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Chapter 8 Chapter 8: The Chamber of Evil

void nebula 森村诚一 4613Words 2018-03-21
Where did Eiko Fujishiro go?Is it true that he was kidnapped because of witnessing the crime process or the appearance of the prisoner as Sanwei imagined? Mio imagined her life course after graduation.It has only been more than three years since she graduated from the same school and entered the society. The drastic life changes that Eiko has experienced are beyond Mio's imagination.Of course, if she had stayed in the country after graduating from high school, things like this would not have happened. However, she yearned for the city and went to Tokyo alone to make a living, but was ruthlessly buried in the rough sea without a trace.

On the way back from the police station, Mio suddenly remembered his alma mater. Many young people of the same age group from nearby regional societies gathered to live together, and high school was the last chance.After entering the university, students come from all over the world. Once they graduate and enter the society, they are scattered in various fields.In a society where people from many planets gather, only classmates are friends from the same planet.Why do you want to abandon the planet where you live together and fly to a strange universe? Sanwei misses his alma mater in the countryside very much.One by one, the faces of the students appeared in front of my eyes.Are they each slogging through strange seas?The happy and joyful student life is reflected in the mind with nostalgia as scenes from the camera.

One of the most memorable is the sports meeting.At the moment when youthful physical strength is most abundant, playing competitive sports is really the sacred scripture of youth. For the closing ceremony of the sports meeting, students from each class from the first grade to the third grade will form a column and perform various programs for the competition.Each program embodies the wisdom and ingenuity of the students. Its creativity and scale are unimaginable. It is a work of high school students, and it is very famous in the county. The column that Mio and Eiko belonged to choreographed a combination of Awa dance and Brazilian carnival dance, changed costumes extremely quickly within the specified time, and successfully performed dances from Japan and Brazil, which amazed the judges and audience. Got first place.

The pose of Yingzi who played the queen at that time is still fresh in my memory.Her dancing exudes passionate joy and plenty of energy.All the participants danced wildly.The passionate young people who were full of vigor and enthusiasm back then are now scattered in all directions in society, and I am afraid that they will not be able to all gather together again. How simple and happy it would be if these classmates could live together all the time!Why do young people want to fly to outer space?Are they willing to pursue a complex life?A hot emotion suddenly rushed to my heart, moistening my eyes.Mio finds herself extremely sentimental right now.This cannot be said to be involuntary.Sometimes he felt that if he didn't play with the sad, his mental state would be forced to continue to tense, and he might shatter like glass.

So, he suddenly wanted to dance disco, so that the walls of self-enclosure collided with each other.There is a social place for aliens.It is completely different from the steaming scene of the alma mater sports meeting, which is full of exhausting and lonely heat waves of urban life.It was a decadent heat wave. When you wake up, your body and mind will feel more completely cold than before, but you can give yourself temporary numbness and intoxication. Keisuke Eki realizes the seriousness of his situation.He was undoubtedly identified as the number one murder suspect by the police.It goes without saying that the crime scene bore many of his fingerprints.

He desperately digs his memory of where he was on the night of March 16.Not that there are no clues.When he was working in the company, he developed a habit. Although he didn't keep a diary every day, he also wrote things down in the notebook every two days.He flipped through his notebook and found that March 16th was not recorded, but he could associate it with the records of the days before and after. If you can't remember your whereabouts that day, you may be judged as a prisoner.It was a work of self-defense, and through hard work he had finally lifted the lid of forgetfulness that had draped over memory.

"I remember drinking in several taverns in Kamata that night, and then passed out drunk on the road." Jiang Mu told the police. "What evidence is there?" "I often go to those pubs, you will know as soon as you inquire." However, after questioning, among the taverns mentioned by Jiang Mu, the last tavern can prove that he left at 2 o'clock in the morning.As for whereabouts after leaving, there is no way to prove it. Judging from the broken alarm clock, the time of committing the crime was probably around 3 am. Even if the breaking of the alarm clock was a deliberate ecstasy set up by the criminal, since it has been confirmed that the victim was still alive at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, there is no doubt that the crime occurred after 12 o'clock.One hour is enough to take a taxi from Kamata to Ikebukuro.

The police chased after him and asked about Jiang Mu's whereabouts after leaving the tavern.Jiang Mu managed to remember and said: "I was lying drunk on the road, and an old classmate who happened to pass by saw me and helped me up. I checked my watch at the time, and it was exactly 3 o'clock. You can check with him." Asahi Ryuji was surprised when he suddenly received a notice from the police station asking him to provide evidence for Jiang Mu.He did remember it.That night, he went to Takamatsu's house in Kamata and left late at night.Walking along the dirty path to the main street, I saw a drunk lying on the road, blocking the way, so I picked him up.It was discovered that the drunk was Keisuke Jiang Mu.It was almost 3 o'clock when he left Takamatsu's house, so it should be 3 o'clock when he saw Keisuke Jiang Mu lying on the road.

