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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Artificial Wife

void nebula 森村诚一 2652Words 2018-03-21
Small shops such as taverns, book rental stores, dry goods stores, rice stores, electrical appliances stores, and butcher stores are lined up on both sides of the road, which is barely enough for one car to pass.Between the shops and shops, there are also residential houses.This small shopping street looks disorganized.Cars often squeezed slowly across narrow roads. This is a shortcut to the main road, and since it was "discovered" by taxi drivers, various vehicles have followed.Shops closed early, but some taverns were open late, and drunks were occasionally heard singing loudly.

There was a rancid smell in the air, probably the smell of drunks urinating and vomiting, but it could also be the smell of the neighborhood itself. A drunk man was lying on the road in a "big" shape, with one leg almost reaching the middle of the road.Probably got so drunk in a nearby tavern. Occasionally passing cars had to drive slowly past the side of the road, and the wheels seemed to be pressing on his toes.Although the passers-by felt that it was extremely dangerous, they all turned a blind eye and passed by in a hurry, no one went up to help him up. Suddenly - the sound of a sudden brake.Passers-by looked back in astonishment, only to see a large car slamming on the brakes.

"Lie here, court death!" The driver came down cursing, grabbed the drunk by the foot and dragged him to the side of the road.Then get back in the car, start it up again, hit the gas pedal hard, and drive off roughly.The drunk man didn't know that he was nearly crushed by the car, and still fell unconscious.In the cold spring season, the air-conditioning hits people, but the drunk doesn't seem to feel anything. Ryuji Asami, who just passed by here, saw this scene and couldn't help sighing, "The world is really peaceful."As he was about to walk past the drunk, the drunk rolled over.The body dragged to the side of the road by the driver rolled back to the middle of the road.

Qian Jian couldn't stand it anymore, so she bent down and patted the drunk man's shoulder.The drunk looked about thirty, like a company employee.Although his body was covered in mud, he was wearing a suit of good texture and workmanship, but the trouser line had completely disappeared, and many places had been opened.It seems that I used to work in a fairly good company, but because I lost my job, I gave up on myself and drank to relieve my worries. The drunk man was shaken by Asami, and finally woke up, raised his dusty head, looked at Asami with red eyes.Qianjian suddenly felt that this face was a little familiar.

"Jiangmu!" Asami could never forget this face.He and Asami are in the same high school, two grades higher than Asami, and he bullied Asami to the extreme in the student dormitory.After graduation, he joined Yawata Shuin Trading Co., Ltd.This Hachiman Juin Trading Company is the sworn enemy who forced Asami to commit suicide and destroy his family.After Jiang Mu received Qian Jian's first revenge, there was no news. Unexpectedly, Jiang Mu Keisuke got drunk in this place.He used to be very particular about his clothes and grooming, but now he is so poor and desolate, what is going on?Not only was his clothes dirty because he was lying on the ground drunk, his tie was twisted into a thin ribbon, his eyeballs were hanging from the corners of his eyes, his beard was scratching, and there was green vomit on his mouth. A miserable portrayal of a company employee who lost his job.

However, Jiang Mu didn't seem to recognize Qian Jian, or pretended not to know him. "It's so dangerous here, go home and sleep." Qianjian said to him. Jiang Mu waved his hand slowly and said, "Leave me alone." A sharp horn sounded behind him, and another car drove over. "I met an unexpected person today." Asami returned home and said to Ji Daizi. "Really? Who is it?" "It's Keisuke Eki. In Yangtian Company, after being warned and punished due to the video game incident, it seems that he can't stay there anymore. I haven't heard from him for a long time, and I saw him by chance today."

