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Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Baima Mountain Cliff

big city 森村诚一 3276Words 2018-03-21
Thirty X years, February 14th, on the summit of the second dangerous peak of Mount Baima, there were three climbers standing upright. Even though it is February, it is still a severe winter in the Northern Alps.The storm came from the deep abyss, cut off the peaks of ice and snow under the three people's feet, and rolled up white snow dragons under the clear blue sky. They endured long distances, waved ice sticks, tied together by a rope that symbolized the crystallization of friendship between mountaineering comrades, and finally climbed to a place faintly visible in the blue sky.Here, the three have just found a foothold.This is the stage where the wind blows so hard that you can't breathe.However, through the mist and mist, you can see the snow-covered northern mountainous area, displaying a magnificent picture, which finally compensates for their hard work and youthful enthusiasm.

Three young men realize they have reached the top when they know there are no more cliffs to climb.Like all climbers, the moment they climbed the peak, they all showed expressions of relief and looked at each other's faces. The next step for the three of them was to let their bodies, who were struggling so hard against the cliff, lean on the cliff to breathe for a while, even if they were unwilling to untie the rope.Then, joy flooded in.A partner took out a wet cigarette from the pocket of his windproof and waterproof mountaineering suit, lit it, smoked it one by one, and then untied the rope leisurely.

Three ice sticks carved the life journey of three people on the ice wall.Now tie the ice stick together and place it next to the rock. "Finally climbed up!" A young man murmured.Although he was thin, he was a young man as tough as steel wire. "It's been a dream for more than four years!" replied another partner.Although this young man was a little short and had a fat face, his eyes were exceptionally sincere. "However, greater difficulties lie ahead." The third added.His stature and build are exactly a compromise between the previous two; characterized by small eyes and thin lips.

The three young people, according to the order of their speeches, the first is Iwamura Motonobu, the second is Shibuya Natsuo, and the third is Hanaoka Susumu.They are all students of the Mountain Department of Tokyo Imperial University. Even in the entire Japanese mountaineering circle, they are famous for their elites, and all of them are famous young mountaineering athletes. Now, the seat in the snowy sky where they are leaning against is a corner of Baima Mountain.Among the mountains of the entire Chubu Mountain National Park known as the Northern Alps, it is also known as the main peak of the continuous mountain range of Hou Tate Mountain, like a barrier, occupying the northern counties of Nagano and Fuji counties.To be more precise: This place is between Baima Mountain and Wulong Mountain. It is known as the mountain of no return and is one of the sword peaks composed of biotite granite.

It is not difficult to imagine from its name that the danger here is one of the few in the entire Northern Alps.The cracked crisp rocks and the stone walls that seem to be buckled on the top of the mountain cannot hold snow even in severe winter.I don't know how many times here, I have frightened off the challenges of famous climbers.The east side of the Second Dangerous Peak they walked all the way was the first human footprint. The three of them have longed for mountains and aspired to climb mountains since middle school.For this reason, they were admitted to Tokyo Imperial University, which has a glorious traditional mountain department.During the four years at school, they chose the Jianfeng Group on the cliffs of the Mountain of No Return with a few remaining untouched rock walls and roads as the stage of their youth.

Leading the climb, this is the endless dream of mountaineers.To climb the dead roads and dangerous peaks that have not been reached by footsteps, in a corner of the sky, set up a monument for the first time. The hot atmosphere, the sweeping blizzard; or the scorching sun, scorching the body.In this way, they risk their lives and let their appearance go to the unknown world. After hard work and breathless homework, the space they reached was probably a desolate world unsuitable for human existence. However, despite this, the young people who longed for the charm of the mountains still crossed the glacier, wore pine pines, swallowed clouds and mists, and cloaked snow to climb this ice wall.

The group of sword peaks surrounding the cliffs of the Mountain of No Return is the mountain field for the practice classes of the Department of Mountains and Mountains of Imperial University.This journey, which is like a variation, is almost completely broken by the students of the mountain department during the intensive training every summer and winter. The sharp peaks surrounding the Mountain of No Return are called the first peak, the second peak, and the third peak.The top of the mountain where the three of them are now standing is the second peak with jagged rocks, the largest height difference is 300 meters, and it ranks among the best among Japanese rocky mountains.

To be more precise, this is the east side of the second most dangerous peak on the cliff of No Return Mountain.It is this vertical cliff that they have chosen as their youth stage to enter.When they were about to graduate, they finally completed this first climb. The mountains in the central part, which were broken through with the sweat of youth, expanded around them.Connected with the undulating mountains of "Qiansugao" in the distance, there are Zhenmu Mountain, Kashima Gun Mountain and Wulongyue Mountains.Right now, across the Kurobe Gorge, you can see the jagged outline of Mount Jiantate.At the same time, within reach, there are countless cliffs and deep valleys of the Sword Peak Group of the Mountain of No Return. They are all showing off themselves and are proud of being the first.

