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Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Dangerous Refuge

farewell angel 森村诚一 10367Words 2018-03-21
After the assassination of Faquan failed, Asakura and Mayumi immediately left Tokyo and moved around in various counties near Kanto. They were not wanted by the police.Although Hoizumi was attacked, no one saw that Asakura was the assassin, so the attempted attack could not be attributed to Asakura, and Asakura was not wanted by the police. Asakura is dealt a blow when a well-planned assassination, 100 percent sure of his abilities, fails.He didn't know that Faquan escaped his superb marksmanship because he was frightened by an unexpected spider, and Asakura even suspected that Faquan really had some kind of evil spirit protecting him.

After going through various restaurants and inns, the two finally settled down in the outskirts of Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture.This is an old house located on a hillside slope, with the sea in front and a beautiful view.The surroundings of the house are filled with the breath of nature, and you can open your eyes in the morning with the chirping of wild birds. The landlord is an old couple who provided this house almost for free.They seemed to be Asakura's old friends, and Mayumi did not inquire about them in detail. After moving to this place, Asakura looked much calmer.Mayumi prayed in her heart that living in this beautiful natural scenery would make Asakura forget the idea of ​​revenge.

Apart from occasionally going to Tokyo to meet clients, Mayumi always works in the new house.During the day, Asakura sometimes went out with unknown whereabouts, and sometimes went fishing, but at night he would always go home and have dinner with Mayumi. The two still did not cross the final line of defense.The landlord and neighbors regard them as husband and wife, and Mayumi plays the role of Asakura's wife without any complaints.Although the body is not united, I have already regarded myself as Asakura's wife in my heart. One day, Asakura came back with a big smile on his face.

"Anything happy?" Mayumi asked. "I found a job," Asakura said. "Work? Where is it?" Mayumi asked back.Asakura seems to have never had a regular job, but has a regular income.Although not very rich, life is still more than enough.Mayumi had a vague feeling that the Victims' Association was paying Asakura's wages. Mayumi was very happy to hear that Asakura had a job.Having a job means that you can live and work in peace and contentment in the local area, which means that Asakura is staying away from revenge plans. "It's the administrator of the staff dormitory of a large company. Its working hours are from 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock, and it can be reached on foot from here."

"Congratulations." Mayumi said half to herself.Asakura is returning to the life of ordinary people, and in this regard, Mayumi is satisfied. "Let's drink and celebrate tonight." "I thought so too, so I bought the champagne." Asakura took out the champagne and food and said. Asakura seemed very happy with the job.Because it is the dormitory for the cadres and staff of the company, there are almost no people there.Only the golden week and the end of the year are busy, but usually it is very leisurely. There are also cooks and cleaners during busy times, caretakers who watch and inspect the facilities in the building, and parking lots when busy.If the facility breaks down, you can contact the manufacturer, and the other party will be responsible for adjustment and maintenance.

"There is nothing wrong with it. My job is only weeding. Thanks to this job, I am tanned." Asakura said with a smile showing white teeth on his dark face.Not only the face, but also the hands were tanned. "The grass will wither in winter. I really don't know what I should do." Asakura seemed to be seriously troubled. Looking at his expression, it was hard to imagine that he was the hero who once challenged the oracle angel alone. "Among the people who come to the dormitory, there are a lot of informal people." "Yeah, treat the administrator like a servant, but, that's work."

"I would also like to visit your workplace." "It's a very common staff dormitory, nothing to see..." "Can't you go there on foot?" "It's not that you can't walk, but your feet may not be able to." Asakura drove a jeep to work. "Then I'll go in your jeep." "Well, don't be disappointed when the time comes." The next day, Mayumi and Asakura went to his workplace in a jeep, and she planned to walk back by herself. This dormitory is located on the mountainside with the best view. Compared with the dormitories of other companies around, the appearance is more majestic.The whole house is a two-story building, and the outer walls are inlaid with wine-red tiles, which look thick and give people a sense of calm.The lobby at the front entrance is as luxurious as a first-class hotel. The floor is covered with long-haired carpets, and the chandeliers hanging on the open patio make it even more luxurious.There are also many lighting devices installed on the exterior walls of the building, reminiscent of the beautiful scenery at night.

