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Chapter 23 Chapter 22 The Unredeemable Love Dead

Nie Yuan 森村诚一 7983Words 2018-03-21
At around 8 o'clock in the morning on July 31st, members of the mountaineering group and the Toto Cloud Observation Association, Sugii Shinichi and Kanaoka Tatsukichi, were on the halfway up the mountainside of Chiniu Peak in the Northern Alps, which had not cleared up for a long time. Qi kept climbing. Akagyu Peak is sandwiched in the center of the Alps. Its west is the Kurobe Valley, and its east is Noguchi Gorobe and Bird Hat Peak, which is known as Ginza in the Alps. It is far from all the main climbing routes and not as beautiful as the peaks of the Northern Alps.Therefore, despite its natural majesty, it is the most difficult area to climb for climbers.

Many places in the Northern Alps have become "sightseeing places" for mountaineering teams, while Red Niufeng is still a sacred and inviolable "sacred place", keeping its silence, and there are only a handful of people who can go near here. Several "climbers". In order to avoid the chaos of the "sightseeing spot", Sugii and Kanaoka came here from Lake Kurobe with heavy tents. However, when they climbed to the halfway of Chiniu Peak, a typhoon swept here.They had no choice but to set up a tent on the prairie next to the small pond called "Zijianping", and the two-day madness almost blew away the tent.After the typhoon, under the influence of the autumn rain front, it rained again and again.Fortunately, it was not winter, and they hadn't thought of dying.They fought bravely against the roaring storm, and finally got out of danger and were able to escape with death.

To be on the safe side, the two of them decided to move towards Yun Pingfeng.Most of the mountain roads to the east of Chiniu Peak are undulating slopes.Although it is a road, it is intermittent among the thorns, and it is frightening to look at.The Yakushi Peak directly in front, across the abyss of the Kurobe River, is so majestic.The peaks that have been washed fresh by the storm are wrapped in thin milky white clouds, like a fairy after a bath. Still, the blue sky peeking out of the clouds was unreliable, and both of them were still worried that it might be a short-lived false sunny day.

"Look! What's that?" Sugii, who was walking ahead, suddenly pointed to the metal fragments scattered on the mountainside ahead and asked. Those fragments gleamed under the light of Lang Xia. The two rushed to the front, "Ah, this is a metal cemetery!" They saw a large pile of metal fragments piled up in an area of ​​40 to 50 square meters.The relatively large fragments seemed to have been distorted and shattered by a violent impact. The trees on the mountain seemed to have been struck by lightning, and the scorched stumps and branches lay there in disorder. "Looks like a plane crashed!"

The two exclaimed almost simultaneously.They guessed the true colors of the fragments and walked towards the fragments. "Oh! It must be an airplane!" "Maybe it was hit by a typhoon and crashed." They found the back section and gears almost intact, and couldn't help but tense: "Is there any alive?" "Find the fuselage quickly." They completely forgot that they were here to climb the mountain, and started to look for it separately. "Yes." After a while, Sugii shouted, "There are two people, and one of them seems to be a woman."

"It's so miserable!" Jin Gang, who ran to the front, glanced at the body of the deceased and said. The lower left front of the engine and propeller was impacted, the engine mount was deformed and damaged, and separated from the fuselage.The driver's seat was more damaged and the dashboard was peeled off.The corpse was subjected to a strong impact in the cockpit, and it was almost a piece of meatloaf. Added with the rot, insects, and rain, it was really unsightly. Since the two of them had seen even more horrific corpses killed in the mountains many times, the scene in front of them would not cause them to panic too much.

"Oh, what are you holding in your hand?" Jin Gang's eyes rested on the hands of the ugly female corpse. Kimoto Eisuke was again summoned by the Marunouchi Police Station, informing him that his evidence and defense for the secret room had been completely overturned. Kimoto was severely questioned again at the headquarters, but he sneered: "If I was flying, Inohara Xinghei might do the same. His blank time is obviously one hour less than mine, but it is also within the scope of possibility." Not having a driver’s license is the same as having a license revoked. And the plane is his own, so it’s much more convenient to use than mine. More importantly, I have no motive to kill Osawa.”

