Home Categories foreign novel Flower dead

Chapter 14 Chapter Thirteen A False Alarm

Flower dead 森村诚一 6955Words 2018-03-21
Alyssa was terrified.Every time Kanazaki looks for her, he will definitely send Tashiro to pick her up.Although Kanazaki's "caress" was still so brutal, after the incident, her whole body was trampled like a puddle of soft mud, but there was no fear of death in her heart.But when she was embraced by Tashiro, the terror of being strangled that day always filled her heart, and her body shrank into a ball.Before the fire of love was kindled, terror extinguished it like a pouring rain. Alyssa kept her dislike of Kanazaki and her fear of Tashiro deep in her heart.She couldn't let Tashiro feel the fear in her heart. The fierce light in Tashiro's eyes was the expression of his cruel nature.If he knew that Alyssa's obsession with him and her longing for love had come to naught, it was difficult to predict what he would do.

Alyssa was acting, playing a role that was difficult to play successfully.The worry that she would reveal the truth at some point intensified her fear of Tashiro. Now, Alyssa is thinking about it, but she can't get rid of the thought frame that the woman named Li Yingxiang has already suffered misfortune.It can be said that this kind of consideration, beyond the scope of imagination, has reached the point of certainty, and has formed an important reason for her terror.Since then, Tashiro has not mentioned a single word about Li Yingxiang; neither Miyamura nor Kanazaki has questioned Alyssa's "gaffe".Maybe Tashiro hid Alyssa's confession to him in the depths of his heart alone?Even if Tashiro told Miyamura, Alyssa still had something to say: "Reception" and "award distribution", which club does it!Insisting that this was an unintentional slip of the tongue, it probably wouldn't do anything to the cash cow model who is so popular right now.

"Recently, you stopped complaining that you hate our tryst method!" One day, Alyssa came back from Kanazaki's.After showering and washing himself in his room, he hugged Tashiro when Tashiro said suddenly. "That, that, because it's useless to say it." For a while, unable to find a suitable answer, Alyssa replied hesitantly. "You have changed recently." Tashiro looked at Alyssa with indifferent eyes. "No, it hasn't changed at all." Alyssa desperately argued. "You still remember what I did unintentionally that day?" Tashiro twitched his lips and said with a smile.Alyssa used to like his contemptuous smile, but now that she has seen his truth clearly, this unique way of laughing can only make her panic.

"I didn't hear clearly, what did you say..." "You've been avoiding me lately." "Avoid? How do you say that? I have never rejected you, and I cherish every meeting we meet. Now, I am still doing this kind of thing." Alyssa teasingly shook Tashiro's arms. "You can't lie to me, you haven't had an orgasm recently. Although you gave full play to your acting skills, your body told the truth for you." "You're talking too much. You're probably tired of me, or you hooked up with other women, so you come to find fault with me..."

"Forget it, look at yourself, goose bumps are all over your body." "This, this..." Alyssa didn't know how to explain. "No pleasure, goosebumps all over, don't tell me you hate me to such an extent?" Tashiro's voice was threatening. "Excuse me, help!" "Help? Don't say that kind of nonsense!" Tashiro twitched his lips again and said sarcastically. Alyssa groaned in her heart, as if a blood vessel had been cut. "No, don't kill me! Help, I don't want to die!" She let go of her voice and shouted, terror made him lose his ability to control himself.

"You, what are you shouting about. Hey, be quiet! Can you be quiet?" This inexplicable shout made Tashiro panic.In panic, thinking of forcing Alyssa to be quiet, he rushed to cover her mouth.Alyssa became more and more frightened, and the two fought naked. "Murder! Come, come, help!" "Bastard! What are you shouting about, be quiet!" The walls of the apartment are not very sound-proof, and if such a loud wail is heard outside the house, even the most meddling person will come running.Tashiro hurriedly used his hands hard, Alyssa struggled desperately.Tashiro himself never expected that dealing with Alyssa would be so difficult.