"It's really luxurious, as expected of a rich company's dormitory." Mayumi said in surprise, she subconsciously wanted to see the name of the dormitory.On the doorpost of the Mikage Stone in the front, there is a sign that says "Chubu Group Atami Staff Dormitory". Mayumi's expression changed.She still remembered the name of the company, which was the company of the father of Kikukawa Ryuichi's marriage partner.After the breakup, Mayumi never expressed concern about any news from Ryuichi. Ryuichi has disappeared from Mayumi's memory ever since he met Asakura at Mount Baima.Now she is even more thankful that Long Yi's betrayal of herself was a good thing.If Ryuichi hadn't abandoned Mayumi, she wouldn't have known Asakura.Only Asakura is the only person she can be with for life.Long Yi was the one who temporarily blinded her.

Asakura's keen eyes immediately noticed Mayumi's reaction: "Do you know this dormitory?" "No, I seem to have heard of the name Chubu." "The Central Group is a well-known large company, and their advertisements are often broadcast on TV." "Oh, it's the middle part, I've seen it too." "I am also a member of the Central Group." Asakura puffed out his chest, he looked so ridiculous that Mayumi couldn't help laughing.After Mayumi found out that Asakura's work unit belongs to the Chubu Group, she felt a little uneasy.Ryuichi, who married Chubu's daughter, must be a cadre of the group. Maybe when he comes to this dormitory, Asakura and Ryuichi may meet.

In fact, even if the two meet, they don't know each other, but Mayumi doesn't want them to meet, she doesn't want her only lover to see that hypocritical man, she thinks it's an insult to Asakura. Asakura didn't notice Mayumi's worry. "There is a house for the administrator to use freely. You can come and live here for a change of mood." "It's so luxurious, it's scary at night." "Haha, what are you afraid of? I'm here." Asakura patted himself as if saying that he would leave everything to me. Indeed, there was no better bodyguard than Asakura.

"I still don't dare, I feel more at ease where I live now." Mayumi said.Asakura did not persuade her any more. Ryuichi and Yaozi have returned to a peaceful life, maybe it's not accurate to say that they didn't have much real life as an ordinary couple before.Ryuichi is a stallion serving his wife. Yoko is his wife in name, but in fact he is Ryuichi's master. The relationship between husband and wife is not equal. However, since the husband and wife worked together to escape from the clutches of the cult, their relationship has returned to normal.It can even be said to be a big reversal, Long Yi felt like a master. The arrogant and conceited Yaozi became gentle like an ordinary woman, and she was obedient to Long. The two became a real couple from a nominal couple, and they also achieved an unprecedented harmony in their bodies. However, the threat from the Dharma Spring has not been completely eliminated, and danger may come at any time.According to the information obtained from well-informed sources, there was a coup d'état within the religious order, and Captain Yotsuya took precautions against it.In the future, Faquan's leadership is declining, and Yotsuya's power is rising. For Faquan, he no longer has the energy to hunt down the escaped goddess.It is precisely because of the appearance of the Faquan that the husband and wife can unite to escape the predicament and become a real couple. At this time, there was another report that Nakawaki Yuo joined the oracle angel.It is said that Faizumi wanted to regain the leadership that was taken away by Yotsuya, and Nakawaki wanted to consolidate his position in the Ichishinkai.Long Yi also agrees with this analysis. If Faquan regains his leadership because of this, maybe he will continue to be lustful towards Yaozi.Nakawaki's admission to the religion is an ominous omen for Ryuichi and Yoko. After living in Denenchofu's house for a while, Yoko proposed to go to Izu.Last time, in order to avoid Faquan's pursuit, they spent a real couple's life in a villa in Izu. Yaozi probably wants to experience the sweet time last time. In the villa, not only Faquan, but also colleagues can hardly find them.This time, if he was near Izu, he could drive to work, so he agreed to Yoko's request. "I'm tired of living in the same place. Let's go somewhere else this time, preferably a place with the sea. It just so happens that Atami has a beautiful dormitory with a view of the sea." Yaozi thought of the Atami cadre dormitory that he and his father had been to. Ryuichi hadn't been there yet, and it happened to be the off-season. If the couple went, the other cadres would avoid them, and they could monopolize the entire dormitory. Ryuichi also couldn't