Home Categories foreign novel farewell angel

Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Unified Liberation

farewell angel 森村诚一 12616Words 2018-03-21
"Has the date of the oracle angel's mass wedding ceremony been fixed?" Sekiya asked Yamaguchi.Yamaguchi already knew the content of the group marriage. "I want to sneak into the wedding ceremony disguised as a believer through an insider." "Isn't that too dangerous?" Yamaguchi was surprised by Shunya's words. "I know it's dangerous, but my daughter is going to get married at the ceremony." Guan Wu's words were unexpected. "Your daughter..." "According to Faquan's order, she doesn't know what kind of person she is marrying, but I am her father, and I must not let her marry like this."

"That is to say, you can't stop a mass wedding." "There are news media who come to interview and report. If I make public the inhumanity of group marriage and the strong opposition of my parents, the media will have to report it, so that the whole society will know the anti-social nature of oracle angels." "The reporting groups that are allowed to interview are affiliated with the order and they will not report on your call." "I interviewed in person, and appealed to the world through the Internet." Guan Yu's attitude is very firm. "Will the sect allow your behavior? They are a dangerous sect, and they can do anything." Yamaguchi wanted to say that it was hard to say whether he would come back alive, but he couldn't say what he said. He understood the missing The mood of the father of the daughter.

"I'll go with you too." Yamaguchi said resolutely. "It's not easy to enter the venue, but you can wait nearby. If I haven't come back after the wedding, you can report to the police." Shun House had already prepared for the worst. "The oracle angels are still under the guise of a religious legal person. It is impossible for them to do irrational things in front of the media." "They cannot be regarded as religious legal persons, they are just lawless groups, devils in the cloak of gods, and they cannot be underestimated." "That's why we're more worried."

Opinions differ. Since joining the Victims Association, Yamaguchi has witnessed the cruel methods of many religious groups and knows that religious groups are the enemy of society.If you sneak into the enemy's position and issue an appeal against it, it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of the closed house. But the will to close the house is very firm. If he really can't come back, he must mobilize all the power of the Victims' Association to fight. One day, when Mayumi went out, she had an ominous premonition.Although Asakura had warned her to minimize going out, the client said that she wanted to personally confirm the color of the product, so she had to bring the work to meet the client.

The client's office is at No. 6 Ginza, which happens to be near the "Amethyst". Mayumi doesn't want to go to this place again, but she can't invite the client to other places.This client appreciates Mayumi's outstanding ability very much, so he must also attach great importance to it. Asakura has been very busy recently and cannot escort her, and Mayumi can't always bring bodyguards to meet clients. The client was very satisfied and invited her to dinner.Although she thought about Asakura in her heart, she couldn't refuse the other party's kindness.After dinner, Mayumi was on her way home, and Ginza happened to be a bustling time when the lights were on.

Mayumi recalled the life of "Amethyst". That fresh experience was only less than a year, and she had already changed her values.If she didn't go to "Amethyst" to work, she would not be hunted down by Faquan, and of course it would be impossible to have a cohabitation life with Asakura. Streets of danger, streets of opportunity. "Isn't this Mayumi? It's really you." Just as I was immersed in the memories of the past, someone behind me greeted me suddenly.It was Yao, a colleague of "Amethyst", standing there. She used to be very close with Yao.

"Mayumi, you can't be in this kind of place, the leader and believers are looking for you desperately." A Yao reminded her that she came out while seeing off the guests. "I'm sorry to resign suddenly." "I know you are because of something very important, can you tell me what it is now?" Yao said. "Is the leader very angry?" Mayumi asked tactfully. "Very angry, he said you ran away. But, to be honest, in the eyes of believers, he is a god, but he is really annoying." A Yao shrugged and said, "By the way, I heard that you took our store Mr. Kagemori from the movie is missing."

"Mr. Kagemori is missing?" "It has been reported in the newspapers that he is newly married and the husband and wife disappeared together. It is said that the police have already started an investigation." "Are you involved in something?" "Mr. Kagemori is amazing. He ran away overnight because of bankruptcy. He is still newly married. His wife is so pitiful. Ah, I'm sorry, I just saw off the guests, and now I have to go back. You can't stay here for a long time. If you are seen by believers It's dangerous." After speaking, Ah Yao trotted and hurried back.

Mayumi thought about what she had just heard about Kagemori's disappearance.She felt that Kagemori would not disappear due to bankruptcy as A Yao speculated. Kagemori is very interested in the oracle angel and knows the oracle angel in detail. Mayumi suddenly feels that Kagemori's disappearance has something to do with the oracle angel. When I was having dinner with a client just now, I was hanging out in Ginza because I was a little too drunk. A Yao's reminder made her wake up all of a sudden. If the believer really finds herself in danger, she will be in danger. Thinking of Kagemori's disappearance and being chased by the oracle angel sent chills down her back.Although he left a message to Asakura before meeting the client, he would still be worried if he came home late.Mayumi quickened her pace and hurried to the taxi stand.Suddenly, two figures popped out from both sides.

