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Chapter 9 Chapter 9 The Chief Threat

farewell angel 森村诚一 10616Words 2018-03-21
Xia Ju Mayumi started her day job again. Her new residence is located near Kanagawa Prefecture, with complete cultural facilities, many scenic spots and historic sites, undulating terrain and beautiful scenery.Although there are traces of artificial development, some natural scenery of the Tama period are still preserved. Like all cities, it is full of modern restaurants, coffee shops, and bustling.Next to the secluded road is a secluded residential area, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant in all seasons.Mayumi likes this town very much. She resumed her former day job.Her job is to start work from anywhere as long as there is a computer, just like a chef with a kitchen knife.The former old clients still keep in touch with Mayumi, and they all want her to continue this job, so she can get on the right track soon.

When signing the contract, she only needs to provide the supplier with a CD.Suppliers are obliged to keep confidentiality and will not disclose the address and name of the other party.When moving, as long as you don't register with the Resident Management Office, you can't find her whereabouts. If she is tracked by professionals, she can usually only find out the district, city, festival, and village where she lives. Even if Faquan has professional experts around her, her specific address cannot be found. The color designed by the computer is very different from the actual color, so she has to negotiate with the client in person.In addition, you must go out for shopping and beauty.Human beings need a social life, and it is impossible to completely close themselves like a hermit, but for Mayumi, there is a certain degree of danger.

Mayumi is optimistic that the oracle's intelligence network will not find her new home.The work started smoothly, and life became more comfortable as a result.She has adapted to the new life in the new city, her guard has gradually been relaxed, and the number of times she goes out has increased.I didn't do anything bad, so I shouldn't have fled.All this is just Faquan's unrequited love.Not only did I not get any benefits from Faquan, but I gave up my favorite life in Ginza for him. In this city, there are warm air, the chirping of birds, and the fragrance of flowers in four seasons that cannot be seen in Ginza.When she is tired from work, she goes for a walk around.Gradually expanded the scope of activities, and even visited art galleries and museums in the city.

The small art gallery has brought new inspiration to the colorist's work, and Mayumi is very satisfied with everything here. Tired from walking, she would go to the street cafes and teahouses to rest.There are a lot of regulars there, go there more often, and everyone says hello to each other. Mayumi has never had such a comfortable life.I used to work in an office in the city every day and communicate with many people.After going to work in Ginza, I have to receive all kinds of guests every night. Those guests are all strangers, and they are still in business relationship with each other, so they are often in a state of high tension.

This small city relieved her from high tension.Even in the face of strangers, each other is a free and equal relationship.The city liberated Mayumi physically and mentally. Unknowingly, she gradually forgot the existence of Shenju Faquan, but only Asakura made her unforgettable forever.He only contacted Mayumi once, and there has been no news since then.Mayumi called his mobile phone many times, only to hear the mechanical answer from the machine. Mayumi left him a message and he didn't respond, but Mayumi firmly believed that Asakura must have heard her voice, maybe it was her unrequited love, but she still persistently kept leaving him messages.Of course he still has no news.

Mayumi regards Asakura as her benefactor, and she can hardly restrain her yearning.But for Asakura, is he just a passerby? Mayumi couldn't control her thoughts anymore, and decided to see him again no matter what.She left the time and place of the appointment in the message.Whether he comes or not, I have to wait for him. When the appointed day came, Mayumi waited at the appointed coffee shop.The appointed time passed, and Asakura did not show up.After waiting for an hour, Mayumi left.Although she knew from the beginning that he would not come, she was still very disappointed. After leaving the coffee shop, she was still reluctant to part, in case he was late.She hovered in front of the coffee shop.