Suddenly, Alyssa stopped resisting, and her body collapsed into a ball as if she had collapsed.Only then did Tashiro wake up. "Hey, what's the matter with you?" Just now Tashiro, who was showing off his masculine wrist strength and trying to gag Alyssa, hurriedly shook Alyssa who was paralyzed on the bed, unable to move at all.He slapped her face and shook her upper body, but there was no response.Alyssa's face grew paler, and the goosebumps from fear had disappeared. "Mo, could it be her..." Tashiro pressed his ear against Alyssa's chest, and the weak beating of his heart was transmitted to the eardrum that condensed his last hope.Tashiro's tension suddenly eased.He knew that Alyssa lost consciousness temporarily only because of Zecai's quarrel.

"Oh, it scares me." A stone fell from his heart, and Tashiro suddenly became furious.He got dressed, went into the bathroom, brought a bucket of cold water, and poured it on Alyssa's naked body.Alyssa regained consciousness with a groan, Tashiro left her and ran out of the room. Alyssa, who regained consciousness, couldn't figure out what was wrong with her for a while.She looked like a trampled frog, lying face up on the bed in an unsightly posture.The whole body was covered with water, and the bed was also dripping with water. Due to the stimulation of the cold water, she regained consciousness.

—Where did Tashiro go? When I accidentally thought of this, the scene just now came to my mind, and the fear I had already forgotten swept over my body again: I was lucky not to be killed by him.Most likely Tashiro thought I had been killed by him, so he escaped!My current miserable situation eloquently illustrates this point. Alyssa's eyes couldn't help looking at the door, maybe Tashiro hadn't closed it properly when he fled, and the door was still half open, which made people feel that Tashiro was going to return soon.Alyssa couldn't restrain herself, she ran to the phone howling, and dialed.

"Someone killed me, help me!" "Please be quiet, please tell me your name and address." "Kaki no Kizaka Erdao Street, Room 408, Sunshine Apartment, Alyssa Mizuki. Come quickly!" "The patrol car is on its way. Is the prisoner still there?" "The prisoner strangled me and just ran away. But maybe he will come back soon." "What are the characteristics of the prisoner?" "His name is Yukio Tashiro, he looks like movie actor XX, and he looks pretty." "What clothes are you wearing?" "Tawny double-breasted suit."

