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Chapter 32 Appendix About Seiichi Morimura

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From the 1960s to the 1980s in Japan, reasoning novelists emerged in large numbers, but few of them could be called top-notch writers. Only Makoto Morimura could stand shoulder to shoulder with the great master Matsumoto Seicho.Seiichi Morimura stood out in the 1960s, not only inherited and developed the characteristics of Matsumoto Seicho's social reasoning novels, but also became a school of his own, becoming the most influential and famous reasoning novelist in contemporary Japanese literature. Seiichi Morimura was born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan in 1933.Father is a businessman.He went from middle school to college, and it was smooth sailing. In 1958, he graduated from the English and American Literature Department of Qingshan College.He is an English major and has read a lot of European and American novels.The writer he admires most is Romain Rolland, the "Bible" that guides him on the path of literature.

After graduating from university, he was assigned to work in a big hotel, first as a waiter, and later as a counter manager, living a rigid and mechanical life.But Morimura Chengichi came into contact with all kinds of people from the big hotel, and saw bizarre social phenomena, darkness and light, lewdness and lingering, meanness and integrity, boredom and excitement... Facing reality inspired Morimura Makoto One's creative desire.He wants to express the society, reflect the reality, pour out his feelings and show his talent through the big hotel.In order to write, he resolutely quit his job.Before he was 35 years old, he had written novels such as , , and so on.The novel is well-written and reveals social problems, but it cannot be published by a publishing house.It's not easy for an unknown clerk to make his way in the literary world.It was not until Morimura Seiichi became famous that these novels were published one after another and received high praise in the literary world.

Morimura Chengyi didn't want to turn his hard-earned manuscript into a pile of waste paper, so he decided to find another way out.At that time, Seicho Matsumoto's mystery novels were very popular. After reading it, he suddenly realized that the content reflecting social problems can be expressed in the form of mystery novels.So he wrote "The Dead End of the Skyscraper" in 1969.This manuscript takes a big hotel as the stage, and the hotel manager is murdered in a secret room, leading to a series of murders.Since the author has worked in restaurants for a long time, the writing is authentic and the reasoning is very rigorous.So the work was published quickly and won the 15th Edogawa Ranpo Detective Fiction Award.Since then, Morimura Seiichi has become a new star in the literary world and has attracted attention, and major publishing houses have competed for the same Morimura Makoto's manuscript.

In the 1970s, Seiichi Morimura released hundreds of reasoning works such as "Fictitious Empty Road", "Shinkansen Murder", "Revenge of Love", "Hypnotism Murder", "Justice Murder" and so on. Fiction.In 1972, he was selected as the best-selling writer of mystery novels in Japan, and won awards twice, becoming the most powerful challenger of Seicho Matsumoto. In the 1970s, there were as many as a hundred writers involved in Japanese mystery novels, but Morimura Shouichi took the lead with his strong strength and unique style.It is his "Proof" trilogy (ie,,,) that brought Morimura credit.It was reprinted more than 30 times within 10 months, and sold 3 million copies in half a year. This is a miracle in the Japanese literary world, and it has also become a masterpiece in the history of detective and mystery novels in the world. After being made into a movie, it became popular all over the world.

Kyoko Yasugi, a famous fashion designer and family critic, did not hesitate to kill Jonny, the biological son of Qianli Xun's mother, in order to preserve her fame and fortune.Interpol Dongju was beaten to death because his father stopped American soldiers from insulting Japanese women.In order to uphold justice, he used a straw hat and a collection of poems as clues to carry out arduous detection work. Finally, he awakened Yasugi Kyoko's conscience with humanity and made the murderer bow his head and plead guilty.This novel greatly expands the content of mystery novels.Makoto Morimura's analysis of human nature provides an all-round review of life in Japan and the problems existing in American society in the decades after the war; and uses psychology to write about the psychological activities of a cruel and ruthless woman; The typical anatomy of "gold and jade on the outside, but on the inside" mercilessly strips off the gorgeous, noble, and elegant cloak of the Japanese upper class, and reveals its hypocritical, ugly, and cruel true colors.What's more valuable is that Seiichi Morimura raises a serious question through his works: Where is human dignity?Masashi Henggou, an older generation of mystery novelist, pointed out: "It is the highest masterpiece of Morimura Seiichi, and it is also a masterpiece of Japanese mystery novels."

In the 1980s, Seiichi Morimura wrote "The Devil's Feast".This reportage, which is not a mystery novel, made him attract the attention of the world literary circle again.The author uses a lot of facts to reveal that when Japan invaded Northeast China during World War II, the Chinese were used as biological test subjects to test bacterial biochemical weapons.The work was first serialized in "Chiqi Daily", which caused a sensation, and the 3 million copies were sold out.The publication of this book was regarded by the Japanese rightists as a thorn in the side of Morimura Seiichi, and some well-meaning people also advised Morimura Seiichi not to take political risks, but to write some purely technical mystery novels to live in peace.But Seiichi Morimura expressed his purpose of writing: "I cannot tolerate being a writer who only knows about royalties and remuneration." "A writer should pay attention to social issues, expose social ills by reflecting on history, and pursue the true meaning of life. This is the purpose of my writing and the meaning of my existence." , Three episodes were revised and published again.He also wrote it in the form of a mystery novel, in which a female translator was murdered, and once again exposed the murder facts committed by the Japanese 731 Unit.

