedian', you can't just let him be a plaque, you must have a position and authority." It is Susumu Hanaoka who strongly advocates this.At first, Junichiro was also shocked by this abnormal personnel arrangement.But he finally discovered that the purpose of the monopoly buying was on one person in Shibuya.The closer the personal relationship between Shibuya and Hoshikawa, and the higher Hoshikawa's status in "kyoden", the more Shibuya will tame "kyoden".

To tame a difficult dog, it's best to first tame the owner the dog knows very well. ——Hanaoka Susumu's claim is indeed justified. His opinion was adopted, and Xingchuan and the founder of the old "Xingdian Research Institute" were hired as cadres of "Xiedian".As expected, the simple-minded Shibuya burst into tears of gratitude for the kindness of "Kyoden" and became more loyal and diligent to "Kyoden". Of course, all orders were sent directly to Shibuya through Xingchuan. "Seiden Second Central Research Institute", this is the new name of the "Shoden Central Research Institute" that remained in Nagoya. The word "Central" is to take care of the self-esteem of Shibuya and the old "Star Denken" technicians.

In this way, Shibuya is in the old place, under the same organizational system (under the command of the former manager Hoshikawa), with a salary that is twice as high as before as "Kyoden", to be precise, to develop new products for Susumu Hanaoka. "This kind of warm personnel strategy will always be a bridge connecting people's hearts. After Shibuya is subdued, Xingchuan and others will be cleared out in one fell swoop. For defeated enemies, they cannot always be given sweet bait." Hanaoka Jin narrowed his eyes, very comfortable. "It's true, a stallion picked up for nothing." Junichiro had to nod frequently, saying yes secretly.

It was under such circumstances that the MLT-3 color TV developed by Shibuya was grandly exhibited at the Prince Hotel in Osaka under the name of "Kyoden". The fluorescent screen was only the size of an ordinary book, and the picture was clear and the color was bright. People were so surprised that they made a sensation. Thus, the third revolution of the electronics industry was completed in the name of Kyowa Electric Co., Ltd. The stock price of "Xiedian" reached the highest peak that day.Another important significance is that the successful development of the MLT-3 TV set is equal to the final fatal blow to the strong electricity faction by the weak electricity faction led by Junichiro Hanaoka.At the same time, a road leading to the throne of honor was shown in front of Susumu Hanaoka. Susumu Hanaoka's position in the company has been confirmed, and he has become full of air at home. He was more than just a stallion now.He has grown in value and has a promising future, so he is about to take the chair of the weak current faction's successor manager.And, much of it was earned by one's own wrist and talent.The initial motivating force may have been taken care of by his wife; however, the climbing force for climbing the dangerous peaks and bad roads after that is indeed all based on his own strength. How can he be a stallion forever, how can he have the obligation to obey Shunzi! Late at night on the day when the public experiment was successful, he couldn't restrain his excitement. He returned to the mansion and asked the welcoming maid: "Where's Sunja?" "I've gone to bed early." "What? Her husband worked hard until late at night, and she went to bed first? It's outrageous! Wake me up!" Hanaoka Jin yelled. "But..." The maid was at a loss and stood still.Shunzi didn't go to bed first tonight! Even if he came back earlier, he was greeted by a maid, Susumu Hanaoka always thought it was normal and kept silent.And tonight, what happened? The maid was stunned by Susumu Hanaoka's extraordinary arrogance. "I won't let you call, I'll call. Come!" Hanaoka Shin pushed the maid away and walked quickly to the bedroom. "However, my wife is not feeling well today, and she has been bedridden since morning." The maid stammered.She is telling the truth. Sunja caught a cold and was not well for several days.That day I felt a little cold again, and after I sent Hanaoka away, I was bored in the bedroom. "No matter how uncomfortable you are, when your husband comes back, you can always greet him at the door, right?" Hanaoka yelled loudly.He thought: Sunja was probably frowning and listening to my roar.Perhaps lying in bed with the savage like a beast, is scorning me? His voice could reach Sunja's eardrums perfectly.However, the fact that the bedroom door was still closed like a shell made Hanaoka particularly