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Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Murderous phone calls "division of labor"

void nebula 森村诚一 14201Words 2018-03-21
092-843-X249 This string of numbers is deeply imprinted in the mind of the criminal policeman Koike Qian.At the time of the incident, the prisoner was in Fukuoka.People in Fukuoka, no matter what, they can't go to Tokyo to kill people. However, Koike firmly believed that Yamamoto must have been in Tokyo from the night of March 16 to the early morning of the next day.Otherwise, there is no need to force the witness to make that unnatural phone call.Even though he knew it was unreasonable to do so, he insisted on constructing alibi evidence in this way, obviously in order to be able to commit crimes during this time.

This is a special case of establishing time of crime by overturning perjury.Alibi evidence is generally questioned only after the time of the crime has been established.However, in this case, due to the late discovery of the body, there was a certain gap in judging the time after death.After a comprehensive analysis of the autopsy results of the corpse and some other indirect evidence, it was deduced that the time of the crime was the night of March 16.However, this is only an inference, not a certainty. If the evidence presented by Saburo Yamamoto can be overturned, he must be held accountable that night.He was supposed to be at the victim's home that night.Otherwise, he would present the so-called "second alibi" in places other than Fukuoka and the crime scene.However, this evidence cannot exist.

Koike is full of confidence in his speculation.Yet, miraculously, Yamamoto's evidence was unbreakable.The police were helpless in the face of this impregnable evidence. When a person is in the darkness where he can't see his fingers, he can't see anything at first, but gradually he can see the shape of something.Xiaochi felt that he was exactly like this.Although the outline is still unclear, but a hazy shape is being captured bit by bit.He stared at the shape intently, trying to see the real thing clearly, but the outline gradually collapsed and melted together with the darkness.After several repetitions like this, he finally caught a strange thing in the dark.

"Never been this annoyed lately." "It's all annoying." "Last night I was so angry that I didn't sleep well all night." "What happened?" On the train in the evening, two young people who looked like company employees were having a conversation like this.One person takes a small piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to the other. "Isn't this a lottery ticket?" "What's the matter?" "Look at the number. The number that won the first prize is 10 million yen." "Huh? You won the lottery?"

The sound of excitement caused people around to look at them. "If you win the lottery, you won't be annoyed. Every number is only one digit away." "Every number differs by only one digit?" "Look, it's 572, right? The lucky number is 461." "Really?" "Is there anything more heartwarming than that? Such chances are rare." "Really. Although it is accidental, it is quite interesting." "It must be a trick of the gods." "There is also a poor god among the gods. It may be that the poor god likes you and takes care of you."

"Stop saying things that upset you." At this time, the tram stopped and they got off.Xiaochi stood beside him, listening to their conversation inadvertently.There are still a few stops before he gets off. "Every number is only one digit away, which is really heartwarming." Xiaochi has never bought a lottery ticket, but he seems to understand the kindness of this company employee.The lottery entrusts the dreams of ordinary people.For people who have no chance of getting rich and succeeding, it is a dream of getting rich, although the odds are astronomical.In pursuit of this dream, people spend the meager money in their pockets.

If the archery deviates by a thousand miles, the archer will willingly admit that he is not good enough.But if the arrow flies past the target, and the tail of the arrow feels that it has touched the bull's-eye, the feeling of regret and embarrassment will make the whole body tremble.However, the result is the same for missing the bull's-eye and completely missing it. It seems that the small employee of the company can only hear the voice of others counting 10 million banknotes. "572 and 461, 092 and 981." Koike unconsciously linked the lottery numbers with phone numbers in the Fukuoka area.

"The difference between 092 and 092 is 981. It seems that there is such a telephone exchange in Tokyo." These numbers danced in Koike's mind intentionally or unintentionally. He thought about it and led to a vision, if there was a 981 telephone exchange in Tokyo... He couldn't wait to get home. As soon as the tram stopped, he got off immediately and called from a public phone Station 104 inquires whether there is Bureau 981, and if so, which area it is. It turns out that 981 is the number of the Ikebukuro area mainly in Toshima. "Ikebukuro!" Koike grabbed the microphone and called out.Doesn't Matsuda Yoshie live in Ikebukuro?

"Hello, is there anything else?" When the service lady at station 104 asked, Koike realized it, and then told the other party the address of Matsuda Yoshie, and asked her to look up the phone number.After a while, the lady said: "The phone number is 981-732X". Xiaochi wrote down the phone number in his notebook, and immediately compared it with the phone number at Saburo Yamamoto's home, who had already memorized it by heart.He found a special relationship between 981-732X and 092-843-X249, and couldn't help but marvel.To be on the safe side, he wrote down these two phone numbers in his notebook, and found that as long as he added 1 to each digit of Matsuda Yoshie's phone number, it was exactly the same as the first seven digits of Yamamoto Saburo's phone number.What exactly does this mean?

"Is this phone unnecessary?" Xiaochi stood in front of the phone lost in thought, and the other person who wanted to call asked him.Xiaochi didn't bother to answer, and walked forward in a daze like sleepwalking. He felt a corner of the seemingly rock-solid wall of perjury begin to crumble.Of course, this is just a feeling, and no breakthrough has been found yet.Why is there only one digit difference between Yamamoto's phone number and Kaede's?This is no accident. Xiaochi returned home and sat in front of the telephone without saying a word. "You're back. The bath water is ready," his wife said to him.