Since the 1980s, Seiichi Morimura has not only created mystery novels, but also dabbled in historical and modern themes, and created a large number of essays and biographies.He is still engaged in literary creation with vigorous energy, ushering in the 40th year of his creative career. In 2004, won the Japan Mystery Fiction Award. It can be seen that Morimura Seiichi is first of all a writer with conscience and integrity, so he can make outstanding contributions in mystery novels.His mystery novels are not only shocking in their themes and content, but also novel and unique in their artistic expression.

His works have strange ideas, grand momentum, rigorous reasoning, and lifelike characters.Both long and short stories are unique.We might as well explore Morimura Seiichi's reasoning art from four aspects. 1. The breadth of subject matter and the significance of the work.Except for the social issues between Japan and the United States, Seiichi Morimura's other works are like this.For example, it is written that Yasuo Hiroma studied in the United States as a prostitute, and after returning to Japan, he pursued the daughter of a wealthy family and killed his lover, Saeko Misawa, who helped him study in the United States.This novel not only describes the ugliness of human nature, but also describes the fierce competition in Japanese business circles and the social problems in the United States.Another example is "Dayang Black Spot", which reveals the darkness in the political world. At the end, Shi Gang became a disabled person due to a cerebral thrombosis, thus covering up the despicable and shameless truth of government cabinet officials.Another example is the writing of the Soichiro Soichiro family of business giants fighting for property. One side does not hesitate to kill people, while the other side impostors, which exposes the corruption of human nature by money in Japanese society.It revealed that congressmen and the underworld colluded with each other to commit crimes.The themes of these novels range from high-ranking cabinet officials to street rogues. They are all slaves to money: for the sake of profit, they can disown their relatives, be gentle and polite in person, set up traps behind their backs, and even use their wives as bait and their dignity as a gamble. .

Second, it has created colorful and typical characters.The plots of Morimura Seiichi's works are twists and turns, and the stories are very readable, but the most outstanding skill is that he has created unforgettable literary models.As far as the female criminals in his works are concerned, Yasugi Kyoko (), Minagawa Noriko ("Unidentified Victim"), Nozawa Koko (), Sachiko (), Sawako ("The Rise and Fall of the Honeymoon Bed Society"), Tatsuko ( ) are different in appearance and modus operandi: they are either deceived by money and status, and they do not hesitate to kill; or because they fail in love, they want revenge and put others to death; Cunning and taking to the road of crime.Some of these female villains are elegant, some are lonely, some are indifferent, and some are lewd.Through these crimes, Seiichi Morimura digs out their inner pursuits and the corruption of their humanity by the money society, and expresses their individuality from the commonality; it emphatically reveals the ideological transformation into the realm of crime.Therefore, the credibility and authenticity of the work are enhanced.

3. Qijue's novel idea opened up a new world for reasoning novels.Seiichi Morimura has written no less than a hundred mystery novels, but when reading his novels, there is rarely a feeling of "deja vu".This has to make people admire the author's strange and novel ideas.For example, "Criminal's Business Card" writes that the gambler Xiangle fell in love with Nami, the daughter of a gentry. In order to borrow money to get married, he went to visit the loan shark Granny Asong, and wanted to kill Asong to get money.Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Asong's house late at night, the loan shark had already died.Taking the opportunity, Xiangle dug out a bag of money and left quietly.He originally thought that no one would know about this matter, but he didn't expect that soon, he developed skin allergies, and the criminal police also came to him.Who is the murderer?The criminal police found the real culprit using the two business cards as clues.It turned out that the murderer was Sagara's lover Nami.In fact, this coincidence has long been foreshadowed, which shows the author's ingenious conception.Another example is "Unreal Graveyard". It is written that Mima Ichiro and Najo Ken are looking for the murderer of their father's tragic death. They each enter the other's company to work in an attempt to revenge.After painstaking efforts, they revenged one enemy after another, and the final outcome was a big surprise. The real murderer who caused the tragedy was their father. The idea of ​​"Factional Warfare and Murder Incident" is also innovative. One night, Jingzi was raped after being broken into by a strange man. Jingzi endured humiliation and investigated, and finally realized that the person who led the wolf into the house was actually her husband.For money and reputation, the two men agreed to kill each other's wives.These out-of-the-ordinary ideas make readers realize that the truth is already in front of them.Makoto Morimura hides the details in the plot, and then leads the readers astray; once the truth is revealed, the readers have to admire the author's vigilance and cleverness.

Fourth, the beautiful and sharp writing style has raised the level of mystery novels in literature.Matsumoto Seicho's mystery novels are certainly admirable, but Morimura Seiichi's novels are even more beautiful, because Morimura Seiichi's writing is concise and sharp.The narration of the story is never sloppy, the plot unfolds, and it goes straight to the point.The writing is like a sharp knife, dissecting the characters' mentality into three points, depicting the scene vividly, the dialogue is particularly exciting, and there is no long-winded and procrastinated recall of the past.This kind of sharp and beautiful writing adapts to the needs of contemporary readers, so it is not difficult to understand why his novels are very popular. Looking at Seiichi Morimura's works, there are occasional pornographic and violent descriptions, but these plots can serve the theme, and the overall style of the work is healthy. In the 1970s, he raised the banner of human nature in the Japanese literary world, and his social mystery novels with the theme of revealing and reflecting human nature are now going to the world.May this master of mystery novels, who is over sixty years old, contribute new works again, and tell readers his experience and experience in mystery novels for 30 years, so that people can have a more comprehensive understanding of this outstanding master of mystery novels.
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