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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven The Mysterious Handkerchief

void nebula 森村诚一 11365Words 2018-03-21
"Boss still can't forget Ah Cha, looking for her everywhere. If Boss wants to, he can choose women randomly, but Ah Cha is the only one in his eyes." Ashan, it was Sugimura Midori who pouted and said.Mitsuo finally learned her real name after meeting Metisa several times.She seemed to disapprove of Sawai Hiroshi only looking at Matsushita Hisako. "Are you still looking for it?" "Yes. Every three days, I must go to the place where I broke up with her." "No clues?" "I don't know if this is a clue, but I found a handkerchief in the grass there, with words written on it, like a message."

"Leave a message? So, Ah Cha left the boss by himself." "That handkerchief is not Ah Cha's, nor is the writing written by Ah Cha." "Whose is that?" "I don't know. The boss thinks it's something from the prisoner who kidnapped Ah Cha." "Prisoner? Hasn't it been confirmed that Ah Cha was kidnapped?" "Missing for such a long time, without contacting the leader, it must be kidnapping." "Has the handkerchief been sent to the police for examination?" "I wouldn't do that. The boss seems to be looking for the prisoner himself. He said that someone will ask for a ransom soon, and the prisoner will be caught at that time."

"However, it has been more than a year and a half, and no one has asked for a ransom, don't you think it's strange?" "It must be that the prisoner feels that the time has not yet come. Moreover, there is still a little blood on the handkerchief, and the leader is very worried." "If this is the case, it should be sent to the police for inspection." "Talk to the boss. What's the use of talking to me?" "Why are you so cold? What is written on the handkerchief?" "Go ask the boss. He only gave me a glance, but he couldn't understand. It seems to say something is raining and blooming. Ah Cha will never leave a message in such a pretentious manner."

"It's raining and blooming... What kind of message is this?" At this time, A Shan raised his chin and said, "Look, the boss is here. If you are interested, you can ask him." Sanwei looked back, and saw a group of young men with shaved heads approaching.Sawai Hiroshi still looked at Mio with expressionless eyes. "It seems that I haven't found it yet." The leader said. "The more I look for it, the more annoying it becomes." "If someone else's body is found, even Jeongju Sadakichi will be suspected." Sawai probably heard the development of the matter from Ashan.

"I've been waiting for you, intending to report the situation, but you never came." "Don't talk about reporting, I'm not that kind of person. How about it? Where did your lover disappear?" "I heard from Sugimura that you seem to be looking for someone..." "This talkative guy! Talking about everything..." "If there is no inconvenience, may I have a look at the handkerchief?" "Are you interested?" "We're in a similar situation." "Well, it looks like you are a bit knowledgeable, maybe you know what it means." Hiroshi Sawai took out a handkerchief from his pocket.It was a pink printed muslin handkerchief, which was actually more like a headscarf.A few words were written on it with a pen.

Some characters are blurred and unrecognizable, but the above verses can barely be read.There was a little stain on the corner of the handkerchief, whether it was blood or something else. "Do you know what it means?" Sawai looked at Mio. "It seems that there is no paper at hand, and I am temporarily copying it on a handkerchief..." "What was copied?" "It's written by someone from a previous era. It's an old script, and no one uses this old pseudonymous spelling now." "As expected of a learned man. But what do you mean?" "It's probably lamenting that once an old friend leaves, they become like strangers. That is to say, those who leave are becoming less and less."

"Oh, the number of people who go there is getting less and less... so it's Ah Cha's message?" "But, this isn't Ah Cha's word, is it?" "She can't write such a beautiful article. Apart from textbooks, she has never read any other books since she was born." "So, someone else threw it away?" "However, as you said, it is copying other people's articles. I don't like this sentence. I don't like this sentence. I always think it means that. Besides, this handkerchief is with the barrel of the spray gun." "spray gun?"

"Everywhere we go, we use a spray gun to spray a word 'wind' on the wall to indicate that we have been here. The spray gun Jane and the handkerchief are dropped together, and the shiny spray gun barrel with fluorescent paint is first seen. found the handkerchief." "Oh, does the gun belong to Ah Cha?" "She does the spraying." "I think the police should still be called. This stain should also be carefully checked by the police." "I hate the police." Sawai said sullenly. "If you don't want to go, I'll send it for you."