She was only looking for Asakura's figure, but unexpectedly there were two figures rushing towards her.The two clamped her from left to right and asked, "Is it Mayumi Natsuju?" Mayumi was stunned by this unexpected event and was defenseless.she replied involuntarily. "Please come." While speaking, her arm was grabbed, and a Mercedes-Benz drove over quietly. "What are you doing, go away!" Mayumi instinctively felt that the danger was coming, and she struggled hard.The door of the Mercedes Benz opened, and the man who jumped out of the car pushed her into the car together with the two people just now.

Seeing Mayumi being pushed into the car by three powerful men, she understood that this was Kamiju Hosen's thug. "Help!" She wanted to shout loudly, but she was too frightened to cry out.Because of adapting to the new life, he relaxed his vigilance and ignored the net of the oracle angel.There are eyes and ears of oracle angels everywhere.She stopped fighting. At this critical juncture, black stones flew from the darkness, knocking the three thugs back. The three rushed to fight, and a man rushed out from the darkness, throwing the three to the ground.Before they got up, the man grabbed Mayumi who was still in a state of panic: "Run!"

It was Asakura's voice.She was pulled by Chao Cang and ran out, and there was the sound of thugs chasing after them, because they were ambushed by Chao Cang just now.The pace is still slow.Mayumi and Asakura ran into the small alley next to them, turned a few more paths, and came to the front of a small shrine.Asakura's car was parked there. Finally reached the safe zone, Asakura stopped in his tracks. "It's okay. But it's still dangerous here." Asakura said out of breath. "Yes." Mayumi forgot the horror of being kidnapped just now, she was ecstatic to see Asakura again.

"This society is not peaceful yet, you have to be more careful." Asakura said. "Do you mean the oracle angel?" A restless society does not start today.If Asakura is implying that she is on guard against the oracle's danger, it would suggest that he has some kind of relationship with the oracle. Mayumi once suspected that Asakura was responsible for the attack on the leader of the violent group, but today he warned himself to be alert to the danger of the religious group, explaining that his suspicion was inaccurate. "Your address may have been found, you'd better not go back." Asakura said while starting the car.

"That's not easy, the computer has all the data of my work." Without the computer, there is no way to work anymore. "Give me the key, and I'll play by ear and get your things back. Anyway, you'll have to find another place tonight." Asakura seems to be looking for a hotel for her to stay.Mayumi guessed that he met her at the appointed time, only to learn that she had fallen into the siege of the oracle angels and desperately rescued her. "Perhaps the restaurant also has followers of oracle angels." It turned out that she was only doing confidential work on the computer or the city she was in, but she didn't expect that the other party had even found out her address.Maybe it was somewhere that was seen by believers when going out.Thinking about it this way, she immediately felt that living in a hotel alone was even more frightening. "Yeah, it's dangerous there." Asakura looked up at the sky and thought about something. "I want to ask something superfluous, do you have any family?" Mayumi asked cautiously. "No, I'm alone." Asakura's eyes turned to Mayumi, seeming to sense her thoughts.His eyes remained unchanged. When they met on the mountain, he just looked into the distance with deep eyes, as if he was looking for something. "I have an exaggerated request. Before I find a house, can you leave me a safe place in your house?" Afterwards, Mayumi felt like she was breaking out in a cold sweat.But Asakura was not surprised. "I thought about it too. But my house is very simple. Before you find a place to live, you can live here if you want. This is also our fate. If I don't care about you, I'm just drawing the finishing touches." At this time, Asakura I just showed my white teeth smile for the first time tonight.This is the second time Asakura rescued Mayumi from distress.Since the first meeting in the Northern Alps, Mayumi could only express her infinite thoughts for him in her dreams, but today the distance between them suddenly shortened. This is also thanks to Kamiju Hosen, and Mayumi was so excited to thank the thugs who hunted her down just now. Asakura's house is