Xiaochi didn't answer, but stared straight at the dial of the phone. "What's wrong with the phone?" The wife noticed that her husband's expression was abnormal. "Don't talk!" Xiaochi stopped his wife, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Come here. Let me ask you, can you dial the first seven digits of this ten-digit phone number to get through the seven digits?" phone number?" Xiaochi didn't speak clearly enough, and his wife was confused. "Look, here are two phone numbers. Add 1 to each digit of the seven-digit phone number, and it is exactly the same as the first seven digits of the ten-digit phone number. That is, each of them The difference is only 1. If you dial 092, will every digit be wrong, and you will be dialing 981?" "Dial 092, isn't it only 092?" "That's why I'm asking you, can you dial 092 and get it to 981?" "Impossible. Why are you making such a call? Just dial 981." It seemed that she hadn't understood Xiaochi's intention. "It's like this, to make the caller think they are calling 092 when they are actually calling 981." "It's your job to do all these inexplicable things. Well... If the caller mistook 981 for 092, the easiest way is to change the number on the phone dial, change 9 to 0, 8 becomes 9, 1 becomes 2." As expected of a wife who has followed her husband as a criminal policeman for many years, her brain is quite quick, but she still thinks like an "outsider". "If you change 9 to 0, 1 to 2, and so on, what will 0 be changed to? And the 1 is gone." "Oh, isn't it?" The wife scratched her hair and came up with another idea: "How about making the dial stop at the number 9?" "Can it be done?" Xiaochi was surprised by his wife's vision.
"I don't think it can't be done. I don't understand the complicated theory. There is a fixed metal clip behind the 0 of the dial dial, and a signal is sent when the number from 1 to 0 is dialed to this position. So except for 0 The smaller the number, the shorter the dialing time. I have always advocated that the emergency call station 110 should be changed to 111 or 112, which is the reason." "I've heard your claim several times." "Then why haven't you changed it? It doesn't work for you. Let's not talk about it. I think that as long as the phone box is opened, the metal clip can be easily moved. If the metal clip is moved to the back of 9 When fixed, each number actually moves up one word, giving the illusion to the caller." Xiaochi finally found out that his wife's idea was quite expert.A telephone as a device for outputting symbols has a dial.The dial uses 10 numbers from 1 to 0.The output telephone number is dialed to the metal card, and when the turntable rotates at a fixed position, the intermittent action of the current sent from the telephone office becomes a pulse to perform switching and connection work.The wife's idea is to move the back of the fixed position 0 of the metal clip to the position 9, so that the illusion will be created when the dial is turned.Indeed, if the metal card is moved behind the 9, it may give the illusion of a 0. "It makes sense. However, if this is the case, when the number 1 is dialed, there will be no corresponding hole on the dial, and there will be more holes for the original 0." "Drilling holes is easy. The plastic punches sold in supermarkets and hardware stores can drill holes for the number 1. The problem is how to deal with the extra 0 holes. An extra hole after the 0 will immediately arouse suspicion." "And the numbers on the dial are not easy to erase. The dial is a place that is often touched by hand, and the numbers are coated with special paint." "It can't be wiped off with gasoline, right?" "There is another big problem. If you move the metal card to the back of the 9, you have to change the 9 to a 0?" "In this way, the turntable distance is one digit longer than the original fixed position." "However, the turning distance of the turntable is correspondingly short." "Using this simple addition and subtraction, it turns out that the result is still the same." "Really!" "Change 9 to 0. If the distance of the dial is the same, the pulse will be the same. Isn't this the same as the number on the dial before the change? It's just that the numbers on the dial are all shifted to the left by one position." "That's what happened." "And the metal card has also become the pulse standard for exchanging and connecting the phone numbers of the other party, so if the fixed position is changed according to laymen's ideas, I think it will cause pulse confusion." "It's still not good for laymen." The wife finally stopped imagining.However, due to her imagination, Xiaochi felt that there seemed to be fewer blind spots that had been hidden.He continued to ponder his wife's imagination.There seemed to be a deep meaning in her imagination, but she couldn't see it now.Koike first thought about several key issues in his wife's idea of ​​moving the turntable metal card. 1. The turntable distance is still the same in the end. Second, there is no eyelet with the number 1. 3. There are more holes for the original number 0. Fourth, the numbers on the dial are not easy to erase. The above two and four are not absolutely impossible.The problem is one and three.The metal clips that move the turntable are likely to cause disturbances in the pulse of the telephone office. Regarding this point, after inquiring the telephone office, it was answered that the dial has 10 numbers from 1 to 0, and according to the distance between each number and the turntable between the metal card, the number becomes an intermittent signal, and the work of changing and continuing is carried out.Move the position of the metal clip by a number, even if 9 becomes 0 and 8 becomes 9, although it has not been tested, it is theoretically possible to output a signal. In addition, even if there is a little error in the fixed position of the metal clip, it does not matter, because the design of the phone itself allows a little error.However, the metal