"You?" Sawai's expression changed slightly. "If the stain on the handkerchief found at the place where Ah Cha disappeared was her blood, the police will look for it seriously." "Are you saying that the stain is Ah Cha's blood?" "How do you know if you don't check? I'm just saying it's possible." "Okay, take it to the police for me." Sawai seemed to have made up his mind. "Okay. Can you take me to the place where Ah Cha disappeared in a few days?" "No problem. But why are you going there?" "I want to help you do something. I don't think this is someone else's business. From another person's perspective, there may be new discoveries."

Sanwei feels that he has a like-minded relationship with the head of the flying team.This is where two people are looking for their missing lovers in the vast crowd.The longer the delay, the fewer opportunities.The fingers of the two touched together, a shared desire to wriggle out of an emotion that slanted from disappointment to despair. "I remember being here before," Keiyoko said.This is the Nishihara area of ​​Shibuya Ward.The narrow road that can only accommodate one car runs straight through the high ground, and there are few cars even during the day.On one side of the road is a certain university campus, and on the other side is a quiet high-end residential area.Asami often takes this shortcut when going from Shibuya Harajuku to Koshu Kaido.

"I took you here by car, today is the first time." Asami didn't care about Jiyoko's words. "No. Not in your car, but in someone else's car." Kiyoko seems to be trying to find lost memories. "This is the shortcut to Koshu Street, maybe you have also passed it?" "Yeah, that's the feeling. There is a university on one side of the road, and there is a park a little further on." As Kiyoko said, there is a park on the side of the road.It is a children's park built on open space, with two swings and a climbing frame.Probably because of time, there was no one in the park. "Stop for a while, okay?" Kiyoko said when the car was approaching the edge of the park. After she got out of the car, she wandered around, as if looking for something. "Looking for what?" Asahi asked. Jiyoko didn't answer, she was still wandering around, and suddenly she stopped, staring intently at the iron fence at the entrance of the park that prohibits wheels from entering. "Found something?" Asami also got out of the car and walked over to Kiyoko.Jiyoko stared at the iron fence.The iron fence seems to be bent and deformed inward by an external force, and there are traces of collision on the surface. "Bumped by something." Said casually.However, he suddenly remembered something, looked at Jiyoko's face, and said, "You...do you remember that accident..." Qian Jian said half of what he said, but swallowed it again.Because he heard Jidaizi suddenly recite a poem. "Old friends are far away from me, as if they are strange and sad..." "What did you say?" "Spring comes, grass rains, cherry blossoms in March, and knotweed flowers reflect red in April..." "I seem to have heard it somewhere. Where did you see it?" It sounds familiar to Qianjian, but I can't remember where I heard it or read it. "When I came here, I suddenly remembered it. I don't know why I remembered this poem." "Kiyoko, this is very good. Maybe you will remember the scene of that traffic accident. This iron fence seems to have been hit by a car. Come on, you concentrate, think about who you were sitting with at that time In the car?" "The car drove here...here...and I couldn't remember what happened next. It was just a little bit...I remembered the person's appearance, but it was covered by the fog again." "Is that appearance Shioka Kunisun? Or Yuanmi Yugo? Or Hirayama Masanori?" "I don't know. I don't know. It looks like it and doesn't look like it." Jiyoko seems to be anxious to peel off the film covering her memory. She is recalling the traffic accident to wake up her own memory.Asami hoped that she might be able to restore her clouded spirit to its original state through memories. The strange thing is that Asami also has a vague memory of the poems chanted by Daiko just now.It seems that I have read this poem somewhere, and it was not a long time ago.This shows that Jiyoko also had the same experience.Qianjian has nothing to do with the car accident that Jidaizi encountered, but he also remembers the clues and verses of memories. What is going on? "Ah, my head hurts like it's going to burst." Ji Daizi squatted on the ground with her head in her arms. "Don't force yourself to remember like