"Are you injured?" "No, he just pinched my neck. The skin on my neck was scratched, and it still hurts hot now." "You close the door, the patrol car will be here soon." During the phone call, Alyssa gradually calmed down.The other party may also be out of this kind of consideration, so he deliberately asked her about it. After reporting to 110, Alyssa closed the door tightly, thanking Tashiro for not barging in while making a phone call. Only then did she realize that she was completely naked.As soon as she got dressed, the patrolling police officers ran into the house. It seemed that the police officers already knew the general situation of the matter through the telecommunication command room. The police officers looked at Alyssa's neck and asked suspiciously: "Isn't this good? Is it really strangling your neck?" "Really, it was all red just now!" "Ah, it seems to be a little redder than other places, but to this extent, it will appear after a little rubbing when washing the face." "I'm unconscious. If I don't regain consciousness, I might die." Alyssa said emotionally.If you have not experienced this terrible scene yourself, you will not understand this kind of fear.Therefore, she was not surprised to see the calm attitude of the police officers, who even suspected that she was suffering from "paranoia of persecution". "Let's see, you should introduce it in detail. There is no danger anymore." Under the urging of the police officer, Alyssa omitted the plot that was not good for her, and narrated the story of being strangled by Tashiro with embellishments. "So, that person named Tashiro jumped on you and strangled you while you were sleeping on the bed?" A young police officer, without concealing his curiosity, looked at the bed with the messy bedding. "yes." "Does Tashiro have the key to this room?" "No." "How did he get into the room?" "I opened the door for him." "What is your relationship with Tashiro?" "He was the chauffeur for the gentleman who took care of me, and I've been in his car many times. We just had that relationship." "For a man in this relationship, why do you let him into the bedroom of a single woman in the middle of the night?" "This, this, I asked him to drive me back, so I want to buy him a cup of tea." Alyssa felt that she was being confessed bit by bit. "He suddenly grabbed your neck?" "yes." "You said just now that you were sleeping on the bed, what was Tashiro doing?" "He's drinking tea." "So, after serving tea to a man who is not close to you, you crawled into bed alone?" "I, I'm really tired, so..." "We think that you are ashamed to ask the following question, but in order to clarify the extent of your victimization, so, have you been insulted by Tashiro?" Alyssa was left speechless.Tashiro strangled her neck precisely when the two were having an affair.Tashiro sees her acting skills through her body that has lost passion due to fear, and the two quarrel.At least it cannot be said that it was raped against her will. "I resisted desperately, so I don't think I was insulted by him." Alyssa tried her best to get away with it. "Please don't think what you think or what I think, but be more precise. Your own body, of course, you know best." "Not insulted!" She replied helplessly.If it was insulted, there were too many such things in the past, and it was the temptation from Alyssa in the first place. Although the traces of rape were slight, but because the victim filed a complaint, it was decided to investigate Tashiro first to understand what happened.From the police officer's point of view, it was Tashiro who drove Alyssa home. When he was drinking in the woman's room, he had evil thoughts in his heart. When the police came to the door, Tashiro complained endlessly. He never expected Alyssa to do such a stupid thing.If the matter between the two is known by Kanazaki, it will be very unfavorable to Alyssa, and it is likely that Alyssa who was once prominent will suffer a greater loss.Tashiro, who couldn't understand Alyssa's fear at all, thought that Alyssa was confused for a while and couldn't distinguish the stakes. Needless to say, Tashiro denied it categorically.He insisted that Alyssa was in a delusional state of being persecuted and that the content of the accusation was nonsense. Tashiro knew in his heart that admitting Alyssa's accusation was tantamount to betraying Kanezaki; the reason why Alyssa only said that she was strangled but refused to say that she was raped was because of her interests with Kanazaki.The two coincided with each other, and both competed to cover up the past fait accompli. Because there is no evidence, the two sides argue endlessly.The matter was known to the Reconnaissance Headquarters at the same police station.Both Arisa Mizuki and Yukio Tashiro are familiar names at the headquarters, especially Ota and Shimoda. In order to trace Tashiro's whereabouts, they even traveled long distances to Tsumagoi Village.Now, this person appeared beside Mizuki Alyssa with an unexpected identity.At first, the headquarters was inconvenient to confirm that he was the Tashiro he was looking for, but when they heard that during the investigation, Tashiro's self-reported residence was the Azabu Ichinohashi Apartment, they concluded that he was the "husband" of "Tashiro Yuko" - Tashiro Yukio.The headquarters decided to ask Alyssa directly about what happened. Alyssa and Shimoda meet again at last. "You are that fake news reporter!" Alyssa recognized Shimoda at a glance. "That time I concealed my identity, I'm really sorry. I borrowed a friend's business card for the convenience of investigation, please forgive me." Regarding