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Chapter 10 Chapter Ten: The Testimony of "Two Birds with One Stone"

void nebula 森村诚一 8983Words 2018-03-21
On the other hand, Detective Shimoda from Nasuban and Detective Takeoka from the local police station checked the victim's notebook and other records.Yoshie Matsuda compiled her property list very carefully.According to this list, the police checked the existing items one by one.It was found that the chattels had changed a lot. Since I don't know when this list of properties was written, the properties that were actually cleaned up were not consistent with the contents on the list.Was it taken by the prisoner, or was the list inaccurate?Can't figure it out right now. Matsuda Yoshie is usually very generous, often giving some decorations, watches and other things to people around him, and the police must also check this one by one.Use this method to exclude one by one, and finally there is a record "≠300" that does not understand what it means.Takeji said, "'≠' is a symbol of a postal code, right?" So he inquired at the post office and found that Kaede deposited a time deposit in his own name at the Ikebukuro post office two years ago.

However, the victim's residence did not have this deposit slip.So I asked the Postal Inspection Bureau whether the deposit had been taken away.Replied that "The fixed deposit of 3 million yen was taken in full at the Fukuoka Central Post Office on March 17". March 17 was the second day after the date of the incident was inferred.The depositor is dead, and of course it is impossible to withdraw money.And it is in "Fukuoka".The author of the book with the errata, Saburo Yamamoto, lives in Fukuoka. "≠300" means that the deposit of 3 million yen was withdrawn on the second day after the incident.This discovery made the police very excited.

The police withheld the withdrawal voucher through the Fukuoka Central Post Office.According to the post office clerk’s recollection, “I submitted my National Health Insurance Card and it was confirmed that it was correct, so I paid a total of 3,330,864 yen in principal and interest.”As for the appearance characteristics, there is only the impression of a middle-aged woman.This is probably because the police deliberately chose the central post office with a lot of customers to withdraw cash in consideration of future police investigations. So, there is also a female accomplice among the prisoners, or maybe this woman is the main criminal.

The police immediately launched an investigation into the situation of Saburo Yamamoto.Yamamoto is 36 years old and lives at 2-28-3X, Nanakuma, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City. He claims to be engaged in writing, but no one cares about what he writes, and it can be said that he is unemployed.Wife Wakako, 34 years old, married 5 years ago, has no children, and now works in a bar in Dongzhongzhou.Yamamoto lived on his wife's income and devoted himself to writing.The wife seems to believe in her husband's talent, dreaming that he will definitely become a famous writer of popular novels in the future, so she willingly supports him and lets him write as he pleases.

However, the income of Wakako alone is not enough for Saburo Yamamoto to publish two books at his own expense every year. It seems that the family life is quite embarrassing. In addition, Saburo Yamamoto has to go to Tokyo once or twice a month to carry out the so-called "literary circles". contacts", every time I have to bring a lot of gifts to my "writer friends".He said that they are all first-class writers in today's literary world, and the gifts they give should be in line with their own identities, and they should not be shabby.These expenses were provided by Wakako to her husband by saving money.It was this woman who pretended to be Matsuda Yoshie and went to the Fukuoka Central Post Office to withdraw money.Ever since he was praised (?) by Fuyumura Seisuke as a "mystery novel writer of different levels", I heard that Saburo Yamamoto was even more defiant, saying: "The soil of Japanese mystery novels is very poor. To write a mystery novel, you must use the world as the stage. I plan to enter Europe and the United States and create mystery novels that are popular all over the world."

Saburo Yamamoto was born in Dazaifu Town and participated in the "Literary and Art Club" of the school when he was a student at a commercial high school.His composition won the "Excellent Work Award" in the essay competition for middle and high school students held by the local newspaper.After graduating from high school, I worked in a bank in Fukuoka City. After a year, I resigned for no reason. Afterwards, I worked in professional newspaper offices, personal stores, restaurants, life insurance companies, and contract factories of electric appliance companies. live. Saburo Yamamoto always boasted like a mantra: "How can these country bumpkins know my ambitions. I can't live in this country for the rest of my life. Look, I will soon publish a sensational work, a blockbuster, overnight Become a world-renowned first-class writer." Believing that he is a genius in the mine world, he sneered at his hard-working colleagues and the people around him, and scorned them as a group of "brain poor".For this reason, he created a difficult living environment for himself and had to get out of it.