in a small and chic high-end apartment near the Okuzawa Jiupin Buddha. The two-bedroom house is more than enough for a single man. Although it is a single man's house, it is neatly organized.The furniture and daily necessities are arranged neatly and neatly.Furniture and daily necessities are just the necessities of life, so the two-bedroom house looks very empty, without a trace of femininity. The walls are covered with photos of Dashan, and it seems that there are also foreign ones.Photos are the only decorations in this home. "Did you take all these photos?" Mayumi looked around as if standing in front of the mountain photography exhibition. “There are no other works here,” Asakura said. Mayumi recalled the terrifying experience in the Northern Alps, the huge mountain seemed to swallow her menacingly.If these photos were all taken by Asakura, it means that he is not an ordinary mountaineering enthusiast. "Please stay in this room, the sheets have just been changed, and the bathroom is over there. Please tell me what basic replacement clothes and cosmetics you need, and I will prepare them for you," Asakura said.Mayumi was wearing the clothes she was going out and had brought out nothing but a purse and some money. "Where are you resting?" There seemed to be no place for Asakura to live here. "Don't worry, the sofa in the living room is the bed. I'm used to it on the mountain, and I can sleep anywhere. Are you hungry? Although the food here is not as delicious as the restaurant, I made it myself. Wait a moment .” Mayumi immediately felt that her stomach was empty.When I was waiting for Asakura at the restaurant just now, I ordered a lot of meals, but I was not in the mood to eat at all. Asakura was busy in the kitchen, and Mayumi had no room to intervene. In the blink of an eye, as if by magic, spaghetti, soup, seafood salad and wine were placed on the table. Asakura invited Mayumi to sit at the table, she took a bite of spaghetti first and couldn't help but be surprised.The noodles are just the right amount of softness and firmness, with a hint of garlic, authentic taste that would put experts to shame.The soup is of course also very tasty, and the seafood salad is made with delicious canned crab.Asakura opened the bottle and poured the chilled French wine into Mayumi's glass. "Cheers to your safety!" Asakura raised his glass, and the two touched the glasses together. "It's like a dream." Mayumi became intoxicated after only one sip of wine, and even forgot that she was still being hunted by the oracle angel. "You can sleep well tonight. As long as you're here, you're safe," Asakura assured her.Mayumi noticed another meaning of what he meant by safety.A young woman hides in a single man's room.For Mayumi, there is still a certain expectation in her heart.Chao Cang is the benefactor who saved her life twice, and she seeks protection from Chao Cang, which is actually a hint of a body promise. It was impossible for Asakura not to feel it.But he still made it clear that it was safe here, perhaps implying that he had no desire for men. "You must be very tired today, take a shower quickly. The bathrobe and towel are ready. Please rest at ease." After eating, Asakura said and stood up.After washing, Mayumi also lay down on the bed to rest.Asakura walked into the next room and soon fell asleep from exhaustion. When she opened her eyes the next morning, it was broad daylight outside.Right after waking up, Asakura's voice came from the kitchen. "You wake up, good morning. Breakfast is ready, you can eat it anytime. I'm going out for a while, and you can't open the door if anyone comes." Asakura said outside the door and went out. After dressing up, Mayumi came to the kitchen. On the table were freshly baked bread, fried eggs, orange juice, and milk in the cup.Asakura took the initiative to cook for herself, and Mayumi felt very sorry. Because I had a relaxing sleep last night, I feel refreshed physically and mentally today.What happened last night was almost like a dream. Only when she saw that she was in Asakura's house did she believe it was not a dream. Mayumi began to eat the breakfast specially made by Asakura for her. Although she was a little lonely alone, she ate deliciously. Asakura was able to hand over his home to a person who didn't know the details, and Mayumi felt that this was Asakura's trust in him.But I also don't know anything about Asakura at all.He once said that his soul is in the mountains, and at the foot of the mountains he is just a masked shadow.But even