this. Come here often in the future and think about it slowly." Qian Jian stroked her back. "I broke up with Ah Cha here." Sawai parked his 750cc motorcycle at the corner of the T-road.This is a small straight road between the highland residential area and the university campus, and the road coming up from below. There is a small park at the corner, and the surroundings are dark.There were no street lights, and every household turned off their lights to rest, and everything was silent.After turning off the motorcycle engine, the silence here makes people feel that they are not in the center of the city.There is almost no traffic. "It's very clean here. Is that where you let her get off the car alone?" This seems to be the place where perverts who aim at single women walking late at night are rampant.If it is dragged to a remote place in the campus, no one will hear the cry for help. "It was delivered to her door every time. That night, I quarreled over a trivial matter and left her here in a fit of anger. And I thought that this place is not far from her home, so it's not a big problem." "Did she not come home since that night?" "Yes." "Where was the handkerchief found?" "In the grass of the iron fence. The spray gun barrel was shining with a faint blue light, so I found it." Sawai pointed to the parking sign at the entrance of the park.Weeds grew under the iron fence. "The iron fence is curved." Sanwei stared at the iron fence. "It seems to be hit by something." "Looks like it was hit with a lot of force. Like being hit by a car." "That's a stop sign, how did the car hit it?" "Maybe the steering wheel hit it by mistake. Did the handkerchief just fall by the iron fence?" "Probably not Ah Cha's handkerchief." Sawai looked desperate. "It's hard to say now. When did the iron fence bend?" "It was already bent." "Did you bend the handkerchief when you found it?" "Probably so." "What happened before you found out?" "How can I remember this? Does it matter?" "You'd better recall. If the bars weren't bent before you found the handkerchief, perhaps they did when you dropped the handkerchief." "When you dropped your handkerchief?" "Didn't Ah Cha disappear that night?" "You mean..." Sawai's face suddenly changed. "That is to say, that night, the man who bent the iron fence took Ah Cha away..." "You mean Ah Cha was dragged away after the car accident?" Sawai said bluntly what Mio wanted to say. "I think there is such a possibility. The prisoner wanted to avoid Ah Cha, but it was too late, and the car crashed into the iron fence. Maybe Ah Cha was dying, and the prisoner moved Ah Cha into the car, pretending to be sent to the hospital... ..." "Okay, don't talk about it." Sawai raised his hand to stop Mio from speaking.Perhaps he couldn't bear to imagine the tragic end of his lover.Although Sawai himself was aware of it, he forced himself to turn his back on such an imagination. "What I've said is purely speculative. Don't take it too seriously. It may be that the bars are bent for some other reason. In any case, first check the stain on the handkerchief." Because there is not enough material, it is impossible to sue Eki Keisuke.Although Saburo Yamamoto became the focus of suspicion instead, his alibi is still established, and there is still no clue of who was hiding in the house on the day the body was discovered.If no one is in the house that day, the case becomes unexplainable. After investigation, around March 16, there was no record of Yamamoto taking the plane between Tokyo and Fukuoka.Of course, you can use a pseudonym when you are flying, and if you are traveling by train, there is no way to check it.In addition, apart from Tamiya's phone call, there is no other evidence to prove that he was at his home that night. "Because the date of the crime was not determined to be the night of March 16 (early morning of March 17), he was simply arrested." Someone put forward such a strong opinion. However, Nasu said, "Judging from the fact that Yamamoto so carefully used his wife and friends to testify for his alibi, it can be considered that the date of the crime was March 16. As long as his evidence is broken, the date of the crime can be established, and he will The whole line collapsed. There must be loopholes in his evidence. Yamamoto did not escape and hide, and thoroughly investigated the evidence he provided. The Roppongi tavern that Tamiya called Yamamoto is worth noting. Tamiya said that he forgot the name of the store. If you recall I can’t get up, let him take him to a nearby place to find him. Yamamoto’s