"It's Mayumi Natsuju." A person whispered in Mayumi's ear, and Mayumi was stunned for a moment. "If you shout, it will kill you, come with us." Another person said in a low voice, as if something was pressed against Mayumi's waist.Because of fear and nervousness, Mayumi couldn't say a word. At some point, a black car drove by, and Mayumi was pushed into the car with her arms crossed.Although there were many pedestrians around, no one noticed all this. After being pushed into the car, a man grabbed her purse and searched inside. "You don't need this kind of thing anymore." He said, grabbed the mobile phone Asakura gave her for going out, rolled down the car window, and threw the phone out with a snap.

On this day, Asakura came home earlier than usual, and he saw Mayumi's message: He was going to Ginza to meet a client, and he immediately felt ominous.Ginza is the most dangerous place for Mayumi, and it is the same for Asakura. Since he had to go out to meet the client, why didn't he contact himself and ask him to escort her there? Asakura regretted it.Maybe she was being polite or feeling unnecessary. Mayumi should know the dangers of Ginza better than anyone, but she was reckless to go there alone. Mayumi's mobile phone can display the owner's location, and the last display was at 9:00 pm, near Qidan Road in Ginza, after which the power was cut off.Asakura felt uneasy, the mobile phone rarely malfunctioned, and Mayumi would not cut off the power by herself, someone else must have done it. Asakura knew that Mayumi must have encountered an accident.If Mayumi had fallen into the hands of the trackers, it would not be safe here.Asakura did not hesitate to act quickly. In response to emergencies, he is always ready to act.First, I took out the photos of Nami and Sumire hidden behind the mountain photos, took the travel bag I had prepared and left the house. Notify condominium administrators of moving today.Rent is usually paid one month in advance, just to be able to move at any time.The worthless things in the house are entrusted to the administrator. The last location shown on Mayumi's mobile phone caught his attention, maybe it was a trap, and he couldn't approach it directly.It was No. 7, Seventh Section Road, Ginza, just in front of West No. 5 to West No. 7. Asakura observed the surrounding movement, it seemed that there was no ambush. Hotels, mansions, Chinese restaurants, fashion stores, Italian leather goods stores, car dealerships, Japanese restaurants and other shops intersect and scatter here.Cars rubbing shoulders with pedestrians are slowly walking on the narrow streets, women in gorgeous kimonos are walking slowly accompanied by middle-aged men, and shop assistants in cooking uniforms are trotting on the street.There are few young people here like Shinjuku and Shibuya. The people walking on the streets of Ginza are all adults, which is very suitable for the maturity of Ginza. If it is kidnapped here, the victim can only be forcibly dragged into the car.Use the murder weapon to prevent Mayumi from resisting, and then push it into the car, it will not attract anyone's attention. Since there didn't seem to be a trap here, Asakura searched for the last location shown.The mobile phone may not be at the final sending and receiving point, and may have been cut off and taken away with Mayumi, but Asakura is still looking for it with a glimmer of hope. Searching for a phone in such a large area was like finding a needle in a haystack, and it was difficult to ensure that the phone was still there.The phone was under a tree by the street, but luckily it hadn't been picked up yet.Asakura took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped the phone up.It seems that Mayumi was kidnapped in this area. There are very few locals in Ginza, and most of them are temporary passers-by from outside, shop assistants in restaurants, and service staff in clubs, so it is difficult to find witnesses. Asakura has no intention of looking for witnesses. He knows who kidnapped Mayumi and the purpose of the kidnapping.As long as Kamiju Hoizumi remains infatuated with Mayumi, her life is in danger.There is still a chance to rescue her. "Mayumi, you must hold on." Asakura, who never believed in gods and Buddhas, prayed. The junction of Okutama Town, Tokyo, Naguri Village and Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture is a mountain range of about 1,000 meters to 1,700 meters.On the Tokyo side is Tama-sanchi, and on the Chichibu side is Chichibu-sanchi. Because it is located in the mountains, there are few people, and there are few climbers and hikers.Because there are mountains everywhere, transportation is inconvenient. Because of the random development in the Tokyo area, even the mountains are full of car roads, while the Okutama Mountains have not been developed yet. On May 10, the peak period of the Golden Week finally passed. After the people who came to visit the mountains left, the mountains were already full of green and green.In the forest in Naguri Village, Saitama Prefecture, about 958 meters north of the Nagao Maruyama, a mountain