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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 The Cruel "Game"

The Dark Witch's Secret 森村诚一 11606Words 2018-03-21
It was a godsend for the three men when it began to rain one weekend afternoon.They dress and behave in a gentlemanly manner, and the mountain is driving a high-end luxury car, so every time they greet the ladies and invite them to take their car, they get in the car with almost no suspicion. The accuracy rate is almost 100%.Of course, they don't regard any woman as the target of chasing, but invite them to the car selectively.They want to choose, first of all, attractive women who can arouse their lust.The second is to ensure safety.Otherwise, after they achieve their goal, once the victimized women report their misdeeds, they will lose all their profits.Among the three men, two are in love, and they plan to put on a bright color when the era of celibacy is about to end.This was how their motivation for this expedition was formed.

In fact, they are not absolutely sure of doing such a despicable deed.For example, judging by their attitude and attire, women can be tricked into taking the bait, but always at some risk.This danger pushed the special "game" they invented to a thrilling level.They can enjoy the greatest stimulation from it. If this kind of game does not have the slightest danger, then the "game" will lose its fun.Only the game that is hunted at risk is doubly fascinating.The three men had done such crimes in the past, and their prey did not fight back.And always swallowed his anger, not daring to speak out.

The success rate of each crime they commit is 100%, and their courage gradually grows. "Target those two people!" Oga and Unabara said at the same time. "They seem to be in a hurry!" Shan Ji smiled with satisfaction while holding the steering wheel. There was a taxi stand in front of the station, and two women stood beside the road not far from there. They looked around frequently, apparently looking for an empty taxi.A man in a white Burberry raincoat carried a paper bag.Another is wearing a pink dress.Even in the darkness, it can be clearly seen that both of them have delicate features.The one in the white raincoat has a round face, while the one in the dress has a long, thin face.

It was raining, and there was a long queue of people waiting for taxis in front of the station, and it was getting more and more crowded.The two women looked anxious and ran to the side of the road a little farther from the taxi stand.The locals may want to forcibly intercept the empty car.Targeting a woman eager for a ride is the ideal scenario.Shanji slowly drove the car in front of them, "Girl, if you don't mind, how about getting in the car?" Oga greeted them politely while opening the car door.However, although Oga pretended to be serious, he even found it difficult to breathe.At this moment, if you show a little shyness and shyness in your speech and demeanor, it will easily arouse the vigilance of the woman.Oga tried his best to pretend to be kind, so that the other party would be embarrassed to refuse their kindness.

"Quick, please! Take you wherever you go. It's raining so hard, the road is wet. Hurry up and get in the car!" At the beginning, there was a look of vigilance on the faces of the two women, but when they looked at the three men sitting in the car, they were dressed in neat clothes and looked like gentlemen, so the vigilance disappeared. up.However, they were still a little hesitant about whether to get in the car or not. "Where are you going? We don't have any urgent business, so we can drop you off. In this kind of place, no matter how long you wait, there is no empty car." When Shan Ji said these words from the driver's seat, He didn't even turn his head.Their hesitation was finally dispelled.

"What should I do?" the thin-faced woman asked the round-faced son in a discussing tone. "I don't think there is anything to worry about!" The round-faced woman probably also wanted to get in the car.In this case, if there is only one woman, relying on her instinctive vigilance, the more the man persuades her, the less she dares to get in the car easily.But now that they have their own companions to strengthen their courage, they have dispelled their instinctive vigilance and worries. "Can you send me to Liantian?" the round-faced woman asked politely.

"It just so happens that we are going in that direction too." Shan Ji said with a generous manner.Unabara moved to the passenger seat and let the two women who got into the car sit in the rear seat.They looked at it nonchalantly, and found that the round-faced woman was a little older, with a more mature figure, and her attitude was also very suitable for her mature age. "She is probably not a virgin anymore." Shan Ji secretly guessed in his heart.That's good, it's easier to give in.On the contrary, the woman with the thin and long face gave people a jerky feeling.Although she followed the round face into the car, her vigilance was not completely dispelled.