Jiang Mu is suspected of being a murderer by the police!A few days ago, the news media reported a lot of mysterious murders that took place in the apartment in Ikebukuro. Maybe Jiang Mu was the suspect in that case. According to eyewitnesses, the victim went home around midnight, so it is speculated that the criminal committed the crime around 3 o'clock.Then, Jiang Mu, who was lying drunk on Kamata Road at the same time, was not a criminal. Since the body was discovered a long time after the crime was committed, and internal changes occurred in the body, it is difficult to determine the exact time of the crime through anatomy.3:00 a.m. is only an inference made based on eyewitness testimony and the broken alarm clock when the victim returned home, and is not an absolute accurate time.However, Eiko Fujishiro, who was with the victim immediately, disappeared, so the police seemed very confident in inferring the time of the crime.Moreover, it is impossible for Jiang Mu to know in advance that he will meet Qian Jian in Kamata. If the two of them colluded and deliberately perjured up, they would not take the method of letting Jiang Mu lie on the road.

Shallow testimony undoubtedly became the key to the case. "How? Jiang Mu said so, how about you?" The detective urged Asami to answer.At this time, the countless scenes of being humiliated by Jiang Mu in the student days appeared in front of Qian Jian's eyes, as vivid as what happened just yesterday.In order to retaliate against Jiang Mu for bullying him, he successfully drove Jiang Mu out of Yawata Shuyin Trading Company.But the humiliation of the past has not been fully avenged.Therefore, Jiang Mu must be completely retaliated against. How far must a man take revenge for the humiliation he has suffered?If the other party didn't kneel on the ground and kowtow to beg for mercy, I'm afraid they would never give up.