"Can you be responsible for your words?" Nasu asked Kimoto in an aggressive tone with half-opened eyes. "What does this mean?" Mumoto was taken aback. "Are you the son of Masasuke Kimoto, the manager of the Harakimoto Hotel?" "Yes, so what?" "Shosuke Kimoto committed suicide with hatred after his family business was annexed by Rukichi Inohara." "But, it was already more than ten years ago, so what does it matter?" "Didn't you approach Inohara Rukichi just to avenge your father? You also married his daughter for that."

"Why, why does this make sense? What does this have to do with the past?" "Unfortunately, Ruyoshi died of illness, so you aimed your revenge at the hotel that Inohara left behind." No matter how Kimoto argued, Nasu pressed Kimoto and said. "Come on, Osawa was the one who was killed. Even if I let Inohara Hyakuho out of revenge, what does it matter if I kill Osawa?" Although Kimoto still pretended to be calm and defended, but seeing Nasu's calm attitude, he couldn't help feeling uneasy.The opponent seemed to have some decisive trump card. Nasu stared fixedly at Ben's eyes, as if trying to see through them.

"Well, look at this!" Nasu handed an unclear photo to Kimoto's eyes. Kimoto fixed his gaze on the photo as if nothing had happened, and suddenly his eyes widened. "This, this...!" "Yes! This is a photo of you and Mrs. Cheng. What matters is the background of the photo." Kimoto's face lost all color in an instant. "You can still see the sign of the hotel behind you. I'm afraid you still remember this hotel. This is a place that you and Mrs. Cheng only used once. Unfortunately, Daze saw it and took a picture of it. This photo. You should be more cautious. You forgot to separate because of love and walked out together. Acquaintances. But by coincidence, that is also the place where Daze has an affair."