range connected to Tokyo, a lost climber found a murdered body. The deceased was between 30 and 40 years old. He was wearing a well-made British suit, Italian tie and leather shoes. The name of Kagemori was written on the jacket. No other items showing his identity were found. It has been dead for about 3 months. The body has been severely eroded by the organisms in the soil. Due to the shallow burial, some of the bodies have been dragged out by animals in the mountains, so they were discovered. The discoverer contacted the police, informed the topographic features of the scene, and waited for the arrival of the police. The site is a hillside full of fir and cypress trees, and there are generally few vehicles passing by, except for the work vehicles of the Forestry Department.If it weren't for the climbers getting lost, the corpses would probably have turned into mountain soil.As soon as the climber heard the sound of the car, he ran out of the forest path.It was the police station where the body was located. The back of the corpse's head was sunken, with marks of blows.Police officers from the Hanno Police Station who appeared at the scene judged it as a homicide and contacted the prefectural police headquarters. The county police should have arrived at the scene in the afternoon, so officers from the Hanno Police Station have been protecting the scene and asking the person who found the body about the situation.At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, police officers from the county police station finally arrived.After inspection, the body is brought back for dissection.While examining the body, a comprehensive search of the scene was conducted, and soil samples were also taken from the body. The physical characteristics of the deceased were passed on to the information center, and it was confirmed that the deceased was Ryosuke Kagemori, a 32-year-old business consultant who disappeared with his wife on February 8 at the Yotsuba House in Yutenji, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. The Saitama Police Department began to become nervous about the identity of the deceased, and the discovery of Kagemori's body also heralded the fate of his missing "wife" Shigure. The news of the discovery of Ying Mori's body also shocked the Inscription Valley Police Station and the Metropolitan Police Department to search Section 1 and Section 7. They had an ominous premonition about the disappearance of Ying Mori and his wife, and they guessed right. Everyone immediately thought that the murder suspect was an oracle.Yingsen seems to be very concerned about the attack on the leader of the gang, and now suspects that the real target of the attack is Shenju Faquan.News clippings of the attack also included reports of a small fire in Denenchofu, the residence of followers of the oracle angel.Therefore, the police suspect that the disappearance of the Ying Mori couple is related to the oracle angel.After discovering Ying Mori's body, everyone's suspicions deepened. Kagemori may have disappeared after being chased by the oracle angel, so the Inscription Valley Police Station, the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section 1, and the Saitama Prefectural Police Station got in touch. The Metropolitan Police Department sent the information to the Saitama County Police Station. At present, there is no stronghold of the oracle angel in the county. The number of believers in the south is increasing. After careful searching of the deceased and the surrounding clues, no evidence of involvement with the oracle angel was found. . The Saitama Prefectural Police Station, which assisted the Metropolitan Police Department in its investigation, held a liaison meeting with the Metropolitan Police Department's police officers at its subordinate Hanno Police Station. Toi from the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Division 1 and Mizushima from the Monumentani Police Station all came. The Saitama Prefectural Police Department attended the meeting was Kuroda from the 1st Investigation Division, who had worked with Toui and Mizushima and was an old acquaintance.Kuroda had worked at the Hanno Police Station before, so he participated in the investigation headquarters of the Murder and Abandoned Corpse Case in the Kurimura Yamarin area under the jurisdiction of the Hanno Police Station. When the police stations of each prefecture hold a joint meeting with other police stations to discuss the plan to solve the crime, because everyone is familiar with each other, the progress is often very fast. "Ah, Kuroda, long time no see." Dongju and Kuroda greeted each other. "Oh, Dongju, Mizushima, I haven't heard from you for a long time, it seems that you are all very good." "Yeah, our work can't be said to be sleepy or tired." Mizushima raised his head like a turret on a tank, with a nostalgic smile on his face.Kuroda knew that although Mizushima looked strong, he was actually prone to middle-aged diseases. Mizushima said that he would rather suffer from disease than fight criminals with this tank-like iron body.We didn't have