this vague shadow Mayumi didn't understand at all.The only thing she knows is that his enemies are Kamiju Hosen and Oracle Angel, who are also Mayumi's enemies. Yesterday I saw him knock down the thugs of the sect in an instant, his agility is by no means comparable to others.If he had anything to do with the last attack, he must be no ordinary person. Asakura came back around noon.Mayumi did not expect that he took back his computer, bank book, clothes, and daily necessities. "My God, you brought back so many things." Mayumi was surprised, she remembered that she had given the key to Asakura last night, but she did not expect to get the things back so soon. "There are no signs of the sect around your house, but it's best not to go back, you can live here with peace of mind." Asakura said expressionlessly. Mayumi and Asakura begin a wonderful cohabitation life.Asakura is very gentlemanly and never steps into Mayumi's room.They all understood the tacit relationship between two grown men and women, but Asakura would never break through that last line of defense.But this doesn't mean that he doesn't have a good impression of Mayumi, otherwise, he wouldn't let Mayumi live with him. (Is he sympathizing with me?) Mayumi wondered suspiciously, could it be that the matter has come to this point and she has to hide herself?Thinking of this, Mayumi's heart seemed to be blocked.Asakura is just forced to because of sympathy for her, and Mayumi is just wishful thinking.But a man wouldn't hide a young woman in his home just out of pity. Although he rescued himself on the mountain, he was only a stranger whom he had met once. Normally, he should not ask him to stay with him.Although I don't know Asakura's exact age, it doesn't look much different from Mayumi.It is unnatural for a young man and woman to live under the same roof without any problems. However, Asakura never entered Mayumi's room, not because Asakura was indifferent to her, but because he had a solid line of defense in his heart, perhaps this line of defense came from the trauma in his heart.Mayumi didn't understand the hurt he had suffered, and her heart was full of anxiety. Asakura is almost never at home during the day, so I don't know where he went.Breakfast is usually eaten with Mayumi, and after going out, the time of coming back is not fixed.Even if it is late at night, he will definitely come back.The time to leave home in the morning is later than the average company employee, irregular, and it is difficult to judge his occupation.Although his life is not very rich, it is by no means poor. One night, Asakura came back late, and Mayumi found some blood on his clothes and a slight injury to his arm, which Asakura said was because he was drunk and fell down the stairs of the station. But it doesn't look like a fall.On such a dangerous mountain, you can walk like flying, so how can you fall on the stairs?After a while, Mayumi discovered something terrifying again.When Asakura was changing clothes, with his back to Mayumi, he quietly took something out of his arms and stuffed it into the closet.All this is reflected in the glass of the window.Mayumi saw all this clearly through the glass of the window, and that thing was a gun. Ordinary citizens don't own guns.If it was just a toy gun, he wouldn't sneak around for fear of being discovered by Mayumi. Mayumi can be sure that Asakura is the culprit in the shooting and that his target is Hosen.Although the reason for his attack is not known, it is certain that he was targeting the fountain.Because of this, I met Asakura again at the place where Faquan appeared.He attacked the fountain because the oracle was his enemy. Asakura seems to have no companions, fighting alone against a huge religious order that claims to have millions of believers, who is he? Mayumi didn't reveal the secret of seeing the gun, nor did she ask him for details.She is afraid that by doing so, she will lose her current peaceful life. One day after Mayumi lived with Asakura for a month, he suddenly said something strange. "If I don't come back suddenly, you leave immediately. The money is not a lot, but it is enough for your life, please accept it." "Why do you say that, why don't you come back suddenly, I don't like it when you say that." Mayumi protested. "I'm just saying in case. In today's society, anything can happen, such as traffic accidents, accidental injuries, crimes..." "Don't say such an inauspicious thing. If that's the case, I will meet it too." "You are at home, the probability of