While assessing the characteristics of the prey, Shanji asked, "Where in Liantian?" "Xuqiu." The round-faced woman replied. Xuqiu is a newly built residential area on a high platform about two kilometers away from Liantian Town. "Do you both live in Asahigaoka?" Oga asked casually this time.The two women ride in a stranger's car, and their expressions are always a little unnatural. "No, it's an acquaintance who lives in Xuqiu." The round-faced woman continued to answer. "That place is quite a large residential area!" Said Hai Yuan, who seemed to have a local accent.

"Yes. However, the inconvenient transportation is also troublesome. The frequency of buses is very small, and the quality of taxi drivers is very poor. If it is raining, they will not come if they don't pay twice the price." "Taxis here have a bad reputation, notoriously." "We dare not take a taxi alone. We often ride with people who live in the same residential area. Fortunately, we got your help this time." The round-faced woman thanked them innocently. "Aren't you two together?" "No. We sat next to each other on the tram, and waited together after we got off the train, so we knew each other."

"It looks like you must be in a hurry!" "I have an appointment, someone is waiting for me." "Ah! Who is waiting for a woman like you? It's really enviable!" Oga teased the woman appropriately. "what--" Unknowingly, the car has driven a considerable distance. "That girl also lives in Xuqiu, right?" Hai Yuan also spoke to the thin-faced woman. "No, I'm also visiting an acquaintance..." "Oh, so it's Sunday tonight!" It was dark outside the window, and it was already dark.After leaving the busy area with rows of houses, the lights became more and more sparse.

"Ah, is the direction wrong?" It was the round-faced woman who raised the suspicion at first.She seemed to be very familiar with the local geography, and when she found that the car was driving towards a place with few lights, she began to feel uneasy. "Aren't you going to Xuqiu? Going from this direction is a shortcut." Hai Yuan said in a comforting tone. "However..." the thin-faced woman said in a worried tone, "I've been here a few times before, and taxis don't take this route." "That's because the driver is not familiar with the geography here." Oga replied nonchalantly.The two women fell silent.Before I knew it, the car drove a long distance. "Strange! It's been 30 minutes since I drove from the taxi stand. I've never used it for such a long time." The round-faced woman peeped at her watch and said impatiently. "It's fine for me to get here, please let me go down!" The thin and long-faced woman said with an uneasy expression on her face. "It's dangerous to get off in this kind of place!" Shan Ji ignored the thin-faced woman's request and continued to drive at a high speed. After a while, he left the lights of the residential area and ran on the desolate and lonely wilderness road. The headlights of other cars could not be seen in the front and back, and the surroundings were pitch black, only two or three lights flickering lonely in the distance. It was raining harder and harder.Where the car is running now, the two women are completely unable to judge. "You—" the round-faced woman yelled anxiously, "Do you have evil intentions!" "Where is it! We don't have any bad intentions." Shanji replied in a very serious tone.But his overly serious tone made people feel that they had some bad intentions. "Stop! Stop! Otherwise, we will call the police!" The round-faced woman shouted angrily, trying to open the car door. "You can do it now!" As soon as Shanji finished speaking, Oga and Haiyuan rushed towards the two women. "Ah! What are you doing?!" When they woke up from the stunned state and wanted to resist, it was already too late.The woman with the round face and the woman with the thin long face were strangled by Oga and Unabara from behind with both hands respectively, and then they gagged their mouths with the tape prepared in advance.The struggle in the car was over in a moment.They seem to be quite familiar with the place, and the movement is very smooth.When the car stopped beside a swamp, the arms of the two women had been tied behind their backs, completely losing their ability to resist. After a while, the clothes of the two women were stripped off.Because it is a luxury high-end car, the space can be fully utilized.What tasks the three men should share, seemed to have been decided in advance, and the skills and steps were very skilled.They peeled all kinds of