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Chapter 22 Chapter 22

farewell angel 森村诚一 6687Words 2018-03-21
After the attempted attack on the "Amethyst", Hosen has been shutting himself out at Hachioji's headquarters.Since the unification marriage incident and the attempted coup d'etat, Faquan has suffered a triple blow, and his commanding power in the church has gradually weakened. Yotsuya has mastered the military strength of the religious group, and its power is increasing day by day.At the meeting of the top cadres of the religious group, Yotsuya's suggestion was also supported by most people. It is better to say that Quan is following Yotsuya. Many believers have already noticed this delicate situation.Coupled with the fact that major strongholds across the country were raided by the police, believers began to waver.If they knew that Faquan was the culprit who brought in the police, they would definitely distrust Faquan even more.Without the prestige of the gods, Faquan is just an ordinary person.

Many believers are turning away from the fountain.Faquan has already noticed this sign. If the situation continues to develop, the sect may be usurped by Yotsuya.The first leader of the oracle angel was developed based on South Korea, but it was Faquan who expanded the influence of the oracle angel to the world.Therefore, in the consciousness of Faquan, the sect is one's own personal property. Faquan is seriously thinking about how to restore his leadership.Although Asakura's threat has not been eliminated, the biggest threat now comes from Yotsuya.As long as he doesn't step out of the gate of the sect, Asakura has no chance to hurt himself.Yotsuya, however, is an enemy within.Since the attempted attack on the "Amethyst", Hosen has clearly regarded Yotsuya as his enemy.

However, Yotsuya is no ordinary opponent.Jiangtou and others' coup d'état failed because they did not have military power, and Yotsuya had already mastered the military power of the religious group, so he no longer needed to launch a coup d'état, and dominated the top cadre meeting with only his military power.Yotsuya is currently in the position of the shogunate opposing the imperial court. In order to drive Yotsuya away, Faquan must control the army himself, that is, the Divine Guard.This was the case before, from the appointment of Yotsuya as the captain of the guard, to give up the command of the guard to Yotsuya was a fatal mistake for Faquan.

Since the coup incident, Faquan has been suspicious of ghosts, thinking that entrusting the power of the religious order to Yotsuya is self-destruction. If Yotsuya's guard captain is relieved now, perhaps he will launch a coup immediately and expel Hosen.To suppress Yotsuya's power, Hosen must be restored to its former full dominance.Faquan didn't know what to do. However, the situation is very urgent, the more time is delayed, the stronger Yotsuya's power will become, Faquan can only obey the leader of the Yotsuya shogunate.Things are currently moving in this direction. At this moment, an unexpected savior appeared in front of Faquan.

After the death of the former president of the Ichishin Society, Man Gu Xiaoji, Keisi Miyamae acted as the president.If a successor is not selected, it will be difficult to carry out normal operations for a while relying on agents alone. After the Ginza attack, the question of the successor, which had been temporarily put on hold, was once again brought to the table. In the highest power department of the Ichishin Society, 4 people are sworn brothers, 3 people live in seclusion, and 22 direct team leaders called young warriors. Mangu's successor will be born from these 22 team leaders.

Among the immediate team leaders, the most powerful are the acting president Keiji Miyamae and the leader of the Nakawaki group, Nakawaki Yuo.The strength of the two is equal.No matter who is designated as successor, a society that claims to be united as a rock is in danger of falling apart.The successor issue is the most troublesome issue for Yizhenghui. There is a strange phenomenon that Nakowaki's power has been strengthened after the attack on Ginza.Although it is suspected that the real target of the attack was Shenju Faquan, it has never been confirmed. At first, Miyomae was suspected to be behind the attack and Nakawaki escaped the fatal shot instead of Hoizumi, which instead strengthened Nakawaki's position in Kazushinkai.

After the attack, Miyazaki has confirmed that he has nothing to do with the attack, but Nakawaki will have an advantage whether it is the nomination of Matsuoka or the election of the Supreme Cadre Meeting. However, Nakawaki's advantage cannot be determined.Gongqian has the support of Mitsugu Kokichi's wife, the elder sister Jundai.Matsuoka must also respect Jundai's opinion.If Jundai puts pressure on Matsuoka on the issue of successors, it will be difficult to determine how the situation will develop.Nakawaki's slight advantage will also disappear. Nakawaki turns to Takegawa of his brain-tank, the Nakowaki-gumi, for a solution.