encountering danger is small." "No, it's the same. There may be an earthquake and fire, or robbers, or even thugs from Kamiya Hosen chasing here." Mayumi replied. "You're right. I said something I shouldn't have said," Asakura apologized.Mayumi is convinced that what Asakura did must be risking his life.Asakura didn't touch Mayumi because he was in danger every day.The invisible line of defense around him may be because he wants to fight to the death at any time. Faquan was enraged.The religious group's intelligence network finally found Mayumi, but was rescued by an unknown person. The four trained guards and the driver were no match for this unexpected opponent and had no ability to fight back.But it didn't help that he was angry. In the past, Faquan was only obsessed with Mayumi unilaterally, and of course she had the right to express her refusal and leave.But Faquan has been depressed and brooding, because this incident has seriously damaged his authority and dignity as the leader. If Mayumi is not brought back, his prestige will be bruised.Faquan's cronies are also researching the origin of the person who took Mayumi away. During this period of time, his cronies began to suspect that the last shooting incident was not a firefight by violent gangs, but an assassination against Faquan. There are also believers of oracle angels in the violent group. According to them, there is currently no sign of confrontation and struggle within the group, so no one should assassinate the group leader.If anyone wants the life of the team leader, the entire gang may perish, because no one dares to take this risk. Faquan was nearby when the attack happened.At that time, if the car of the leader of the violent group hadn't just happened to drive over, the bullet might have hit Faquan just right. The biggest suspect in the attack on Faquan is the right-wing Victims Association.The church began to analyze the attack from another angle, and at this time, Mayumi was taken away by an unidentified person, so the cronies speculated that the third person was a member of the Victims Association. "If it's really their member, I think it's still a bit doubtful." General Affairs Chairman Jiang Tou said. "why?" "If he is a member of them, his martial arts is too strong. And they can't know the relationship between the leader and Mayumi. Even if they know, this is not something they should intervene. That unknown person has been protecting Mayumi. If He is really a member of the association, so why should the association protect Mayumi? After all, the relationship between the leader and Mayumi is a private matter, and has nothing to do with the association." "Maybe Mayumi is a member of the Victims' Association," said Yotsuya, the captain of the guard.He wasn't at the scene where Mayumi was robbed, but as the captain he was already embarrassing. "Yotsuya-kun's worries are unnecessary. The first teaching of our church is to save human beings from this evil world. Everyone is thanking our church. How can there be victims? Those who claim to be victims are nothing but Just a villain blinded by evil." Jiangtou said reproachfully. "I made a slip of the tongue. What if Mayumi is the accomplice who was tainted by evil and called herself the Victims' Association?" Yotsuya's words had other meanings. If the Victims' Association learns that Faquan often enters and exits the "Amethyst", it may send Mayumi to lurk.Perhaps Mayumi escaped because the assassination failed. "Let's recall the scene when the incident happened. At that time, the leader and Mayumi were close together, so no matter how good the shooter is, if he wants to shoot the leader, he may also hit Mayumi." "What if Mayumi knew there was a gunman at the scene?" Yotsuya asked back.A good shooter has the confidence to hit a shot. The two factions hold their own opinions, and it is difficult to conclude.But the Victims' Association is the most suspect.According to Jiangtou's point of view, apart from the Victims' Association, there may be other clues that are also assassinating Faquan.Although Jiangtou vowed that there were no victims, as the power of the religious group expanded, the voices against the religious group also became louder. Therefore, at the meeting of the highest cadres of the religious order headed by Faquan, that is, the imperial meeting, it was decided to take countermeasures against the anti-oracle angel (victim association), and to find out the last attack and the person who took Mayumi away. The origin of that unknown person. If the