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Chapter 25 Chapter 25 Seven Desperadoes

farewell angel 森村诚一 5814Words 2018-03-21
Yotsuya disappeared from the order.The religious order announced that Yotsuya quit the religious group according to his own wishes, and did not give a detailed explanation. Rumors circulated within the church that Yotsuya was secretly executed.Since the religious order cooperated with Nakawaki, the believers had already expected today's result, and it was verified. After Yotsuya suddenly withdrew, the Divine Guard did nothing, and the Divine Guard also lost its dominance with the disappearance of Yotsuya. Wakayama Bujiao Minister replaced Yotsuya to rise in power, and the Goddess Legion of the Goddess Temple headed by Erina fully supported Wakayama.The three factions of Erina, Weiyang, and Guidai, who were at odds with each other, joined forces to support Ruoshan. In order to repay them, Ruoshan also expressed the highest respect to the Goddess Hall.

Believers privately say that Wakayama is the second Yotsuya. However, Faquan learned a lesson from Yotsuya's rapid rise in power after the coup, and did not allow Wakayama to hold other important positions concurrently.You can't delegate too much authority to one person, otherwise you will be in danger. Relying on the cooperation with Nakawaki, Hosen suppressed his own hostile forces.Nakawaki was also very satisfied after receiving the top-secret report on the execution of the traitor Yotsuya.Yotsuya was once the most powerful person in the sect, above the Faquan.With Yotsuya executed, Nakawaki's face was saved.

After the execution of Yotsuya, Faquan can finally rest assured.But a new worry came to my mind again, that is Asakura's whereabouts. It is speculated that Asakura was the manager of the Atami dormitory who defeated the elite of the Nakawaki-gumi, and there has been no news since then.The religious group and the Nakawaki group went to Atami to search, and when they arrived, they no longer knew his whereabouts. After asking people nearby, I learned that the appearance of the two is the same as that of Asakura and Mayumi.It also confirmed Wakayama's speculation that Asakura is a mercenary in the central part.

Faquan's biggest worry is whether Asakura will attack him at the disclosure banquet.Thousands of guests, including members of the church, the Nakawaki Group, and the Ichishin Society, will be present that day. If relevant manufacturers and construction workers are added, the scale will exceed the unified wedding ceremony. Of course, the police will also come to monitor. I can't guarantee that Asakura will not take advantage of the chaos to sneak in among the guests, no, Asakura will definitely come.He was so stubborn in the past that he wanted to kill Faquan, and he would never let go of this golden opportunity.

Nakawaki had already said that he would be entrusted with the task of guarding him, but Asakura alone repelled the generals of the Nakawaki group, Hoizumi still couldn't rest assured.Because of the large number of guests this time, Asakura had an opportunity to take advantage of it. The Holy Guard of the religious order was supposed to protect Faquan, but without Yotsuya, its combat effectiveness has declined.It is difficult to resist Asakura with a toy army, Faquan is very worried.Now, the remaining task is to disclose the details of the banquet. The Victims' Association decides to mobilize all its members during the disclosure banquet of the alliance between the Oracle Angel and the Nakawaki-gumi.By cooperating with violent gangs, the oracle angel has increasingly revealed its anti-social nature.

The association decided to hold a demonstration around the venue that day against the alliance between the Oracle Angel and the Nakawaki Group.Due to the violence involved in this operation, it was more tense than the previous parade during the unification wedding ceremony. The oracle angels are an anti-social group, but they still wear a religious cloak after all, while the Nakawaki group is a naked violent group, lawless desperadoes, and the members of the association are mentally prepared to do their best. There is another matter of great concern to the association. "Will the rescue hero from last time come?"

"It will definitely come." "This time is different from the wedding ceremony. He can't get close to the fountain." "However, he doesn't need to take Faquan as a hostage, he can act freely." "Different from last time, the Nakawaki group is by Faquan's side." "Nakawaki-gumi will protect Hosen." "So Yotsuya really disappeared." "I heard he was executed." "It's because the influence is developing too fast, threatening the status of Faquan." "I heard that counting Jiangtou, Kawashima, and Yotsuya who were expelled in the last coup, there may be dead bodies everywhere in the land of the oracle angel."

"The cadres are also trembling, not knowing when it will be their turn." "This time is also the third chance for that hero, he will not allow himself to fail again." "It won't fail. At the wedding ceremony, I gave up my chance to save Mayumi Natsumi." "That is to say, I missed the opportunity for revenge." "If it fails, it will definitely be dealt with secretly in the venue. We will not know whether he will come or not." "There are believers such as Mr. Yamaguchi in the venue to help us, and they will tell us no matter what happens."