clamp is installed by punching holes on the main body of the telephone. If it is to be moved, it must be re-drilled and installed on the main body, which may be difficult. It seems that punching holes in the main body of the phone is much more difficult than punching holes in the dial.Therefore, the idea of ​​moving metal clips cannot be established.Even if it were possible, the pulse of the rotary disk is the same, and there is no point in perjury in this way. Even if the numbers on the dial are moved to the right direction (clockwise) sequentially by one number, when dialing 0, the pulse of 0 is still output, which has no effect.If the metal clip is moved counterclockwise by the distance of a hole, although the distance of the turntable becomes shorter, the expected illusion can be produced, but it is very difficult to drill and install, so the metal clip cannot be moved. However, the illusion of numbers on the dial cannot be created without moving the metal clip.If the number is rewritten, there will be more holes for 0.That said, "eyelet excess" is the biggest key. Koike put aside the problem of "excessive holes" for the time being, and wiped the numbers on the dial of the telephone with gasoline, but did not wipe them off.Xiaochi tried his best to chase after him, but he still failed to break through the evidence of Yamamoto. After hearing Koike's discovery, Hexi also believed that the relationship between Yamamoto and the victim's phone number was used by Yamamoto for perjury.The difference between the first seven digits of the suspect's phone number and the victim's phone number is only 1, which is an astronomical probability.In fact, there will be no phone number with seven digits of 0. Assuming there is no restriction, Yamamoto will definitely use it to perjure after discovering a special phenomenon that is rare in this world. In fact, even without this accidental probability, it is entirely possible for Yamamoto to commit the crime.Because each number of 092 is only 1 away from the Ikebukuro area code, during the period of committing the crime, the person was in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, and gave the caller the illusion that he was in Fukuoka.At that time, Yamamoto was probably not answering Tamiya's phone at the victim's home, but somewhere else in Ikebukuro.In this way, he will not be suspected due to this unthinkable relationship between the first seven digits of the telephone number. Perhaps Yamamoto paid special attention to this rare probability based on his "mystery novelist" way of thinking, and used it to perjure himself, intending to use it to compete with the police. Xiaochi's discovery spread to Hexi, and it also turned upside down in his mind.As soon as I saw the telephone, I felt that the numbers were staggered and overlapped. On this day, Hexi and Xiaochi went out to investigate together, and planned to call the headquarters to report the situation, but they couldn't find a public phone.Seeing a rice shop on the road, he went up to ask where there was a public phone.The store owner said, if it is convenient, just use the phone in the store. After Hexi dialed the number, it led to another place.He thought he had made a wrong call, so he dialed again, but he still got to the wrong place just now. "That's weird." He Xi tilted his head in confusion. Seeing this, the owner of the shop immediately said: "Ah, it's the dial cover again. I said it was because of this cover that I often made wrong calls and I wanted to take it off. But my wife said that it was coated with a fluorescent agent, so it can be used for calling at night." See the number." The boss came over and moved the dial a little.Sure enough, the numbers on the dial and the metal card seem to be a bit misaligned, so the wrong number was actually dialed just now. Hexi froze for a moment, forgot to make a phone call, and stared at the dial cover that the owner of the rice shop had moved. "This is the dial cover..." He Xi repeated in a low voice.The dial cover is a kind of black frame plastic cover inlaid on the outside of the dial of the telephone.Seen through the hood, the dial numbers appear large, bright and clear.In the dark, perhaps it is this fluorescent number that is shining brightly.An imagination flashed through Hexi's mind. "Little Pond." He Xi called out to his companion who was waiting a little further away.After carefully stamping out the cigarette he just smoked, Xiaochi walked up to him. "What's the matter?" "Look at this." He Xi pointed to the dial cover. "What's wrong with this phone call?" Xiaochi didn't know what happened to Hexi's phone call just now, so he couldn't think of it for a moment. "This thing is called a dial cover. You see, the numbers on the dial look big and clear. It is said to be painted with fluorescent paint." "Sure enough, I can see clearly." "What would happen if this dial cover was shifted clockwise by one number?" "Oh!" Xiaochi's expression moved, and he finally understood the meaning of Hexi's words. "If you put the dial cover on the phone in the wrong place, you don't have to erase or change the numbers. The caller hardly notices the dial cover. I didn't even notice it just now." "Well. But in this case, there will be another hole after the 0, and there will be no hole for the 1." It seems that the dial cover can't solve the problem of "redundant holes". "1 can be punched, the problem is how to solve the extra holes, if something is used to cover the holes on the dial cover?" "In this case, the distance between the metal clip and 0 is doubled. Doesn't this seem strange?" "The phone is placed in a dark place, and the caller is drunk, so I'm afraid I won't notice it." Koike thought of the dark tavern in Roppongi.Late at night in a tavern, the lights are dim.Telephones are generally placed in corners, and the body itself blends into the darkness, only the fluorescent numbers on the dial cover are clearly visible.At 3 in the morning, a drunk Tamiya was on the phone.