this matter, as long as Alyssa formally lodged a protest, it might be counted as an illegal inquiry, or an impostor search, which would complicate the issue.However, she no longer has that energy. "Sure enough, Mr. Interpol." "At that time, did you see through it?" "I said, among the names you asked that day, is there anyone named Li Yingxiang?" "Li Yingxiang! What's the matter with her?" "You want to know about Li Yingxiang?" "I would like to know her whereabouts." "It's true." Alyssa bit her lower lip tightly, trembling all over, as if she was so frightened that she couldn't speak for a while. "What's really like this? What happened to Li Yingxiang?" "Mr. Interpol, hurry up and arrest Tashiro Yukio! He was the one who killed Li Yingxiang, and Tashiro must be the murderer!" "Be quiet first, what credentials do you have?" "The evidence is that I was almost strangled by him myself." "Tashiro doesn't admit that." "As a victim, I filed a complaint. My neck was strangled by Tashiro's hand; my heart clearly remembers the terrible scene at that time." "Your memory alone won't do." "Mr. Interpol, why did you want to investigate Li Yingxiang? Who is Li Yingxiang?" "Before I answer your question, I would like to ask you, why did you correct what you said after I left? Why did you go to Otomo himself to find out my identity?" Both of them want to figure out the problem they want to understand first, and the doubts are different.But with Li Yingxiang as the starting point, the answers to both sides' questions gradually became clear. Through the quarrel between Alyssa and Tashiro, the whereabouts of Yukio Tashiro were found out, and some clues about his relationship with Li Yingxiang were also given. Interrogate Yukio Tashiro again, this time, it is not about investigating his suspicion of insulting Alyssa.Yukio Tashiro suddenly heard the interrogator asking him about Li Yingxiang's whereabouts, and his reaction was obviously abnormal. He asked calmly? "I don't know this person, why ask me about her?" "But, you asked Alyssa Mizuki about Li Yingxiang!" "That's what Alyssa heard wrong." "Whose name did you mishear?" "Whose name has nothing to do with you." "Whether it has anything to do with us or not is up to us to judge. If it doesn't matter, you can just say it." "I just don't know!" "This makes people guess. If you don't know, just say you don't know. Why are you so angry?" "I'm not angry. I'm dumbfounded when you question a woman who has nothing to do with me so harshly." "How do you know it's a woman? I didn't specify whether this person is a man or a woman!" Being caught by the interrogator and blurting out the words, Tashiro became more and more panicked. "Oh, you probably think Yingxiang is a girl's name?" the interrogator said as if to smooth things over for him. "That's right! Flowers, beauty, fragrance, women are easy to use these names." "Why did you know it was fragrant fragrance just after hearing me say Yingxiang?" "This, this, that is to say..." Another big flaw was pointed out, Tashiro was dumbfounded and speechless. "What are you going to say? There are many characters pronounced 'Xiang'. Not only do you know that Li Yingxiang is a woman, but you also know that it is a fragrant fragrance. That is to say, you know Li Yingxiang!" "I don't know! I don't know! If you say you don't know, you don't know!" Tashiro was questioned until he had nowhere to escape, but the interrogator didn't know the real evidence that Tashiro knew Li Yingxiang.At this point in the investigation, the focus of the interrogation was changed.It might be better to say that this is the trial of the Yamane case. "Do you know Yamane Sadaharu?" "Yamane?" Tashiro had a puzzled look on his face, not like a deliberate illusion. "A man who came from Aomori Prefecture as a part-time worker." "It's the first time I've heard of it, but what's wrong with this mountain root?" "I asked you, you should know!" "I said I don't know, but I really don't know, and I have no impression of this person at all." "On the morning of July 12 last year, his body was found on Yakumo Erdo Street, Meguro District." "He is already dead, how can I know him? I have neither heard of this name nor seen him in person. Where he is, whether he is dead or alive, has nothing to do with me." The interrogator focused on Tashiro's expression. This time, contrary to the interrogation of Li Yingxiang, there was no abnormal reaction at all.It is unimaginable that he, who reacted so strongly to Li Yingxiang, could restrain Yamane Sadaharu so calmly. Tashiro really didn't know about the Yamane case?Or was Kanezaki ordering others to kill Yamane?No matter who the murderer is, there will be no more clues from Tashiro's mouth. The reason why Yamane was murdered was probably because he witnessed the killing of Li Yingxiang (?).To attack Tashiro, the relationship between him and Li Yingxiang must first be bitten.At the current stage, the top priority is to track down Li Yingxiang through Tashiro, and Yamane Sadaharu can temporarily put it aside. The reaction of Kanazaki's personal driver, Tashiro Yukio, to Li Yingxiang, shows that both Kanezaki and Miyamura, who may be related to Kanezaki, know Li Yingxiang.Li Yingxiang's younger sister Li Yingchun, the mystery of her sister Li Yingxiang's mailing address, which was carefully preserved in order to find a way out, finally has a clue. "I always feel a little uncomfortable!" Kanezaki half-closed his shining eyes and stared into the distance.Whenever he looks at things like this, his animal nerves are extremely sharp enough to sense any changes.There are several very long "treasure hairs" in Kanazaki's