clothes off the women like peeling fruit.The paper bag that the round-faced woman was carrying was torn, and melons and muscadines fell out of it. "Don't be fooled!" the round-faced woman shouted in despair.The three men did not speak, but nodded to each other.Probably for the convenience of movement, only two men were left in the car, and the remaining one went outside the car temporarily. On the one hand, it was to make more space for the two men to do things, and on the other hand, it was also convenient to monitor the movement outside. "Unabara!" After a while, Oga called from inside the car to Unabara, who was watching outside the car.Hai Yuan thought it was his turn to do something good, so he was looking into the car. "This woman can't do it, what's the matter? She's too jerky!" Oga said reluctantly.In the front, Shanji was violent to another woman without any resistance. "Okay, let me try it, you come out and watch for me." Haiyuan said. "Yanji, hurry up, I'm waiting for a replacement!" Oga glanced at the front with envious eyes, and then exchanged places with Unabara.Not long after, Haiyuan screamed again. "How is it, did you succeed?" Oga asked peeping from outside. "No, I can't either, this woman's condition is too bad." Haiyuan turned his head to answer. "Okay, wait for me to try it. Both of you are incompetent." Shanji's original purpose has been achieved.He stood up and handed the woman he had raped to Oga.He went outside the car while on duty, while recovering his strength. Oga's offensive seemed to be going smoothly this time.Almost at the same time, Oga, who had satisfied his desire, gave the leftover prey to Unabara. After satisfying their desires, the three men took out several 10,000 yuan bills and handed them to the dumbfounded woman. "Be careful, don't let the bad guys stare at you, go home quickly." Before leaving, Shan Ji dropped these words and let them get out of the car. The marriage between Nakamichi Bustard and Takane Ze Takuya gradually settled down.Nakamichi bustard had a sense of terror about marriage, and at the same time felt somewhat obscene.However, due to the persuasion of her parents, after meeting Takane Takuya for the first time, she was immediately fascinated by the manly appearance and straightforward personality of the other party.She had vowed not to marry for the rest of her life, which made her parents very embarrassed, but this time, she seemed to have become another person, which surprised even her parents. Zhuo also fell in love with her at first sight.The ceremony has already been ordered, and even the day of the wedding has been fixed.Whenever two people have free time, they will be together, sweetly planning a happy life in the future, and indulging in joy together. The first person who took Takuya's photo to kiss was Hayami Teizo.This man and the bustard's father are both members of the club and friends who play golf.He is a large manufacturer of reinforced concrete prefabricated parts. The name of the company is Hayami Construction, and he is the president.At a banquet, he said to the bustard's father: "There are very good members in my club. How about it, can I introduce one to your lady?" Before this, the bustard could not stand the persuasion of her parents, and she barely met a few boyfriends introduced to her by others.The other party is always overwhelmed by her beauty, but she always rejects him mercilessly every time.She seemed to agree to meet the other party just to say no.From her point of view, the parents found a marriage proposal with great difficulty. If they refused without even looking at it, they would feel sorry for them. There was no other way but to meet with the other party and deal with it. Father is a very prestigious man, as long as the bustard agrees, he doesn't have to worry about finding any partner.But if my daughter says she doesn't want to, I dare not force her.He had no choice but to keep looking for someone to propose marriage. For some reason, the bustard always had an instinctive fear of marriage.From Earth's point of view, marriage seems to be an extremely dirty act.When couples get together, specifically, what specific behaviors they will perform, she seems to know but does not know, but she must not bear that kind of humiliating behavior. After birth, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, they do not understand each other's physical structure.But once married, both parties combine the most shameful parts together. Should such shameless behavior happen between men and