However, Yamamoto's works have not been recognized by the society, so he thinks that the world is blind and ignorant.He is a "super genius" far beyond modern society.In order for modern society to understand oneself, can one only cut one's own super genius into pieces?No, this is an intolerable blasphemy of genius.Talent is not only an individual, but a social asset that transcends time and space.Therefore, one must cherish one's own talent until the era when one truly recognizes one's own talent comes.He said these words only to very few friends.And that friend also broke up with him because he couldn't agree with Yamamoto's arrogance and wishful thinking.

Fuyumura Eisuke was the judge when Saburo Yamamoto participated in the essay competition, and gave encouraging comments to his essay.Therefore, Yamamoto sharpened his head and sneaked into the door of Fuyumura Eisuke, relying on "Novel World Kuma" to publish one of his works a year out of affection and self-publishing one or two books a year at his own expense to barely maintain his life value. Yamamoto's self-funded publications are all hardcover, with a print run of 300 copies, which costs about 2 million yen.He distributed his "masterpiece" to all the famous writers, major publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, film companies, TV stations, radio stations, magazine colleagues, etc., hoping that some of them might pay attention to his works, or be featured in the film. Producers of companies and TV stations are interested in it, and if it is made into a movie or TV series, it will become famous all over the world.

As long as a book becomes famous, there will be a chain reaction, and all works will be worth a hundred times.Saburo Yamamoto firmly believed in this, and he worked day and night to create works whose ultimate fate was to be thrown into the wastebasket or paper mill without even opening the wrapping paper.Delegating those writers to nothing now can at least vent their grievances. When the police secretly investigated the situation of Saburo Yamamoto, they found this man's extremely vain character flaws.This is a comedy in which mediocrity challenges a field that requires talent, and it is also a human tragedy in which the spirit is corrupted by literary poison.

However, for this tragicomedy hero, if he does not have the money needed to publish the book at his own expense, it is tantamount to losing the only value of life, and the bridge to the other side where the "super genius" blossoms and bears fruit collapses. In order to raise the cost of publishing books at his own expense, Yamamoto has criminal factors.And the wife helped the tyrant to abuse him.Is she also dizzy because of her husband's "super genius" getting ahead?Could it be that he was also infected with toxins while living with a husband who was deeply poisoned by literature?