eyebrows. He cherishes these few hairs very much. It can be said that they function as the antennae of insects and the whiskers of animals.It is said that if there is any trouble, these precious hairs will send out a signal in advance.In fact, this is just a sense of sin accumulated over the years of living in the ten-mile foreign farm, but Kanazaki is convinced that it is the miraculous effect of the eyebrows. "What do you feel in your eyebrows again?" Miyamura, who knows the sensitivity of Kanazaki's "receptors", stared at Kanazaki seriously and asked. "Yes, the eyebrows are always fluffy these days. This is a warning signal that has never been seen before!" "Is it related to your mood?" "My 'antenna' is very sensitive, and it's been proven! I can live to this day because of it." "I know that. But, after all, you are getting old..." "Hmph, don't underestimate me. Just ask Alyssa about my physique." Kanazaki's words revealed anger when someone mentioned his age. "A few days ago, the shipment from South Korea passed through the Tsushima Ferry. It's not a big problem, is it?" "You don't have to worry about it. We have no direct contact with the two guys who were arrested. It's safe." "I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. Is that Zhang Jinglin who was caught reliable?" "He is the last person on the chain, and he doesn't even know my name!" "When the tiger is still taking a nap, I don't know where the leak will come from." "Aren't you worrying too much?" "It was felt by the eyebrows. Are there any suspicious signs around you?" "I don't think so." "Among the people on the inside, is there anyone who behaves abnormally?" "No." "Pay attention to me!" Shortly after the conversation between Kanazaki and Miyamura, Alyssa suddenly reported to 110.Both Kanazaki and Miyamura were stunned.Alyssa is said to have accused Tashiro of trying to strangle her.This incident dealt a blow to Kanazaki who trusted Tashiro.Although Tashiro denied it categorically and claimed that it was Alyssa's nonsense, Kanazaki understood that Alyssa would never seek the police on the basis of rumors. "I never expected Tashiro to be such a bastard! It was my mistake to ask him to pick up Alyssa." Kanazaki seemed to have been bitten by his own dog. He originally regarded Tashiro as his most reliable confidant. Doubly loved. "Alyssa is also a bastard! Now is the most critical moment of her luck, and she just caused this disturbance." Miyamura also complained endlessly. "Is there any relationship between them?" "I think something will happen between them. It's probably because they quarreled too much when they were talking about love." "I'm too pedantic. I never thought that someone would dare to reach out to my woman." "Does your antenna feel that too?" "Bah! It's nothing. There are plenty of replacement women. If Alyssa is willing, it doesn't matter if she is given to Tashiro. The bad thing is that Tashiro was taken away by the police." "Since Alyssa accused Tashiro of killing her, of course you have to interrogate Tashiro several times. This is just to investigate the quarrel between the two, so you don't have to worry about it." "I have a bad omen!" Tashiro was reported several times to the police station, but because there was no evidence, nothing happened.One day, he came back from the Inscription Valley Police Station, which he had visited several times, with a pale complexion. "It's terrible, the police asked me today if I knew Li Yingxiang!" "what?" "How did you answer?" Both the treacherous Kanazaki and Miyamura were taken aback. "Of course I said I didn't know and refused to answer." "Why did the police ask you about this?" After the panic subsided, Miyamura asked the question Kanazaki was about to ask. "I don't know, it's just..." "Just what?" "I heard that a person who pretended to be a journalist, like a criminal policeman, went to Alyssa's place and asked for Li Yingxiang's name." "When was that?" "I heard it was at the beginning of December last year." "Why didn't you report it sooner?" "I also just heard from Alyssa." Tashiro said it was inconvenient to say that he heard it when he and Alyssa were sleeping together. If he reported it immediately, his relationship with Alyssa would be exposed.Therefore, despite my uneasiness, I kept it deep in my heart alone until today. Kanazaki and Miyamura call Arisa after she reunites with Shimoda.Under the questioning of Kanazaki and Miyamura, Alyssa truthfully explained the true identity of the fake reporter who investigated Li Yingxiang's whereabouts.At this moment, the two of Kanazaki knew that the police had already followed them while tracing Li Yingxiang's whereabouts. "Where did you find us?" "I don't know. But they are indeed watching, and I can't wait to see you." "what to do?" "Let's discuss countermeasures." "Then, let Tashiro..." "That kid is also dangerous here." "I don't want to kill any more." "Tell Tashiro to dodge as much as possible. Can you tell him to go overseas to take shelter from the wind?" "As long as he bows his head to his ear and listens to us, he can go abroad." "He used to want to go abroad, but this time it fits his heart." "What about Alyssa Mizuki?" "I've had enough fun, give her to Tashiro! Well, let Tashiro take her overseas, how about it?" "That's brilliant. Tell her it's France to study tailoring, and she'll be glad to go." "Hurry up and go through the formalities. At the same time, I think it's better to temporarily suspend the business of Toyoko Yonehara's house." "That's it, let's do it right away!" The two ended their secret conversation.
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