annoyed. "You are so fucking high, you are a stone girl who can't have children!" Hanaoka Jin said the lines he had prepared a long time ago.How did Shunzi know that Susumu Hanaoka had undergone sterilization surgery.She was probably grieving secretly, blaming herself for fifty percent of the infertility. The harsh words just now must have pierced Shunzi's heart that was so proud of pure blood. "It deserves it!" He finally let out a sigh of relief. The maid was also frightened by his menacing appearance and did not dare to approach him. "Hey, Sunja, get up!" Hanaoka Shin pushed open the bedroom door with a bang, raising his voice even more. "What are you doing? It doesn't look like it. What time is it?" Shunzi replied with a voice as clear and cold as water. "Damn, what are you talking about?" Hanaoka Jin scolded hooligans.For the first time in his life, he spit out such dirty words. He entered the room and saw that Sunja was lying on the bed with only her upper body up. She looked very handsome, but her face was expressionless, like a masked man in an ancient drama, staring at Shin Hanoka rigidly.Under the slanting light of the orange light at the head of the bed, the woman's face was as clear as a relief, appearing extraordinarily noble.The sides of the pajamas were tightly closed on the chest, not like a bedridden patient.Although she was only wearing a pajamas, she wrapped her body tightly, which made Hanaoka even more annoying. A woman is very guarded against her husband, needless to say, this is proof that she doesn't love her husband.When a wife sees her husband, it is best to be defenseless, no, it must be like that. It must be performed in the manner required by the husband, no matter how unseemly or unseemly.Only in this way can a man who is exhausted after work get a little comfort in the family. A woman as hard as jade, even if she is incomparably handsome, is not qualified to be a wife. A woman who is on guard against her husband and prompts a man to be "on guard against his wife" is not worthy of being a wife... At least, such a woman should not enter the family at all. Isn't that the minimum house rule for women (if they're allowed to be called women)! Shunzi's posture made Hua Gangjin think that she was a neutral monster who used his wife's body to break into the family. At this time, a strong impulse erupted throughout Susumu Hanaoka's body. "Ah, what are you doing?" He walked up to Shunja fiercely, grabbed Shunja by the breast suddenly, and dragged her to the carpet. Although she resisted desperately, how could she be against the iron fist forged in the mountains! "Don't stare at your husband as if you saw a wild beast. Wouldn't you like to meet him at the door?" "What time do you think it is?" "Hate it! Stop giving me nonsense!" Jin Hanaoka loosened his grip on Sunja's chest, and slapped her hard twice. "Ah!" Shunzi grew up in a boudoir, and it was the first time in his life that he was beaten so violently, and he couldn't help crying.But she was also very strong, with a cold light in her eyes, staring at Jin Huaoka.Even during this time, I haven't forgotten to tidy up the messy bottom skirt of the clothes. "You have been treating me to this day, but has there ever been a time when you treated me like a wife? What's the matter? Look at your eyes!" Even though Shunzi was beaten, his posture remained undisturbed, which made Hanaoka even more angry.He was literally like a wild beast, pounced on Sunja's body. "Oh, stop! I don't, I don't!" Hanaoka laughed at Sunja's whole body resistance, and forcibly took off her bottoms. No matter how much Shunzi resisted, she was in the bedroom after all, wearing only a thin layer of pajamas.So, Jin Hanaoka violently tore off the underpants; the top belt was also untied; the pajamas were torn to pieces. Shin Hanaoka looked down at the horrific Shunzi with a smile... and rushed over... "Beast, beast!" Shunzi cursed fiercely. "Who is the beast, you female elf!" Hanaoka retorted while shoving her body.However, in the process of hatred and quarrel, the two sides have a fire of passion, which is really a wonderful creation of men and women. ... In the early morning of the next day, Susumu Hanaoka said to Shunzi, who was pretending to be serious, "Please see a doctor today." "Look at what?" "We have been married for five years, and we have no children. If I am healthy, it is you who are abnormal. I will go and see together. Let's go, get ready!" "You shouldn't be in a hurry for something like this." Shunzi was a little shy, her cheeks were flushed... "What! You can't have children, you are the only one who is