Yamaguchi gained Ruoshan's trust and was assigned to be responsible for important tasks such as the preparation of the venue and the purchase of banquet supplies.Among believers there are also many supporters of the Association. Members of the association expressed strong concern for the actions of the saving heroes.However, they don't know yet that the hero defeated the Nakawaki-gumi thugs in Atami's dormitory.Only a very small number of people in the religious order and the Nakawaki Group knew about this matter. Because rumors were strictly prohibited, the intelligence network of the association had not yet inquired about this news.

The association must prevent the alliance between the oracle angel and the Nakawaki group, and Sekiya has mobilized more members than the previous unified wedding ceremony. Ryuichi and Yoko, who were almost caught by the thugs of the sect, were rescued by the administrator, and they returned to Tokyo under the escort of several bodyguards sent by Toshihide Chubu.But there is still danger in their own home, and the two temporarily live in a hotel in the city. Just when they almost forgot Faquan, they were hunted down by thugs again, and Yaozi was hit hard.Faquan will never let her go. She has been a goddess of Faquan, and she has been branded by Faquan all her life.Although Yaozi knew of Faquan's stubbornness, he didn't expect it to be so stubborn.

If there is no administrator, I am afraid that I have been kidnapped to Faquan's side by now.For Faquan, this is not kidnapping or abducting, and it is a matter of course to recruit the goddess back to him.Just thinking about the life of being imprisoned in the Temple of the Goddess makes Yoko tremble all over. "I seem to think I've seen that administrator somewhere." After Yaozi reached the safe place, she was finally relieved. "Meet...where? The first time I saw him was in the dormitory." Long Yi asked. "No, to be precise, it's not that I've seen him before, it seems like I've heard his voice somewhere before." "There are many people with the same voice." "However, I did hear the administrator's voice, it seems not long ago. By the way, not only the voice, but also his face looks familiar to me." Yoko looked at the ceiling and recalled.Looking at Yaozi's expression, Ryuichi also seemed to remember something. "When you put it this way, I think that when I first met him, I felt that he was very trustworthy at first glance. There is no basis for it, but that face is very reassuring. Like you said, maybe I saw him somewhere .” "If you have seen it, why didn't the administrator say it?" "If he passed by, how could he introduce himself?" "If we just pass by, we won't have an impression of him." "He is not an ordinary administrator. He is an administrator sent by my father-in-law to protect us. He must have seen it somewhere." If you see him driving off multiple killers by himself, you will know that he is not a simple administrator. Not long after returning from Atami, the two recovered their memories almost at the same time. A newspaper headlined "An internal coup against an oracle?" " as the headline reported the news that Captain Yotsuya was dismissed from his post.The content of the report is very general, to the effect that Yotsuya has grown too rapidly since the coup and was dismissed from his post. According to the reporter's comment, "Yotani, who took precautions against the coup d'etat, has become a threat to Hosen due to his rapid increase in power. Therefore, Hosen formed an alliance with Nakawaki and dismissed Yotsuya from all positions by force. It is speculated that in the future, Wakayama's The right to speak will be greatly strengthened. With the background of the power of the oracle angel, Yuo Nakawaki has consolidated his position as the successor of the Ichishin Society. If Ichishin will become the army of the oracle angel in the future, there will be a violent sect rarely seen in the world." After reading this news, the two yelled out almost at the same time: "It was the one who rescued us when we were kidnapped in the parking lot." "He was the savior at the unified wedding ceremony." The two complemented each other and finally recovered their memories. After the unification wedding ceremony incident, Yaozi hid in a hotel in the city to avoid Faquan. Just as they were going to Izu, they were kidnapped by the thugs of the religious order.At that time, the head of the kidnapping team blurted out to the sniper, "You are...ASAKURA".It seems that the leader knows the identity of the sniper, his name is ASAKURA. After the couple was let go by the thugs, the sniper shouted in a low voice to get out of the parking lot.Although the appearance is slightly different, the administrator does look a lot like the rescue hero on TV. At that time, they didn't have time to confirm who the other party was. Looking back now, the image of the hero who rescued them was exactly the same as the sniper who rescued them in the hotel parking lot. Although I don't know who ASAKURA is, he must be the enemy of the cult and the hero who rescued the couple from dangerous situations twice. "The ASAKURA that the leader blurted out at that time was really the administrator's words. He must not have appeared in the dormitory by accident. He must have been sent by my father to protect us. However, when he rescued us in the parking lot, why did my father say that he didn't know him at all? What about him?" Yaozi asked puzzled. "ASAKURA is probably Asaka's Asaka, the storehouse's