much time to catch up with each other, and the meeting started. After Hanno Police Chief's speech, Tsuchida of Hanno Police Station introduced how the body was found.Next, Mizushima from the Valley of Inscriptions Department introduced what happened before and after the disappearance of the Kagemori couple. After exchanging information, they began to discuss the case.First of all, the Saitama Prefectural Police Station raised the issue of confirming the real target in the attack by the leader of the gang. "Unfortunately, it has not been confirmed yet. However, the leader of the violent group who was attacked has no signs of revenge. When the incident happened, the vehicle of the leader who was attacked happened to pass by the scene, and it was impossible for the prisoner to ambush in advance. "On the other hand, Kamiju Hosen, the leader of the oracle angel, goes to attack the club 'Amethyst' near the scene once or twice a month. He happened to be there when the attack happened, and the prisoner may get it from the staff or believers in the store. Information. Kamiju Faquan seems to have sensed that the assassin is attacking him, and now he has stepped up his vigilance." "If it has not been confirmed that the real target of the assassin is Kamiju Hosen, even if the deceased collects news reports of the attack, it does not mean that he is concerned about Hosen and the oracle angel." The Saitama Prefectural Police Department raised objections. "Kagemori's attention to Faquan is not only reflected in the collection of newspaper clippings of the attack, he also collected reports on the fire incident at the home of the daughter of Toshihide Chubu, who is a follower of the oracle angel. A woman inquires about God's Dharma Spring." "If the victim was connected to an oracle, are there any clues as to the motive for killing him?" Kuroda asked. "It has been found out that Kagemori often went to the Central Building in Shinjuku during his lifetime, but because there are many companies in the building, it is difficult to confirm which one he went to. However, from the fact that Kagemori strongly pays attention to Kamiju Hosen, we can think that he is going to meet Chubu Junying." There was an uproar at the venue, and Dongju's views were also a minority in the Metropolitan Police Department.If Kagemori was entrusted by Nakabe Toshihide to secretly engage in the work of separating Yoko from the oracle angel, then the suspicion of the oracle angel in the case of Kagemori's murder is even more obvious. "King Mori claimed to be a business consultant before his death, but no one knows the specific job content. We speculate that he is engaged in the investigation of private detectives. Ying Mori and his wife got married a year ago, and his wife works in a TV station. This TV station was the first to broadcast Shenju Faquan also appeared on their TV program for the special program of the oracle angel, and the program of the oracle angel has been frequently broadcast since then." "According to the investigation, Kagemori came in and out of 'Amethyst' to meet a waitress named Natsui Mayumi, and Kamiju Hosen was also very obsessed with Mayumi. Soon after the attack, Mayumi quit her job in the store, and her whereabouts are unknown now." Mizushima reported instead of Dongju, and there was a lot of discussion in the venue. "Is that waitress named Natsui Mayumi a believer?" Kuroda asked. "No, I'm not a believer. I heard that I transferred from a day job to this job through a job hunting magazine. In a short period of time, I became the head waitress and was very popular with guests. But I resigned after less than a year. Yes. According to the colleagues in the store, she escaped because of Faquan." Dongju replied. "Do you understand the relationship between Mayumi and Kagemori?" "According to the waitress of 'Amethyst', Kagemori was a customer of another store, and started coming to 'Amethyst' after meeting Mayumi in the elevator." "In other words, Kagemori and Mayumi met by chance." "No other evidence has been found." "Is it possible that Mayumi entered the work of 'Amethyst' because she knew that Kamijufa Spring came and went there, and set a trap." "There is this possibility. Because of an accident, after the attack on Faquan failed, Mayumi escaped. But many people saw that Mayumi was the closest to Faquan when the attack happened. If the assassin's target was Faquan, then he must have targeted his marksmanship. Extremely confident." "Has Natsumi Mayumi's identity been found out?" "I only know that she came here from a day job, and I don't know her previous experience in 'Amethyst'. When she entered 'Amethyst', she filled out a simple resume, but she didn't have any origin or experience. I'm willing to bring up the past, so Mama-san didn't ask." "I don't want to mention the past. Is there something shameful?" "Not necessarily. The nature of the women's work here is like a part-time job. Maybe it's because it conflicts with the daytime work, so they don't want to be mentioned. Mama-san said that when she first saw Mayumi, she concluded that she would definitely