forget the period of refuge life where only the husband and wife lived in the mountain villa in Izu, and he didn't object.The couple decided to go to Atami immediately. Hoizumi and Nakawaki have reached an agreement to join the religion, but it is currently difficult to find a venue for the disclosure banquet.This banquet is not just a simple religious admission, but a large-scale demonstration of the religious order and the successors of the Yizhen Society, and its scale should be higher than the unified wedding ceremony. All hotels and banquet venues in Tokyo refuse to host the banquet for the disclosure of the alliance between the emerging religious corporation and the violent group.The Metropolitan Police Department advised the two families not to hold disclosure banquets in the city on the grounds of traffic safety. The religious group protested in the name of interfering with the freedom of religious belief, but the police used the traffic problem as an excuse, and the almighty freedom of religious belief is useless up. There is a venue in Kiri Peak that can accommodate several thousand people, but it cannot be used because of the unification wedding ceremony event.Besides, holding a disclosure banquet in that kind of place is suspected of being unlucky, and it is also very taboo for the Chinese side.There is a large area of ​​land in the collective living area of ​​Miyoda headquarters and Yatsugatake, but Nakawaki proposed to avoid using the territory of the religious order as much as possible. Although the cooperation between the two parties was based on the opportunity of Nakawaki's joining the religion, the status of the two parties is equal, so a neutral location should be chosen. At this time, Wakayama, who replaced Morio who was expelled in the attempted coup d'état as the missionary minister, brought a valuable piece of information. In Nagano Prefecture, there is a village called Akira Village, which covers an area of ​​300 mu, including a wild bird forest, a golf course, an outdoor venue for 5,000 people, an open-air concert hall, a petanque court, a winter ski practice field, Comprehensive sports parks such as bicycle tracks. However, since its opening, there have been very few tourists, and the park, which has poured funds from the whole village, is in a state of closure. In order to promote the economy of the village, the failure of the comprehensive sports park built by mobilizing the power of the whole village will affect the decline of the whole village.The facilities here are among the best among similar parks in the county, and the equipment is extremely good.The superior natural environment of the Northern Alps is nearby, and the transportation from Matsumoto City is also extremely convenient.It is because of the incomplete publicity measures that led to today's situation.At present, the whole village is undergoing a large-scale campaign to attract tourists. Wakayama learned about this by accident when he was preaching in Matsumoto City. Under the guidance of believers in Matsumoto City, he conducted a field investigation and thought that this park could be used as a venue for the disclosure banquet. After listening to Ruoshan's report, Faquan took the mission's helicopter to inspect it, and immediately fell in love with this place.It is located near the Hodaka Mountains and Norikura Peak in the Northern Alps. It is a plateau area with an altitude of 1,000 meters. The park is centered on the wild bird forest, and all the facilities are hidden in the larch forest. The natural environment here is superior, and there are more than 100 species of wild birds in the wild bird forest, which is a paradise for wild birds.There are antelopes, badgers, monkeys and other animals in the park.The transportation is also extremely convenient, and it is rare to see such a superior natural environment.It is a little farther away from Tokyo, and it takes nearly two hours by train.Along the Central Auto Highway, it doesn't take long either. There are accommodation facilities in the park, and tents can also be set up.If meals cannot be provided in the village, restaurants in Matsumoto City can provide door-to-door service. The religious order contacted Shucun.For the village, this is an excellent publicity opportunity.Although the oracle angel has been attacked by the media recently, it is a legitimate religious legal person after all and has a large number of believers at home and abroad. Although the Zhongwa group is a violent group, its main income depends on legal enterprises.The annual income of the Kazushinkai, the upper group of the Nakawaki-gumi, can rival the annual turnover of a top-notch large trading company. If their alliance disclosure banquet is attracted