target of the attack is the Faquan, the prisoner has not achieved his goal, so the security work around the Faquan should be further strengthened. Faquan only temporarily controlled his lust, and when the matter calmed down a bit, he was going to go to "Amethyst".Although Mayumi is gone, Chiharu is still there.Different from being obsessed with Mayumi, Chiharu also has a different style that can bring him a fresh sense of excitement, which the goddesses in the harem do not have. Although Jiangtou, Yotsuya and other leaders were in a difficult situation, they did not dare to violate Faquan's will.Yotsuya led the most elite guards under his command as the guard of Faquan. Jiangtou installed bulletproof equipment on the special vehicle in Faquan, and when he entered and exited the "Amethyst", he was guarded by guards wearing bulletproof vests at every step.Let his subordinates go to war so much, Faquan decided to go to Ginza to have fun. Faquan not only likes Chiharu, but also likes the atmosphere of Ginza.Usually in the church, he always speaks the Dharma for the believers in a dignified manner. He is in a state of tension physically and mentally, and he needs to release his emotions. "The leader seems to have resumed his relationship with Qianchun again." Ayao quietly told my wife. "The leader had empathized with Mayumi before, and after Mayumi resigned, he and Chiharu got back together." "That is to say, Master Faquan will come to the shop again?" "Yeah, even though Mayumi is not here, he comes less often, but he is still very infatuated with Chiharu." "It seems that the noble leader can hardly resist the charm of women." "Of course, he puts on a holy look in front of the believers. But he's obsessed with Mayumi and Chiharu's obsessive look, I'm afraid he doesn't dare to let the believers see." "I'd like to see it." "That can't be done. Once the leader comes, he will take over the entire club, and no other guests are allowed to enter." "It's a lot of money to be able to wrap 'Amethyst'." "It's all the money of believers. So I don't believe in religion at all." "Not all religions are like that." "However, the top figures of all religions live like this. While preaching the happiness of the afterlife to believers, they live a luxurious life in this world." "Ayao, you didn't take a fancy to Shenju Faquan at all." "Mayumi is still great. If I was hunted down like that, I would have surrendered long ago. Mayumi did not surrender in the end." "I really want to meet Mayumi." "You don't. You can't play around." Ah Yao smiled and stared at him. "You are jealous." Yamaguchi was a little flustered.After losing his wife he has never had contact with other women.Although he is still in his prime, he has no desires anymore.A Yao's coquettish look just now made his long-buried male instinct ready to move again.My wife felt embarrassed. "I'll still look at you in the future." Ayao's affectionate eyes seemed to be teasing him, or teasing him. "Don't laugh at the adults." Yamaguchi said suppressing his emotions. He told himself in his heart that the reason why he came to "Amethyst" was not to find a woman.But with the gradual intimacy with Ayao, the heart that was once neglected by his wife began to heat up again. "You're not safe either, maybe the leader will pay attention to you at some point." "It's scary, I'm not as great as Mayumi and Chiharu." A Yao said as if she was really scared. "He won't eat you, so there's no need to be so afraid." "Of course it's terrible. The leader and the oracle angels are terrible. Too bad, I can't talk about such an important guest behind my back." "It's okay, oracle angels are indeed terrifying. But what's even more terrifying is that people don't understand their horror. Just now you said that you want believers to see the ugliness of Faquan, and I want to see it too." "Okay, I will tell you quietly when I know when he will come." Yao's words surprised Yamaguchi. "Isn't he a charter?" "You can see the leader's face if you wait nearby. But there are so many bodyguards around him, you can't get close." "I really want to see it. You can contact me quietly." "Okay. But, you have to give me a big gift." "What gift do you wish for?" "I'm teasing you, it's enough for you to come to our store and ask me to accompany you by name. We can also meet outside the store." Ah Yao gradually shortened the distance between them. Soon, A Yao contacted him. "The leader is coming tomorrow night. Around 9 o'clock in the evening, he made an appointment for an hour. If you wait