women?The bustard also felt that this was an unsightly and dirty behavior based on imagination. Modern young women are generally more open in terms of sexual knowledge and customs.But the bustard is different, she always has a virgin's unique sense of cleanliness, and she knows almost nothing about sex knowledge. Bustard's parents knew that their daughter was physically and psychologically afraid of getting married, so they never forced her. However, she can't be allowed to live alone for the rest of her life!They believed that if they could find someone she liked, her fears would definitely be eliminated, so they still did not lose confidence and continued to propose marriages and blind dates for her.Their idea is: Even if it is a bad gun, as long as you fire a few more rounds, it is possible to hit it.The Takane Ze Takuya that Hayami introduced was just one more bullet fired by that inferior gun. Unexpectedly, after the daughter saw each other this time, her attitude was completely different from the past.The way she looked at each other was no longer as dull and indifferent as before, and the atmosphere of their conversation was very harmonious. "This time, it seems that there is a connection, and it seems like a match." The parents and the introducer Hayami murmured in a low voice. The bustard and Zhuoye talked face to face and became more and more intimate. They were intoxicated in the pleasant conversation without knowing it, and they didn't even notice when their parents and the introducer left. The location of the blind date was chosen in a hotel.The parents and the introducer took a leisurely look at the rocks and pools in the courtyard, and when they came back, they were still talking happily and happily.Whether it is the parents or the matchmaker, they are all convinced that the blind date will be successful. The next day, Kogenzawa's family offered to apply for a marriage contract, and the bustard happily accepted it. In this way, the fortunate marriage contract was finally established. After the bustard met Kogenze, he thought it was a real encounter between a man and a woman.Since meeting him, her concept has completely changed.She used to think that marriage was dirty and the union of a man and a woman was obscene.But now, she feels that men and women who love each other further achieve the combination of bodies, which is the most beautiful gesture of human beings in this world. However, she is still a little uneasy about whether she can also enjoy this perfect combination.As a rich lady, her knowledge in this area is indeed too little.The mother also had to obliquely, sometimes even specifically, tell her about the love affairs between men and women. In order to prepare for the wedding, the bustard has been busy day after day.There are various formalities that must be completed before marriage.In the process of going through the formalities, you must also choose a good day for the wedding. "Teacher, a sister is sleeping there." Three kindergarten children with flushed faces ran to the teacher and said.They seemed to have seen something unusual, and they were quite excited. "Is there a sister sleeping? Where is it?" Miyake Yoshie turned to the three children and asked. The leading boy pointed to the direction they were running from and said, "It's in the grass in the swamp over there." The boy's name was Chun. "Oh! Didn't I say not to go to the swamp? Why are you going again!" Seeing the terrified look on Liangjiang's face, the child immediately said, "But we didn't go into the water! My sister, who was sleeping in the grass next to the swamp, didn't move at all!" The child changed his tone this time, as if reporting the fruits of his adventure.Today is an outing for kindergarten.This is a swamp called "Aonuma" by the locals. It is a place where elementary school students often come for picnics, and nearby residents often come here for walks. Liangjiang's kindergarten goes out to play every autumn.Parents are not without disputes about whether they can go to the swamp to play.Some parents think it is dangerous and do not approve of taking their children to the swamp.However, most of the parents believed that this swamp was not a big area, with fences surrounding the shore and close guards from conservationists, so there would be no danger. In the end, the opinion of the majority was passed and they could come here to play. Besides, it takes a considerable distance to walk from the kindergarten to the swamp, which is another good exercise opportunity for those