"Even if the fuselage can be covered, will the extra holes be exposed from the cover when making a phone call?" "Look." Hexi idling the turntable two or three times. Xiaochi seemed to have discovered a new phenomenon and said, "I can't see it." "Based on the speed of the dial, the eyelets are invisible. When the dial cover is at rest, the excess eyelets have returned under the cover." "What is left is the eyelet for 1. Since it is found that a number is misplaced clockwise, the eyelet for 1 is punched later. In this case, there should be 11 eyelets on the dial cover. However, Kusabado checks at the tavern in Roppongi At the time, only 10 holes were seen." At that time, Kusaba not only checked the telephone, but also dialed Fukuoka himself to talk to Saburo Yamamoto.If the hands and feet done on the phone are still preserved, Yamamoto should have answered the call at the victim's home in Ikebukuro. "Shouldn't it just be changing the dial cover?" "Replace the dial cover?" Koike seemed to open another window in front of his eyes.However, he wasn't used to the new horizons all at once. "Replacing the dial cover doesn't seem to be difficult. First take off the original dial cover and install a new one with 11 holes. After Tamiya called, replace the original cover as quickly as possible. In this way, others You can't check it out." "I didn't realize the trick of changing the dial cover." Xiaochi felt that the key problem had been solved, and all that was left was to conduct experiments to confirm this conjecture. "However, Koike, I have a question. The victim's phone number has seven digits, and Yamamoto's has ten digits. That is to say, there are three digits left. Will dialing these three digits be transferred to another phone number by mistake? What about calling?" "This point, let's try it now." Xiaochi picked up the microphone and dialed.Dial the victim's home number first, 981-732X.The sound of the other party's telephone receiving the signal is clearly fed back.After dialing the seventh number X, then dial 138.This is the number corresponding to the last 3 digits 249 of the Yamamoto family's phone number (minus 1 each). However, when Koike dialed the 8th digit, the normal feedback signal up to the 7th digit just now turned into a busy signal.Koike tried again, with the same result. "Can't get through?" He Xi asked. "When you hit the 8th number, it will be broken." "Probably because the phone numbers in Tokyo are all seven digits, if you dial one more, then the connection will be disconnected." They couldn't borrow the phone of the roadside rice store for a long time to conduct experiments, so they thanked the store owner and came out. The two immediately returned to the headquarters and continued the experiment.Not only the victim's phone number was tested, but other phone numbers were also tested, but none of them got through.This means that if you dial more, the connected signal will be cut off.Upon questioning the telephone exchange, their answer was: "There are several types of switching machines. The telephone that outputs the signal and the telephone that receives the signal are connected through the number dialed. If the dialed phone number is not the number of the receiving side, the switch cannot accept it. The number before the seven digits is the same , When the switch is about to start working, it receives a new number, so there is an inconsistency, and the switch cannot receive it." "That is to say, if you dial 10 numbers, you can't transfer to Ikebukuro at all." "Yes. And because every number dialed is misplaced, Fukuoka can't receive it." When he was about to overthrow the delicate perjury built by Yamamoto, he failed to pass the final hurdle. Although it has been demonstrated that the method of dial cover can make the caller produce the illusion of outputting the phone number, this method cannot make a call.Since they couldn't get through, they did talk to Yamamoto again. "I remembered that the last three digits of the phone number in Tamiya's notebook were crossed out and rewritten. Does this have any meaning?" "Last 3 numbers crossed out?" "I copied it here." Koike opened his notebook, and there was such a phone number written on it. 092-843-X249 "When you say that, I remember it too." "It is doubtful to rewrite the last three numbers. From the book, it seems to be wrong, and then correct it. This is written by