"Did you know that eldest sister is a believer in oracle angels?" Zhuchuan asked. "A believer?" "Believers are quasi-believers before they have formally joined the religion." "It's the first time I've heard of it, is it true?" "Really. In addition to the eldest sister, there are also many believers and believers among the team leader and brothers." "I really don't know. But what does it have to do with us?" "If you, the leader, join the teaching..." "Join the religion? Are you participating in the oracle angel?"

"Yes, the constitution protects the freedom of religious belief. If the group leader wants to participate in the oracle angel, they can only welcome it, and no one refuses." "But why should I join the religion?" Nakawaki didn't understand what Takegawa meant. "If you join the religion, it goes without saying that the elder sister will follow the group leader." "Oh, that's right." Nakawaki understood Takegawa's hint, and immediately felt his eyes light up. Although the oracle angel has aroused various public opinions in the media, it is a huge international religious order after all.Nakawaki thinks Takegawa's proposal is worth considering.If you cooperate with the oracle angel and use the power of the religious group as the background, you will win the support of believers and believers in the Yizhen Society.

Nakowaki also has a little karma with the oracle angel.If the assassin really accidentally injured Nakawaki who happened to pass by the scene, then he would become Kamiju Hosen's shield.Judging from this incident, there is nothing unnatural about Nakawaki joining the religion. Takegawa is not a believer, but his acquaintance is Hoizumi's confidant. Through him, he tested the possibility of Nakawaki joining the sect, and got a positive response from the sect.There is no harm to the sect, and it can be used as an opportunity to cooperate with the Yizhen Society. Although there was an introduction by Okuzawa Masamitsu, Hoizumi did not seriously consider Nakawaki's admission to the sect at the beginning.