children who lack exercise, which is conducive to their healthy growth.Those children who do not exercise enough are often caused by parents' doting and strict care.A trip to the swamp, with its exercising advantages, makes even nervous mothers about the safety of their infants approve.In order to enable more parents to come out to play with their children, try to choose Sundays as much as possible. It rained last night, today is the perfect weather to go out and play.The children are organized into groups of three, and each group is accompanied by more than one parent or teacher.Despite such a rigorous arrangement, the gang of naughty children ran to the edge of the swamp while the adults were not paying attention. "Xiaochun, where are your mothers?" "I don't know, we ran out secretly." "Naughty kid! Tell me, where is the sleeping sister?" "It's over there." The children proudly led Liangjiang to the swamp. "It's right here!" Xiaochun pointed to the dense grass and said.Last night's rain has not yet dried on the grass.Liang Jiang tremblingly parted the grass and saw a woman in a white raincoat lying face down.Seeing that the hem of the raincoat was covered with blood, Liang Jiang's expression changed in fright. The swamp called "Aonuma" is located in the Kurohama area of ​​Hasuda City, Saitama Prefecture. On September 30 (Sunday) around 1:00 pm, kindergarten teacher Yoshie Miyake came to the Iwatsuki Police Station and reported that she had found the body of a young woman on the bank of the swamp when she was taking her children to play in the swamp.After receiving the report, the police department immediately sent the patrol car on duty near the scene to rush to protect the scene. Then, the investigators and forensic officers of the department also rushed to the scene one after another. The sunshine of early autumn filled the peaceful swamp shore, and the healthy and lively laughter of children was flying around.But this beautiful and alluring place was suddenly shrouded in an atmosphere that smelled of blood.The policemen with serious expressions began to conduct a careful investigation of the scene. The kindergarten children and their parents quickly left the scene and went home.Only Yoshie Miyake was left at the scene, and she was left behind as the first discoverer. The body was found in the thick weeds on the shore of the swamp.If it is not for adventurous children who run in and look through the grass, it is difficult to find it. After on-site investigation, the police judged that the back of the deceased's head was injured by a blunt instrument, and the inside of the brain was severely affected, which may be the cause of death.The police found that the hem of the Burberry raincoat worn by the deceased was stained with large bloodstains, which had not been washed away after being washed by the rain last night, which proved that there was a lot of blood at that time. The prosecutor continued to examine the body of the deceased, and when he found out the source of the blood, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright. "It's so cruel!" The prosecutor finally couldn't help turning his face to the back.The hem of the deceased's clothes and underwear were not very tattered, but the lower part of the deceased's body was pierced indiscriminately by the murderer with a sharp weapon. There must have been blood splatters around, but due to last night's rain, it has basically been washed away. The corpse was not completely rigid, and it seemed that it hadn't been long since he was killed. "This method of killing is really cruel!" "The first thing to consider is love killing!" "But her underwear wasn't torn." "That may have been killed before the rape." The police officers were talking in low voices.They loaded the corpse, which had been roughly checked, into the police car, and prepared to conduct an autopsy on the corpse after returning home. Her identity was ascertained from the items carried by the deceased.The victim's name was Keiko Fukasugi, who lived in Zhengrongzhuang Apartment, No. 10, Wada Erjo Street, Suginami District, Tokyo. She was 23 years old and worked in a securities company in Nihonbashi. The head was smashed with a blunt object and died after brain contusion, and then the murderer stabbed the lower part of the body with a sharp knife. Judging from the murderer's criminal methods, the prisoner has a very strong hatred for the victim. What surprised the prosecutor in particular was that the victim had been pregnant for three months, and in her damaged