ashamed." "But, I can't be sick. If it's abnormal, it's you." "How do you know? I'm... absolutely healthy. I'm sure. I mean, I'm sorry for you to go alone, but I'll go with you. Because I want a baby too. Come on, let's go." Kasumi Hanaoka forcibly pulled away the unwilling Sunja.Then, at the hospital where he went, the doctor bribed by him would write down the ironclad proof that she would never have children. Although Shunzi felt an almost terrifying pressure, she had to obey Susumu Hanaoka, who had been a different person since last night. A stallion hired to teach thoroughbreds, now empowered, is trying to kick his master away. Two nights later, Shunzi was in the bedroom and said unnaturally, "I want to tell you something." "What's the matter? So serious." Hanaoka Jin already knew what Shunzi was going to say, but he pretended to be confused. "I, the doctor said I was infertile." "..." Sunja turned into another person and quietly lowered her head. "So, what should I do?" Susumu Hanaoka shouted in his heart, haggling with the other party indifferently. "You can't call the Hanaoka family the best." Sunja looked up.There was a burning light in her eyes again. "Thank you for your health." "So...?" Susumu Hanaoka asked intentionally. "So, I hope you give birth. You use the woman you like to give birth to a successor to the Hanaoka family. However, I only have one request. Before that woman becomes pregnant, she must be brought to me! Anyway, she is Give birth to a son for the Hanaoka family. No matter how much you like him, the blood must be pure and the mind must be good." Shunzi regained her pride as a purebred queen.Even Susumu Hanaoka was impeccable with her dignified manner. The two were lying on the double bed, embracing each other with distant hearts, but each was thinking about his own confidant. "Who should I choose?" Hanaoka recalled the faces of several women in his mind, and he was trying to figure it out.Who knew that in the darkness, tears were quietly rolling down Shunzi's cheeks. The next morning, the phone rang, as if impatiently waiting for Susumu Hanaoka to go to work. "Is this Susumu Hanaoka? I'm Tone. Is it convenient to call now?" Ligan was the paid doctor.Hanaoka Shin replied, "It's convenient." The other party said: "Hanaoka, it's my wife's business. In fact, you don't have to worry at all." "..." "My wife is out and out infertile." "Ah?" Susumu Hanaoka involuntarily strengthened his hand holding the microphone. "Originally, the so-called infertility is medically said: 'The couple live a normal married life, although they want to have children very much, but they are still not pregnant after two or three years, this is called infertility." Female infertility, the reason Many are caused by medical records of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, artificial sterilization, ear gland inflammation, etc.; and..." "It doesn't matter. Tell me the main points." Hanaoka was in a hurry.It's useless to go to medical class now. "I'm sorry. I've made another old habit of explaining the disease to patients every now and then." It seemed that Togan nodded to the microphone to admit his mistake. "My wife suffers from oviduct occlusion and has a history of tuberculosis in the pelvis. This kind of occlusion is very difficult to treat and plays an important role in the causes of infertility. Of course, there are many treatments, but none of them can achieve satisfactory results. Surgery The pregnancy rate in the future is no more than..." "To put it simply, there is no possibility of pregnancy even after surgery, is it?" "yes." After listening to Tone's report, Hanaoka Shin let out a long sigh. It doesn't matter.There is absolutely no need for infertility surgery.Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of great joy welling up in my heart. From now on, you can openly embrace another woman.And... after giving birth to a child, she can inherit the huge property of the Hanaoka family. A concubine recognized by his wife, with unearned property and status, who could be as lucky as him!He tried his best to suppress the trembling voice caused by excessive joy, and interrupted the call with Ligen. The next urgent task is to connect the vas deferens that I have ligated.When I first got to work, there was a mountain of documents waiting to be resolved on the desk.Regardless of these, he stood up and went to do recovery surgery. A few hours later, the doctor informed Hanaoka that his vas deferens could no longer recover.It should have been a restorative operation, but now, the catheter is rusted.
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