warehouse, and Asakura is attacking the magic spring alone. Father must know about these things and is helping him. Since you joined the religion, father has regarded the oracle angel as an enemy." "So, father knows all of Asakura's actions?" "Probably so. In short, the hero at the wedding ceremony of the administrator and Unified is most likely the same person as the benefactor who saved us in the parking lot. If our memory is correct, it must be the same person." "A woman was rescued at the wedding ceremony, she and the administrator will be together." Yaozi's words surprised Ryuichi. "What's wrong? Do you know something?" Yoko seemed to sense Ryuichi's reaction, looking at his face and said. "No, it's nothing. I was thinking about that possibility." Ryuichi prevaricated Yoko's words as if nothing had happened. Ryuichi heard Yoko's words and felt that Mayumi might be with Asakura.After the rescue incident, Mayumi's whereabouts are unknown, but it is very likely that she stayed with Asakura.If there hadn't been an incident of the cult's pursuit, it might be possible for them to meet in Atami. Does Asakura know about the relationship between Mayumi and Ryuichi?Mayumi will not tell Asakura about the past, and Asakura will not understand the past relationship between Mayumi and Ryuichi.There is no need for Mayumi to tell the truth, nor for Asakura to know.Ryuichi knows that he missed the chance to meet Mayumi in an unexpected place.However, it is better not to see each other again.There is no intersection point in their lives, and Mayumi and Ryuichi are both on different life trajectories. Ryuichi is the man who abandoned Mayumi, and the man Mayumi doesn't want to see is Ryuichi.Long Yi did not expect that the men and women who had been in love would have a romantic relationship in their respective life trajectories after breaking up. Day X (the date for the alliance disclosure banquet) was secretly decided by Hoizumi, Nakawaki, and several top officials.However, it must be strictly kept secret in advance, because there is still a danger of being leaked within the sect, and the mole is in the sect. According to Wakayama's suggestion, Yotsuya was fabricated as a traitor, avoiding Nakawaki's serious protest.But Faquan knew Yotsuya was not a traitor, and the traitor was still alive. In order to prevent Asakura's actions, secrecy must be kept until X-Day arrives. Faquan has been restless, decisive, brave and ingenious actions at the unification wedding ceremony, the subsequent "Amethyst" sniping incident, and two successful attempts to prevent the kidnapping of Yotsuko in the middle of the country, defeating Yotsuya's guards and Nakawaki As an elite member of the group, Faquan felt an indescribable terror when he thought of Asakura's actions. The X-day guards have been fully entrusted to the Nakowaki team, and Nakowaki has also guaranteed that nothing will go wrong.But the seasoned generals of the Nakawaki team could not resist Asakura, and Hoizumi was still very worried.Faquan shudders at the thought of being stabbed by Asakura with a murder weapon at the unified wedding ceremony. The majesty of the leader and the present god who has millions of believers has been wiped out. When he thinks of his ugly appearance at that time, Faquan feels angry, fearful and humiliated. If the farce of the second unification wedding ceremony is staged again this time, the authority of Faquan will no longer exist.Not only Faquan, but also the Nakawaki group will be discredited. For Nakawaki, it was not only to protect Faquan, but also to protect his own interests, Faquan comforted himself. In order to prepare for X-Day, Nakawaki not only dispatched all members of the team to guard the venue, but also hired foreign mercenaries just in case. These people are known as the gangster seven by the outside world, and they are international professional killers. People who have been attacked by them have absolutely no chance of surviving, and some people call them the deadly seven. Brut in Italy is a master at using knives, because his killing methods are too cruel, many people call him a beast. He approached the target when the other party was unaware, and stabbed the target's vitals with a knife. The victim fell to the ground without a sound, and he was dead when he fell to the ground.He mixed in the crowd and did it quietly. When the people around found the victim, the prisoner had disappeared without a trace.He is also known as the one-shot throat Brut, which is scary. Arthur from the United States is an expert in pistol shooting. He has used various pistols from all over the world and has never missed a sniper target. He has the nickname of a fatal shot. One shot is sure to hit. After killing, he immediately disassembled the used pistol and threw it away without leaving any evidence.It is said that even mice cannot escape his marksmanship.People give the nickname the natural enemy of mice. Mexico's De La Jila does not need any weapons, his whole body can be transformed into a weapon, and his killing skills are superb, and he can hit the enemy's vitals in an instant.He has mastered all the vital parts of the human body, and can kill the enemy instantly with his bare hands.Hands, fists, legs, feet, fingertips, and teeth are all his exquisite weapons. You can smash a dozen bricks with your hands, you can break through thick walls with your fists, and your legs strike alternately like lightning, which is extremely destructive.Even if the target is wearing a hard hat, if he