genitals, there were remnants of the mixed semen of more than one man. Judging from this situation, the culprit was not one person, but several people attacked the victim, raped her alternately and then killed her!The diameter of the wound on the victim's head was about ten centimeters, and a stone of the same size was found near the scene, as well as tire tracks.It is a pity that the tracks of the tires have been trampled by many kindergarten children, and the original shape cannot be taken. Judging from the situation at the scene, the deceased had been killed for about 12 to 17 hours, that is to say, the time of the crime was around 7:00 to 12:00 last night.During this time, it happened to be raining here.In normal times, the shore of this swamp is very desolate, and no one will come here when it rains. The officers questioned a farmer who lived near the swamp.He said that at around 7 o'clock last night, he saw a luxury car that seemed to be imported driving towards the swamp, but he couldn't remember the license plate number and model, and it seemed to be imported. As for whether the car was a group of prisoners I don't know the car I took. In order to investigate this rare and brutal murder case, the Iwatsuki Police Department established the Investigation Headquarters.While the police were identifying the victim, a man came to the Iwatsuki Police Station.The man claimed to be Kingo Arizawa, and he said that Keiko Fukasugi, who was killed, was his fiancée. Arisawa said: "Keiko Fukasugi and I got engaged a year ago, and we are going to get married recently. Both of us have Sundays off. Every Saturday, Keiko comes to live with me. My family lives in the suburb of Hasuda City. Xuqiu residential area. We have been living together for more than half a year. Last night, she promised to come at 7 o'clock. But I didn't see her after 7 o'clock, so I called her work unit in Tokyo to ask. They She replied that she had left work on time. I called her apartment in Suginami District again, but she didn't return. I was so anxious that I didn't close my eyes last night. I waited until dawn, but I still couldn't see her. I was worried about her Maybe when I got into a traffic accident, I heard that a young woman was killed in Aonuma, and the features of the murdered person looked like Keiko, so I hurried here." Youze moved into the new residential area in Xuqiu, Lianhua City three years ago. He is a construction engineer by profession and is 27 years old.He works at Hayami Construction Co., Ltd., Japan's largest prefabricated reinforced concrete factory.His house in Xuqiu is the staff dormitory of the club, which is the land specially bought by the club as a residential area for the staff of the club. The search headquarters did not fully believe Youze's self-report, but the results of the investigation proved that he did stay in Xuqiu's company-owned residence for the night last night.His colleagues attest to this.Several colleagues who lived here saw Youze waiting anxiously for Qizi last night, going in and out from home, from 7 o'clock to 11 o'clock. The police's suspicion of Kingo Arizawa was ruled out, so it is believed that Keiko Fukasugi may have been killed by another man who had a relationship with her.However, after investigating both her work unit and the apartment in Suginami District, no suspicious person was found.The police conducted investigations on the local hooligans and people with bad conduct one by one, but found no clues. The farmer who lived near the scene seemed to see a large foreign car, and incomplete tire tracks were left near the scene.Judging from these two clues, the criminal is likely to use the mobility of the vehicle to commit his crime.In this way, the scope of the search can be expanded at once.If the criminal really used the vehicle to commit the crime, then it has been nearly a day and night since the case occurred, and the car has already fled to a place far, far away!The investigation into the case stalled from the start. The news media played up and reported the case in a big way: On a weekend night, near a rainy swamp, a young female employee was murdered.An important part of her body was horribly stabbed by criminals with sharp knives... As soon as this news was published, three men were fatally hit.This was the group who ravaged two young women as prey on the night of Saturday, September 29. "Hey, isn't this killed woman the one we played with?" "Yes, there is nothing wrong." "It's the woman who was gang-raped by the three of us and then dumped