wife took him to that tavern to make a phone call, and I always felt that there was something wrong.” Following Nasu's instructions, I finally found the tavern.It was a tavern called "Killing Time" in the back street of Roppongi Gochome. Probably because it was still early, when the two detectives Cao Chang and Shimoda found the tavern, there were no customers in the tavern.After 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Roppongi really becomes lively. There are seven or eight high stools lined up along the counter, and there are three private seats against the wall that can seat four people.The chandelier emits a soft halo, which looks elegant and peaceful.A 30-something woman stood idly inside the counter. Seeing that it was the police who came in, she looked hesitant and confused, but she still said "Hello".She must have felt sensitively that the police were incompatible with the atmosphere of the place. "What do you two want to drink?" "No, we're not here to drink. There's something I'd like to ask you about." Hearing what Cao Chang said, the other party showed an expression as expected, and after the police revealed her identity, she looked nervous. "Well... what do you want to know?" Kusanagi first asked her about the visit of Yamamoto's wife and Tamiya on the night of March 16th. "They did come at that time." "The night of March 16th, right?" "Tamiya said that there will be a regular meeting of "Novel World Kuma" today, it is not wrong." "Is this the first time Tamiya has come here?" "Yes. However, when Yamamoto attends the regular meeting of "Novel World Kuma", he comes here almost all the time." "So you know "Novel World Kuma". That day at about 3 o'clock in the morning, Tamiya called Fukuoka from here, do you remember?" "It seems to be calling Yamamoto." "It's calling Fukuoka, isn't it?" "Wakako said that Yamamoto was not feeling well, so he stayed at home and came to Tokyo for the regular meeting on his behalf." "Did you confirm the phone bill through the telephone company?" "No, that's too troublesome. Our customers here dial the number by themselves, and then they pay the phone bill. It's almost enough." "So, you didn't confirm that Tamiya was calling to Fukuoka." "Yamamoto lives in Fukuoka, and he came out to answer the phone. Doesn't this prove that he is calling in Fukuoka?" "I heard Mrs. Yamamoto brought Tamiya here. Did she come here often?" The female boss showed a confused expression and said, "Actually, Wakako and I are half-sisters, and I'm the younger sister." "Oh, you are half-sisters!" Kusada and Shimoda glanced at each other, no wonder the female boss looked friendly when calling Wakako's name.Since they are half-sisters, of course they can do whatever they want on the phone here.When the police asked about the situation of Yamamoto's wife, the female boss seemed hesitant, probably because of a guilty conscience.She wanted to conceal her relationship with Yamamoto's wife as much as possible.However, even if the past is concealed temporarily, the truth will be revealed once the police check the household registration.In fact, there is no need to conceal this kind of half-sister relationship. If it is deliberately concealed, it will arouse the suspicion of the police. It is better to be frank at the beginning. It is smart to do so. Whether the female boss who "killed time" was involved is still unclear, but it is suspected that she was commissioned by her sister to create false evidence. "Do you know Matsuda Yoshie?" Caochang suddenly changed the focus of the inquiry.He wanted to observe the reaction of the female boss when she heard the name. "I don't know. Who is she?" The female boss was not in a hurry, and she couldn't tell that she was performing, pretending not to know. "Open a bar called 'Laurel' in Ginza Hachichome..." "I don't know her at all. What's the matter with her?" "She was killed. We are investigating the case." "Wh, what? Someone killed me! Just the female boss..." "Laurel." "However, is Tamiya involved in this case?" "It was not Tamiya, but Yamamoto. We believe that Yoshie Matsuda was killed on March 16, so where was Yamamoto on the night of the investigation?" "Yamamoto...he..." The female boss's face was pale, her lips trembled, and she couldn't speak.Her words seemed to shock her.If this astonishment is not deliberately feigned, perhaps she is just a tool for being used without knowing the truth. "Is Yamamoto really an important suspect?" She finally squeezed out the second half of the sentence. "Anyway, it's now a question of the