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Chapter 9 Chapter VIII The Second Dead

Nie Yuan 森村诚一 2722Words 2018-03-21
There was no progress in the detection of Sulesen's falling case, time was passing by in vain, and the weather was already warming up in a blink of an eye.Although a few suspicious people were exposed during this period, they all disappeared on their own. The reconnaissance headquarters was extremely anxious, as if it had handled a case without a clue.The only doubt is that Hirohide Osawa could not provide proof that he was not at the scene. However, he has not found out any direct criminal motives against Su Lisen so far. Except for the discovery of his improper relationship with Ayako Inohara, the reconnaissance headquarters is almost Nothing.But they will never let the only suspicious person go easily, even though Osawa Hirohide tried every means to cover up his whereabouts, and the result deepened people's suspicion and fell into a dangerous situation of being targeted by everyone.

"What? Daze didn't come home after get off work yesterday?" After receiving this sudden report, even Nasu, who was always honest and prudent, showed a look of uneasiness. It was supposed to go to work at nine o'clock, but it was almost eleven o'clock and Osawa hadn't come yet, and there was no news at all. Manager Inohara had something important to ask him, so he sent his second secretary, Nakano, to contact Osawa's residence.The apartment manager replied that Daze did not return to the apartment yesterday. Daze made the appointment on time yesterday, and did not say that he would ask for leave today.He usually works meticulously and strictly abides by the schedule. Since he started working on the Toto High-speed Electric Railway, he has never been absent from work or late.

"Did you have a private meeting with Caizi?" Nasu's question was quickly denied. It is said that Ayako has never left the house since last night.Of course, Ayako might know about Osawa's whereabouts, but since Manager Inohara doesn't know about his wife's relationship with Osawa, it's inconvenient to ask publicly at the moment.Moreover, the improper relationship between the two of them was limited to the speculation of the police. Be it the police or the hotel, they haven't paid enough attention to Daze's disappearance at this time.Because no matter who it is, there will be a night of "disappearance", let alone such a young and strong single man.Maybe he was seduced by a strange woman, somewhere he was just having fun and forgot about his business, and he overslept without knowing it.

However, it was almost noon, and neither Daze's whereabouts nor a call from Daze himself was found, nor was there any corresponding traffic accident report. The seriousness of the situation is becoming more and more obvious.The Shanji criminal police investigated the apartment where Osawa lived. The result of the investigation was that Osawa went to work on time yesterday morning, and it didn't look like he was going to travel for a long time. The savings passbook of 800,000 yen and the marketable securities worth about 5 million yen are kept intact.At Daze's age, with such a huge deposit, it is indeed doubtful.But for the senior staff of such a first-class company, it seems not surprising.

The clothes were still hanging in the closet untouched, and the travel gear was not taken away. Osawa himself has a high-end sleeping car made by N company, but it is not in the parking lot of the apartment. "It seems that he planned to go home, but for some reason he hasn't returned yet. Maybe something happened?" Shanji Xingzhi, who returned to the reconnaissance headquarters, said. "The person who planned to go home at night has not heard from him for nearly 20 hours after get off work. A meticulous and excellent employee like Osawa has never worked idle before. This shows that something unexpected happened to him... "

Nasu's words gave all scouts a sense of the seriousness of the situation.If this speculation is confirmed, it must have something to do with the killing of Su Lisen.If he disappeared just because he knew something, then the mystery of Su Lisen's murder would be even more difficult to unravel.The thinking nerves of the detectives are getting more and more tired. In the evening of the same day, Osawa's car was found abandoned on the road in Yamato Town, Nakayo District, and there were no traces of crime in the car. At around 7:00 am on April 20, Tatsuo Ide, a staff member who lives in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture, hurried to the National Railway Ibaraki Station.

It is always annoying for company employees to go to work.Tatsuo Ide works for a certain automobile company in the Tenjoji area, and he has to transfer to the subway from Osaka Station to get to the company.But the subway is very crowded during the commuting rush hour, and it takes almost an hour a day to suffer.Day after day, year after year, life seems to be gradually worn away in the rush every day.He was already tired of working in the company, but in order to make a living, he had to run around like this every day. Back then, when he bought a new house here with his saved wages, it was still surrounded by lush paddy and dry fields.Today, most of this green land has been encroached by housing clusters.I can no longer see the beautiful rural scenery of the past.He couldn't even remember when the cherry blossoms bloomed this year.