near the swamp." The headline of the news was "The Curious Murderer of the Century." Under this conspicuous headline, there was also a photo of the round-faced woman among the two women who had been violently raped by them. "The news said: 'There are traces of being raped by several men on the body.'" Shan Ji's voice trembled a little. "That's what we left behind." Oga said out of breath. "The police will think we killed it." Hai Yuan squatted down with his hands on his forehead as if he had suddenly suffered from anemia. "What should I do?" Shanji asked. Nobody voted for an answer.They seemed dismayed by their sudden involvement in this strange case.They only wanted to try the taste of catching prey that weekend. Unexpectedly, the woman who was robbed of her virginity was killed by others, and the dead body was left in the dead body. "evidence". Even if it wasn't the police, they would think that they raped the woman and then killed her.But in fact, they didn't kill her.It is true that the three gang-raped the woman, but they definitely did not kill her.The real murderer has nothing to do with them.They wouldn't go to the extreme of killing a woman, and there was absolutely no need for them to kill her. Saburo Yamaji, Takara Oga and Shoji Kaihara are all members of Nippon Development Corporation.This club is engaged in the sale and lease of real estate such as land and buildings, and also engages in the operation of some real estate and comprehensive health resorts.The business of the club is developing rapidly.Yamaji, Oga, and Kaihara can be said to be salesmen with outstanding abilities in the company, and they are commonly known as the "Three Heroes of Japan".They all have some big customers in their hands, and they can close a big deal with just one phone call.Even the people in charge of the club had to look at them differently, and planned to promote all three of them to section chiefs to reward them for their achievements.In the club, whoever can create profits for the club will get double the favor of the club.The only way to judge whether a member is good or bad is to see how much profit he can bring to the club. However, no matter who it is, once the talent declines, the opposite tragic fate awaits him, and he will no longer receive any "favor".No matter how many achievements a person has made in the past, once he is useless now, he will gradually be abandoned. Therefore, members of the Nippon Development Club, once promoted, have to work hard to maintain the status they have gained. The Yamaji group, known as the "Three Heroes of Japan", is now highly praised by the club.But in the long run, they are also very clear about the emptiness of this kind of praise. Being praised and valued is mainly during the period when they can create benefits for the society.In any case, they are all modern youths, and they have shrewdly estimated the decline period of their abilities. Due to the convenience of their occupation, they are often exposed to items that can earn a lot of money.When encountering such an opportunity, they will buy it first and resell it at the right time.Over time, each of them saved a lot of money by this back and forth method. With this kind of life plan, the Shanji gang will not have to worry about having no money even if the club fires them one day.Therefore, they can be calm and calm in their work and create more and more benefits for the society.They were young, single, rich, and determined to have a good time. However, for them, ordinary games have long lost their interest.No matter what they play, they don't find it very interesting.The fierce competition and the strict requirements of the club have kept their minds in a state of tension and depression for a long time.Therefore, they wanted to relieve the tension with some kind of game.But how can ordinary games get rid of this overly tense state? ! It was in this state of mind that the three of them went for a drive around Hakone in a Sanji car.On the way back, they give a licentious young woman a lift in their car and take the opportunity to steal her virginity.That's how they play this game.They got the strongest thrill out of violence against the strange young woman.Since then, the three of them have often played this dangerous game together. They are used to driving around the bustling places around the capital where there are many prey to search for targets on weekend afternoons.The so-called surrounding capital refers to the area within a radius of 100 kilometers from Tokyo Station.Especially