"Why, why this photo?..." "It just came from Nagano Telegram. It's in the hands of Narutomo Noriko. Can't you think of it?" "Ah! Found her?! Then..." Kimoto swallowed the latter words.There was fear in his voice. "It was discovered by climbers in the Northern Alps. It will be reported soon. Since it is deep in the mountains, it was a bit late to contact." "How?" Nasu continued mockingly: "After seeing the teletype photo, you are deeply moved, right? Do you still remember the neon lights? You are too unlucky. The hotel that you only used once happened to be a large hotel. Osawa's hidden nest, and unfortunately, when you left there, Osawa found out and took this photo. It's Narutomo Noriko who is a married woman, and you, the Inohara family again If you tell your wife about your relationship with Yukiko, you will be kicked out of the Inohara Hotel, and your desire for revenge will also come to naught. When you are only one step away from ousting Manager Inohara, you must Shut Osawa's mouth. So you and Yukiko conspired in this case. How, do these things have nothing to do with each other?" Under Nasu's severe reprimand, Kimoto's body began to tremble. "The photo used as a threat, Yukiko still held it tightly until she died. After she killed her husband, she still dreamed that one day she would live with you. If you think about it carefully, if Are you alone, able to sit on the throne of the manager of a big hotel leisurely?" As if the spine was broken, Wooden's body collapsed like a pile of mud. Kimoto finally confessed: Yukiko and I are passionately in love. Although we have already decided in private for life, but because my home was destroyed by Rukichi Inohara and Yukiko could not go against her father's will, she still married Naruto. Toshihiko. Father died in protest against the cruel annexation of Inohara Rukina.Burned by anger and pain, I vowed to avenge my father in my life, even if it required sacrificing my love.This is the duty of a son.Maybe you will laugh at this ridiculous cliché, but if your father was killed like mine, you will definitely understand how I feel. It is not easy to run a business, it needs money, people need to be organized, and houses must be built.My ancestors devoted their whole life's blood, sweat, toil and even their lives to the cause. But Inohara seized all of this by force through the legal means of buying stocks.He doesn't think about the families that are torn apart because of it, the multitudes of people who lose the courage to live because of unemployment.This is the unquestionable structure of our society, where gangsters wearing the invisible cloak of "legality" can mock and violate the weak at will.I saw through this world, and at this moment, Inohara took me in as a victor.I secretly made up my mind to use his method of devouring the woody family and the structure of capitalism to seize the crystallization of pig blood and sweat—his enterprise.Even if it cannot be seized, it must be bankrupted.I know Rukichi Inohara has a bad heart, so I wonder who has the best chance of succession.So, I started to get close to Ruyoshi's favorite son, Xinghei.I joined the flying club.It costs a lot of money to enter the flying club, but in order to get close to Xingping, I invested all the little money left by my father. Yukiko didn't know my true intentions, and joined the club after me. Xingping fell in love with Yukiko at the club.In order not to disappoint Xingping, I asked Yukiko to deal with him properly. He yearned day and night to marry Yukiko, and even suffered from lovesickness because of it.However, he couldn't get rid of his father's arrangement and married Caizi.Yukiko also married Naruto Minhiko for the same reason.It was only after she got married that she realized that Min Yan was a moron with a weird personality, for which she regretted deeply. It was also at this time that Xingping had an affair with Yukiko.This is what I suggested to Yukiko to do.At first she was shocked that I made such a request, but due to the backlash of her hatred for Toshihiko, she granted Xingping. Because of my efforts at sacrificing everything, I finally penetrated deeply into the heart of the Inohara Group, and finally drove Xingping out.Although I am the hiring manager, I am also the number one person at Hotel Inobara. Inohara Hotel has become a mere name, and the real power has been controlled by Asia Singyes.The Inohara Group that Rukichi Inobara had built like a demon is now as good as destroyed. Obviously, the goal of my life's dream has finally been achieved. Yukiko and I were discovered by Osawa "on the spot", at the critical moment when we were about to seize Xingping's top spot.Osawa grasped the relationship between Yukiko and me, and came out to threaten. Osawa has a natural ability to intimidate, he didn't spend a lot of money, but made an unbearable request to us, which is that he wants to possess Yukiko's body. He said that if he didn't agree, he would tell Yukiko's husband and my wife the whole truth.I had no choice but to ask Yukiko, even if I only promised him once.But Yukiko flatly refused.She said she hated Osawa physically, and Osawa's eyes resembled her husband Toshihiko's.Yukiko is a magical