become famous in the store, so I just hired her. If you always investigate her past, I'm afraid she will leave." "Is it possible that Ying Sen was the assassin of the attack?" "After knowing the news that Kagemori's body was found, we also thought about it, but he doesn't seem to be able to shoot. If he was connected to the attack, even if he used a false name, he would definitely be found out. But no one with Kagemori's age was found. He does not even have a license to hold a gun, not even an air gun. Moreover, if he got the information from Mayumi about the spring of Kamiju, like Robin Hood shot the apple on the head of his lover, he would leave Mayumi by his side and pull it himself. Pull the trigger, and there would be marks of the gun being held, but there really isn't one at all." Japan has strict regulations on gun ownership, one gun, one license, even if a couple shoots, they cannot share a gun. When a person owns more than one firearm, a license must be applied for for each firearm.Due to the strict regulations on the conditions and purpose of the gun license, appreciation, collection, relics and other reasons are not considered. When applying, you must receive training at the hunting gun workshops held by the public security committees of each prefecture. You must first learn to shoot hunting guns and rifles with high lethality, and you must pass a skill test. The last attack was a rifle, and the conditions for its application were more stringent.In Japan, it is impossible to apply for a license for air guns and shotguns. For the legendary hero mentioned by Dong Ju just now, if there is no evidence that the Robin Hood-like attacker was holding a gun, his point of view will not be convincing. Kagemori is not an assassin, so it is unlikely that he has a connection with the oracle angel.But after careful analysis of Toju and Mizushima's point of view, the doubts of the oracle angel became more and more serious. At the first joint meeting, only a consensus was reached on close cooperation in handling the case.But minorities such as Kuroda actively subscribe to the idea of ​​a connection with oracle angels. The day of the unified wedding ceremony is approaching. The oracles don't like the term corporate or conjoint marriage ceremonies, the official name is unified marriage ceremonies.So far, it has been held 9 times.The first unified wedding ceremony was 25 years ago when 4 couples got married.Thereafter, it will be held every three years, the second time will be 36 pairs, the third time will be 64 pairs, the fourth time will increase by 3 pairs, and the number will increase to 464 pairs after 5 years. Before the fourth ceremony, there was no unified name for marriage, which was called the divine marriage ceremony.This time it was a unified wedding ceremony after 3 years, and the number of people reached an unprecedented scale of 1,487 couples. The characteristic of this wedding is that the number of Japanese couples is the least, 156 pairs, while 583 couples are Japanese and foreigners, and the rest are foreign couples. Among the foreigners, Koreans are the most, followed by Southeast Asians and Central and South Americans. Believers who are going to get married can't know who they are marrying before the engagement ceremony where Faquan appoints a marriage partner, and they can only obey the designation of the present god Faquan. As the appointed date rolls around, believers (those who are getting married) start to get restless.Although it is God's appointment, if you can't choose your marriage partner according to your own will, no one will be at ease. If the other party is also Japanese, it is reasonable, but if the assigned object is a foreigner, it is difficult for anyone to marry a foreigner with a completely different skin color and hair. Believers already know that there are many foreigners in the 10th Unification Wedding Ceremony.On the day of the engagement, 1,431 couples from home and abroad gathered at the central training institute of the religious group in Wuzhifeng, and 56 couples could not attend because of living far away or sudden illness or unforeseen events. The engaged couples gathered in the auditorium of the Central Training Institute, and the cadres of the religious order informed every marriage partner assigned by Faquan that the two parties could not meet each other, but could only know each other's name and nationality.Only magazines and newspapers belonging to the religious order are allowed to enter the designated venue. The nomination ceremony started at 10:00 a.m., and cheers erupted in the venue every time a pair of newcomers' names were counted.The newlyweds, who are both Japanese, can't hide their joy. Although it is impossible to express dissatisfaction with the appointment of Faquan, the believers who were assigned to marry foreigners, especially female believers, were strongly hit.After the naming ceremony, there is a toast. Faquan stands in front of the huge wine barrel placed in the venue, cuts his own finger, drips the blood into the barrel, and puts the bloody wine in a small cup, together with