to the sports park in the village, it will not only save the park's sluggish operation in one fell swoop, but also achieve a powerful publicity effect through domestic and foreign media. "Will it damage the image of the village if we hold a banquet to reveal the alliance between cults and violent groups in the village?" Some members of the village council are worried. "The oracle angel is not a cult, and the Nakawaki Group is also a business group. It can be said that they are the most powerful new religion and business group in Japan. In order to save our village from depression, there is no better opportunity than this. If you put The God who saved us said that he would be punished by God for being a cult.” The opinions of the majority prevailed. Therefore, the venue for the alliance disclosure banquet is scheduled to be held in Akira Village. The disclosure party where the Oracle and the Nakawaki allied were widely reported in the media.The alliance itself was intended to demonstrate to the outside world, and the religious group and the Zhongyan Group held a joint press conference to announce it to the outside world.Shucun was also lively, and the reporting team flocked to report the village sports park in advance. Faquan has only one worry, and that is Asakura.The Divine Guard can no longer be counted on. If Asakura takes the opportunity to sneak into the venue of the disclosure banquet, it is possible to attack Faquan again. Nakawaki smiled at Faquan's worries: "Please leave everything to me, our Nakawaki team will do our best to protect you, and no one dares to touch the leader." Nakawaki made bold words. In Nakawaki's eyes, the Divine Guard led by Yotsuya is nothing more than a toy army for laymen.As the fighting force of Kazushinkai, the elite of the Nakawaki Group usually rush to the forefront, overcoming obstacles and blazing a trail of blood.With them protecting the spring, it is impossible for Asakura to even get close to the foot of the spring.Nakawaki is very conceited. In order not to break his promise, Nakawaki sent five skilled personal bodyguards to protect Faquan.They are all desperadoes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the threat.Unlike the Divine Guard, which Nakawaki called the toy army, they are all professional thugs who have experienced bloody battlefields. Although there were only 5 of them, they looked like a professional guard group with their majestic posture loaded with knives and guns, and they overwhelmed the divine guards in terms of momentum. There are more than 5 people behind them.If you shoot them rashly, it will attract the Nakawaki group or even Kazuma. Nakawaki was also originally hostile towards Asakura.The shooting of Nakawaki’s limousine in Ginza can be said to be caused by force majeure, but this incident almost led to a bloodbath within the Ichishin Association, and it also aroused police surveillance. Although the attacker's real target appears to be Hosen, Nakawaki is almost accidentally killed by accident.Although he doesn't know the reason why the assassin assassinated Faquan, even if he shoots by mistake, he will never forgive the person who attacked him, and the blood debt must be paid with blood.These are the rules and regulations of this society. Nakawaki's entry into the religion also had a certain impact on the Kazushinkai.The young leader who had been neutral before began to move closer to Nakawaki. As Nakawaki expected, the cooperation with the power of the oracle angel made the young leader secretly regard Nakawaki as the successor of Kazushinkai.Nakawaki is sensitively aware that the situation is moving in a direction that is beneficial to him. On the other hand, Faquan is regaining his leadership by relying on the power of Zhongyan and Yizhenhui.This alliance has brought great benefits to both parties. Asakura welcomes Ryuichi and Yoko couple.Long Yi told Asakura that they will live here temporarily. "If you have anything, please tell me at any time. I have just arrived here to work, so please tell me if there is anything I can't take care of." Asakura greeted the two of them humbly.For the administrator, the people who come to live here are the guests, and if the guests are not satisfied, it is the administrator's negligence.What's more, today's guest is not an ordinary guest. Ryuichi's wife is the daughter of Toshiying Chubu. If she offends her, the administrator will not be able to bear it. However, Ryuichi and Yaozi just lived here quietly without any demands, and they seemed to like life here very much.Although the two are used to gourmet food, they still taste the chef's meals here without any pickiness, and occasionally go to restaurants on the street to eat. The couple often took a walk