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Chapter 22 Chapter 21: The Separated Chamber

Nie Yuan 森村诚一 2006Words 2018-03-21
Detective Shimoda of the Yotsuya Bureau lives in W City, Shangto County.According to the regulations of the Yotsuya Bureau, in principle, police officers must live in the prefecture where their workplace is located.But since he was born in W City and is still living with his parents, he was taken care of as a special case. You can get to the city center by taking Guodian only once. Judging from the distance, the required commuting time is still not much, and it is even earlier than Setagaya, Metropolitan and other places on the edge of the city. It's just that there is a long wrong lane between the station and his house. If you want to wait for the wrong train with the truck, you will have to wait for a long time to pass the crossing.

I don't know why a flyover is not built here. People who often pass here are anxiously waiting for this day.There are many cases of being late due to traffic jams.If it continues like this, the "exceptional" care that is so hard to get will be lost. Passers-by here have negotiated with the National Railways many times, and the National Railways always replied "to improve, to improve", but so far it has not been resolved.Locals call this railway crossing the "slow devil's crossing".This is not only resentment towards this crossing that seriously hinders traffic, but also a kind of irony to the practice of the National Railways that only talks but does not do.

The investigation of the murder case has been going on for a month, and there is still no result. It can be described as a marathon fatigue battle.My legs are running thin, the soles of my shoes are worn down, and the night detection meeting will be held very late.Detective Shimoda thinks of the slow crossing when he thinks of going home.Going home is a hassle, and Shimoda has to live in the headquarters often. Tian Tian went home this day.The criminal police also miss their own bed.During the peak hours of Thongle in the evening, the occupancy rate of the train is as high as 150%, making it extremely crowded.Ordinary company employees always have to drink a glass of wine after get off work, and miss this unlucky time before going home.There are not many people like Shimoda who hope to return home as soon as possible.

He grabbed the handle of the car and concentrated on thinking about the problem.No matter when, the questions he thinks about always focus on that strange secret room.With the help of the Marunouchi Department, the last fortress where Kimoto was not present was finally broken, but the composition of the secret room is still a mystery. Originally, this secret room was assigned to the Yotsuya Department for detection.Moreover, two of the three headquarters that jointly handled the case had achieved results, but the Yotsuya Bureau failed to crack the task it had undertaken.As a criminal police officer of the Yotsuya Bureau, Shimoda felt anxious when he thought of this.Even on the crowded tram, I continued to ponder: How did Mumoto pretend to be a secret room?The more he thought about it, the more strange it became. The purpose and reason for constructing the secret room can be roughly guessed, but the method is unknown.

Not only the reconnaissance headquarters of the Yotsuya Department had a lot of brains, but the other two headquarters also racked their brains, but they still couldn't find a way to lock the safety chain outdoors. It is estimated that the prisoner locked the door between 4:00 and 7:00 in the morning.The corpse was probably brought in after four o'clock after Inohara left the room.Constructing a secret chamber in such a short period of time does not require the use of large tools or complex tricks.It must be an easy way that anyone can do.There must be a bug somewhere, we just haven't seen it.

Shimoda was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the empty seat under his nose.Just when he found out that he was going to sit down, a fat middle-aged woman standing next to him sat down first with amazingly agile movements. No matter how tired a police officer is, he cannot compete with a woman for a seat.Shimoda continued to stand there.However, he was not sorry, because he knew that he would fall asleep quickly while sitting.Look, the woman who just grabbed a seat with him has already started to doze off. Shimoda returned to his train of thought: the security chain is 20 centimeters long, inserted through the upper socket, and the door must be closed tightly.The chain loaded into the socket slides to the lower end along the chute and is locked.When the chain is put into the socket, there is almost no gap, and after the lower end is locked, there is a certain gap.In this way, the door can be opened about ten centimeters, and even children cannot pass through such a gap.But the prisoner did slip away from there. What is going on here?

Thoughts circled around, Shimoda's nerves were exhausted. The woman sitting in front of her was already snoring sweetly.Her mouth was half open, and she sat on her buttocks in a very unseemly posture, giving people the impression of being ugly rather than coquettish. Seeing the posture of the woman in front of him, Shimoda felt very unhappy, so he had no choice but to change his position.In a little while, he will get out of the car. Because I was thinking about one thing, I arrived at W station very quickly without knowing it.If you call a taxi, you can bypass this annoying crossing, but Shimoda is unwilling to participate in the battle for the car.He walked up the stairs slowly.

After getting off the train, the passengers scattered in all directions from the front of the station.Shimoda came to the railway crossing as usual, and sure enough, long trucks blocked the entrance, but there were not many people at this time. It was a hot and humid night, and Shimoda was drenched in sweat just after getting out of the steamer-like carriage.How much he wanted to get home early and have a good fuck.However, the truck seemed to be angry with him on purpose, squinting at the anxious Xia Tian, ​​and sat heavily on the crossing. Suddenly, a strange scene appeared in front of Shimoda. The train was broken into two sections just at the crossing, and the gap was about the same width as the crossing.

Use the circuit breaker. "Hey, you can go there now, hurry up, hurry up!" The watchman at the crossing yelled loudly.Shimoda hurried across the intersection.At this time, he suddenly understood that this was the "improvement" of the National Railways. Shimoda admired the wisdom of National Railways.It costs nothing and doesn't obstruct road traffic too much.Railroad crossings are meant to cut off roads to allow trains to pass.Now it has a special function, if necessary, the road can disconnect the train again. Really modern wisdom. After Shimoda walked through the crossing, he looked back and thought from time to time.At this time, the train is connected to the original appearance again.

Suddenly, his cerebral blood vessels, which had become rigid due to thinking about one thing for a long time, were instantly connected by the connecting train, and the blood boiled in Shimoda's mind.The mystery of the secret room that puzzled all the detectives was solved in this accidental moment. What Shimoda discovered was a way to escape from the secret room.He was as happy as a child and ran towards his home. There may still be people in the reconnaissance headquarters.Hang up the phone as soon as you get home.Inform this important discovery.If possible, we should express our gratitude to the National Railways for this.

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