the newcomers cheers.The religious order calls this the divine wine ceremony, and the blood of the god will replace the blood polluted by the evils of the society, purifying the soul and body of believers. After all the newcomers were assigned, men and women stood opposite each other at the long table and toasted together.The person standing in front of them is not necessarily their marriage partner. They want to find their fiancée (husband) among 1,400 opposite sexes. After the divine wine ceremony, the unmarried become the betrothed.The Faquan will kiss every married female believer, on the lips for goddesses, and on the cheeks for ordinary female believers.Some female believers even burst into tears of gratitude after being kissed by the Faquan. In this ceremony it is possible to identify who is the Goddess given to the devotees.But Faquan still kisses the lips of the female believer he likes, even if she is not a goddess.Through this ceremony, the soul, flesh, god and blood are fused, and female believers will become one with the Dharma Spring.This is one with God, so it is also called Heshen Style. After holding the sacred wine ceremony and the ceremony of joining the gods, the engagement ceremony is over.After that, male and female engaged persons will live in male and female dormitories respectively, and receive a week-long marriage training.The church has made strict regulations on the content of the training, including the frequency and position of sexual intercourse, prayer, vows, bathing and fasting before and after sexual intercourse, clothing, etc. Even if some believers have doubts about these absurd trainings, it is already too late.Group wedding was originally a very common form of marriage, which is a wedding held by close friends, companies, organizations or associations in the form of many people. The cost of group marriage is low, and it can make the newlyweds more intimate and friendly to each other.For companies, organizations and associations, outstanding talents can be retained through collective weddings, allowing young couples to take root locally.According to statistics, the divorce rate of people who participate in group weddings is lower. The most private ceremony of human beings, marriage has become a group action. In the collective marriage of up to 1,500 couples, even the position, frequency and even mode of sexual intercourse are uniformly stipulated. It is just an act of ignoring human nature in the name of God. Although some believers have doubts about the absurd management of the church, they have completely fallen into the net of the oracle angel's collective marriage. Although the media didn't report it, as the unified wedding ceremony is approaching, I don't know where I learned about it. It is said that the scale of the wedding ceremony is unprecedented. Among the marriage partners of about 3,000 people, less than 1/3 are Japanese, and more than half of them want to marry foreigners.Their families strongly resented this.One's own son or daughter was forcibly dragged together with strange foreigners just by the arbitrary appointment of the leader. The Victims Association of the Oracle Angel convened all its members and decided to hold a protest demonstration near the venue of the unified wedding ceremony in Wuzhifeng. At the same time as the demonstration, Guan Yu disguised himself as a businessman and sneaked into the venue, looking for his wife and daughter.In order to prevent accidents, the Nagano Police dispatched 6 squadrons of the Rangers to guard around the venue. After the engagement ceremony a week ago, the newlyweds who participated in the wedding have already lived in the clubhouse for training, and the newcomers who failed to attend the engagement ceremony also came. Since 3 days ago, believers, businessmen and related media in charge of the preparations have come to Wuzhifeng one after another. Food and beverages, tableware, bedding, medical supplies, security guards, and communication equipment for about 5,000 people have been transported in. Related companies, Guests from groups of friendly organizations also arrived one after another. The scale of mass weddings is unheard of, and even the most private part of the marriage is mandatory. They don’t know about these media, but formed a special interview team to interview on the spot, and the silent nature suddenly became human. There was a lot of noise. The media doesn't know about the evil side of oracle angels. They come to interview only to collect material about mass marriages of oracle angels. The Metropolitan Police Department and the Saitama County Police are also paying attention to group marriages because they suspect that the attack by the leader of the religious group and the violent group is related to the murder and abandonment case in the mountains of Naguri Village.If the Assassin's real target was the fountain, then the wedding ceremony was the perfect opportunity to kill the escaped target. The police can only monitor outside the venue and cannot enter. In front of them is a net to protect freedom of religious belief. "Tongju, do