"He is the leader of the Nakawaki group, there is no need to lie or joke to the emperor. The leader of the Nakawaki group is seriously considering the matter of joining the religion." After Ozawa said, Faquan was also very happy with this much-desired opportunity. Yotsuya's power over the Divine Guard is turning away from Faquan. If Nakawaki can join the sect, he can use the Nakawaki Group and even Kazushinkai as his own army.The combat power of the Nakawaki Group can completely defeat the Divine Guard.If the Nakawaki group led by Nakawaki is used as the guard, Yotsuya may not have a foothold.With the Nakawaki group as the backing, Hoizumi can take advantage of the victory to recover his defeat and restore his dominance, and he can also use the Nakawaki group as a shield against Asakura's attack. Faquan ordered people to investigate the internal situation of Yizhen Society.Knowing the sudden death of President Mangu, Miyamae is only nominally the first successor, while Nakawaki, who is second, is even more powerful.If Nakawaki joins the sect, he will use the power of the sect as a background to throw away Miyamae in one fell swoop.Faquan has sensed Nakawaki's true intentions. It can be said that this is a cooperation between the two sides for mutual use, and both sides can benefit from each other. "I understand. This matter will be entrusted to you, and the progress of the matter must not be leaked to Yotsuya and other cadres." Faquan ordered. If Yotsuya knew in advance, he would definitely have stopped this matter.Yotsuya is an extremely smart and sensitive person, and he will immediately realize that Nakawaki's joining the sect will threaten his position in the sect. Now Faquan doesn't even trust his cronies, and Masamitsu Okuzawa is no exception.However, since he reported this matter directly to himself, he could only entrust the matter of cooperation with Nakawaki to Aoze. The advantage of cooperation is not only that it can restore their own defeat. Although it has not been confirmed yet, the target of the Ginza attack is Nakawaki. In the past, when participating in oracle angels, the church required believers to dedicate themselves to provide all their property for the church, and falsely claimed that this was the obligation of believers.Those who have no property are to provide their abilities and labor. Believers are divided into monastic believers and home believers. Monastic believers donate all their properties such as houses, real estate, securities, gold, etc., and then move into collective living areas distributed all over the world. Home believers can live in their own homes and maintain their previous social life, but they must be celebrities, people with a certain social status, and people with special skills.There are also many people who transfer their houses and real estate to the name of the religious order. However, Nakawaki cannot be required to make any sacrifices when he joins the religion. This is a political and strategic admission that benefits both parties. Nakawaki used the teaching power of the oracle angel to consolidate his position as the successor of the Ichishinkai, and Hoizumi used Nakawaki's combat power to overwhelm Yotsuya and regain his leadership. For Hoizumi, Nakawaki's fighting power is the dedication that surpasses everything. To Nakawaki, the power of the oracle angel is his motivation for joining the religion. The cooperation between the two parties is proceeding smoothly. Under the mediation of Ozawa, Hoizumi and Nakawaki met in secret.Since the Ginza attack, Hosen has not been outside except in a nearby communal living area.Because it is going to the collective living area, there is no need for too many guards, so Yotsuya did not follow Faquan this time. The communal living area in Tachikawa City is the center of the missionary center in western Tokyo, and Hosen often goes there.The church has built a 15-storey dedicated building in the prime location in front of Tachikawa Station, and all the related companies of the oracle angels live in it. Hoizumi and Nakawaki meet secretly in Tachikawa.Nakawaki came to Tachikawa with only a few bodyguards.Nakawaki also wanted to keep the secret a secret until the collaboration was confirmed. Hosen received Nakawaki as if he were an old friend whom he had not seen for a long time.The former arrogant and conceited leader humbly welcomed Nakawaki as if he had changed into a different person. Nakawaki also took off his vicious mask in the past, with a flattering smile on his face. A meeting of gains and losses began between the leader of the huge international religious order and the leader of the violent group registered by the police department. On Hosen's side, Okuzawa and several trusted aides participated in the talks, while Nakawaki only brought Takegawa and three bodyguards.Today's meal is served by a famous restaurant in Kichijoji. "From today onwards, we are united as one. You treat this place as your own home and enjoy it to your heart's content." Faquan smiled and persuaded him to drink and eat. "It is our honor to meet the leader. As long as I join the religion, you will be even more powerful, the leader. Those villains dare not touch you." "I'm so happy to hear you say that. I can sit back and relax, Mr. Nakawaki, you are the president of the Ichishin Association, and our church will fully support the new president." Faquan said slickly. For today's talks, both sides have privately investigated each other.Although it was only a tentative meeting, they both reached a consistent unity in terms of gains and losses in terms of interests. With the intake of alcohol, the atmosphere at the scene became active.It seems that Faquan has defeated Yotsuya, and Nakawaki has already sat in the position of the president of the Kazushinkai.In fact, the cooperation between the two parties is also proceeding according to their respective plans. "Congratulations on your admission. We must disclose the news of Team Leader Nakawaki's admission as soon as possible," said Takegawa, who accompanied the wine.Faquan and Nakawaki immediately understood the meaning of Takegawa's words.If Zhongyan enrolls in secrecy, the meaning of enrolling will be lost. If the matter is made public, the