evidence he gave." Kusakuba and Shimoda stared at each other.If she had unintentionally acted as perjury for others without knowing the truth, she would probably confess frankly for fear of becoming an accomplice. "However, Yamamoto was indeed in Fukuoka that night, and Tamiya called while reading the number 092." Her words disappointed Kusawa and Shimoda, and testified in favor of Yamamoto.Probably even though he didn't know the truth, he still made the decision to protect his brother-in-law under urgent circumstances.Since she insisted so firmly, it is inconvenient to dwell on this issue. "Is this the telephone?" Cao Chang walked to the telephone next to the cash register in the corner of the counter.This is an ordinary telephone.Caochang glanced at the nodding female boss. "I'll borrow it." Cao Chang dialed the number 092-843-X249, and the sound of pulse action came from his ear, followed by the ringtone of the other party's phone.After the bell rang several times, a man's voice came: "I'm Yamamoto." "Excuse me, is this Mr. Saburo Yamamoto's house in Fukuoka?" "Yes. Which one are you?" "I'm Grassland from the Police Department's First Investigation Division." For a split second, the other party didn't answer, and held their breath in silence. "Now we're calling you from 'Killing Time' in Roppongi. I just found out that the female boss here is your wife's sister." "That's right..." Yamamoto's voice was extremely cautious, he was trying to gauge the police's true intentions. "I heard that you often come here when you come to Tokyo." "That's the shop opened by my wife and sister, and I always go there when I have time." "You and Tamiya often go drinking after the regular meeting, why didn't you bring him here once? What's the reason?" "No reason, I didn't even realize it." "Sorry to disturb you tonight." Cao Chang put down the phone first, he wanted to see if the phone was working normally. "Probably just one phone call like this." Cao Chang said to the female boss who was dumbfounded with her mouth half open.Kusada's "experiment" clearly shows that the police's suspicion of Yamamoto is extraordinary. Taeko Sugai, the female boss of "Killing Time", and Wakako Yamamoto are half-sisters.This made it easy for Yamamoto to create perjury over the phone. However, the call Kusaba made did go to Yamamoto's Fukuoka residence, and the phone worked normally. In this case, another possibility is that Tamiya tampered with the telephone when making a call, and it returned to normal after the call. "Tamiya has no reason to perjure Yamamoto. Tamiya dialed the number himself, and I don't think there was any manipulation," Shimoda said. "However, as the team leader said, Wakako insisted on dragging Tamiya to 'kill time', which is hard to explain. For Yamamoto, calling him from a completely unrelated place would not attract There must be a reason for him to call from his wife's sister's store. Although he knows that doing so will only arouse greater suspicion, he still has to 'kill time'. This only shows that the telephone something wrong." "The phone number is indeed from the Fukuoka area." Shimoda still couldn't fully understand.He took out the phone number copied in the notebook and looked at it.The number outside the city is 0, the first number represents the area, with Hokkaido as 1, in order from north to south, and the Kyushu area number is 9.The second number represents the city, and the seat of the prefectural government is generally 2. 092 is definitely Fukuoka.The following office number 843 indicates that it is in the west area.This means there is nothing wrong with the phone number.The only thing that can be tampered with is the telephone.How to do this? When making a robocall, the number on the telephone exchange's calculator will move to calculate the cost (the number of times this month minus the number of times last month), but this calculator does not display the phone number of the caller.If you need to know the phone number, call time, number of calls, etc. of the other party, you must install a number of times monitoring device in the telephone.Even if such a device is installed, obtaining the content of its calls violates the constitutional protection of communication secrecy and constitutes a crime of invasion of privacy. "I heard that there is a relay phone device recently." Nasu said. "What's a transfer call?" "Install this device in the telephone, and when someone calls, if you are not at home, the call can be automatically forwarded to where you are." "Is there such a convenient