woman.It can be said that she agreed to maintain that improper relationship with Xingping on a regular basis according to my request, without any spiritual love at all.I'm afraid that in Xingping, she felt the disgusting things of people raised in the same environment as herself. I used to always be like them, but since my father was killed, I've become a vengeful ghost.Maybe this ghost attracted Yukiko and connected our hearts together.She sold her body to Xingping purely to help me get revenge, but she always leaned towards me in her heart. The strong desire for revenge made me almost lose my mind.I asked Yukiko to agree to Osawa and even used insulting language, but she refused to obey. For a woman like Yukiko, it is natural to categorically refuse, but I was at a loss by Yukiko's resolute attitude. In any case, if I don't agree to Osawa's request, my long-term and patient revenge plan will come to naught.In desperation, a demonic idea suddenly flashed in my mind. Yukiko hated her husband to the extreme, and I had no feelings for my wife.My wife was nothing more than a means of revenge for me, and Yukiko and I did not dare to consider marriage because we were discouraged because we felt that there was little hope.But now it is possible.If Toshihiko dies, I can wait until my goal is achieved, divorce my wife, and marry Yukiko. As long as Toshihiko Naruto and Hirohide Osawa are wiped out from this world, we can get married.I told Yukiko about this idea, and she was eager to try it.The broken thoughts of the past have seen the dawn again, and she is able to take risks desperately for this reason. I am confident that I will have no problem divorcing my wife.My wife is very conceited, and there is a racial consciousness of the Inohara family in her, and her words and deeds clearly show that she regrets marrying me.If I propose a divorce, it will not be rejected. In this way, the hatred for Yukiko's husband and the murder plan to save herself came into being.It brought a glimmer of hope to the union of the two of us. However, this must be a complete crime plan.As long as one person is arrested after committing a crime, it means our destruction.To that end, we came up with the corpse-swapping ruse. No one knows about the relationship between Yukiko and me.The partners in the flying club, confused by Xingping and her seemingly intimate appearance, did not find me existing in the shadows.So, if the bodies were exchanged between Tokyo and Osaka, using the cover of time, it would be easy to prove that we were not at the scene of the crime. However, once the two bodies are found at the same time, the police will probably also link the two of us who have the motive for the crime.For this reason, I transported Shicheng's body to Xingping's apartment, and forged a secret room, and made arrangements to delay the discovery of the body for one or two months.The reason and method of forging the secret room are all the same as you speculated. The location of the body exchange was chosen in Toyokawa, which is exactly between Tokyo and Osaka.Shicheng's body was discovered at least one month later than Daze's.If Cheng suddenly disappears, it will arouse suspicion and search, so we saw the timing of his overseas business trip.Because he disappeared overseas, it will take some time to search. It's not enough to just drive him abroad.We must find a way to make him return immediately after going abroad.What's more, without anyone noticing, it is self-inflicted to destroy their own traces. The job is not very difficult.Taking advantage of his suspicious character, Yukiko pretended to seduce a man to come to his house after he went abroad. For Cheng who is overly jealous, seizing his wife's privacy seems to be a pleasure that can satisfy his psychological enjoyment.His mental state just solved a big problem for us. We checked the passenger lists of the international flights of various airlines that arrived at Haneda Airport on April 19, and soon found out the flight he was on.And easily got him into our trap.I gave Yukiko the potassium lithium cyanate that I had prepared to poison Shicheng. It turned out to be a rapist, and secretly returned to Ashiya, but unexpectedly, Yukiko was alone at home.Seemingly relieved, Shi Cheng drank the poisoned coffee passed by his wife without any doubt.Cheng, who was short in stature, was dragged to the car after his death without much effort. On my side, I gradually made preparations to kill Daze.We agreed that the time for committing the crime is set to be determined from the passenger list of the plane, and we will start together after returning. But at this time, another mistake happened. At the beginning, we agreed to transport the corpses to Toyohashi in a car for exchange, but I didn't expect that I would be punished by revoking my license due to a traffic accident.It is quite dangerous to drive a car to and from Toyohashi without a license to transport corpses.At this time, I remembered that at the end of Toyohashi near the sea, there was an empty Toyokawa Airport, and I had an idea and came up with the idea of ​​using airplanes and cars to complete the plan. The land that Xingping built his own airport in