"Probably he made a mistake. I don't have this memory at all." Qianjian categorically denied it. Suspects of crime gathered on Jiang Mu Keisuke at once.The reason why the arrest warrant has not been issued is because the difficulty of the secret room has not been broken.No matter how suspicious Jiang Mu is, as long as the door lock problem of the secret room is not resolved, the crime will be impossible, and Jiang Mu will not be convicted. In order to study this issue, the police once again called the landlord, Mr. and Mrs. Setaka, and Kenji Mio to inquire about the situation at that time. "Now I want to ask everyone again about the situation before and after the discovery of the body. Was Mio the first one to come to the door of Room 405?" the policeman asked. "yes." "Please explain the situation in detail again." "I rang the doorbell, but there was no response from inside, and the door was locked again. So I peeked in through the gap between the door and the ground. At this time, I was discovered by the Segao couple, and I was reprimanded by them." "Is the door really locked?" "Yes. Sedaka also confirmed." The Setakas nodded. "So, do you go to the landlord's house to borrow a spare key?" "yes." "And then?" The policeman confronted the landlord. "I was also worried, so I took the key and went to the apartment with them. Because there was still no movement inside after ringing the doorbell, I first opened the main lock and then the auxiliary lock." The landlord replied. "But the door still won't open, can it? Both locks are already open, why can't the door open?" "At first I thought both locks were locked. Sanwei said that maybe the main lock is not locked, and only the auxiliary lock should be locked. So I turned the main lock again, but it still didn't open." "How did you open it later?" "I can't tell. Later, the two keys were opened indiscriminately, and they opened by chance." "You said that the main lock is unlocked, but isn't it possible to judge whether it is locked or not based on the direction in which the key is turned?" "According to the direction in which the door is installed, the turning direction of the key is different. With so many houses, it is impossible for me to remember the turning direction of the key for each door one by one." The above testimonies were analyzed by the search meeting.The Nasu police department in charge of on-site command spoke first.He seems to have come to theoretical conclusions about the mysterious door. "For ease of understanding, I call the main lock A and the auxiliary lock B. First, the unlocker and the landlord thought that both A and B were locked, so he opened A first and then B. However, the door could not be opened. Then , The landlord realized that the two locks were in different states, that is to say, A was not locked, but only B was locked. So he opened A again, but the door still could not be opened.” "Will there be a situation where only B is locked but A is not locked?" Someone asked. "There will be such a situation. However, let's put this question aside first, and I will continue. The landlord thinks that only B is locked, so he opens the lock of B, but the door cannot be opened. Let's think about the state of the lock at this time. ?The state of the lock cannot be seen from the outside of the door, but the following 4 states can be imagined. For convenience, it is shown in the figure. 〇 means it is not locked, and ◎ means it is locked. 1. Both A and B are locked. This is the landlord's At first, I knew each other, so I opened the lock of A first. 2. A is locked, but B is not locked. The door should be able to open in this state. But after opening B, the door still cannot be opened. Therefore, 3. Mio suggested that A may not be locked. Lock, lock B." "If only B is locked and A is not locked, the landlord deliberately locks the unlocked A, and then opens the locked B. It is from the state of 3 to the state of 2. And the state of 2 only needs to It is enough to open A. However, the door still cannot be opened. So, the landlord did not know what to do, and opened it indiscriminately." "From the picture, you can know that there is another possibility for AB, which is the fourth state. Only when AB is in this state from the beginning, will the above-mentioned situation of being unable to open appear."
There was a lot of discussion in the audience.Immediately an objection was raised: "Before the lock is unlocked, it has been confirmed that the door cannot be opened." "It is true that the door cannot be opened. However, in theory, when the landlord opens the door, AB can only be left unlocked. Why, then, does not correspond to the actual situation? This is not clear. But, In theory, AB locks can only be unlocked. This can be compared with the order in which the landlord unlocks the locks. The landlord actually locks all ABs that are not locked, and then thinks that 3 has been transformed into 2, that is, A is locked and B is not. In the locked state, you just need to open A, but the door still cannot be opened. In fact, the door cannot be opened because B is still locked."
"Theoretically, yes. In practice, how do you explain the fact that the door cannot be opened until the lock is unlocked?" "It's a matter of practical interpretation." "How to say?" "The door is closed and cannot be opened. It was confirmed by the Sedaka couple and Mio. However, when the landlord came to the apartment with a spare key to open the door, he did not confirm whether the door still cannot be opened." These words from the police department seemed to have something strange passing through everyone's minds. "However, I confirmed before going to pick up the spare key..." Someone raised an objection. "That doesn't mean the door was locked until it was unlocked." "What the hell is going on here?" The objector was puzzled. "We assume that AB is not locked. That is to say, there may be people hiding in the house. Before Mio and Sedaka couple came, X sneaked into the house and locked the door. Three people rang the doorbell and pushed the door. He was in the house. Li held his breath and did not make a sound. And when the three of them went to get the spare key together, he took the opportunity to slip away..." "But, the criminal committed the crime five months ago." "I didn't say there were criminals hiding in the house." "Who is that……" "Anyone can go in. If the door is not locked at all. Some people sneak into other people's homes with evil intentions and lock the door. No matter how they ring the doorbell or push the door outside, they will not agree." "What evil purpose?" "Didn't the victim lose cash and jewelry?" "So, at that time, the thief happened to take advantage of the fact that the owner was not at home... Although the owner was dead, he was still at home...to enter the house and steal." "So, is it possible that the criminal's purpose is not money..." Someone analyzed the problem from another angle. "Of course it is conceivable that the murderer and the thief visited the house at different times. However, there is also the possibility that one person has both motives. That is to say, the quarrel between men and women leads to murder, and then greedy for money, taking away The victim’s money. Of course, there is also the possibility of murder. Whether it is murder or murder, after the case, there must be someone who entered that room. The lost money and jewelry are Was it all stolen by the thief, or after the murderer took it, did the thief only steal the rest? This can only be found out after the prisoner is caught. Anyway, when Mio and Sedaka confirmed that the door was locked Someone must have been in the house at the time. Otherwise, the problem of the door lock would not be explained." Theoretically, the problem of the door of the secret room was solved, and the suspicion of the murderer was completely concentrated on Keisuke Eki, so an order was issued to arrest Keisuke Eki on suspicion of murder. However, Jiang Mu insisted that he did not commit a crime during the interrogation.He insisted that he would never kill, and he had no reason or motive for killing.The association with Matsuda Yoshie was not out of love, but because there were no other women and she gave herself money, so she reluctantly maintained a relationship with her, but she hated it in her heart.Those who watched the fun said she abandoned me.In fact, it was the complete opposite. It was I who proposed to sever relations with her, and she became furious and cursed.The onlookers never saw the full extent of our quarrel.As for women, as long as I want to find them, I can find them.Why do I have to cling to this stinky bitch?That night, I did drink in Kamata and passed out on the road.Asami Takashi has a prejudice against me, so he lied.The kid has seen me, definitely has seen me. The police searched Jiang Mu's residence, but did not find the victim's jewelry.
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