device?" Shimoda showed a surprised expression. "For example, if you make a call to the main store in Tokyo, you can pick it up at the branch in Osaka." "If you install this device, will the caller hear it?" "I heard it too, but I don't know the details. Since there is such a device, let's check it out." According to Nasu's instructions, the police began to investigate.First of all, check with the Telephone Bureau. The Telephone Bureau said that the forwarding telephone currently on the market is a kind of private dedicated line equipment, which is suspected of violating the Public Electrical Communications Act and has not been officially recognized.Article 106 of the law stipulates: "... When the user proposes to install a private line device on public electrical communication equipment, if the installed private line device does not meet the technical standards established by the company with the approval of the Minister of Posts, its installation will hinder Or it may hinder the implementation of the company's business..." In addition, the telephone company also stated: "If the manufacturer allows the telephone to memorize the telephone number of the forwarding destination, it can be forwarded anywhere within the automatic calling area in Japan."At this time, the cost between the caller (caller) and the dialed phone number is determined by (The original book is missing two pages) ...your own mood. Later they often came to this children's park.Sanwei doesn't drive a motorcycle, but feels that he has become a guest of "Fengshen".Due to the increasingly stringent control of the traffic police, although they cannot drive in groups like before, they sometimes drive to distant places in small groups. Recently, Sawai's motorcycle has changed from a two-wheeled motorcycle to a four-wheeled 2000cc horsepower GT type with a low body.Sawai’s original car had a low body, but now it has been replaced with a lower one. It has excellent stability and can run quickly on rough roads at high speed.When the low-slung motorcycle with radial wide tires completely wrapped in the fender was advancing close to the ground, it was like a ferocious beast quietly approaching its prey. When the two-wheeled motorcycles were escorted back and forth, left and right, and galloped at full speed on the expressway, it seemed that a circular fleet with an aircraft carrier as its core was attacking through the waves. In an organization like the speed team, the members of "Fengshen" have superb driving skills.Their chasing speed and aggressive driving make other racing teams intimidated.Sanwei rode Sawai's car a few times, and was scared out of his wits by his wild and crazy speeding car. The exhaust pipes of the motorcycles made a chug sound, roaring like the cannons on a warship, and they dominated the highway and galloped, unstoppable.The police can only look at them and sigh, helpless.They even feel the oppression of the lane line in the middle of the road, hindered.Only when they give their lives to this aimless and endless gallop, can their dead youthful vitality, which has been squeezed out of social life, truly be brought into full play.The aimlessness and unproductiveness of the aftermath of venting intoxicates them.And for this anesthesia, no effort is required. Now, "Fengshen" is gradually reorganizing the group. According to the provisions of Article 68 of the new traffic management law on "prohibition of common dangerous behaviors, etc.", speeding is a crime.The speeding team runs collectively and will be banned as a crime.That is, the fleet itself will not be allowed to exist. "Now is the time for us to run," Sawai said. As long as the motorcycle is equipped with a device that can receive the police's contact with the wireless walkie-talkie, it can fully grasp the traffic control information and easily evade the police's inspection. "The stricter the control, the more we have to run. Running on a ring road or in an open space is not called running. Only a speeding car that ignores traffic signals, breaks all rules, and overwhelms all police and opposition groups is a real speeding car," Sawai said. . After the "Fengshen" was forcibly disbanded, Sawai planned to gather a few elites to make a comeback.These people are all the elite members of the "Fengshen" who count as ten. With them as the core, they will recruit experts from other groups to reorganize a group that is not a racing team, but a group of rebels who want to overthrow the current system.Almost all of its members are released from juvenile correctional institutions