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Chapter 8 Chapter 7 Conditions of Survival

big city 森村诚一 3830Words 2018-03-21
"The secretary also avoided. Now, it's just you and me in this room." Shunichiro Hanaoka sat leisurely on the manager's sofa, and said seriously to Susumu Hanaoka who crept into the manager's office. Under the gaze of the manager's piercing gaze, Shin Hanaoka lowered his head.It was always like this. Whenever he stood in front of his father-in-law, he always felt a sense of coercion, as if his body shrank.He blamed his soul: "I'm really worthless! Isn't he my father-in-law? Be stronger, be stronger..." However, I don't know if it is because of lack of innate dignity or lack of acquired talent. In short, as long as you stand In front of my father-in-law, I couldn't help but feel that I cringed, and my body and mind were captured.

Hanaoka Jin felt that he was too pitiful and wronged. It is the same now.Hanaoka Jin had to admit: in front of his father-in-law, he was exactly like a dog squatting in front of his stern master, winking and acting. The location was the manager's office on the ninth floor of Kyowa Electric Corporation, which is particularly majestic in Kitahama Building Street, Osaka. Shunichiro Hanaoka, the manager of "Xiedian", probably wanted to say something, so he dismissed the outsiders and called in his son-in-law Susumu Hanaoka. "As you know, our 'Kyoden' in Osaka has a capital of 80 billion, ten branches, and ranks first in the power industry (heavy electrical appliances)." How about common sense in the "staff handbook"?Shunichiro said frantically:

"In this 'Xiedian' which is dominated by strong electricity, do you know how I got to be the manager?" "what!" Shunichiro's narration suddenly turned into a question sentence at the end of the sentence.Susumu Hanaoka answered speechlessly.However, Hanaoka Shunichiro didn't want to listen to his reply at all. "This is because the power supply development department, the cash cow of strong electricity, began to decline day by day. At this time, I relied on household appliances centered on TVs to fight against them at once. The steel company, a regular customer, due to funds Freezing and business depression have exacerbated the decline of the strong electric industry. Seizing the limelight, the home appliance department, which was originally only a small-scale sideline business, prospered suddenly by taking advantage of the soaring prices of home appliances in society. In terms of business results , because there are home appliances to fill holes in the strong electricity, it is not a problem. Speaking of which, home appliances have become the role of saving our company!" Shunichiro glanced at Susumu Hanaoka's eyes, as if asking: "Understood? ?”

"However, the good times of our home appliance world are not long. Recently, the penetration rate of TV sets and washing machines has been very high, and the market has also risen to the peak. In addition, the products of various companies are similar, and the competition is even more intense. Therefore, the home appliance industry It has changed from the "royal business" where there is production and sales, to the Warring States period when they annexed each other. Moreover, compared with Tokyo's "Ryoden", the decline rate of performance is needless to mention."

Indeed, as Shunichiro said, Ryoden in Tokyo is a specialized manufacturer of home appliances. In the home appliance industry, both parties recognize that Ryoden and Kyodo are the biggest rivals.In comparison, the profits of "Xiedian" have indeed been left far behind. Of course, the business is not booming, and this is not just the "Xiedian" one.Starting from the deadly enemy "Ryoden", every family is in depression. Companies such as Tokyo's "M Den" are home appliance companies that only raised their heads a few years ago, and even went bankrupt in a blink of an eye.Another example is "F Electric" and "R Electric", which are known as the trump cards of home appliances.