nearby, you can see the face of the leader. But I want to see you. After the leader returns, you must Come find me." A Yao said as if acting like a baby. Two days later, Yamaguchi went to the vicinity of "Amethyst".He had heard from A Yao in advance that the surrounding area would be heavily guarded, so he arrived an hour earlier, but there were already many bodyguards who seemed to be guards looking around near the building where "Amethyst" was located.If he were to come close, he would be warned immediately. He walked into a coffee shop where "Amethyst" could be seen and was taken aback.There are also two people here who appear to be bodyguards, and maybe more.They were all sitting in seats where they could see the entrance and exit of the opposite building clearly, looking around nervously.Needless to say, the inside of the shop is even more heavily guarded. This coffee shop was also their observation point, and Yamaguchi had no choice but to leave here.It's prime time in Ginza, with well-dressed crowds bustling with bustling neon lights. Although they all carry different burdens in life, they still walk the streets of Ginza with expressions of wealth and happiness.Probably my wife is the same in the eyes of others.Because he is surrounded by Faquan's subordinates, he cannot stay near the "Amethyst". According to the time informed by Ah Yao, he returned to "Amethyst" around 10 o'clock.If the Faquan doesn't come out at this time, he will give up.If possible, he wanted to sneak a photo of Faquan's face. He hid the camera with a zoom lens in his hand, and walked slowly back to "Amethyst". The object of the sneak shot is not only Faquan, he wants to know all the people who pay attention to Faquan's movements.Perhaps during this time, they all set up an ambush around "Amethyst", and he was going to take pictures of the nearby movement.He looked around for Ying Sen but couldn't find it. When he walked near the "Amethyst", there were already many people in front of the building.The motorcade came with Faquan's special vehicle between the front and back, squeezing the other vehicles aside.It's a good opportunity to take pictures. Faquan and Qianchun were surrounded by bodyguards and came out with other people in the store. The bodyguards looked around vigilantly, and there was no chance of sneaking a photo.Pedestrians all stared at the ostentatious Faquan, and my wife hurriedly mixed into the crowd so that I could observe the Faquan carefully. He was a small, featureless, puffy-faced man who wouldn't attract anyone's attention if he passed him in the street.It is unbelievable that he is the leader of a new religion with millions of followers. Faquan held Qianchun's hand reluctantly, and got into the car.Subsequently, a large number of convoys also left. Yamaguchi finally pointed the camera at the back of the convoy.At the same time, flashes were flashing in other directions.Some people are probably waiting for the opportunity. Yamaguchi looked for the photographer, but he couldn't find him because he was also mixed in the crowd. The Metropolitan Police Department began to suspect that the real target of the attack on the leader of the violent group was Shenju Faquan, so it has been paying attention to Faquan's actions.According to the report of the follower, after the last incident, Faquan has been on hold, and after a little subsidence, he began to go in and out of Ginza at night.The Metropolitan Police Department installed 4 cameras around the "Amethyst" to shoot continuously. In the analysis of the video of Faquan going in and out of the "Amethyst" that night, two suspicious characters emerged.Unlike the bodyguards or followers of Faquan, they took pictures around the building many times.Apart from these two, there were no other photographers.On the screen are people working on the site, residents, mail and newspaper deliverymen and other regular visitors. The two people who were being followed did not belong to the above-mentioned people, but were temporary passers-by.The Metropolitan Police Department began to follow the two men. The origin of one of them was soon found out.Naoya Yamaguchi, forty-five years old, a company employee.Recently his wife was burned to death in a restaurant fire on Kabuki Street.Upon further investigation, it was learned that he was a member of the Oracle Victims Association. Another person's investigation was very difficult.He was very vigilant and lost the follower many times, and finally found out that he walked into the central building at the