All the peaks are like ice towers covered with cold and frozen snow, only receiving a little bit of sunlight from the gaps in the snow and smoke, shining. However, before their eyes was the last rock wall, which was higher and more dangerous than the peak on which they stood, with a height difference of 400 meters. It was considered almost impossible to climb; The spectacular snow wall, the upper part of which forms the ridges of the Himalayas, is constantly falling down with avalanches.Especially on the top of the mountain, it is difficult to fall anything. The flying wall of the ascending fault does not even have snow, and the dark stone surface is exposed, which becomes a nest of meteorites and avalanches.

This is indeed the north side of the first peak of the cliff that never returns.It has stubbornly resisted the attacks of many outstanding mountaineers headed by Imperial University, and it still does not allow people to take a step. Needless to say, the three of them were also thrilled by the first visit. But on the north side of the cliff, they did not conquer it. Not only them, but for any mountaineer, there must be tenacious closure of their approach.If there are occasional climbers, they will be mercilessly told to feast on snow cannons and stone balls, causing the white snow walls to be stained with the blood of young people.The local Nagano County was stunned by the daring martyrs, and even the county council proposed the "Mountain of No Return, the first dangerous peak of the precipice, prohibiting mountaineering regulations."

People in the mountaineering industry have criticized this regulation to prohibit mountaineering, which is too excessive. Therefore, it is very unpopular and finally failed.The extremely dangerous reputation of the first peak of the cliff of Mount No Return has spread throughout Japan, and the number of martyrs has increased even more than before the proposal.In the end, it just became ironic. However, what Hanaoka said "greater difficulties are yet to come" refers to the north wall of the first dangerous peak.They have infinite love for the corner of the sky where the blood of all their youth can hardly reach.They are determined that one day, they must rely on their own strength to reach that peak.They are full of fiery passion unique to young people. "This is the last climb. Our student life is over." Iwamura spoke again. "After going down the mountain this time, Iwamura will go to Tokyo, Hanaoka will go to Osaka, and I will go to Nagoya. The ropes that have been untied now will be tied together again!" Shibuya said sadly. "What? That day will arrive immediately. Make an appointment with each other, take a vacation, and climb the first peak of the cliff next time!" Hanaoka said vigorously. "In the past four years..." Iwamura said with infinite emotion, "The three of us are often together. Whether it is the east wall of the second peak that is currently climbing, or the glacier on the north wall of Kashima gun that was climbed in the past, and the 'Sui Gun Gao' In the canyon under the waterfall, we are tied together with ropes for every journey. No matter which one we lack, we are frightened and afraid to climb. We are really like-minded mountaineering partners!" Hanaoka said: "Let's untie the connecting rope on the top of this mountain, and we will go to the three cities where we work separately, and we will divide our troops in three ways. My mountaineering friends bid farewell on the mountain. I think this is the best mountaineering partner. farewell!" Shibuya said sentence by sentence, in a systematic manner: "From tomorrow onwards, a completely strange world welcomes us. Our identities have also changed. However, no matter where we go or what kind of life we ​​live, we must not forget the period we formed at the Imperial University Mountain Department Friendship!" "How can I forget?" Iwamura and Hanaoka said in unison. "No matter how cruel the real society is, we can't corrode our youth who risked our lives in the Alps to share weal and woe. We didn't just put on a rope and climb up the ice wall just to pretend to be fake and drunk! " The hands of the three were tightly held together.In order to leave the last memory of their student life, the three climbing partners determined to climb the east side of the second peak of the cliff of the Mountain of No Return when the mountain was covered by heavy snow. They untied the rope at the top of the mountain and went to three cities where each had a job waiting. Although this parting was full of the sentimental and romantic colors that young people often have, they all believed that this was the most suitable farewell for mountaineers. The sky that had just cleared up was beginning to turn cloudy again.The biting cold wind rolled up thin smoke and snow from the feet, hit the rocks, and stirred up even bigger snow waves. It's time to go down the mountain.Although reluctantly saying goodbye, the cold wind and weather were mercilessly driving them away. "Now, let's go!" "Okay, be careful!" "Be careful!" The three shook hands again, looking intently into each other's eyes.They all have a manly but thin face. "The next time I tie the connection rope, it should be on the first peak." "Until that day, take care!" "Then let's go!" The three resolutely released their hands.The wind howled through it, as if it wanted to put a greater distance between them. The three climbing partners parted ways. This is a farewell to the magnificent youth and pure friendship they spent, and at the same time, it is also the first step towards the real society that must independently obtain living resources in the future. Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya.Three mountaineers went to three big cities from the peak of the snowstorm.Through the cracks in the snow and smoke, overlooking a blue distance, there is a garden of their new life. What kind of life that is, they have no idea.In the past, they took the initiative to find several big mountains and embarked on a difficult and dangerous road.Starting from this youthful and rough character, rather, they took a big step in order to rush to the three big cities like dragons and tigers.
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