The police believed that Saburo Yamamoto was very suspicious and decided to summon him for questioning. So Kasai and Koike came to Fukuoka, and with the assistance of the West Fukuoka Police Department, they summoned Yamamoto to the police station for interrogation.Saburo Yamamoto was shocked when he suddenly received a summons from the police.Although he tried his best to bluff and conceal his inner nervousness and timidity, he looked panicked and fidgeted. Yamamoto's face is slender and pale, like a typical intellectual, even the movement of lifting the long hair that hangs down deliberately shows the arrogance of being an intellectual of the writer. He wears a beige cardigan over a brown shirt, a pair of flared white trousers, and sandals on his feet, just like the attire conceived by a famous writer in his prime when he goes out for a walk.The tip of the index finger of his right hand is stained with ink, indicating that he is working on a composition.In fact, the ink fell off as soon as it was washed, probably because it was intentionally rubbed on the fingertips. It is the first time for Hexi and Koike to meet Saburo Yamamoto, but they feel a little impressed.Thinking about it carefully, his clothes and behavior are exactly the same as Fuyumura Ruisuke.It turned out that he had completely imitated Winter Village's posture and movements.Probably through this kind of imitation, I can slightly balance my distorted mentality that I can't become a first-line writer. "Excuse me for coming here today. I want to know something about you. Do you often go to the Laurel Bar in Ginza?" He Xi slowly began to ask. "When I used to go to Tokyo, I used to go there." Yamamoto avoided the eyes of the police. "Do you know about the murder of Laurel's female boss?" Hexi and Xiaochi looked at Yamamoto suspiciously at the same time. "I heard it was reported in the newspaper, but I didn't pay attention. I just found out when a friend who just came back from Tokyo told me recently." "When was the last time you went to Laurel?" "I remember it was the end of February." "Didn't you go there after that?" "Did not go." Yamamoto was lying. On the night of March 16 (accurately after midnight on the 17th), he must have been in Tokyo. "Where were you from the night of March 16 to the next morning, especially around 3 am?" The question approached the core. "March 16? You asked me so suddenly, I can't remember it all at once. What's the matter?" Yamamoto pushed his hair up annoyed. "Our investigation is related to the murder of the female boss of Laurel, please remember." "So, do you doubt me?" Yamamoto's face twisted. "Did you give your book "Murder in the Great Japanese Empire" to the female boss of Laurel?" Kasai did not answer Yamamoto's question and continued to interrogate. "No." "This is weird. The errata of "Murder in the Great Japanese Empire" is included in another book of the female boss. There are only errata but no books. What's going on?" "I... how do I know? It must have sneaked in from there." Yamamoto panicked. "Where did you say you got in?" He Xi chased after him. "It's also possible that the female boss borrowed this book from someone else and kept the errata sheet at hand. Do you doubt me based on this?" Yamamoto barely stood his ground, and the line of defense did not collapse.Although probably no one would be so enthusiastic about Yamamoto’s works and borrow his books from others to read, but from this perspective it is inconvenient to continue to pursue them. "We are investigating all customers of Laurel, so please cooperate. Where were you on the night of March 16?" The police brought the question back to the collection of evidence that was not at the scene. "Although I am a guest of Laurel, I am not a frequent visitor. Every time I go to Tokyo, I don't necessarily have to go there because there are so many places to go." "Even if we have only been there once, we will investigate." "In that case, I'll check my notebook." Yamamoto took out a notebook from his pocket, and on the cover were printed 4 bronzing texts of "Literature Handbook". "On the night of March 16, I have been writing at home." "Writing at home, is there any evidence?" "Writing at home, how does this prove it? Writing is a lonely act. When I write, I don't even come close to my wife." "Like, is anyone visiting?" "When I'm concentrating on writing, I don't see anyone." "Where's the phone?" "Telephone?" Yamamoto's expression changed slightly. "You seem to remember something?" He Xi stared and asked without losing the opportunity. "It says 3AM Tamiya in the notebook. I completely forgot just now. This is a call from Tamiya at 3am that night." "Who is Tamiya?" "A colleague of "Novel World Kuma" who lives in Tokyo. He is a special reporter for a magazine and likes my work very much. Every time I go to Tokyo, I have to meet him." There are still people who like Yamamoto's works, which makes the two policemen dubious. "Where did this Tamiya call you from?" "From Tokyo, of course." "Called from Tokyo at 3 in the morning. It must be something urgent, right?" "Those of us who write have no concept of time at all. The most suitable time for writing is our respective working hours. Therefore, our life time is reversed from that of ordinary people. Chatting with friends is generally late at night." "What's the matter with Tamiya calling?" "I often chat with Tamiya on the phone. People who write things are closed in their study alone, and they are also eager to talk to people. I remember talking to him about the latest trends in the literary world and new books that day." "That is to say, he didn't call because of something." "For us, this is the thing." Yamamoto's expression moved slightly again. He Xi then asked, "Please tell me Tamiya's address and phone number." "Of course you can investigate whether what I say is true, but I am very unhappy to be suspected by you. I have only had a