or reeducation through labor institutions. "Don't give money to others in a place like a bank, you might as well work with us, it must be very enjoyable." Sawai persuaded Mio in this way. "I don't have your courage and technology." "The motorcycle is alive. As long as it understands your mood, it will follow you. In this way, it becomes your hands and feet." "I seem to be a suitable person for giving money to others." "Of course I won't keep doing it like this, but I don't know what to do now. What's the point of going to university after the college entrance examination, then becoming an employee of some company, then getting married and having children? It has become what it is now. If I had known that the result would be like this, I would have to surrender unconditionally or resist desperately.” "Can you imagine me wearing a suit and going to work on time?" Once, after flying, Sawai said his thoughts to Mio. "It's really unimaginable." Sanwei couldn't help laughing at the imagination in his head. "However, I can imagine it myself. What is going on now is just a farce, a complete nonsense. This farce will end soon, and in the end we still cannot escape the constraints of this social mechanism." "I didn't expect you to think so. Then why do you want to restore Fengshen?" "Fengshen is eternal. Even if we are playing farce now, we can learn more about society from it. I want to keep this theater." Although Sanwei couldn't agree with Sawai's statement, if it was really a farce, it would undoubtedly be a youth drama. "Do you know why I joined the flying team?" "have no idea." "I want to tell you. Will you listen?" "of course." "My mother slept with the teacher." "what?" "With father's permission." Mio couldn't understand Sawai's words. Sawai's father runs a small business.Since he has never been to school, he always feels inferior.It is the subcontracting small business under the big enterprise and the subcontracting small and small business under the contract, which has suffered the hardships of the society.To those young employees who graduated from the university of the parent company, they have to be submissive and obedient, no matter how humiliating and harsh the conditions are, they have to swallow their breath.Therefore, he felt that the child should not be able to hold his head up like this again, and he must let the child receive higher education.As long as you are admitted to university and work in a first-class company in the future, it will be a matter of glory.Sawai's father pinned all his hopes on his son. When he graduated from junior high school, his grade was "upper-".It just floats on the passing score line of the affiliated high school that can directly enter the first-stream university in the future.The admission criteria of this high school, in addition to test scores, also refer to the opinions of the class teacher.Therefore, the opinion of the class teacher plays a key role in deciding whether Sawai can enter this school.In a sense, academic performance doesn't matter.If the class teacher has a bad opinion of the student, there is no hope of being admitted at all. Sawai Hiroshi's mother is quite beautiful. When she was young, she was hailed as the ancient beauty "Komachi". Later, she became more mature and full of feminine charm.Sawai Hiroshi's homeroom teacher has long coveted her, and she is also sensitively aware of this.In order for her son to enter this high school smoothly, she discussed with her husband, sacrificed her life for her son, and finally obtained a guarantee of admission. "It's unbelievable. But, how do you know?" Mio asked. "Once when my parents quarreled over a trivial matter, my father slipped his mouth. Although he immediately retracted it in a panic, I understood everything from my mother's face. From that day on, I completely refused to read. Although I knew that It's no use doing it, but I can't read it. How? It happens a lot, doesn't it? Damn it, it's not unusual at all." Sawai cocked his lips mockingly, as if he regretted telling Mio about this.While speaking, the car arrived near Nishihara 1-chome Children's Park. "Here I am again. I drove the car and came here naturally. It must be Ah Cha's soul calling." Sawai said. "Don't say such unlucky words." That night, someone was already in front of the children's park.A private car was parked in front of the iron fence of the parking sign in the park, and a man and a woman stood beside it.There are public toilets in the park, probably just finished using the toilet. Sawai parked the motorcycle behind