Shangwei was originally owned by my father. After the airport was built, his planes were parked there, and there was no management staff.In the past, we occasionally flew on the same plane.So I also keep an engine key. Before committing the crime, I quietly prepared the plane and waited for Yukiko to contact me.It was the flight that Cheng took to go abroad, and he knew it in advance.We also speculate that he will return from Hong Kong the next day. In order to ensure that I could fly that night, I inquired about the long-term weather forecast in advance.On the 19th, we found Cheng's name on JAL flight 321 from Hong Kong to Tokyo, so we stepped up contact and started to act.I lied to Osawa to hand over the amount he demanded, and told him not to tell anyone and wait at the hotel in Meguro. When it was almost nine o'clock on the night of the 19th, I received a call from Yukiko and knew that Shicheng had been killed as planned.So I left the company and rushed to the hotel where Osawa was waiting.If Yukiko failed to work that night, the whole plan would have to be aborted. At this time, in order to blame Xingping for the suspicion of killing Osawa, Yukiko called Xingping to the apartment in Shinjuku to wait by phone.Later, on the way, I used a public phone to call the petanque court. There is another purpose of doing this, which is to ensure that Xingping will not come to Shango when I go to steal the plane.It was precisely because Xingping had arranged this unexplained seven-hour blank that the police deduced the place name Fengchuan and saw through the trick of exchanging corpses.This is really ironic. At the hotel in Meguro, I handed over the money to Osawa, and then asked him to send it by car under the pretext that there was something to do in K City in Saitama Prefecture.Osawa knew that my license had been revoked, so he readily agreed.When I was driving near the upper tail, I used the wrench I had hidden in advance to watch Lengzi slam his head on the back of the head.After he passed out, I strangled him with a tie.His death was so easy and painless compared to his endless, dehumanizing threats to me. In this way, the danger on the road from Tokyo to Shango was eliminated.All that was left was to transport the body of the exchanged body to the Shinjuku apartment forty kilometers away.At this time, I was full of confidence. The distance was short and it was late at night. As long as such unlucky accidents did not happen again, I would not be blocked halfway.It took some time to kill Osawa on the way, and the takeoff time was a little past eleven o'clock.However, this time was just right for us, because even if I flew earlier, Yukiko would not be able to make it to the exchange location. It was a clear night.There were no malfunctions during the flight.Arrive at the sky above Fengchuan at one o'clock in the middle of the night.Yukiko signaled me with a flashlight on the ground, and I quickly found the location of the airport.Four lights had been placed on the four corners of the runway, and I landed very smoothly.Everything went as planned. We held each other's hands tightly with mixed feelings. It's a pity that we don't have so much time to spend together, and more important work is waiting to be done. After exchanging the bodies, we immediately went our separate ways.I returned to Shango after three o'clock.I used two accumulator lights for landing lighting, placed at the end of the runway.Immediately after landing, Shicheng's body was loaded into Osawa's car and transported to the apartment in Shinjuku.In order to save me time, Yukiko had already "packed" Shicheng's body in advance. I locked the door so that Xingping couldn't get in.Then, I drove the car to Yamato-cho, Nakano, left it there, and walked to Ohara's house in Nogata.I had planned to leave the car further away, but it was impossible to catch a taxi in the early morning. Over there, Yukiko avoided the eyes and ears of the police, and was flying at the maximum speed on the Tomei-Meishin Expressway.It is said that she left the body behind Ibaraki and returned to her home in Ashiya before seven o'clock. It's all over, just waiting to be married.But at this time, he encountered an unexpected setback. My wife categorically rejected the divorce request.Yukiko fell into a desperate situation, and for this reason, the performance with Inohara could not continue.At this time, the police discovered her relationship with me again. All that needs to be said has been said.I lost Yukiko, and you already know how much she holds in my heart.In short, our business is over.We start out to gain something and end up losing it forever. A warrant of arrest was issued to Mumoto for the crime of killing and abandoning corpses.The three reconnaissance headquarters formally merged into Evidence Reconnaissance.Although the Marunouchi Department is not directly related to this case, many places are indirectly linked together, so they are still merged together. When it was decided to prosecute Kimoto and the merged headquarters was about to be disbanded, Detective Haso from Ibaraki Station asked Detective Shimoda from Yotsuya Station, "How did you solve the mystery of the secret room?" "Yeah, it's