In comparison, the depression of "Xiedian" is still slight. "However, it's still not easy. Although I didn't suffer serious injuries like 'M Dian' and 'F Dian', but the home appliances were in decline, which made me a big headache for the weak electricity group. Originally, 'Xiedian' belonged to the strong electricity group. The world. The reason why I was able to sit in this position is because the home appliance business is like the rising sun. Even if the sun shines a little bit late, I will immediately be killed by the strong electric faction. Even if this is not the case, the strong electric faction is very united Well, the so-called "three Mori" among the directors of Heavy Electric——Moriguchi, Mori, and Mori Michi are staring at me. "

The same company, the words are a bit bizarre.However, since the establishment of "Xiedian", it has been divided into two departments: strong electricity and weak electricity, and the power is controlled by the strong electricity faction. Because of this, the sense of superiority of the strong electricity school and the inferiority complex of the weak electricity school have formed a deep-rooted opposing thought.This has formed an undercurrent in the atmosphere of "Xiedian". Relying on Shunichiro Hanaoka, it was the first time in history to break the idea of ​​giving priority to strong electricity since the founding of "Kyoden".

Shunichiro became the first manager from a weak electricity background.In general, the employees of "Xiedian" are not happy to be assigned to the weak electricity department.The reason is not simply that it is better to work on the export of atomic power generation and complete sets of equipment than in the production of electric pans, foot warmers, etc. place to go. This is not so much a "principle" as an "iron law".Although it is said that Junichiro happened to encounter the temporary stagnation of strong electricity and the temporary prosperity of home appliances, in short, he was the first to break this "iron law".Became the first manager of weak electricity background.Those of the weak electricity faction who have been unable to hold their heads up in front of the strong electricity faction and have always been annoyed have stood up this time, so it goes without saying.

As a result, Qiangdian’s dislike for Shunichiro Hanaoka became even stronger. The so-called Big Three of heavy electricity, such as Mori Kaiyue and Mori Michiyuki, headed by the leader of the strong power faction, Director Hidehiko Moriguchi, were the “Three Mori of Directors” The exclusion of Junichiro is already aggressive. Shunichiro turned his eyes to the sky, and continued: "However, this is a throne that has been acquired with great difficulty! It must not be given up to others so easily. Besides, it is not only good for me to secure the throne, but it also concerns the interests of the entire Weak Electric Sect."

He was speaking to Susumu Hanaoka.However, listening to his tone of voice, it seems that Hanaoka Jin is not in his eyes at all.A layer of oil oozes from his face, glistening. "Therefore, we can't show any weakness to the strong electricity faction. It's just that the business in the second half of this year is so bad that we can't hide it. Of course, not only our family, but also the home appliance industry, every family is in depression. If this continues, we will have to There are many reasons. It has transitioned from the era when there are goods and no worries about selling to the era when you can advertise and don’t worry about selling. In the second half of this year compared with the first half of the year, although advertising costs increased by two-tenths There are many, but the sales have declined. This may become an excellent stepping stone for the heavy electric school to counterattack. There are many reasons for the slow sales, such as money tightening, the overall social downturn, and the saturation of electrification products... But not only these, It’s not just these. Ah Jin! Do you know what it is?”