around the dormitory. Sometimes Ryuichi drove to Hakone and Izu, which were farther away, and bought local specialties for Asakura. Seeing the special products of Hakone and Izu brought back by Asakura, Mayumi knows that there are guests coming to live in the dormitory. "Is it a visitor?" "It's a super VIP." "Super VIP...is the president here?" "It's the couple from the president's family in the middle." If it was Toshihide Chubu's daughter, then she could only marry Ryuichi Kikukawa.It seemed that she had sensed Mayumi's reaction. "Mayumi, do you know them?" Asakura asked. "No, I didn't know each other directly, I saw it in magazine photos." Mayumi avoided Asakura's words as if nothing had happened. Just as he was worried, Ryuichi came to the dormitory.However, he still doesn't know everything about Mayumi and Asakura. "I think these two people seem to have come to seek refuge." "why?" "It's to avoid the oracle angel. I heard that the young lady of his family once participated in the oracle angel. She is not an ordinary believer, but a goddess of Faquan. Later, she wanted to leave the sect, but the sect refused and sent people to hunt them down. They are She came to the Atami dormitory to avoid being hunted down." "If the church knew they were here, wouldn't they also know your address?" "It's possible, but, I'm the administrator, I won't leave the guests and run away. From today, I plan to move in while they're here." "I am afraid." "It's okay. The order doesn't know where we live." "No, I'm not talking about myself, I'm worried about you." "Haha, it doesn't matter to me." Asakura smiled calmly. "I also want to live in the dormitory with you all the time." If you live in the dormitory, you will meet Ryuichi, but Mayumi doesn't care about that anymore. "That's not acceptable." Asakura immediately refused. "Why? Didn't you say it's okay?" "It's okay for me, it's dangerous if you're with me." "Am I in trouble?" "I don't want to put you in danger." "I don't want you to risk it either." "Maybe nothing will happen. However, I am an administrator and it is my responsibility to keep guests safe during emergencies." "Will the order's thugs come?" "As long as there is a little danger, I must be prepared in advance." "You can tell the guests that it's dangerous here and ask them to go back." "They are guests who came to the asylum, and the administrator can't say that. They will also wonder why a administrator knows so much." "However, didn't you just say you were fine?" "I also noticed it after reading the report. It is said that the venue for the alliance disclosure banquet between the sect and Nakawaki has been fixed, and Hosen's leadership has been regained. The same news came from my own intelligence network In other words, Faquan has the energy to hunt down the escaped believers." "It's getting more and more scary." Mayumi seemed to be shaking. Mayumi became more and more uneasy.Believers of oracle angels are spread all over the place. Since Yaozi is a goddess, there must be believers in the Central Group. Faquan may already know Yaozi's address.After the coup, Faquan didn't have the energy to pursue Yaozi.However, now that Faquan has returned to the leadership position of the cult by relying on his alliance with Nakawaki, perhaps it is possible to send thugs to hunt him down tonight. Mayumi felt that her short and peaceful life with Asakura was coming to an end, and she fell into deep anxiety. The development of the situation was exactly as Hoizumi predicted, and the alliance with Nakawaki severely hit Yotsuya's power.At present, the guard Hoizumi is surrounded by professional bodyguards sent by the Nakawaki-gumi.Yotsuya has been dismissed from the positions of the general affairs chairman and the chief secretary, and only retains the nominal position of the captain of the guard.Many among the cadres are already dissatisfied with Yotsuya's rapid rise in power. Faquan's dictatorship did not start now.After the coup, some people who supported Yotsuya also expressed dissatisfaction with the military power of the Holy Guard alone. Originally, the religious group used the god-given ability of Faquan as the centripetal force to attract believers. If Yotsuya replaced Faquan with force, believers would lose the meaning of joining the religion.After the coup, some wavering believers have begun to realize this. Faquan regained his leadership and thought of Chubu Yaozi again.If it wasn't for the people suspected of Asakura who came out halfway, Yaozi would have been brought back to the sect by now.He still didn't give up on Yaozi, but became more obsessed because he didn't get it. Because of Nakawaki's protection, Faquan's safety is guaranteed, his lust is about to move, and he starts to