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void nebula

void nebula


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 98260

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Handprints of Youth

void nebula 森村诚一 2448Words 2018-03-21
"I can't live in this remote mountain town all my life, can I? After graduation, I'm going to Tokyo. Just wait and see, I will definitely catch something in Tokyo with these hands. Ah, why haven't you graduated yet! I can't wait." The girl twisted her body, looking at the mountains surrounding the town like a screen. The setting sun is just on the ridge in the west, and the brilliant afterglow spews out golden light from behind the mountain, melting the whole sky into a sauce red.However, what is reflected in the girl's eyes is probably not the beautiful sunset, but the phantom of the strange metropolis far away from the mountains engulfing the setting sun.

"Still, Tokyo is a dangerous place." The young man knew in his heart that Tokyo was a place beyond his reach. He was almost desperate to keep the girl by his side and not let her fly away. "There's nothing dangerous. I'm afraid of this and that, and nothing will happen. Can't you go to Tokyo with me after graduation? As long as the two of you work together, it doesn't matter." "Didn't I tell you? I can't go. My father is sick, so I can only work here to support my family." "If you work in Tokyo, you can also send money to your family. There is not even a decent company in this country. As long as you enter a first-class company in Tokyo, your salary will be high. If you do a good job, you will have plenty of opportunities for promotion."

"Look at what you said, it's not that easy to find a job." "That's why I'm looking for it. A capable person like you, are you afraid that you won't be able to find it?" "You are too naive. There are so many people who blindly yearn for Tokyo and come back with a broken head." "I definitely won't do that. Jianzhi is a man, right? A man has to fight hard. Before going into battle, he thinks of losing. Even if he can win, he will lose completely. You are so timid and fearful, it shows that this small town has been defeated. Poisoned. This town is poisoned. It has poisoned all the men's steel teeth. There is no ambition. I don't want you to be like this."

"Who said it wasn't. You don't have to go to Tokyo to achieve your ambitions." "What kind of ambition can be realized in this poor country? If Tokyo is the sea, this small town can only be a swimming pool or a puddle. If you want to swim, you have to go to the sea. Can you really go with me?" The station lady looked into the boy's eyes.The afterglow of the setting sun has dimmed, and the sky is getting dark.The girl's eyes contained shadows as deep as the sea.The boy felt a strong and frank temptation from her deep eyes. In fact, he also wants to join hands with this beautiful wild girl to explore the world in a strange city.Who wants to confine their youthful ambitions in this remote mountain?

He also wanted to fly away.He also wanted to escape from here.For eighteen years since I was born, I have been living with my family, and I know each other well, even the little habits and tempers.This kind of life is already boring. Now, his relationship with this girl has become the center of gossip in the town.In fact, they were just childhood sweethearts who were in the same class from elementary school to junior high school, and went to a high school, but the adults looked at them with curious and obscene eyes.Of course, on the other hand, it is also because the girl is born like a flower and a jade, and staying in a small country town is really the reason for the dust.She is not only outstanding in appearance, but also has a cheerful and unrestrained personality. She looks down on the rural town where she was born and raised, and plans to use her proud beauty as a weapon to fight in the city.

For her, the "one in a hundred" beauty is the capital to rush to the outside world. However, a teenager cannot do as she pleases and fly high.Since the father, the pillar of the family, fell ill, the family couldn't wait for him to graduate as soon as possible.Now I have been working outside one after another without telling the school.The school was also aware of it, but considering his family situation, it just turned a blind eye. He couldn't abandon his poor father and family and "elope" with the girl in pursuit of his own ambitions. "I still can't."

Facing the girl's seductive gaze, the boy closed his eyes and shook his head. "You mean that you are reluctant to part with your parents and brothers. This is really a noble character. But, Kenji, your youth belongs to you alone. Don't you regret sacrificing your once-in-a-lifetime youth for the sake of your family?" "We're still young. There's no need to rush to Tokyo." "Are you saying I'm in a hurry?" "No, I mean myself. As far as I am concerned, I am not ready in any way. If I go in such a hurry, there will be no good results. When I am fully prepared, I must I will go to Tokyo to find you. There is still a chance."

"Maybe I won't wait for you to that day." The girl's heart has been taken away by the strange city, she didn't realize how cruel her words were to the boy. "It's a pity that I have no right to restrain you." "As soon as we graduate, let's break up. However, no matter where I go, I will never forget you." The two looked at each other deeply suspiciously, but their eyes left immediately.The afterglow melted on the western ridge, and the rich twilight rushed from the eastern sky like a rising tide, wrapping the two standing bodies.The mountain country is early in autumn, and the evening wind is cool.This brief, fragile twilight heralds their impending separation.

"Oh-oh, look at these two." A group of people booed in the distance. The cookie-cutter graduation ceremony is over.The graduation ceremony was serious, the principal's speech and the students' chorus were all exciting.Some teachers and classmates could not help but burst into tears.Although some people say that this kind of graduation ceremony is just a formality, after all, after being taught by the teacher and studying with the classmates, three years have come to an end. I can't help but feel a lot of emotion. A graduation ceremony that expresses unrestrained sentimentality feels like a real graduation ceremony.

The recent fashion for breaking the mold hadn't blown into the closed mountain town's high school, so the graduation ceremony was still serious and sentimental. Students are aware that today is the dividing line between the end of high school life and the beginning of new life tomorrow.Some people go to university to continue their studies, some people go to work, some people go to the city, and some people stay in the local area.Today is the last high school day, and tomorrow we will part ways and go into society. Even in the future class reunion, it is rare for the whole class to get together.In elementary school and junior high school, everyone was still a child, protected by their parents, and had a strong sense of isolation from the real society.After entering the university, everyone is already an adult and has begun to contact the real society.And students come from all over the country, even from all over the world.

Although high school students are in the process of transforming into adults mentally, their classmates are all from small local communities, so they have a strong awareness of the extension line of elementary and junior high school students.There are very few "outsiders" among the classmates.Therefore, the high school graduation ceremony is a symbol of the transition from a child to an adult, and it also means liberation from a closed and narrow area to a wider society. So many young people of the same age group spent most of the three years together, probably only high school.Only after leaving my hometown and entering the society for a few years can I actually feel the significance of the three years of high school to my life. What occupies their hearts now is the sentimentality of the end of high school life, and the expectation and anxiety for the new life that will start tomorrow.Of course, there are also some people who are not sad, immersed in the joy of being about to break out of the closed dam and gallop freely towards the sea. After the graduation ceremony, the whole class gathered in a corner of the campus.They poured water and cement on the ground, and when the cement was half dry, they put their hands on it.I don't know who's idea of ​​this "handprint method" means that the whole class will join hands forever. Everyone left their handprints on the wet cement, and three years of high school life resurfaced in their minds.Someone hummed the school song, and everyone immediately sang together.After drinking the school song, I went on to sing the songs that the whole class liked. .
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