"Not bad right." "Nothing bad." Just as Qianjian was about to continue, she suddenly felt that even if she told the "wife" who had undergone a lobotomy, she might not be able to understand. Kiyoko was originally part of the villas, jewelry and other gifts given to him by Yuanmi Yugo of Yawata Shuyin Trading Co., Ltd. to bribe the political backstage and former prime minister Shioka Kunizun, but due to an unknown traffic accident, Part of her memory is malfunctioning.As a result, Jidaizi's memory is in an unbalanced state.I don't know whether it was because of the threat from Shioka and his gang, or for some other purpose of treatment. Keyoko received brain surgery at the Ito Psychiatric Hospital opened by the brother-in-law of Shizuo Mihara Shizuo, the former first secretary of Shioka Kunizun. Lobectomy surgery, into a mental vegetative state.

The surgery, which eliminates psychotic symptoms by destroying the "frontal association area" of the brain, works very well.It was popular for a while in postwar Japanese mental institutions.After the operation, the patient did get rid of all worries, no worries about anything, no worries, all vanity, desire, and competition were filtered out. However, although it does not have all the troubles of life, it also loses the human will and self, and becomes a robot with only a human body left.Therefore, this operation was later abolished. Therefore, Kiyoko, who has undergone this operation, does not have any emotional fluctuations, just like a zooplankton drifting with the tide in the flowing days, spending time aimlessly.

She is obedient and obedient to Jianjian, never spontaneously wants to do something, and can make a general response to Jianjian's conversation.Since it does not affect daily life, the neighbors do not feel any abnormality.In fact, anomalies exist in places that others cannot see. For example, she can sleep without waking her up in the morning; the dishes and chopsticks are thrown in the sink without washing after eating; she forgets to take back the quilt and clothes that are drying outside; the TV is always on and does not know to turn it off; especially the gas switch Be extra careful and don't rest assured.

It's not that she has become lazy and lazy, just like an abacus, the beads will not move if others don't dial them.In bed, however, her body was more sensitive to Asami than before. It seems that the Creator specially made a woman for Qianjian, and everything about her fits perfectly with Qianjian. Not only the sex life, but also the fingers, nails, and even a hair of two people correspond to each other. Her body has been separated from her spirit, and she seems to act according to her own will.Before Asami gave the order, her reactions and actions were all in line with Asami's intentions, which gave him a satisfying sensory pleasure.

When Asami holds Kiyoko in her arms, it feels as if she is holding an "artificial wife" that is exquisitely crafted and flesh-and-blood. It seems to be extremely happy, but in fact, it loses its human feeling because it is too perfect and exquisite.Because if it is a human being, it will definitely not be perfect, and there will always be something unsatisfactory. In this perfect process of intimacy, there is a transparent film between the two.There is an artificial feeling in the intimate ground floor. But now that the two are living together as a couple, that artificial membrane seems to be melting away.Although the physical condition before the operation cannot be restored after the lobotomy, due to the influence of the living environment, the repetition of daily life can become a habit and be fixed.Asami has been patiently accumulating the habits of daily life with Jiyoko. Huangtian pays off, because of the efforts of Jianjian, Ji Daizi began to show the clues of something clear from the depths of the cloud-covered memory.This is not the recovery of memory, but a long-term stable daily life that brings her close to the performance of past life experience. Qianjian bought a car with the money given to her in the video game fraud case.Jiyoko hates riding a car very much, and probably still has the memory of the traffic accident in her mind, so she is instinctively afraid.After Qian Jian's patient and meticulous persuasion work, he reluctantly agreed to take the car, but he definitely did not sit in the seat next to the driver. She must have been in the accident while sitting in the passenger seat.If she was forced to sit in the front, she would get a headache and even vomit when she accelerated after driving. Asami felt that behind this traffic accident shrouded in fog, the real culprit that turned her into a mental vegetative state was hidden.It might be Kunisun Shioka, it might be Yugo Minamoto, it might be the dead Seiji Kotani, or someone else? It is impossible to find the culprit now, but he strongly hopes to see clearly what is under this fog. One day, Asami drove out with Kiyoko.When he came to a place, Ji Daizi suddenly said: "I have been to this place before."
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