the private car.The man and woman glanced at them and immediately returned to their indifferent expressions.Maybe they also thought that Sawai went to the bathroom. Sanwei looked at the couple casually, feeling that they didn't look like going to the bathroom.The woman walked around talking about something, and the man looked at her worriedly.This is obviously unusual in the park in the dead of night. Their actions caught the attention of Sawai and Mio.Naturally, this strange phenomenon cannot be ignored in the place where Hisako Matsushita disappeared.So Sawai and Mio started to approach them.The man was very alert and looked on guard.The woman was indifferent, still talking to herself.Because the night was quiet, the woman's chanting words reached their ears. "Old friends are far away from me, as if they are strange and sad..." The two stared at each other in astonishment.This is the verse on the handkerchief engraved in their hearts.They immediately walked towards the woman.The man stood behind the woman, protecting her, and standing in front of them, thinking that the two young men were about to do something dangerous.Especially Sawai, whose head was shaved green, looked even more terrifying.However, women remain the same. "Spring comes, grass rains, cherry blossoms in March, and knotweed flowers reflect red in April..." The woman continued to read the poem as if there was no one else around. "How do you know this verse?" Sawai asked the woman. However, the woman didn't even look at Zejing, she still read: "Wuyue strives to see Du Ruoyan, Xiyuanhui Qianyun outside the window." "Hey, I asked you something, didn't you hear me?" Zei wanted to reach out to grab the woman's arm, but the man blocked it with his hands and asked, "What are you doing?" "I wonder where she learned these lines from?" "Why are you asking this?" The man was about 30 and well built. "Is she your wife?" Sawai turned to the man. "yes." "Then perhaps you also know what the verses your lady muttered mean? How did she know them?" "So I ask you why you want to inquire about this?" The man still maintains a high-vigilance posture, because if there is a fight, it will be one to two, and it is obviously outnumbered. "Is this Madam's property?" Sawai picked up the handkerchief returned by the police after inspection, and spread it out in front of the man. "Ah! This is..." With the faint light from a distance, the man looked at the writing on the handkerchief and made a sound of surprise. "What do you remember?" At this time, the woman suddenly stretched out her hand, snatched the handkerchief, and said, "Here is my handkerchief." She shook the handkerchief happily. "Why is this handkerchief in your hand?" the man asked Sawai. "Picked up right here. This is where the run-and-run accident happened." Sawai stared at each other's faces, thinking that this couple must be the ones responsible for the car accident, and now they are back at the scene. "Running and escaping? What's going on?" "Stop pretending! You ran away after running over Ah Cha. At that time your wife's handkerchief fell on the scene, and you were afraid of leaving evidence, so come back and look for it now. You are dead, and there is Ah Cha's blood on the handkerchief. Let's go to the police together!" "Don't...don't do that. You must be mistaken." "You're still quibbling! This handkerchief is ironclad evidence. Where did you hide Ah Cha? Tell me!" Sawai was full of murderous intent, pressing forward one step at a time.他不愧是“风神”的头头,具有压倒一切的气势魄力。 “我名叫浅见隆司,她是我的妻子记代子,但是在结婚之前因为遭遇车祸,使她丧失了记忆力。”男人报出自己的姓名,以对抗泽井咄咄逼人的气势。 “你们轧了阿茶以后逃跑走了。现在用什么丧失记忆想溜掉,没那么容易。” “真的是丧失记忆。车祸前后的事情根本想不起来。最近她说在这一带能够模模糊糊地回忆起一点东西,所以经常带她到这里来,帮助她恢复回忆。” “即使真的是这样,你把责任完全推给精神恍惚的老婆,这是很卑鄙的手段。”泽井步步紧逼。 “你来看看这个!” 浅见用双手把记代子的长头发撩上去,露出她的两个太阳穴。泽井看见太阳穴上钻孔的痕迹,不由地有点畏缩。 “这是脑叶切除手术的痕迹。我的妻子真的丧失了记忆。因为车祸发生在我们结婚之前,所以我对那一场车祸一无所知。” “泽井,这里面恐怕事情比较复杂,还是先了解一下情况吧。” 听三尾这么一说,泽井才放松下来。 于是,泽井和浅见夫妇开始交谈。在浅见介绍情况后,泽井逐渐消除怀疑。但是他认为松下久子被牵连进导致记代子丧失记忆的那一场交通事故的可能性很大。记代子没有驾驶执照,那么,当时与她同车的X极有可能知道久子的去向。但是,由于记代子的记忆丧失,这个X也就包裹一团迷雾之中。 “那么,为什么夫人念叨手绢上的诗句呢?”泽井觉得不可思议。 “这手编上的诗句,我也有模糊的记忆,觉得好像在哪里见过,可就是想不起来……” “是不是你在那块手绢上看到的?” “不,不是。是在别的地方。” “夫人到这里念叨手绢上的诗句,是否因为这地点和诗句有什么关系呢?” “我也这么想,在公园里面和附近寻找过,可是没有发现任何与诗句有关的东西。” “这么说,也许诗句暗示现在阿茶所在的地点。” “有这种可能。这诗句暗示着车祸受害者的尸体被藏匿的地点。由于交通事故深受刺激导致记忆丧失的记代子的脑子里又加上参与隐藏受害者尸体这种犯罪的自我谴责,很偶然地被残留在脑海里的'手绢上的诗句'片断所置换而固定在心里。” “于是把诗句抄写在手绢上吗?” “她早就喜欢这首诗,也许以前就抄在手绢上。我想,诗句所暗示的地点很重要。” “这是什么地方呢?” “想不起来,真让我着急。” 这时,记代子从公园路边的草丛里拔出一根野草,用手指头搓弄着玩。浅见无意地看着,突然脸色一变。说:“这种草名叫毛茛。” 伊东市的笛木医院里丛生着这种草。浅见开始联想,笼罩在他的记忆上面的迷雾如同被风吹散。
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