Yamamoto's wife. When she told others her home phone number, would she make a mistake?" "It seems that it is necessary to go to Tamiya again, and then go to the tavern in Roppongi." "Will Grassland be unhappy?" "It's all right. When he went to investigate, he hadn't discovered this new fact." The fog of memory was completely cleared, and buttercup grass grew in the clear field of vision.It was at Fueki Hospital in Ito City.Nearby is Ito Park.The park is located on the high ground to the west of the urban area, and in the center of the park stands a literary monument of Taro Kinoshita.The poems copied on Kiyoko's handkerchief are the inscriptions of this literary monument.Probably she came for a walk in the park, saw this inscription, liked it very much, and wanted to copy it down, but she didn't bring a notebook, so she copied it on a handkerchief. I don't know if she copied it before or after she lost her memory, but it does seem to be her favorite inscription. However, Sawai and Mio seem to have no idea who "Kinoshita Taro" is.These young people who grew up in the era of video culture in the 1970s may have no connection with this poet and novelist who was active from the end of the Meiji period to the pre-war period of the Showa era. "Who is this man named Kinoshita Taro still have these words engraved on the monument?" Sawai said so first.But then his terminology changed: "It's 杢太郎. I haven't read the full text, but it is indeed his poem." Asami has been to Ito City many times in order to rescue Kiyoko from Futeki Hospital, and saw this literary monument in Ito Park.At night, there are no tourists in the park, which becomes his "base" for reconnaissance and rescue of Ji Daizi.The inscription that he saw accidentally at that time was hidden in his subconscious.It is now up to the Buttercup to bring this memory to the surface of consciousness. "Why is your wife reciting the inscription on the literary monument in Ito Park here?" Mio asked puzzled. "Maybe there's something here that reminds her of Ito." Asami realizes that she thinks of Ito from Buttercup, so she speculates that Kiyoko is the same way.However, it seems that Kiyoko has no interest in Buttercup.Buttercup is a perennial ranunculaceae weed that grows on sunny grassy slopes, even in parks in Tokyo. It is not the kind of precious green grass that is easily associated. Because I heard about the story of the chlorosuccinylcholine that caused acute heart failure falling in the buttercup grass, I was particularly impressed by the wild grass of the buttercup. However, Kiyoko had no special impression of Buttercup.In order to confirm his feelings, Asami pointed to the grass at his feet and asked Ji Daiko: "Do you know what kind of grass this is?" Ji Daizi replied blankly: "I don't know." "It's the buttercup that grew in Ito Hospital, don't you remember?" "I think every grass is the same." Asami thought that there might be other reasons why she recited Kinoshita Taro's poems.What is the reason?Mio and Sawai also thought about the same problem. The three people seemed to see the same thing, and everyone looked at each other. "My wife met Ah Cha here in the car driven by X. And X brought Ah Cha to Ito. Because the scene at that time left her a strong stimulus, so every time she came here, she would think of Ito where Ah Cha lived. "Ze and expressed his own thoughts, which are also the common thoughts of the three people. "So, Ah Cha is in Ito..." Sanwei focused his eyes on one point, as if he saw the scene he imagined. "Maybe around Ito Park." There is a clear place in Jianjian's mind.That X is probably someone under Shioka Kunizun or Hachiman Shuin Shoji. X's car must have run over Hisako Matsushita here, and he either died immediately or was left with only one breath. X felt that Jiuzi could not be left at the scene no matter what, so he moved her into the car. X didn't want to call the police, and even if Jiuzi was still alive, he didn't want to send her to a place that would be bad for him.So I first thought of Fueki Hospital in Ito.It can be rescued there, and if it dies, it can also be buried secretly on the spot. Qianjian thought of the low wetland in Dimu Hospital where evergreen trees such as nanzai and wugangdong grew densely.Next to the hospital is Shioka Kunizun's villa hidden deep in the forest. Hisako Matsushita has been missing for more than a year and a half, and