Shunichiro retracted Moten's eyes, and suddenly met Hanaoka Susumu's eyes. "Understood?" Junichiro asked again. "yes……" "No matter how much you advertise, the sales are always bad. The reason is..." At this time, unlike before, Shunichiro was waiting for Susumu Hanaoka's answer, and it was impossible not to answer a few words.However, if the answer is far-fetched, you will be greeted with an angry shout.Susumu Hanaoka felt his armpits sweating.Suddenly, he had an idea and said it. "'Star Denken' in Nagoya..." "Yes, that's right..." Susumu Hanaoka answered this sentence with trepidation, but unexpectedly it was affirmed as the most correct answer, and Shunichiro nodded in satisfaction. The so-called "Xingdian Research Institute" is a gathering of survivors of military technicians during the war. It opened in the Nagoya Hotel in the 30th year of the Showa era. s company.It started the first shot with the pocket miniature color TV invented in the 1930s. It also invented a fully automatic washing machine, which was assembled into refrigerators and portable refrigerators. It was not only the first in Japan, but also the champion household electrification in the world. Equipment has been continuously sent to the market, but in just five years, it has taken an amazingly big step in household appliances. Today, although it belongs to Japan, it has been listed in Tokyo and Osaka.Although the business of the weak electricity department is sluggish, they are full of joy, insisting on a high dividend of 15%, and their sales are skyrocketing.The reason for this is simple, the product is excellent.This is not a star and a half of excellence, but outstanding, even the inventors who don't care about the money of big companies feel that they can't match it. "They are inventing epoch-making products one after another, and no one can compete with them at all. The reason why home appliance companies, led by our company, have suffered from a slump in business is because the products of 'Singdian Research' have disrupted the market." "..." "'Xingdianyan' has gathered some highly skilled technical personnel under the leadership of outstanding entrepreneurs. This is a fact. However, when it comes to highly skilled technical personnel, isn't there a lot of people in the backbone of our unit? What's more My brain is not that clumsy either. The prosperity of 'Xingdian Research' in a short period of time is all due to one person. And you know this person." Shunichiro stared at Susumu Hanaoka with brighter eyes. "Is it... Shibuya Natsuo?" Hanaoka Susumu asked in a panic. "Yes. The fortune of 'Hoshidenken' began after Shibuya came. Natsuo Shibuya can be said to be Japan's Edison. If this guy hadn't been inventing monsters in home appliances, Japan's home appliance industry would not have It’s such a dire situation.” "but……" "That's right, it's definitely not his personal strength. However, if it weren't for him, 'Xingdian Research' would never be where it is today, and my throne would not be on the verge of collapse so soon." At the end of the sentence, Shunichiro almost said get angry.At this time, based on his many years of experience as an adopted son, Hanaoka knew that it was better to say less, so he stood silently. "Speaking of this, you should understand why I avoid everyone and talk to you alone? Get rid of Shibuya! Fortunately, he is your old classmate. You should play tricks on the old classmate of youthful friendship and drag him into' Call 'come." Shunichiro's roar suddenly turned into an order to himself, and it was a desperate order, which was regarded as a conclusion.Hanaoka was stunned. "This is difficult. Although he and I are classmates, we have graduated for several years. Besides, he is now married to the daughter of Manager Xingchuan, and has become the chief engineer of 'Xingdian Research'. I'm afraid... ..." "It's difficult, I'm well aware of that. Before entrusting you, I sent a professional commercial spy to lure him with all kinds of bait, such as money, women, gifts, power, etc. But he didn't have any not tempted. "Snack boxes stuffed with banknotes were secretly pushed out by him; vegetable beds and fishmongers came and went, and it was useless to attack his wife with the tactics of raiding the back door of the bunker. Selected waitresses seduced sexually, and he also It’s not a trap. How can there be such a tough guy! But, try to find a way to bring Shibuya over. In about a few months, that guy will successfully trial-produce a miniature color TV. If it’s true, what? Can bear it! "Our company spent a huge amount of research expenses, and managed to successfully trial-produce the 6-type color TV. Now, it is all a waste product. If this continues, not only me, but our entire weak current department will never be able to stand up. No, maybe it will become a weak company like 'M Electric'. Both you and others regard you as my successor. Let's just talk about yourself, you can't live without Shibuya! Well, I am willing to spend money, and I will try to bring Shibuya here, and before that guy can make a miniature color TV. Only Shibuya is the only condition for our survival. This point, you But don't forget!" Shunichiro grinned into a pole shape.Shin Hanaoka seemed to see the face of his old mountaineering friend Natsuo Shibuya on his sharp and shiny face.That look is due to the scorching sun of the high mountains in the past, he is stronger than Junichiro, and more difficult to approach than the ice wall he climbed together; armed with the tenacity unique to technicians. However, he already knew that pulling Shibuya to the "Xiedian" was the only condition to save his life. No matter how strong the armed force was, he had to fight it.Rely on only past friendship.As for money, no matter how much it is, it is impossible to impress Shibuya's heart.This point, Hua Gangjin is very clear.
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