west exit of Shinjuku.The Central Building belongs to Toshihide Nakamura's Central Group, and it is difficult to determine where he is in the building.Judging by the way he deftly shrugged off his stalkers, he was a veteran of the profession. At this time, the police also received reliable information that Yoko, the eldest daughter of Toshihide Central, joined the oracle angel.The fourth and first investigation divisions responsible for the movement of Faquan became tense. If Yoko was a believer, it would be a little weird to see suspicious characters around the club Hosen frequented walking into the Chubu Building.If that person had ties to the Order, why would he avoid the guards at the Fountain?If he was protecting Faquan secretly, he would have been captured by surveillance video when Faquan did not appear in "Amethyst". Although Yamaguchi was also photographed, it was obvious that he had known Faquan's whereabouts in advance and ambushed there.If another suspicious person is also lying in wait for Faquan, then he is the enemy of Faquan.Since he is the enemy of Faquan, why did he appear in the mansion of Yoko's house in the middle of the believer? "I heard that Chubu Junying is an atheist. He only believes in numbers. He believes that gods and Buddhas can only make human beings lazier. Praying to gods and Buddhas is to not pay any hard work or to use the smallest effort in exchange for the greatest return. If Praying to gods and Buddhas can make all wishes come true, and there will be no hard work in the world. If you have time to pray, it is better to do something useful. I have read the article written by the central part. My daughter joined the oracle angel, for the central part It should be the most distressing thing." Dong Ju from the first search department said. "In other words, that suspicious person is Chubu's subordinate?" The Nasu Police Department speculated on Toju's words. "I think there is some truth to such speculation." "Not necessarily, there are more than 20 companies of the Central Group in the Central Building, and there are also financial institutions in which Central China has a shareholding, so it cannot be concluded that this suspicious person entered the Central Building because he has something to do with Zhongbu Junying." Shanlu raised an objection. "It's possible. The oracle angel requires the believers to give unreservedly. After Yaozi converts to religion, they can get the huge property of his father Junying. Knowing that his daughter has joined the religion, will Junying give up his property? In order to cut off her daughter and the teacher He will do whatever it takes to protect the relationship with the regiment." "This is a jump in thinking. The constitution protects the freedom of religious belief, and parents should not interfere." "The constitution protects the freedom of religious belief, not the freedom to plunder property. Yaozi is married, and her child may be Junying's heir. Yaozi believes in religion, and her property and career are in danger of being usurped by the oracle angel. Right For Junying, protecting one's property and career is not hindering the freedom of religious belief, but self-defense." "You have too many associations." Shanlu said with a sneer. "I heard that Faquan enshrines the women he likes as goddesses and surrounds him. Regarding Yaozi's joining the religion, Faquan has to consider the existence of Junying in the middle part. If Faquan's real goal is Junying, he will make Yaozi Make her a goddess to make sure her plans are safe." "Is Yoko married yet?" "Faquan will not consider these. According to the religious order, the world has been polluted by evil, and the relationship between the priestess and the leader who has awakened from evil should take precedence over the relationship between husband and wife. Faith should be higher than laws, truths, customs and the world. all the laws." "For Yaozi's husband, isn't Faquan the number one threat?" Nasu listened to the argument between the two, and he agreed with Dongju's point of view. “中部耀子的丈夫菊川隆一原来是大型旅行社的职员,被中部看中才与耀子结婚。同行都说他是幸运儿,但充其量也不过是匹种马。种马的代价是集团的核心产业、皇宫饭店营业部副部长的职位。所以对隆一来说,法泉是与自己妻子私通的敌人,又是自己的威胁。那个可疑人物也有可能是隆一的眼目。”搜查四课的南部又扩大了栋居的观点。 山路的反对意见反倒挖出了中部俊英、菊川隆一和神居法泉之间的利害关系这一重大线索。如果可疑人物是中部俊英和隆一的手下,他们的目的就是要切断法泉和耀子的关系。最直接的强硬手段就是彻底铲除法泉。 如果法泉死了,至少是消除了俊英和隆一的威胁。即使耀子不是法泉的神女,但对法泉来说她也是一块肥肉,肥肉越大越能吊起他的食欲。 警视厅怀疑那个可疑人物和我妻直也就是枪击事件的犯人。但是,我妻直也不可能有枪,他既没有射击的经历,也没有持枪许可证。而分析那个刺客的手法,其背景一定与枪有关系。 最后警视厅确认那个可疑人物就是枪击事件的最大嫌疑人,对山口只进行监视。
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