there is no news of her. Sawai feels desperate for her.He walked towards the direction of the car, Sanwei felt a little strange, and asked, "Where are you going?" "Go and see Ito." "Shall we go now?" "If you go now, you can arrive before dawn. You have to go to work, and I will go alone." "Wait a minute." Jian Jian interjected, "It doesn't matter if you go to Yidong now. Find out where she is in Yidong first, and have a general goal, and then go." "If you don't go there, how can you find your target?" "I have a little clue here. If you don't have a certain degree of certainty, if you act rashly, you will startle the snake, and you could find it, but you can't find it." "You mean the culprit is in Ito?" "I can't guarantee it, but his accomplice is probably in Ito." "Sawai, I think it's safer to listen to shallow opinions. It's hard to find Ito as a big target. If you are unprepared and rush in blindly, it will arouse the vigilance of the other party, and nothing will be achieved in the end." If Sawai is walking around Ito Park, he must be quite conspicuous.If the other party already knew that Hisako Matsushita was a member of the flying team, they would probably immediately understand that Sawai was here to spy.If Hisako (or her body) is moved elsewhere, all previous efforts will be wasted.Probably Sawai also thought of these consequences, so he gave up the idea of ​​going to Ito. Koike and Hexi went to find Tamiya again. "It's still about calling Yamamoto." Tamiya showed an impatient look. "It won't take you very long. Just want to confirm two or three things." "What's the matter?" Tamiya put a cigarette in his mouth in an unhappy mood. "When you called Yamamoto from the bistro in Roppongi, did you wear the dial cover on the phone?" "Dial cover?" "It's just the phone number written in fluorescent paint, and the plastic cover that can be seen clearly in the dark." "Ah, that's right, the numbers are indeed clearly visible. So they are painted with fluorescent paint? No wonder they can be seen so clearly in the dark." "It looks like it's still covered with a cover. However, the cover should be placed on top of a number shifted in a clockwise direction..." Xiaochi explained while drawing a picture in his notebook: "When you dialed, you thought you were dialing 0 , it is actually 9; you thought it was 9, but you actually dialed 8. That is to say, you thought you dialed the phone number of Fukuoka, but you actually dialed the number of Ikebukuro. Therefore, behind the 0 on the dial cover, there should be the original 0, But this hole is covered up. So, do you think the distance between the metal clip and the false 0 is too big?" "I still don't quite understand how you explain it. I drank a lot that day, and my head was dizzy, and the phone was placed in a dark place. You said that my call to Fukuoka ended up in Ikebukuro. So Said, Hou Yamamoto was in Ikebukuro at that time! Doesn’t this involve me in making perjury?” Tamiya snuffed out the cigarette he had just lit in the ashtray. "Yes. There is a high possibility that you were used by the Yamamotos without your knowledge." "Bastard! It's too deceiving." Yamamoto Wakako took advantage of his lust and took him around drinking one night.As a result, I unknowingly fell into the apron arranged by others, and gave false testimony for others in a daze.Thinking of this, Tamiya probably felt angry and heartbroken at his own stupidity. "Now, we must overthrow Yamamoto's false evidence, so we need your great assistance." "Okay, I'll do my best." Tamiya finally showed a serious attitude. "Then, please describe exactly what happened when you called Yamamoto. Yamamoto's wife asked you to call your husband at home from the 'Killing Time' tavern in Roppongi, right?" "Yes. She said that her husband was at home, and she couldn't be at ease. However, this is also pretending." "You dialed the number yourself. Did you hold the receiver to your ear when you dialed?" "Of course... no, wait a minute. At that time, Yamamoto's wife coquettishly urged me to call quickly and pulled me to the phone. She quickly picked up the receiver and asked me to dial." "Did Yamamoto's wife pick up the phone?" "yes." "Do you remember correctly?" "That's right." "She picked up the phone, why didn't she dial the number herself?" "She said she was drunk and she was afraid of dialing the wrong number, so she asked me to dial." "When