inquire about Yaozi's whereabouts again.The larger the fleeing prey target, the easier it is to spot.Faquan launched the intelligence network of the church to search for Yaozi's whereabouts comprehensively. News came from the intelligence network that Yoko and her husband Ryuichi were hiding in the Atami cadre dormitory of the Chubu Group.Faquan was very happy, and while confirming that the information was accurate, he ordered Yaozi to be called back. In the consciousness of Faquan, this is not kidnapping or abduction. It is a legitimate religious activity for the leader to summon the goddess, and the goddess and believers have no right to resist the order of the leader. Believers voluntarily devote themselves wholeheartedly, which means giving up their freedom, and also means absolutely obeying the orders of the leader. None of the cadres expressed any objection to Faquan's plan to bring back Yoko.A few cadres felt that Faquan should restrain themselves during this period, but they dared not say it out loud.Of course, this plan did not pay attention to Erina, Weiyang and Guidai of the Goddess Hall. Nakawaki will fully assist in the plan to bring back Yōko, without the help of Nakawaki this plan would be difficult to carry out.Yotsuya has already lost the right to speak in the church, even if he has dissatisfaction, but because the first time to recruit Yōko back failed due to Asakura's intervention, he has nothing to say.According to the report from the reconnaissance team who went to the Atami dormitory for confirmation, only Yoko and Ryuichi lived in the cadre dormitory, as well as an administrator, a cook, and a few service staff, and no bodyguards were found. " "It seems that there is no need to let the warriors of the Nakawaki group go out. The couple are recuperating in the hot spring. Isn't it as easy to bring Yaozi back as a naked baby?" Hoizumi boasted.Although she is someone else's wife, she is her own goddess after all, and flirted with her husband in the hot spring. Thinking of this, a flame of jealousy ignited in Faquan's heart. In addition to equipping Faquan with 5 bodyguards, Nakawaki also selected 4 capable team members for this plan to recruit Yōko back.In order to be prudent, let Faquan's bodyguard, that is, his most trusted Shanqiao, be the leader of this operation.Yamahashi was picked up by Nakawaki when he was 22 years old and promoted to be his bodyguard. The condition of a bodyguard is to have loyalty to the employer, the correct judgment to dare to sacrifice one's own life, a keen response and a strong physique. Mountain Bridge has all these conditions.When a hostile organization attacked Nakawaki's office, he sacrificed himself to protect Nakawaki and gained his trust.Sending Yamahashi as Faquan's bodyguard this time also shows Nakawaki's greatest sincerity to the religious order. "She is a goddess who escaped from the leader, so don't mess things up." Nakawaki said to the recall team. "Please leave it to us. The leader can eat face to face with that woman at breakfast tomorrow." For these four people, this time it is not to fight against the hostile organization, but to recruit a naked woman who is soaking in a hot spring. The woman actually mobilized the warriors of the Nakawaki group beforehand, and they were very unconvinced. "Don't talk about that woman, she is a respected goddess." Nakawaki reprimanded.He also regretted it a bit. It was a bit exaggerated to send 4 killers to a problem that could be solved by sending one gangster.But it is difficult for a hooligan to express his sincerity to Faquan.He murmured in his heart, what a fuss. Asakura began to live in the dormitory, and he only had two hours to go home after dinner, and he almost stayed in the dormitory. Although Mayumi was very lonely, she knew that this was Asakura's job, so she didn't express any dissatisfaction.Although I really want to see Asakura, but I am afraid to see Ryuichi.Now I don't have any memories of Ryuichi, but I still don't want to see Ryuichi in front of Asakura, and Asakura doesn't want me to go. Mayumi was so worried that she could hardly sleep at night.Asakura's job is not only to be on duty, but also to guard against the thugs of the oracle angel and protect Ryuichi and his wife.Mayumi knew the danger of the oracle angel best. If there were really vicious thugs carrying weapons to attack together, no matter how strong Asakura's martial arts were, it would be difficult for one person to resist. The police will not come to help him without evidence.He couldn't ask the police for support just because he was worried about a sneak attack by the thugs of the cult, and Asakura didn't want to rely on the police either. Mayumi calls Asakura on time, and hearing his voice