Ite walked along a gutter toward the station-mae avenue.This dirty ditch bred by methane and larvae is filled with foul-smelling sewage all the year round.In order to prevent children from falling into the ditch, the relevant departments in the city laid concrete slabs on the areas where there were houses on both sides.But then I don't know how many pieces were opened by the four troublemakers without authorization, and those opened places are still so wide open that no one has asked.Once Ide was drunk and fell into a ditch on his way home. The ditch was very deep, and the mud covered him all over.Since then, Ide has tried not to take this road at night as much as possible, but since this is the only shortcut to the station, and since he will not fall into a ditch during the day, he still has to use this shortcut in the morning.

- Here it is! Every time Ide walked to the place where he stumbled, he habitually took a look into the ditch. "My God!" He seemed to have discovered something, and when he looked intently, a slender man was lying face down in the muddy water.The man appeared to be wearing a black suit, but it was hard to tell because of the mud. ——Why, there have been "first customers" so early? Ide muttered inwardly.However, the posture of the man burying his face in the mud quickly made Ide pale in astonishment.Even if you fall into a ditch drunk, this posture is suffocating. "Hello! Sir! Hello!"

Ide yelled several times, but the man didn't move.The kind-hearted Ide felt that something was wrong, so he didn't care about the dirty muddy water, so he jumped into the ditch, picked up the man for a look, and couldn't help being stunned: "Ah! He's dead!" "Is he a drunk?" asked the man walking behind. Ide hurriedly shouted: "It's not good! It's a dead man, report it to the police!" The passers-by who gathered around to watch the excitement couldn't help but turn pale with shock when they saw this scene. The Ibaraki Police Station is very close.The sharp knock on the door by the reporter woke up the criminal policeman on duty from his dream, and he hurried to the scene.It was found that the back of the deceased's head was covered with blood, and his face was dark purple and swollen.There are obvious strangle marks on the neck.

"It's a murder case!" The detective's drowsiness was suddenly dispelled. After receiving the report, criminal police and on-site appraisal personnel from the First Investigation Section of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters rushed over. The quiet residential area in the early morning was suddenly enveloped by this gloomy atmosphere. The deceased was about ten years old. Due to the pain of being strangled and suffocated and soaked in water, his appearance was severely deformed, but the clear-cut face of a man can still be discerned. Business cards, passbooks and name tags on suits that could prove the identity of the deceased were looted.It seems that it is not easy to find out the identity of the deceased. In the pocket of the deceased was a wallet containing approximately 26,000 yen, Parker gold pens, handkerchiefs and other personal belongings.The criminals stole only items that could identify the victim. The site is a ditch about two meters wide, located in the corner of Shimozhong Town, Ibaraki City. This is the shortcut to the tram station, so when there are trams, many people go here, but when the last train leaves, there are very few pedestrians. —Maybe it was killed somewhere and transported here. Hato, a veteran detective at the police station under his jurisdiction, thinks so.However, in front of the young policemen at the headquarters, he did not immediately express his thoughts.This is not out of politeness to the headquarters, but based on his many years of experience, he knows that when solving a murder case, it is not appropriate to express one's judgment and thoughts too hastily.Even if everything is said carelessly, it will put a frame on the young criminal policeman, and if not done well, it may lead the detection work astray. Along the ditch is a path about three meters wide, and cars can drive completely.But these days the weather is fine, the road is very dry, and there are no traces of tires at all. After the autopsy, he was sent for an autopsy. At the same time, the police departments of various prefectures and counties checked the identity of the deceased based on fingerprint identification, and reviewed all the search reports of the missing persons who had run away. It was soon found out that the deceased was Hirohide Osawa, the first secretary of the manager's office of the "Inohara Nelson Hotel" in Tokyo. In the afternoon, the autopsy results came out.The deceased was strangled to death with a rope.Fracture of the round cartilage, blunt trauma in the back of the head.Therefore, it is inferred that the murderer knocked the victim unconscious first, and then strangled him to death with a rope.The time of death was approximately the first midnight of yesterday, that is, around 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the 19th.
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