few drinks at the Laurel, and there is no reason for suspicion." "We are only asking relevant personnel for reference in solving the case, please don't pay attention." "You can ask "Private Entertainment City", a men's weekly magazine." Yamamoto seemed to have recovered from his panic at the beginning and returned to a calm attitude. "Was Madam Hou not at home then?" Koike asked.He had heard that Yamamoto's wife worked nights but had returned home at about 3 a.m. "Is it okay for the wife to testify?" Yamamoto asked with a contemptuous expression.He seems to have dealt with it. "It's better than nothing." "Unfortunately, the wife was not at home at the time." "are you still at get off work?" "No, I went to Tokyo on business." "To Tokyo?!" "Represent me at the monthly meeting of the fanzine. I usually go, but I was not feeling well that day, and I had a lot of work savings, so I asked her to go instead of me." "Is Madam just attending regular meetings?" The expressions of the two policemen became serious, because the method of this murder can also be carried out by women. "Because she hasn't been to Tokyo for a long time, so she had a free time. I heard that after the drinking party of the regular meeting of the doujinshi, she went to Ginza and Roppongi to drink. I think Tamiya must have been with her all the time. Tamiya called, It’s also about caring for her.” "Is that really the case?" Let Tamiya accompany his wife all the time, and even call Yamamoto, which undoubtedly proved to the two suspects that they were not at the scene of the crime.If this is a deliberate arrangement in advance, I am afraid that the effect of "killing two birds with one stone" can be achieved.For this reason, the day of the regular meeting of the fanzine, which left a deep impression on people, was specially chosen to commit the crime. "Go and ask Tamiya." Although he came to Fukuoka specifically, he only listened to Yamamoto's proof that he was not there.Whether this evidence can be established depends on the person Tamiya.If Tamiya and Yamamoto are in collusion, they can give perjury.However, if Tamiya's testimony is to be believed, it means that Yamamoto was at home in Fukuoka on the night of the crime, and his wife was not the murderer. Judging from Yamamoto's confident appearance, it seems that what he said was not false evidence full of flaws.Kasai and Koike returned to Tokyo with an unpleasant premonition and decided to ask Tamiya for evidence. After returning to Tokyo, immediately contact the "Private Entertainment City" magazine.The other party said that Tamiya was a non-staff special correspondent and would come to the magazine office at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.Because it was already late in the day, Kasai and Koike just reported to Nasu the results of their investigation in Fukuoka, and planned to go to the magazine office tomorrow. The editorial office of the weekly magazine "Private Entertainment City" is located in an old building in Ogawa-cho, Kanda.As soon as he entered the editorial office, he saw more than a dozen men gathered inside.Probably at work, but like a foreigner doing his own thing at will.The table was littered with manuscripts and nude photos of women.A circle of iron wire was stretched almost at the height of a person, and paper clips were attached to it. Xiaochi casually glanced at the photo on the table, and was surprised to find that it was a nude photo of a very popular female artist, which had not been retouched. He asked a man at the table, "Where is Tamiya?" The man turned around and called inside, "Agong, someone is looking for you." Tamiya was about 30 years old and wore a flowered shirt with the sleeves rolled up casually.He looked back at the person coming, his eyes were quick and bright, a typical weekly magazine reporter. Tamiya watched the two people who were out of harmony with the atmosphere of this place, and maintained a kind of vigilance, sizing each other up. "Are you Tamiya?" Koike asked. Tamiya nodded, didn't speak, just used his eyes to find out what was going on with the other party. "We are the police. I want to ask you some questions." As soon as they heard the word "police", several people who had been indifferent just now glanced here in unison. "What is the police looking for me for?" Tamiya showed a suspicious expression. "You know Saburo Yamamoto from Fukuoka, right?" "Yes. It's a friend from a fanzine. What's wrong with him?" "We want to confirm something with you about Yamamoto." "Well, come here." While putting down his sleeves, Tamiya led Kasai and Koike to the reception area in the corner of the editorial department separated by a screen.Then the two sides exchanged pleasantries after the first meeting, and the police confirmed to him what Saburo Yamamoto said. "On the night of March 16? I remember that Mrs. Yamamoto came to Tokyo." Tamiya said. "It is indeed March 16th, do you remember correctly?" "That's right. That day was a regular meeting of the fanzine." Tamiya was impressed that day, as the police had predicted. "What time did the regular meeting start?" "It was held at the 'Butterfly' restaurant in Shimbashi, and it ended at 6 o'clock. Then I went to a nearby coffee shop and drank until about 8 o'clock. Later, I took Mrs. Yamamoto to Ginza and Roppongi for drinks. She said that she hadn't been to Tokyo for a long time, Have a drink." "Have you been together?" "We visited several places together and drank until the morning show." "Did she ever leave for an hour or two in between?" "No." Therefore, the evidence that Yamamoto's wife was not at the scene of the crime was basically established. "On the night of the 16th, to be precise, it was around 3 am on the 17th. Did you call Yamamoto in Fukuoka?" "Well, I did. She missed her husband at home and asked me to call." "Since you miss your husband at home, why don't you call yourself? Don't you find it strange?" "She