will she hand over the microphone to you?" "When I dialed the number, she put the receiver close to her ear, and then handed it over to me after the connection was made." This is a new situation.Tamiya dialed, but the receiver was held by Yamamoto's wife.Tamiya did not confirm the status of the call connection.That is to say, this call is carried out in a "division of labor" cooperation. "When you took the receiver from Yamamoto's wife, did Yamamoto answer the phone?" "No. The other party's phone is still ringing." "What did you all talk about?" "Greetings about your health and when you will come to Tokyo are all general things." "Don't you notice anything unusual about Yamamoto's answer?" "No." "Did Yamamoto's wife also talk to Yamamoto?" "After I finished speaking, she asked how he was doing." "Also, is the phone number on your notepad written by Yamamoto's wife?" "yes." "The last 3 numbers have been modified, what's going on?" "Oh, after I dialed the seventh number, she pressed my hand and said that the phone number was wrong. After I finished the call, she revised it." "It was only revised after the call, the correct phone number at that time..." "She told me verbally. The numbers are in reverse order." "Don't you think it's strange that you remember your home phone number wrong?" "She said she was drunk and didn't remember it all at once. The phone numbers in other places are very long, and I often forget my own. I remember the numbers, and the order is often reversed, so I didn't think there was anything strange at the time." These are the situations provided by Tamiya, from which we found two new situations of "division of work and calling" and "misremembering my home phone number". Hexi and Xiaochi analyzed these two new situations. "Yamamoto Wakako kept the microphone in her hand, and it must have prevented Tamiya from realizing that the last three numbers were just a cover." "I think so too. After Tamiya dialed the first seven digits, Wakako pressed his hand and said that the number below is wrong. This seems to be related to the fake number below." "It must be related. After dialing the seven digits, if the finger stops, it will be connected to the victim's home phone. Therefore, pressing Tamiya's hand is to let the telephone switch complete the connection work." "Let's try it." Xiaochi picked up the receiver, dialed seven numbers first, and said, "Wakako is pressing Tamiya's finger at this time, pretending to remember the correct phone number." In Xiaochi's ear, there was the sound of the machine switching and connecting, followed by a crisp metallic sound, and it felt like the current was connected. "At this time, she pretended to recall the correct phone number, and asked Tamiya to continue dialing the following three fake numbers." Koike dialed the number while talking to himself.Soon, I heard the ringing of the other party's phone. "pass!" Koike and Hexi looked at each other.The call was not affected by the fake number dialed later.The two suppressed their uncontrollable excitement and tried repeatedly.Also experiment with a friend's phone number. After dialing, if a new number is input before the switching connection starts, the connection program will be released.If the connection work has been completed, then input the number again, no matter how many, the connection of the call will not be played. If Tamiya dials 10 numbers in a row, when dialing the 8th number, the switchover and connection work will be released, so Yamamoto Wakako intentionally wrote the wrong number after the 8th number in order to wait for the completion of the switchover and connection work. The time from the completion of the switching connection to the ringing of the other party's telephone after receiving it is slightly different according to different telephone exchanges, but there is a beat.As long as the following fake number is dialed during this time, the caller will not be aware of the fraud. In order to grasp the extremely delicate time when the other party's phone rings after the switching and connection work is completed, Yamamoto Wakako always holds the microphone in his hand.In addition, after the switching connection is completed, even if the following number is dialed, there is no response in the headset.In order not to make Tamiya suspicious, she had to hold the microphone herself. After confirming with the telephone bureau, the switching machines that automatically connect or cut off calls are roughly divided into two methods: step-by-step and vertical-horizontal. However, no matter which method, the connection work has been carried out to a certain extent, or has been completed, and then input a new one. number, the connection will not be released. Thus, Xiaochi and Hexi broke through the last difficulty.The barriers of perjury that Yamamoto had erected collapsed. After a search warrant was obtained, a close inspection of the "Killing the Time" bistro telephone revealed signs of recent removal of the dial cover.