effective power of the cooperation between the two parties can be fully exerted. The disclosure of admission (cooperation) should be as grand as possible in order to show majesty. Although the negotiation of cooperation is conducted in secret, it must be announced to the public with great fanfare.Both sides agree on this point. The Disclosure Banquet must be attended by religious organizations and the Nakawaki Group, as well as the Ichishinkai, people from the political and financial circles related to both parties, relevant organizations across the country, and distinguished guests from all over the world.While announcing Nakawaki's participation in the sect, it means the re-establishment of Hosen's rule and Nakawaki's succession to the Shinkai. Both expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the talks.Although the cooperation and alliance between emerging religious groups and violent groups is unheard of, the nature of the two parties is similar.The members of both parties are people who have difficulty adapting to modern society, outdated people, and lonely people. After joining religious groups and violent groups, they are the first time to get self-satisfaction and be treated like friends. One side regards the leader's words as the voice of God, and the other side blindly follows the leader's pointing east and dare not go west.The former is willing to give up his life to become a martyr for the sake of the religious order, and the latter is willing to be cannon fodder for the leader and the gang.Judging from the organizational structure of both parties, the spiritual ideas of believers and gang members are the same. The cooperation has been confirmed at the Tachikawa meeting, and we are only waiting for the formal disclosure.According to the practice of the violent group where Nakawaki belongs, the disclosure to the public is equivalent to a cup alliance when sworn in, which is more valued than cooperation in the actual sense. By the time Yotsuya learned that the religious order and Nakawaki Yuo joined the religious group and cooperated with the Ichishinkai, it was already after the meeting.Yotsuya felt that he had failed, he underestimated Faquan, he never thought that Faquan would join forces with Nakawaki. Many of the Divine Guards led by Yotsuya are from the Self-Defense Forces, and they are the most capable combat group in the religious order. However, the total number of members of the opponent's violent group reached 8,300, of which 10% were the vanguard of the Ichishinkai, and Nakawaki himself served as the captain.Therefore, Zhongyue's participation in the religious order has completely suppressed the military power of the Divine Guard. Faquan knew that Nakawaki's real purpose of joining the sect was to consolidate his position as the successor of the Ichishin Society, but he still tried his best to welcome him. It was difficult for Yotsuya to defeat Faquan. "We accept the cadres of the violent group who are under the supervision of the police department to join the church, which will attract the attention of the police and damage the image of the religious group in society. There is also the danger of being involved in the violence of the violent group, which endangers the normal operation of our religious group. Such a big Please forgive me for my offense, I think it is because you have not considered carefully. Please think again and again.” Yotsuya raised a strong objection. "I think your words are a bit strange. Our sect should not refuse anyone to join the sect. Also, it is impossible for everyone who joins the sect to be approved by the top cadre meeting. You can't just because Nakowaki is the leader of the violent group , we refused. Our church has always advocated equal treatment of believers, the door of the church is open to everyone, even members of violent groups should be allowed to join the church. Big problem." Faquan sternly rejected Yotsuya's objection. "I dare to say a few more words. Nakawaki is not an ordinary member of the gang. He is the first successor of the Yizhen Society. It is obvious that he joined the sect to consolidate his position as the president. We rashly admit such people into the sect , will give him an opportunity to seize the sect. I think this is a hasty approach." "What are you talking about? I have never been hasty with people who have the will to join the religion. Could it be said that I am also rash in allowing you to join the religion?" Faquan asked back.Yotsuya was questioned. Faquan's words do make sense.In order to expand its sphere of influence, the religious order welcomes anyone who wishes to join the church, regardless of whether he is a scoundrel, a criminal, or a criminal. But Nakawaki's admission to the religion is different from ordinary admissions. Behind him are the Nakawaki Group and Kazushinkai.This is not simply joining the religion, but a combination of two powerful organizations.If the police take advantage of the dispute over the successor of the Yizhenhui to destroy the Yizhenhui, the sect will inevitably attract the attention of the police, and may die together with Nakawaki. Yotsuya explained his point of view to Hoizumi, and Hoizumi said, "I understand what you said. But you should tell Nakawaki your point of view." Faquan didn't consider Yotsuya's opinion at all, so far, Yotsuya has suffered a complete defeat. The cooperation between Oracle Angel and Nakawaki Yuo caused an uproar in the society.Dongju senses that this is Faquan's big bet to regain leadership from Yotsuya. It is not so much to take back the religious order from Yotsuya, but to save the declining situation of the religious order by cooperating with Zhongyue and forming an alliance.He is no longer the god of the present, nor the leader of the sect, but realizes his desire for power by privatizing the sect. Cooperating with Zhongyue is a wonderful cooperation for both parties.While Hoizumi regained his right to rule, Nakawaki also stabilized his position as the successor of the Ichishinkai. Not only that, but for Yizhenhui, this cooperation has ensured the organization's security.If the police want to destroy the violent group and detain the leader of the organization, they must first consider