can soothe her uneasy mood.Knowing that doing this would not help Asakura, but she was so worried that she couldn't help but call. Ryuichi and Yoko lived happily in the dormitory. Ryuichi drove to Tokyo for work once or twice a week and came back before dinner. Ryuichi, like Yoko, also enjoys the world of the two to the fullest.Little did they know that Asakura and Mayumi had sacrificed their two-person life in order to protect them. Asakura has been guarding the dormitory for 4 nights, and nothing happened.Asakura also felt that he was worrying too much, the sect's intelligence network might not find out where Ryuichi and Yoko lived. Although Mayumi didn't say a word of dissatisfaction, Asakura knew she was lonely.For Asakura, the time spent with Mayumi was happier and more fulfilling than sleeping alone in an empty duty room. Although he hasn't got Mayumi yet, this period of time is the most fulfilling time in his life after losing his family.Leaving Mayumi for the unnecessary protection of his own cares, living alone in this lonely room, he felt every night like blood draining drop by drop. In the middle of the night of the fifth day, Asakura felt something strange while half asleep and half awake.Usually, in order to preserve his strength, he must ensure sleep, but his consciousness is still very clear. Asakura looked at his watch, it was two o'clock in the middle of the night.In the dead silence around the dormitory in the middle of the night, Asakura faintly felt something approaching, and in his sensitive subconscious, he sensed that the person coming was not kind. It is near the mountains and the sea, and no one comes here in the middle of the night.Asakura did not hear the sound of the car, and seemed to have parked the car far away.These are signs that the opponent is a veteran. (coming.) In order to prevent the enemy from using guns, Asakura put on the body armor, picked up the weapon, and immediately jumped from the bed.The suspicious movement was getting closer and closer, and it had already reached the surroundings of the dormitory.Although the gate is locked, the courtyard wall can be easily jumped over.Asakura judged from the sound of the enemy's footsteps, there were three or four people, one against three or one against four, and the opponents were professional thugs. One could imagine that the following scene would be very difficult. In order not to expose himself, Asakura could not turn to the police for help.Before Longyi and Yaozi found the enemy and called the police, they had to repel the enemy first.If they can't beat them, they can call 110 immediately.Before the police arrived, he held the enemy back, and when the police arrived, he had to get out of the dormitory immediately. The invading enemy passed through the front yard, easily disarmed the alarm and entered the interior.Although they were professional veterans, they relaxed their vigilance thinking that there was only the husband and wife in the room. Asakura was waiting for them to come in.If the enemy is outside the house, it is easy to concentrate their forces, but if you lead them indoors, you can take advantage of the familiar terrain. The enemy is 4 people.No one was guarding outside. After they unlocked the door, they turned on the flashlight without any precautions and began to search for the room of the couple.Just now, he parked the car carefully at a distance, but after disarming the alarm and entering the house, his consciousness completely relaxed. They optimistically judged that there were only the husband and wife in the house and the caretaker who happened to live here, and they were unsuspecting.By the time the two of them woke up, it was already too late. Unable to defeat 4 enemies at the same time, Asakura decided to focus on the two of them first.If two people lost their combat effectiveness, the remaining two would be one-on-two, and he still had a good chance of winning.The enemy has no guns in his hands now, only flashlights. If two people were defeated first, Asakura would immediately use his own weapon to hold them back before the remaining two would hide and draw out their guns or weapons, and the enemy would be helpless. Asakura stood waiting in the corner of the corridor, two people had already entered Asakura's sight, the time had come. At this moment, the black shadow who seemed to be the leader walking behind seemed to notice something, and shouted: "Wait a minute!" The warning from the leader Shanqiao was counterproductive. When the people in front heard what he said, they looked back. Asakura did not miss this opportunity, swung the saber in his hand, and hit him hard on the shin.The second person rushed to fight in shock, but he was already a beat behind. Asakura's