said that although the husband agreed to come out by himself, if he knew that he was with me, he would be at ease." "He trusts you a lot." "He thinks I'm harmless to humans and animals." "When you called, did you dial the number, or did Mrs. Yamamoto give the phone to you after she dialed it?" "It's the number I dialed." "Is it indeed the phone number of the Fukuoka Yamamoto family?" "That's right. You see, the phone number is still written here. Mrs. Yamamoto wrote it for me." Tamiya showed the police the notebook, which read 092-843-X249. "Yamamoto's phone number is listed on the page of the contact address, but my wife urged me to call immediately. I also laughed at her and said, if I miss you so much, wouldn't it be better to bring him along?" "Did she urge you to call right away?" "Yes. It's really disappointing to drink so hard that I forget she's married." "Where did you call?" "Public tavern in Roppongi. The tavern she took me to. I forgot the name of the tavern." "Oh, she lives in Fukuoka and took you to a bar in Roppongi. This woman is very familiar with Tokyo." "She is from Tokyo, and she was originally a fan of "Novel World Kuma". She met and got married to Yamamoto through a fan magazine." So far, the suspicion that Yamamoto's wife is an accomplice in this case has become more and more obvious.She also knows a little about literature, and perhaps it is precisely because she is emotionally invested in her husband's unrealized dream that she acts as an accomplice to the crime. "Does Mrs. Yamamoto often attend regular meetings on behalf of her husband?" "It was the first time after we got married. Yamamoto seems to take attending the regular meeting as a reflection of his life value. We also felt strange that he didn't come to participate. We thought that he might be seriously ill. But from the phone, it seems that he is not sick. It looks like that, so don't worry." "Is Yamamoto really at home?" "Really. That's right. He says he's better and working." "For example, do you think it could be the sound of a tape recorder placed in front of the microphone?" "Tape recorder? Absolutely impossible. We have been talking for a long time. Will the tape recorder work? You seem to suspect that Yamamoto is lying. What's wrong with him?" Tamiya's eyes flashed a light of exploration.He is a reporter for a weekly magazine, and he understands that the police asked him to check the situation to verify whether the account of the Yamamoto couple is true, so he took the opportunity to ask back. "Do you know the Laurel Bar in Ginza Hachichome?" Koike did not cater to Tamiya's curiosity, and continued to ask according to his own ideas. "Laurel? I don't know. So what?" "Didn't you go there with the Yamamotos?" "No. Wait a minute, I seem to have heard of this name... By the way! Recently, the female owner of a bar in Ginza was killed, and her body was found at home. This bar is called Laurel. Oh, so to speak , you suspect that Yamamoto is the murderer..." As expected of being a journalist, Tamiya had a very quick mind. "I just ask you as a side witness to confirm the evidence that he was not at the scene of the crime." Xiaochi nodded helplessly. "Since the investigation has reached the level of alibi, it means that he has a deep suspicion." Tian Guan completely exposed his professional character and insisted on holding on. "That's not necessarily true. It is our usual method to confirm the confession of the parties to relevant personnel." "Is Yamamoto involved with Laurel's female boss?" "We're investigating now. Do you have any leads?" "No. This is the first time I've heard of him going there. I don't know how much you suspect him, but he was indeed in Fukuoka that night. March 16 at 3 o'clock in the morning, no, 3 o'clock, It should be the 17th. If the female boss was killed on that night, the culprit is definitely not him. His wife is also innocent. Because she was with me the whole night." "When did you part with his wife?" "I took her to the hotel in the morning. She lived in a small hotel in Takanawa. After having breakfast there, I left the hotel. Around 8 o'clock. Then I took a sauna bath and slept again, 1 o'clock in the afternoon Come to the company. That night, nothing happened between me and her, it was pure." Tamiya showed a regretful expression.It seemed that he was bewildered by Mrs. Yamamoto's beauty, and he gave circumstantial evidence to others in a daze.In fact, he doesn't like Yamamoto's works, but Mrs. Yamamoto.This woman probably used the seductive technique of "stimulating appetite" to tie Tamiya and drag him around all night.At this time, Tamiya's concern was naturally to testify for her. The alibi of Saburo Yamamoto is established. He was in Fukuoka at 3 a.m. on March 17, so it was impossible to go to Ikebukuro, Tokyo, to kill at the same time.And her wife was with Tamiya all night, and there was no time for crime. Of course, the police also considered the possibility of Tamiya's perjury, and secretly investigated Tamiya, and found that he and Yamamoto were just ordinary magazine colleagues, and there was no fact that he conspired with Yamamoto to give false testimony. Yamamoto probably also realized the reliability of Tamiya as his own witness, so he chose him to testify for himself. However, what is ironic is that it was precisely because the evidence that Yamamoto was not at the scene at the time of the crime was established that the police became more suspicious of the Yamamoto couple. Although the evidence is established, there are many unnatural factors in it.First of all, Yamamoto personally attends the regular meeting of magazine colleagues every month. Why did he suddenly let his wife attend instead of him? It is not normal for Yamamoto, who regards attending the doujin regular meeting as the bliss of life, to let his wife replace him. Moreover, this kind of regular meeting will never be forgotten by Yamamoto, but