in front of Omiya Station is the "hunting ground" where they harvest the most. The thrills when they used hunting methods, successfully tricked the targeted prey into the car, the waiting in the process of searching for the prey, the resistance of subduing the prey, and the anxiety after successfully achieving the goal and escaping from the scene, etc. Make them feel great fun and strong stimulation.That's something they've struggled to get from all their past games. Kaiko Shensugi is also one of the prey they are chasing.She was killed, and the method of killing her was so cruel. According to news reports, she was killed after three criminals fled the scene after violently raping her.The time and place are the same. "She didn't try her best to resist at that time because she was pregnant." Shanji recalled the scene at that time and said soberly. At that time, Qi Zi knew that he was doomed, so he begged Shan Ji in a helpless tone, "Don't be too rough." "The prisoner didn't even let the fetus go, it's so cruel!" Haiyuan said in a moaning voice. "We will be regarded as her murderers." Oga was frightened and his eyes went straight. "If we turn ourselves in now, it's not just a crime of rape, is it?" Kai Yuan said as if he was being entangled by something. "Don't have any illusions. The police found our sperm in the womb of the victim, and they will definitely not trust our confession!" Oga said desperately. "But we didn't kill her!" "Who is the witness? There is no evidence, but we say we didn't kill her. Is it convincing?" "So we're rapists and murderers." "Add the crime of hurting a corpse." "We are going to be unlucky! This is not a joke, adding these two crimes will make us very unlucky." Haiyuan said, almost crying. "Witness?" Shanbiao listened to the conversation between Unabara and Oga, and suddenly his eyes widened. "Hey!" he said loudly, "there are witnesses!" "Are there any witnesses? Where are they?" The two looked at each other in a daze. "Isn't there another woman? It's the woman with the thin face." "Yes! Yes!" After being reminded by Yamajiichi, Unabara and Oga remembered that there was another woman beside the killed Kaiko Fukasugi.Because of the deep impression on Qizi, and what happened later was beyond their expectations, they completely forgot about the other woman. "If we can find that woman, it will prove that Kaiko Fukasugi was not killed by us." After listening to Shanji's words, Unabara and Oga said as if inspired: "Yes, we left Keiko Shensugi and that woman there at the time, she knew we were not murderers." "Hurry up and find her to testify for us." "Wait a minute!" Bai He suddenly said with a serious face, "Where can I find it?" "where!" Only then did they notice that although the thin-faced woman had been hunted down by them together with Keiko Fukasugi, they knew nothing about her. They only remembered that the two of them said at the time that they were in Met on the train.Even if we investigate from Qizi's side, it is difficult to find out her whereabouts. "She said that she went to Xuqiu to see a friend!" “旭丘是个有一万多户的大住宅区,到这样的地方去找那个女人朋友的家,又不知那个女人的姓名和身分,只知道她和被杀的深杉启子搭乘过同一辆电车,这不如同大海捞针一样困难吗?再说,这样去调查十分危险,万万使不得。” “照你这么说,就算了吗?”山际听了尾贺的话,有些垂头丧气地说。 “可是,那个女人为什么不出来露面?”山际又提出了另一个疑问。 “她读了新闻报道后,肯定知道死者就是和她一起遭到我们侵犯的那个女人,为什么任何情况也不出来报告呢?” “是不是她俩分开以后深杉启子才被杀害的?” “即便是这样,新闻媒介如此大肆宣传和报道此案,她肯定应该能听到和看到。” “她是不是记不清深杉启子的模样啦?” “不可能。她们是在电车里认识的,又一起搭了车,即便是忘了模样,从时间和地点上也应该能想起来。” “她是不是害怕别人知道她曾经被我们侵犯过?” “我们没有侵犯她,因为她的身体过于生涩,不开放,我们没有达到目的。尾贺,你不是第一个向她进攻的吗?怎么样?” 尾贺摇了摇头。 “海原,你呢?” “真遗憾!” “这就对了。那个女子没有受到伤害,她应该协助警察破案。” "perhaps……" "Maybe what?" 海原仿佛在想什么,山际和尾贺把目光集中在他脸上。 “杀人犯可能把那个女子拐走了。” “拐走了?” “她们被抛弃的地方,是人烟稀少的沼泽岸边,又是下着雨的黑夜,两个女人不可能分开行动。我认为这样考虑比较妥当。” “那就是说,两人同时遭到了袭击?” “是的,一人被杀,另一人被劫走了。” “那样的话,家属应当出来找呀!” “她若是一个人住在公寓里,短时间不回去,不会引起什么怀疑。” “她要到旭丘去访问的那一家,如果事先有约定,也不会怀疑吗?” “也许他们事先没有约好,被访问的人根本不知道,当然也就没有什么担心的。” “假如她真的被拐走了,这一嫌疑也要扣在我们头上。” “既强奸杀人,又拐骗?” "Then what to do?" 三个人紧张地相互对视着。 “现在去自首对我们很不利。”领头的山际这么一说,尾贺和海原都点头同意。他们现在都不想去自首。他们明白,他们一旦去自首,他们那罪恶的“周末游戏”必然会被公开揭露。 尽管警方尚未掌握他们杀人的证据,可是他们所实施的“周末游戏”的行为却威胁着所有女性,这种行为必然惹起全社会的愤怒,他们的社会生命也就从此终结了。现在,社内刚要提他们三人为课长,而且,尾贺和海原还正在和条件优越的女性谈着恋爱。 他们现在如果去自首,一切就都完了。判刑也免不了。按照日本的法律,强奸是亲告罪,就是说须由被害者本人或法律规定的人控告,检察官才能提出起诉,比如毁损名誉罪等。可他们的行为不只是强奸,而是轮奸,这就不适用亲告罪这一条了。 自首之后,难免要被打上“前科一犯、摧残妇女”的烙印。他们平日那副绅士的外表、优秀分子的假面具,也就被彻底戳穿了。尾贺和海原就连正在热恋中的伴侣也要告吹。他们无论如何也无法接受这一致命的打击。 “只要找着那个瘦长脸的女子,就可澄清事实,证明我们不是杀人犯。” “在没有发现那个女子之前,我们还是不要轻举妄动为好。” 三个人强压着内心的不安互相劝导着。已经杀了一个女人的凶犯,有谁能保证他没有把另一个女子也杀掉?可是他们不敢继续想象下去。那样的话,就永远没有人证明他们不是杀人犯了。 为了逃避眼前的不利,对隐蔽在他们背后的更大危险,他们不得不闭上眼睛作自我安慰。
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