you think assassins will come to the venue?" Mizushima asked. "I will definitely come. The prisoner has not yet achieved his goal. There are 5,000 people including newcomers in the venue. There are many opportunities to take advantage of the opportunity." "If I can sneak into the venue, will I have a chance to get close to the Faquan?" "Of course the sect has stepped up its guard, but a good sniper will definitely find an opportunity to attack." "What will happen if the Faquan is attacked at the venue of the wedding ceremony?" "Of course it was chaotic. Since the prisoner was able to sneak into the venue, he must have the will to fight to the death. The media that came to the scene to interview were all related to the sect. No matter what happened in the venue, the sect could suppress it." "Suppression? There will also be ordinary media interviews that day, and there will be helicopters in the sky to assist in the interviews. If there is an abnormality in the venue, we will be aware of it immediately." "If Faquan has three ups and two downs, the sect may split. It is said that the total assets are as high as 300 billion yuan, and the battle for inheritance must be fierce." Mizushima was surprised by Dongju's words. "Dongju, do you suspect that the assassin is a member of the cult?" "There is a possibility. If that's the case, it will be easy to enter the venue." Dongju's words are another new point of view after the case of the murder and abandonment of corpses in the mountains of Mingli Village. At the joint case-handling meeting, Dongju still had no opinion that the motive for the murder came from within the religious order.He only thought of it when he saw the opportunity of the assassin at the unified wedding ceremony. The tenth unified marriage ceremony of the oracle angels took place on July 1.The venue is set to be at the Wuzhifeng Central Training Institute, and it is now in the countdown stage. This time, there are 502 pairs, an increase of 15 pairs from the nomination ceremony, and it is the largest since the establishment of the sect.The newlyweds gather in the auditorium to wait for the ceremony to begin. The preparatory staff of the venue entered the site in June and began to decorate the auditorium.Because the number of people exceeds the expected number.Including 1,500 new couples, a total of about 7,000 people will participate. The food, tableware, accommodation facilities, and simple toilets in the venue will increase greatly. For the preparation staff of the ceremony, nothing can be sloppy. On the 180 mu land of the religious order, with the central training center of the venue as the center, a large circular ceremony tent for guests began to be built, surrounded by tents for ordinary believers and the security camp of the religious order. In front of the mission site was the tent of the news reporting group. There were about 200 reporting groups, and the ones that could enter the venue were the reporting groups related to the mission. The uninvited guest of the church was the Victims' Association. They called all the members and called on the family members of the victims other than the members to come to the scene and prepare to hold a massive demonstration.It is the season of early summer on the quiet plateau, and now it is noisy.In the center of the venue, there is a magnificent "Grand Seat" about 5 meters high called "Shendai", which was built by dozens of craftsmen 10 days ago. The night before the ceremony, the flowers and offerings to decorate the venue have been moved into the venue, and 2,000 chairs have been prepared to cope with the temporary scene. Since the ceremony started at 10 am, devotees and guests arrived one after another the day before.The Nagano prefectural police set up a security headquarters at the scene, and 800 rangers, uniformed and plainclothes police guarded around the venue. They could not do anything to obstruct the bodyguards of believers and guests, otherwise it would be a violation of the constitutional protection of religion free. On the periphery of the venue, around 2,000 people from all over the country who were persecuted by the oracle angels are holding a large-scale demonstration.They surrounded the mission's facilities and kept shouting: "Return my relatives, return my property, the oracle angel is not a religion, but a criminal group." Although they were stopped by the Rangers, they overwhelmed the police in numbers.If they forcibly enter the venue with a large number of people, it will be difficult for the police to control them. The guarding policeman also has a complicated mentality. There may be followers of oracle angels in the police force, and there may be victims.The exposure of the oracle's anti-social nature will also increase the combat effectiveness of the Victims' Association. The religious order, the police, and the victims' association are three pillars, and the situation is imminent, and the plateau is full of tension. At the entrance of the venue, 50 security personnel from the religious order checked the clothes, belongings, and even wallets of the guests