sword smashed his knee, and he was already out of combat power. Asakura didn't kill him. The remaining two people were stunned at the scene in front of them, but they were worthy of being the vanguard of the Nakawaki group, and they reacted quickly.All this was beyond their expectations, and they quickly backed away, instinctively they had already realized that they had fallen into an ambush. "There is an ambush, be careful!" Shanqiao said.But Asakura didn't stop, it was still a one-to-two disadvantage, the longer it took, the worse it would be for him.Taking advantage of the victory, Asakura rushed forward and knocked down the third person who was about to escape. Asakura was retreating and before he could stand still, Asakura's knife arrived. The third person hurriedly blocked it with a flashlight. With the light of the flashlight, Asakura aimed at his wrist and slashed at his wrist. With the sound of glass breaking, the flashlight fell to the ground. At the same time, his wrist was also broken. However, Shanqiao didn't panic, he took the opportunity to stand up straight. "Don't move!" Yamahashi said in a low voice, aiming the gun at Asakura's chest, the enemy still had the gun.Because when protecting the employer, the right hand has to support or do other things, which affects the drawing of the gun, so the bodyguard of the leader of the violent group usually hides the gun on his body. Shanqiao has been through the battlefield for a long time. After his three companions fell, he did not panic, but rushed towards Asakura.Not because of the advantages of weapons, but the experience accumulated in actual combat. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Asakura. If he fired at such a close distance, he would be safe.Even wearing body armor would be useless at such close range. "Throw away the weapon!" Yamahashi ordered, and Asakura did as he said, dropping the sword and staff. "I didn't expect you to be guarded by such a dangerous guy." Shanqiao kicked away the saber and stick thrown by Asakura. "Chubu Yoko, no, Her Royal Highness should live here, show me the way!" He threatened at gunpoint. All the rooms here are well soundproofed, Ryuichi and Yoko didn't hear the commotion just now.The enemy doesn't seem to know Asakura's true identity, and only thinks that he is an administrator with strong martial arts skills. Almost at the same time, Mayumi woke up.There was silence all around, and looking at the watch, it was already two o'clock in the morning.Usually if there is nothing wrong, she will sleep until morning.There was a kind of uneasiness in her heart, could it be that Asakura encountered some misfortune? Mayumi got up and called Asakura, but the ring rang several times, but no one answered, only a female voice said mechanically, "I can't answer the phone now".It is impossible for Asakura not to answer Mayumi's call, maybe he guessed it right. However, you can't call the police just because no one answers the phone, let alone they have been avoiding the police in the first place.Mayumi decided to take a look, she knew she would be a burden to Asakura, but she didn't want to just wait. "Take me there quickly, do you want me to punch a few holes in your body?" Shan Qiao threatened. At this time, the three people who fell on the ground stood up, and their bodies were no longer in control.If Ryuichi and his wife are caught, they will retaliate against Asakura with an eye for an eye. It seemed that Asakura was at the end of his rope, and suddenly the mobile phone in Asakura's arms rang, and this sudden sound also attracted Shanqiao's attention. In an instant, Asakura risked his life, turned around at an astonishing speed and slammed into Shanqiao. Before Shanqiao could react, he fell to the ground.The hand holding the gun had been crushed, and a numbness spread from the right temple to the right half of the body. Only then did Yamahashi realize that Asakura hit his temple with his fist when he turned around just now. "Get out! I won't hand you over to the police. If you dare to come again, next time you won't have to break a hand or a foot." Under the sudden turn of the situation, the host and the guest were reversed, and Asakura stabbed the four people with the head of the knife and staff.They supported each other and staggered away.While the body loses combat effectiveness, the mind is also defeated. Long Yi finally noticed the abnormal movement downstairs and ran down from the second floor. "What's wrong?" Long Yi asked. "A few thieves came in just now, and now I chased them away." Asakura replied nonchalantly. “不用报警吗?” “幸亏发现得早,没有损失。要是警察来了,会问个没完。”朝仓说。隆一察觉到绝不是几个小偷那么简单,但也没有追问。 隆一和耀子夫妇似乎察觉到是有打手追来的迹象,早晨就赶回了东京。
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