进而对住宅进行搜查,获得关键性的证据。小酒馆经营者菅井妙子来六本木之前曾在三轩茶屋经营咖啡店,在小酒馆开业时,变更了电话号码。那个不用的旧电话机扔在壁柜角落里,但是上面的转盘被卸下来,和表盘罩一起放在家庭木匠用工具箱里。 转盘上有11个孔眼,而且表盘罩的金属卡件位置(0数字右边)上用一小块黑塑料遮蔽。菅井妙子在确凿的证据面前,交待说自己并不知道协助如此严重的犯罪行为制造伪证,只是姐姐让自己这么做,虽然也觉得有点奇怪,但没有想得太多,为她在电话机上做手脚。 和歌子告诉她,如果别的客人要借用电话,就说电话机坏了,不能用。但是没有其他人借用电话。在田宫打电话之前,和歌子亲自把表盘罩安上去。 于是,警方对山本三郎及其妻和歌子以涉嫌“谋财害命、弃尸、伪造并使用带印章的私人文书罪”发出逮捕令。 山本夫妇被逮捕时惊惶失措。夫妇被分别关押、分头审讯。铁证如山,首先是和歌子坦白交待。但是,她的交待内容完全出于总部的意料之外。 “我协助丈夫制造伪证。山本和我都坚信,山本总有一天会成为著名作家。他说现在那些冒牌作家在东京的文坛上飞扬跋扈、横行霸道,而自己的才华没有得到社会的承认,人们都是有眼无珠。不过,只要现在认认真真地自费出版自己的作品,一鸣惊人,名扬天下的日子肯定会到来。所以,即使节衣缩食,也要把稿纸变成铅字出版。为了让丈夫专心致志地写作,我一个人努力干活。但是,靠我一个人的收入,既要维持日常生活,又要提供一年两次的自费出版的费用,实在力不从心。为了筹措自费出版的费用,我甚至干过类似卖淫这样的事情。” “他出版最后一本书以后,我们已经债台高筑。为了出版这本书,我们只好向暴力团系统的高利贷者借钱,要是不还,连半夜都逃脱不掉,被逼到走投无路的境地。” “为了保住自己,山本想出一个恶毒的主意。他去东京的时候认识月桂树酒吧的女老板,知道她有点钱,于是打算谋财害命,以应付一时之急。” “我起初不同意他这样做。但是他说如果不还钱,就要被暴力团断指。对于作家来说,手指如同生命。而且坚信绝对安全。他说可以利用月桂树女老板家的电话号码与自己家的电话号码都只相差一个数字的偶然性进行不在犯罪现场的伪证。山本在月桂树喝酒的时候,和女老板闲聊,发现这两个电话号码极其罕见的偶然性,便十分注意,打算用在自己的推理小说里。但是,这个构思并没有用在小说里,而是利用于现实的犯罪,这不能不说是遗憾。他说,这是对不予承认自己作品的社会的报复,事成以后,一定要写进作品里发表。这也是检验自己具有推理小说家的优秀才华的最好机会。把已经实施的天衣无缝的犯罪经过写成作品发表出来,肯定会受到社会有识之士的关注,自己能否成为知名作家在此一举。我认为山本设计的伪证非常复杂精巧、周密细致,因此需要自己精心配合。这个角色非我莫属。于是,我选择早就对我想入非非的田宫作为证人。之所以选择他,还有一个原因,因为他虽然视力不好,却为了保持风度,不戴眼镜。我没有对妹妹说得很多,只是借用她的电话。田宫打过电话以后,我把表盘罩恢复原样,告诉妹妹把打孔的转盘和表盘罩扔掉。但是她并没有认识到这是重要的证据,仍然放在家里。但是,虽然我们经过千辛万苦策划伪证,开始实施这个计划时,关键的月桂树女老板却失踪了。那个女老板不是被山本杀死的。山本去她家里时,她就已经被人杀死,藏在壁橱里了。” 和歌子坦白的时候,情绪很激动,痛哭流涕。既然妻子已经坦白,山本也彻底投降。 “策划杀死松田佳枝,谋财害命,这是事实。但是,我没有杀死松田佳枝。松田很早以前就委托我给她介绍一个能干的年轻姑娘做帮手,于是我在实施计划的前几天给她打电话,说已经物色到一个合适的姑娘,3月16日晚上2点左右(即17日凌晨)带去,让她一定在家里等侯。我按时到她家里去,但是好像不在家。我一推门,门没有锁。屋里黑着灯,没有人的样子。我在屋子里找了一遍,没有发现她。我一想也许出门办点事,很快就会回来,便在黑暗中等候她。可是一转念,既然她不在家,正是偷钱的绝好时机。这样完全用不着杀人就可以达到偷钱的目的。可是,我没有发现现金,只发现一张旧的定期存款单、国民健康保险证、印章。如果慢慢寻找,可能还会发现其他值钱的东西,但是这时我完全失去杀人的意图,成为单纯的溜门撬锁的小偷,害怕主人回来。从屋子的样子来看,主人不会走远,随时都会回来。要是被她发现,我现在的心态,绝对不会下手。正准备逃跑的时侯,电话铃响了。这是田宫打来的电话。按照原先的计划,应该是杀死女老板以后,田宫才来电话。如果出现意想不到的情况无法实施计划时,就立即停止行动。因此,必须要求田宫的电话和作案的时间都要十分准确。” “田宫以为我在福冈的家里。所以,虽然我没有杀人,却制造了案发时不在现场的证据。既然如此,尽管我没有犯杀人罪,但心想还是必须制造发生偷盗案时不在现场的万无一失的证据,以防万一,所以摔坏了闹钟。” “正要离开的时侯,突然想起书箱里还有我的著作。这是证明我与女老板关系的线索,不应该留在这里,于是拿走。以上所说,句句属实。我进屋的时候,女老板已经被杀死,装在衣箱里,藏在壁橱里面了。” 审讯员不相信山本夫妇的交待,认为如果山本没有杀人,就没有必要摔坏闹钟、拿走书籍。因为当时他不知道女老板已经被杀,仅仅为了制造偷盗案发生时自己不在现场的证据,那样做显得有点小题大做。现在证据已被推翻,所以信口胡编,企图进行最后的挣扎。 “既然你没有杀人,那么你说是谁杀的?不要再胡编乱造了。” “我没有胡编乱造,说的都是真话。” “无法相信。你精心策划那一套案发时不在现场的伪证,目的就是为了杀人。你是以犯罪证明自己的才华嘛。” “不对!我没有杀人。你们不应该这样抓我。我的才华肯定要开花结果。社会需要我的日子必将到来。我的才华不是属于我一个人的。不仅全日本的读者喜欢我的作品,而且被翻译成各种文字,世界各国都在阅读我的作品。你们不能因为这种事扼杀我的才华。你们应该理解,我仿佛感觉到无数的读者正在翘首期盼我的作品。就差一点点,就那么一点,我正在被社会承认,马上就要穿过隧道,出口在望。” 山本矢口否认。他承认自己制造伪证,承认自己去过案发现场,但坚决否认杀人。 “那天晚上,一个名叫藤代瑛子的年轻姑娘在松田佳枝家里,你把她弄到哪里去了?”审讯员从另一个方向审问。 “我不知道这个人。” “她当时的确在松田佳枝家里。有证人。” “松田家里没有人。这是真的。” “因为她目睹你杀人行为,所以你把她绑架到别的地方杀死了吧?” “这怎么可能!我连杀害松田的计划都没有实施,为什么要杀害一个根本不认识的女人呢?我只是偷了300万日元的定期存款单。” 关于藤代瑛子的去向,只有岸田贞吉的证言,最终无法确认当天晚上她的确在松田佳枝的家里。山本连杀害佳枝都不承认,当然不可能说出瑛子的去向。 根据山本的交待,确认的事实是:山本经过精心策划的伪证,潜入松田佳枝家里,偷走300万日元的定期存款单,但是没有看见佳枝。月桂树小酒馆也一直关门,佳枝不知去向。山本有点担心,几次给她家里和酒馆打电话,都没有人接。 山本越发不安,在8月26日那一天又偷偷到佳枝家探看动静,发现门没有锁,屋里好像还是自己前一次潜入时那个样子。为防止万一有人进来,便从里面把门锁上。正在屋里寻看的时候,听见门铃响,是濑高夫妇和三尾来找佳枝。 他们在门外一直又摁门铃又敲门,然后一起去房东那里取钥匙。 一直屏息凝神躲在屋里的山本趁他们去取钥匙的时间,赶紧从屋里出来溜走。这样,本来被山本锁着的门,在三尾等人带着房东回来的时侯已经处在开锁状态。 至此,密室的钥匙之谜完全解开。山本进出来之后,从第二天的新闻报道中知道松田佳枝被害的消息,觉得事情非同小可,但还是非常自信自己绝不会受到怀疑。因为松田佳枝和山本没有任何关系,自己不是月桂树的常客,更谈不上关系密切。 但是,他万万没有想到,自己著作的那张勘误表会成为警方破案的线索。 “既然准备得那么充分,伪证做得万无一失,可是一旦实施计划的时侯,对方却已经死了。简直开玩笑!”草场气愤地说。 “承认有杀人动机,却否认有杀人行为,是因为对自己的罪行不觉得害怕吧?”河西有点想不通。 “如果山本是杀人犯,有的问题解释不通。”小池说。草场和河西看着小池,他继续说下去:“那须组长以前就提出过这个问题。山本的伪证既然那么周密细致,如果他是犯人的话,应该让警方更早地发现尸体啊。5个多月以后才发现,这样对死后时间的判断产生差距,他的伪证就变得毫无意义。” “他本来以为警方会很快发现尸体,可是一直没有被发现,心里着急,于是又到受害者家里,打算改变尸体的状态,以便警方容易发现。可是还没有来得及动手,刚好獭高夫妇来敲门,只好放弃。”下田说。 “如果是这个目的,他应该早就做了。把尸体装在衣箱里,用被罩包裹着,藏在壁橱里,这也太细致了,和山本制造伪证的目的相矛盾。” “可能因为是第一次杀人而惊惶失措吧?” “不,如果是惊惶失措,应该扔下尸体,赶紧逃跑。从捆扎尸体的方式来看,应该是职业杀手。” “要是职业杀手,不会策划那么周密的伪证。我觉得是外行人对自己设计的圈套盲目自信,然后付诸实施的犯罪。” 由于山本否认自己杀人,周密的伪证与细致捆扎尸体的矛盾成为问题的核心。
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