one by one, and the security was tight. There were rallies and parades against the oracle angels around the outside of the stadium, so believers and guests did not dare to complain about the search, and accepted all inquiries from the religious order honestly. On the day of the wedding ceremony on July 1, the weather was fine and cloudless. News helicopters have been circling the venue since morning.Only a small number of media allowed by the church were able to enter the venue, but ordinary news organizations have crowded in front of the venue since a few days ago, frequently flashing lights at believers and guests, and covering the demonstrations of the Victims Association. Devotees and guests lived in the seminary's dormitories and temporary lodgings, but the police and Rangers kept watch round the clock.The interview team lived in tents, and the Victims Association could only rest on the spot, but they remained enthusiastic and kept chanting slogans. At 10:00 a.m., the scheduled time, the wedding ceremony began.The meeting was announced by Jiangtou, the general affairs president, and the groom and the groom had already entered the venue, standing side by side with the person assigned to him by Faquan. At 5 minutes past 10, Faquan walked into the venue surrounded by senior cadres of the religious order. "Your Majesty enters the arena, all guests and believers are welcome to stand up and welcome." Following the host's words, all the staff stood up to welcome Faquan. Faquan wears a golden crown on his head, a white silk robe, and holds a thin golden stick like a baton in his right hand. It is called the holy injection stick, which means that the gods are injected through this stick. There was no sound in the venue, only the roar of the plane in the sky was heard, and the low-level believers who could not enter the venue and the related personnel of the religious order stood in the super large tent next to them, watching this spectacular scene. Under the watchful eyes of 1,500 pairs of brides and grooms, guests, believers, and reporting groups, Faquan slowly climbed up to the Zunjun Terrace, following behind the so-called holy boy and holy girl. Faquan, who was seated in Zunjun Terrace, said solemnly: "Today, in the name of God, I bless the children of God to be happy. Today, the family of God was born on this land of God. It is the combination of God and human beings. It is a holy family that eliminates all evil. Let us live in the holy land of God. I made an oath before my parents: I will abide by God’s will, become a member of God’s family, fulfill the responsibilities entrusted by God, fulfill my own obligations, fight against the ugliness in the world, and win the final victory over evil.” 法泉宣誓后,新郎新娘齐声宣读誓言。 “我们今天成为了神的家庭的一员,现在我们在现人神尊君的面前宣誓:我们要遵守神的教诲,作为神的家族的一员我们要努力奋斗。”神的父亲与现人神都是指法泉,母亲是指神女。这个誓言也是神谕天使向全世界宣战的布告,但是在来宾中没有人意识到这其中的危险性。 宣誓后,由法泉用手指蘸着圣少男圣少女手中酒杯里的酒,撒向在尊君台前站立的新郎新娘,这是结婚的圣酒式。 在指名式上以神酒式订婚的新人在圣酒式后便成为了神的家庭的一员。 参加典礼的新人、信徒、来宾、友人约5000人目不转睛地望着这一切。现场的媒体不能把录像机带入,摄影、录音等一切除神谕天使允许的媒体以外,全都被禁止。 圣酒式后,法泉走下尊君台,走进新郎新娘的行列中,除了圣少男圣少女,还有几名保镖跟随。 法泉像阅兵一样走到新郎新娘的面前,新郎手在上,新娘手在下,彼此上下重叠在一起,法泉用圣注棒轻轻敲一下新郎新娘的手,就过去了。这是用圣注棒把神灵注入给信徒的仪式。 在订婚仪式的合神式是法泉与女信徒合为一体,圣注式是夫妻与神结合。 因为要给1500对新人圣注神灵,所以需要很长时间。开始,法泉很认真地用圣注棒触摸新人,渐渐地成为了过场,有半数以上的新人没有被圣注就通过了尊君台。 因为法泉在结婚的新人包围中,护卫队没有特别紧张。在入口处已经对入场人员进行了严格的检查,不可能携枪进来。在会场的各个重要地方都有警卫的监视,不可能有袭击者混进来。 圣注式的圣注已经进行了1200对新人,接近尾声。首先是外国人的夫妇,其次是日本人与外国人的夫妇,最后是日本人的夫妇。 法泉非常疲劳,他几乎不看新婚夫妇一看,只用圣注棒轻轻点一下就走去,当他在一对日本人夫妇面前时,发生了意外的事情。 新娘旁的新郎突然抓住了面前的法泉,不知道什么时候他戴上了一副太阳镜。 保镖惊呆了,谁都没想到会有人在新人的行列里做出这样的举动。 “不许动!如果动就要法泉的命。”新郎喝退大群围拢过来的保镖,保镖们看见新郎用凶器抵在法泉的身上,都不敢动了。一瞬间,在场的信徒和来宾都不知道发生了什么。 “把你们绑架的夏居真由美带到这里来!如果不按我说的做,我就要法泉的命。”新郎用低沉的声音说。 “你敢这么做,难道还想活着出去吗?”担任警卫总指挥的神卫队队长四谷呵斥说。 “我就是想活着出去才来的。我没时间听你说废话,赶紧把真由美带来。”新郎嘲笑着说。 是朝仓化装成新郎,劫持法泉为人质的。教团的警卫们只能看着这一切,不敢轻易出手。朝仓的微笑里充满了自信。 “快把真由美带到这儿来。” “我不知道这个女人。”四谷说。 “如果你说不知道我也没办法,你装糊涂,就会要法泉的命。” “要是尊君的御体有个三长两短,你也别想活着。” “你说什么蠢话,我要是没那个胆量也就不敢来这里了。我可以用我的命换法泉的命,他是邪教的教主,我能为社会除害还赚便宜了。”朝仓镇静地说。 扑哧一声,朝仓手里的凶器似乎扎进了法泉的身体里,法泉发出了让人难以置信的尖叫声。 “快、快把真由美带过来。”他用颤抖的声音命令说。法泉的话表示他已经自己承认了教团是绑架真由美的罪犯。 会场里的人已经明白了发生了什么事情,正紧张地屏住呼吸注视着眼前的一切,幸亏他们没有听见法泉的话。 四谷已经很清楚地知道了朝仓的意图,他判断只有把真由美带来才能解救法泉,这也是法泉的命令。如果法泉有什么好歹,教团就土崩瓦解了。 一会儿,真由美被神卫队带来了。虽然看上去有点憔悴,但似乎没有受伤。 “真由美,你还好吧?”朝仓问。 “朝仓……”她只说了一句,但心中却有千言万语。 “她已经来了,你把尊君放了。”四谷说。 “你说什么蠢话,在我离开教团的土地之前,我不能放了法泉。” “你不守信用。” “我可没和你约定过什么,你把她交给我,我在大门后那儿会放了法泉。” “快、快照他说的做。”法泉颤抖着命令四谷。 真由美被交给了朝仓。在会场上7000双眼睛的注视下,真由美不由得靠在了朝仓的身上。 “别害怕,我们赶紧走。”朝仓抱住真由美,但手还抓住法泉不放。 “请你把我也带走。”刚才与朝仓在一起的新娘穿着结婚礼服跑过来。 “那就跟着我们吧。”朝仓说。大概她是在参加统一结婚典礼上,对这个结婚产生了怀疑。挟持法泉的3个人在教团警卫的层层包围中,慢慢地向大门移动。 大门外是有警察别动队和受害者协会的示威队伍的重重包围,如果到了那里,3个人就安全了,就可以放了法泉。 快要靠近大门时,从允许进入会场的建筑工人里,突然有人大喊着理名的名字跑了出来。是关屋。 "dad!" “你没事吧,太好了。” 父女抱在了一起。加上关屋,5个人来到了大门口。在门外警卫的警察看见出来的4个男女劫持了法泉,都惊愕住了。 这4人里,有身穿结婚礼服的年轻女人,还有一个人因为长期没有日晒,脸色苍白憔悴,其中的一个男人手里拿着凶器。真是奇异的组合啊! 警察明白了他们是劫持法泉为人质,从会场里逃出来。 “我们是神谕天使的受害者和受害者协会的会员,现在我们救出受害者逃了出来,请让开路!”关屋大声地喊着,声音清楚地传到了在警察外围示威游行的受害者协会那里。 “是关屋,是关屋把女儿平安地带回来了。”受害者协会欢声雷动,为了配合关屋,游行队伍发出了有节奏的大喊声:“别动队快让开!” 在他们的压力下,别动队让开了道路。朝仓在别动队的注视下,放了法泉。 法泉像一块皱巴巴的湿抹布一样猥琐不堪。朝仓4人在受害者协会的人墙保护下,警察也不敢向他们动手。 在7000信徒、来宾以及警察、别动队、受害者协会的睽睽众目下,法泉的丑态彻底暴露出来了。 “你们不严格看守,才让他们潜入神圣的典礼,我要严厉追究你们的责任。”他把愤怒的矛头指向了守卫阵营。
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