no big deal." Shimoda smiled shyly. After describing what he saw at the railway crossing, he went on to say: "Once the people and vehicles blocked at the crossing passed, the train was connected to its original state. At this moment, I suddenly thought of the situation where the safety chain was locked. The chain made of small chain links looks like the train. It is because of the limited length of the chain that it cannot be locked or opened from the outside. So I think that if the train can be broken into two sections, can't the chain be separated? That is to say , you can lock the safety chain first, then disconnect it in the middle of the chain, and then connect it as it is when you come out of the room. Later, I carefully observed this small chain, and each link of it is not Complete, there is a faintly visible opening in the central part of the oval. In fact, this kind of chain is a kind of cheap thing that is only psychologically reassuring and prevents gentlemen from villains. It cannot be opened, but as long as there is a tool like pliers, the gap can be widened and the chain is divided into two parts. As long as the expanded part is covered with a thicker cloth, there will be no bite marks left by the tool. "That's it. After Mumoto broke the chain, he walked out of the room and put the lock back together. After the chain is locked, the door can open a gap of ten centimeters. It's perfectly fine to put your hand in through this gap. connected." "But how did Osawa take the photo in Yukiko's hand?" This time it was Okawa from the Yotsuya Department who spoke. "Judging from the photo, the expressions of the two are remorseful for their negligence when they are suddenly illuminated by flashlights. The neon lights of the hotel looming behind them are familiar. That's where Osawa and Inohara Xinghei's ex-wife are having a tryst. A hotel for fooling around. Osawa's photography skills are very good, and he quickly focused on it. This also became Osawa's trick to intimidate Kimoto." "But no negatives were found in Daze's room." "I'm afraid Mumoto stored the negatives in a bank vault or a photo studio because he was afraid that Mumoto would send violent gangs to search the house." "Then, why did Yukiko die holding onto the photo?" Kusaba of the Marunouchi Bureau asked. "This may be because Xing Zhang's photo is the only 'commemoration' she left with Mumoto. This woman died pitifully holding the trump card of the blackmailer. I can imagine her sad and desperate mood at that time." Nasu's expression was a little gloomy, and he remembered the deadly phrase "dedicated to the sky" in Inohara Xinghei's suicide note.Bringing his beloved woman with him, but knowing that she didn't have himself in her heart, what would his cold and empty heart think when the plane crashed to the ground.Suddenly, the two young faces of Inohara and Yukiko appeared in Nasu's mind. About four months later, the Accident Investigation Section of the Aviation Administration concluded its investigation into the cause of the crash of Inohara Xinghei's plane, and made the following report: 1. Summary of the accident The Cessna 172 of the former manager of the Inohara Nelson Hotel, Anhei Inohara, flew from the private airport owned by the family in Kamio City, Saitama Prefecture at about 11 o'clock in the morning on July 20, Showa 40x. take off. Since then, news of the aircraft has been cut off.At around 8:30 a.m. on July 30, the wreckage of the crashed plane was found on a slope at an altitude of about 2,300 meters in Fuji County, west of Chiniu Peak in the Northern Alps. 2. Crew Inohara Apricot (31 years old), joined the Eagle Flying Club in February 1930, passed the examination as a light aircraft pilot in July 1930, and obtained the qualification to fly solo.The validity period of the aviation pilot license is from January 23rd, Showa 40, to January 2nd of the following year. The person on the same plane is Narutomo Noriko (25 years old), who joined the Eagle Flying Club in March of the year Showa 30. 3. Meteorological conditions On the 28th, Typhoon No. 12, with a radius of about 300 kilometers, made landfall from the southern seas and hit the Shikoku and Kinki regions at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour.The typhoon crossed the land of Japan, posing a great threat to Japan.Wherever the typhoon goes, storm and tsunami warnings have been issued successively.The air pressure in the central mountainous area has dropped significantly, and the storm has continued intermittently since the morning.There was a strong gust of wind near Chiniu Peak, and the wind speed reached more than 20 meters per second. 4. The flight process and the cause of the accident The aircraft did not provide a flight plan, and neither the communication link with the ground nor the testimony of eyewitnesses was obtained, so the flight process is unknown. The cause of the accident can be inferred that the bad weather conditions seriously affected the field of vision, resulting in a crash in the air. 5. The degree of damage to the aircraft Serious destruction. 6. Survival conditions Both occupants died. [-End of the book-]
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