when the police asked him, he only remembered it after reading the notebook.He wanted to impress the witness deeply, but he deliberately forgot.Since I regard participating in the magazine fan meeting as an important value in my life, I let my wife participate instead of me, so as to achieve the goal of "killing two birds with one stone" that I and my wife are not at the scene of the crime to testify, and I can't remember such an important day without checking my notebook His acting skills are to cover up the unnaturalness of not attending the regular meeting.All of this is a conspiracy carefully planned by Yamamoto. Also, the arrangement of the phone calls seemed abrupt.Is it necessary to call someone who is unwell and resting at 3am?If it is really necessary to call to inquire about the situation, I should talk to my husband first, and then hand the microphone to Tamiya. Yamamoto's wife deliberately wrote the phone number in Tamiya's notebook and asked him to dial.The purpose was for Tamiya to prove that Yamamoto was indeed in Fukuoka at that time. Koike made an interesting point of view: "Based on the last time the victim was seen alive by the ball and the apartment residents, as well as the broken alarm clock, the date of the fixed deposit payment, etc., it is speculated that the time of the crime was around 3:00 am on March 17. Now, based on the establishment of Yamamoto's alibi, it can be confirmed that the crime was committed at this time." Since the body was discovered very late, there was a certain margin of error in determining the time after death through anatomy, and Fujishiro Eiko also disappeared at the same time, so although the date of the crime was basically inferred, no decisive conclusion can be made.Just thinking that two people disappeared on the same day, it is inferred that the criminal committed the crime on this day.This inference is corroborated by "alarm clock" and "fixed deposit". Generally speaking, alibi evidence is provided only after the time of the crime is determined. However, since the inferred time of the crime in this case has a certain time range, the suspect's alibi evidence in turn helps to determine the time of the crime. Some people disagreed with Koike's claim: "Because the time of the crime was not confirmed as 3:00 am on March 17, the evidence that Yamamoto was not at the scene has not been established. According to the results of the autopsy, the death was about 4-6. A month ago. That is to say, during this period of time, there is a possibility of committing crimes any day." Kasai's speech further developed Koike's claim: "The time for withdrawing the time deposit from the Fukuoka Post Office is March 17. It is impossible to take the deposit slip and seal without the person knowing. From this situation, the time of the crime can also be judged. In the middle of the night on March 17. Even though Yamamoto was in Fukuoka at this time, it is impossible to go to Tokyo to commit the crime. And according to the investigation, it is known that his wife left the hotel soon after breaking up with Tamiya, and went to Haneda Airport to take the morning flight back to Fukuoka , and it is impossible to go to Ikebukuro to commit the crime. However, based on the abnormal state of the evidence they presented, although it cannot be determined, it is still possible to limit the crime time to the second midnight of March 17." "However, I still don't understand something." Nasu said with his round eyes. "Where?" All eyes were on Nasu's face.He said: "If it was the perjury planned by the Yamamoto couple in advance, it would be difficult to deal with the uncertain time of the crime. That is to say, if the police are not allowed to discover the body earlier, there will not be too much error in determining the time of death through autopsy , then dragging the witness around for a whole night, and making the witness call will be useless. If Yamamoto is the criminal, why deliberately delay the time for the police to find the body?" "Maybe Yamamoto thought the police would find out sooner." "However, the suitcase was first taped to the gap with wide tape, and then covered with plastic sheets and quilts. It was done very carefully. However, for the prisoner, the body was discovered too early, which is not good for him. The deposit cannot be withdrawn. There is no time to escape." "When the prisoner escaped, the door was not locked. Even if he wanted to lock the door, he probably couldn't find the key in the panic. Therefore, in order to cover up, he put the body in a suitcase." According to that Xu's speech to speculate. "The place where the keys are placed is actually not difficult to find, in the drawers of the wardrobe and on the three-sided mirror. When the prisoner searches for property, he will definitely see the key. But he didn't touch the key at all. Since he can bind the corpse so tightly Actually, I think he must have locked the door." "Could it be that he felt fear after the murder? No matter how cruel and cold-blooded the killer is, he will feel fear after the murder, or the prisoner thought the door lock was automatic." "It is indeed possible to feel the contradiction of the prisoner's panic and fear. Since such a thoughtful and meticulous perjury activity was planned, why should the corpse be wrapped tightly to delay the time of discovery? If the corpse was tightly wrapped for the purpose of Postponing the time of discovery, why didn't you lock the door? When the Setaka couple and Mio pushed the door, who locked the door from the inside? If Yamamoto is the criminal, then his alibi must be There is a scam, so what is it? There are still many unsolved mysteries. The search work has indeed made great progress, and I hope everyone will continue to work hard to solve the case as soon as possible." After Nasu's concluding remarks, the meeting ended.
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