the identity of the middle threat under the protection of a religious legal person. Their actions are interference with the freedom of believers. From this, it can be imagined that the members of the Nakawaki Group and the Kazushinkai will follow the example of Nakawaki and continue to join the religion.Under the cover of the oracle angel, the Yizhen Society is no longer a violent group, but a religious group.Dongju deeply felt that the violent gang had good intentions.In the past, it was very common for gang organizations to use legitimate businesses as their disguise, but this time it is unheard of to use religion as their safety net. The Oracle Angels have recently become a combative group, and cooperation with violent groups can strengthen their combat effectiveness.But it is also equivalent to inserting a sharp sword into the sect. In order to maintain its own power, Faquan must firmly grasp this sharp sword. This unexpected cooperation can be said to be a manifestation of Faquan's desperation. Although the police had more breakthroughs, they were even more helpless. "It seems that Asakura has become the introducer of their worship." Shimoda said with a wry smile. "For Hoizumi and Nakowaki, it's ironic that their enemies actually facilitated their cooperation." Dongju also had to say with a wry smile. "What will Asakura do?" "Whether Nakawaki joins the sect or Yizhen will be the backstage, he will never give up his will to revenge, and he will definitely come." "Really?" "Really. Revenge on Faquan is the goal of his life. Faquan is not the goal of simple revenge, but the goal of Asakura's life." "The goal of life?" "For Asakura, the greater the danger, the more it arouses his strong will to achieve his life goals." "This is beyond the scope of revenge." "This is the same as mountaineering. Mountaineers have the instinct to challenge difficult mountains. Even on the same mountain, they have to continue to open up difficult and dangerous routes. If there is no route to open up, it will be extremely difficult in winter, lack of oxygen, etc. The more fortified the barrier around Faquan, the more it can arouse Asakura's fighting spirit." Dongju said. For Dongju, it's his mission to capture Asakura, but they've been through the same trauma, so for him, it's a painful showdown. The news of the cooperation between the oracle angel and the Nakawaki Group has had a great impact on the Victims Association.The Cult's alliance with Violence makes the Victims' Society's struggle against the Oracles even more dire. "I think accepting Nakawaki's teaching shows that Hosen is already in a state of anxiety. On the surface, through cooperation with Nakawaki, Hosen's leadership can be strengthened and restored, but in fact the relationship with the Divine Guard has deepened. It is impossible for Nakawaki to seize the power of the Ichishin Society right now. He wants to use the power of the sect to ascend to the position of president in one fell swoop. Of course, he will be resisted by the opposition forces of the Ichishin Society. Therefore, it is very important for us to join the Kagshin Society. It's not a pessimistic thing, maybe it will give us an opportunity." Yamaguchi analyzed.Shocked members saw a glimmer of hope in Yamaguchi's optimistic speculation. If there is a split within the two parties before the sect and Nakawaki formally form an alliance, the situation will favor the association, but if the alliance is formed before the split, Hoizumi and Nakawaki will establish their leadership and drive out the opposition. "What will Asakura do?" Seki said. "If he wants to take action, it should be before the formal alliance. As soon as the news of Nakawaki's joining the religion is announced, Yotsuya is no longer a threat even if he launches a coup. Now Yotsuya has posed a great danger to Hosen. Hosen Just like when Nobunaga was alone waiting for rescue at the Honnoji Temple, he was very anxious. If that is the case, even with Nakawaki's support, it may be difficult to quench his thirst." "Will Yotsuya stage a coup?" "Even if he has this idea, it is impossible to act immediately. The key is not to remove Faquan alone. Although Faquan's ruling power is declining, his influence is still very strong. After the expulsion of Faquan, the teaching The cadres of the regiment may not follow Yotsuya. Yotsuya was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Faquan because of the credit for eliminating the coup last time. The guard he led was a mercenary force within the religious order, and even Faquan's staff and cronies were under him. So many cadres are dissatisfied with Yotsuya. Even if he succeeds in launching a coup, if he makes a mistake in handling the affairs, he will follow in the footsteps of Akechi Mitsuhide’s short-lived regime. Yotsuya is not daring to act rashly at present.” Unlike Etou and Kawashima, who failed in the coup last time, Yotsuya was the founding cadre of the religious order, and joined the religious order halfway. Even if the coup was launched, the result would be different from last time. The cunning Faquan saw through the subtleties of the current situation, and was eager to publicly disclose his admission to the sect. "That is to say, for both Hosen and Nakawaki, the sooner the admission disclosure is released, the better." "Hasn't it already been made public?" Otawara asked. "Publicity and publication are two different things. Violent gangs pay more attention to form. They must hold a grand disclosure banquet and publicize it widely before they can formally join the religion." "It's like a wedding ceremony." Guan Yu said to himself. "Yeah, because it's a cooperation between the two parties. If you don't drink a cup of alliance wine with these hooligans, you don't count as joining the religion." "After Nakawaki joins the religion, how will the situation develop? Let's wait and see." Sekiya said. It is impossible for the association to prevent Zhongwake from joining the sect, and Zhongwake's intention to join the sect is obvious, and he is not a victim of the sect.Although the association cannot welcome Nakawaki's admission, it can only wait and see the development of the situation.
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