chops it off with his hands, his skull will be dented instantly.He will use different weapons according to the situation to attack the most effective part of the enemy, making the target defenseless. He's been trained horribly, he's built muscles and deltoids in his head, and he won't budge if you hit his cervical spine and the top of his head.Legend has it that if you hit him with a Japanese sword, the knife will bounce back. Guitian is a master who is good at using an axe. Killing people is as easy as chopping wood. Some people call him Guitian Dao. Not only can the ax accurately cut to the target's vitals, but it can also accurately fly the ax at a farther distance to hit the heart by cutting the spine or ribs.The ax he uses is a special short-handled light combat handaxe, which is as inseparable as a part of his body, and no one will find him carrying a weapon. China's Meiliuyu is a slim beauty like a movie star or a model. With both hands, she pulls a steel wire for a piano that is invisible to the naked eye. Her body can move freely in a certain space to attack the target. She has the alias of Spider Woman. When the target is attracted by her beauty, he will gradually approach her, and at this time the steel wire wrapped around his neck has been tightened.Sometimes she would throw a web as flexible as silk, entangle the target's body, and blind the target's eyes with needles. Xiong Qie is a master who is good at using killing hounds. He not only let the trained hounds kill the target, but also put explosives and shotguns on the hounds to attack the target together.Even if one or two are avoided, it is difficult to avoid the attack of a pack of hounds, and the target generally has nowhere to escape. Onitsuka is a master of darts. He uses clockwork darts without any sound or light, and can accurately knock down targets 100 meters away. These 7 people are also the most vicious among professional killers.Through a friendly organization, Nakowaki has assembled the most elite vicious killers. Although they were invited to come after paying high rewards, board and lodging expenses, and transportation expenses, they were still dissatisfied.They think vainly that there is no need to call all seven people, and one person can solve the problem more than enough. If Asakura did not show up, they would also have to pay their rewards, as well as the hound breeder brought by Kumakiri, the feed for the hounds, the transportation, board and lodging expenses of Miryuyu and Dragila's assistants and disciples. Not only was money wasted, but for Brutt, Arthur, Mei Liuyu, and Dragila who were specially invited from afar, it was not something that could be handled with just money. However, Nakawaki also invited foreign mercenaries. The alliance disclosure meeting on X day is not only related to the reputation of the Nakawaki Group, but also whether Nakawaki can inherit the Kazushinkai.Asakura's actions must be stopped no matter how much money is spent. Nakawaki explained to the group of seven villains: "Unless it is a last resort, try to capture him alive. I have to warn you in advance that if you underestimate the enemy, you will pay a price. In short, you cannot let him die easily." "Your request is really difficult. We are professional killers, and we are not used to capturing people alive." Xiong Qi objected. "So I suggest you play last. If 6 of them fail, you go and kill him." "In that case, Xiong Qie will probably never be able to play." Mei Liuyu said with a coquettish smile. "Miss Miliuyu, maybe you won't be able to appear." Arthur said in blunt Japanese, making a pistol look with his hand, aiming at Meiliuyu with his fingertips.Mei Liuyu smiled sweetly, and covered her face with the net. "Although your request is difficult, we will try our best to do it according to your request." Guitian said in a moderate tone.The villainous group of seven deserves to be called the world's first-class masters. As long as they are together, it is as if they are seeing swords and swords, which is creepy. Although Yotsuya has been cleared, the Divine Guard still exists, plus the bodyguards of the Nakawaki Group and the Villain Seven, Faquan is already protected by triple guards. There are also police officers on the periphery of the venue.For Asakura, the police are enemies too.Therefore, it is absolutely difficult for Asakura to break through these four lines of defense to threaten Faquan. Day X has already been decided, but on the issue of the announcement of Day X, there have been disagreements between the sect and the Nakawaki Group. The religious group believes that in order to ensure the integrity of the Dharma Spring, we should try our best to push down the date of X to the final deadline before announcing it.But the Nakawakigumi pointed out: "If Asakura does not appear, his threat will always exist. In order to draw Asakura out, it should be announced in advance." The religious order expressed embarrassment to the early announcement, but Nakawaki insisted on his opinion: "If you express embarrassment about secrecy, it is not a question of whether the release date will be sooner or later. You cannot guarantee the secrecy work of the religious order. The Nakawaki group did not Spy, it is your sect that suspects that you have spies. Asakura probably knew about X-Day long ago, and the police and the media probably did as well. We have no reason to delay the announcement.” The church had to reluctantly agree.
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