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Chapter 8 Chapter 7 Unholy Conformity

Nie Yuan 森村诚一 6666Words 2018-03-21
Time flies like an arrow, the New Year passed in the blink of an eye, and the weather gradually warmed up.But police investigations went nowhere. Except for Daze, everyone who lived on the sixteenth floor on the day of the crime had a motive for committing the crime, but it was difficult to uncover the barrier of the real criminal. Regarding the motive of committing the crime, the crossing team first investigated Aoqiu.Ao Qiu is a very conscientious and craftsman-like employee. He is absolutely confident in his work, no matter what anyone says, he will not give an inch. Not long before the incident, Oqiu had a fierce quarrel with Su Lisen because of the temperature of the air conditioner.Due to Aoqiu's very stubborn attitude, Su Liesen had to keep his mouth shut and make concessions to calm down the turmoil.However, Ao Qiu still fully demonstrated his stubborn nature and proposed to use his own body for "human experiment".But Su Liesen said decisively: "Forget it." After speaking, he went outside to spend the night.

"Why do I have to kill the general manager!? There are countless quarrels with colleagues because of work. If I kill people every time, wouldn't I become the number one murderer in the world? Stop saying such stupid things Bar!" After Ao Qiu saw that the policeman suspected him, he blushed with anger. The question of Yazaki's motive for committing the crime also gradually decreased with the progress of the investigation.Yes, there was an improper relationship between Yazaki's wife Zonia and Sulesen.But Genia is a frivolous woman, and Sulesen is not the only lover in America.And it was Sulesen who introduced Junia to Yazaki.Yazhi knew about their relationship before marrying her.

"It means marrying the 'junk goods' eliminated by the boss, and in turn asking for special care from the boss." Cross said contemptuously.The despicable relationship between Yazaki and Su Lisen is simply intolerable for him who is famous for his cleanliness. Because of this, Yazaki was indeed taken care of by Su Liesen.It may be an absolutely necessary means for the Japanese to secure their own future prospects in a foreign-funded company where talents are gathered.Even so, the price is extraordinary.What a mental torture it is to marry a woman who is like the leftovers that the boss has played with enough, and after you come here, you have to tacitly allow the boss to maintain the original relationship with his wife.But Yazaki completely adopted a patient attitude.The relationship between Yazaki and Jonia has been frosty for a long time. The couple are of the same family and different dreams. The relationship between husband and wife is just a name. Besides, Yazaki is not a gentleman. The dissolute life, on the one hand, also hides the young elevator lady in the apartment for fun.He served as a trainer for new employees, girls who had just entered the workforce and were about his own daughter's age.On the pretext of teaching English individually, he taught something else to a young elevator lady.When Sulesen was killed, they were in the climax of love.

Such a lively and lovely girl has just been acquired, how could he kill his important sponsor to guard his tired wife! In this way, only Inohara Xingping and Yamamoto Kiyoyuki are left.Although Caochang and Hexi conducted a thorough investigation of the relationship between Mrs. Inohara and Su Lisen, they did not find any scandals. Then the motive for the murder was a business dispute, but what problem could be solved even if Su Liesen was killed alone.The contract was signed between Inohara Group and N·I Company, and Su Liesen was just an "appointed person" of the "branch" in the Far East.Removing only one Su Lisen will not only have no impact on the contract, but it will also be impossible to completely resolve the business dispute.If this is used as a motive for killing, then Inohara is too naive.

In the end, only Kiyoyuki Yamamoto was left.He does have a more specific motive of personal interest.But even if Su Liesen died, the power of personnel is still in the hands of N·I Company, and the contract cannot be changed for this reason.Killing Su Lisen would not solve his problem fundamentally. According to Su Lisen's intention, Yamamoto can only be the assistant minister.Even with a new general manager, it's unlikely there will be a turnaround.Yamamoto wasn't sure to escape his hapless fate. Would he take the risk of killing people for the sake of an uncertain future?It's incredible.

As a result, the four people who initially thought they had the motive for committing the crime were denied one after another. As a result, Hirohide Osawa, who was initially believed to have no motive for committing the crime, had to be included in the list of suspects. The mountain road and Murata team who first smelled the fishy smell on Osawa made a detailed investigation of the situation around Osawa. "Isn't there a trailing tail behind it?" Since they hadn't seen each other for a long time, the two couldn't wait to hug each other.In order to relieve the fatigue caused by the rapid change from high tension to sudden relaxation, the woman spoke first.

"It's all right! The first thing the police suspected was the relationship between you and Su Lisen, and they haven't found me yet. If you were followed, it would be you, madam." The sweaty man quietly left the woman's plump skin.This pair of men and women who only need to satisfy their lust does not feel so fresh as the number of times they meet increases.Therefore, it is now necessary to restore their respective physical strength. "I was stared at for a while? How could I be so stupid!" The woman smiled frivolously.She is Ayako Inohara. "How can you be so confident?"

the man asked.This person is Hirohide Osawa. "Hmph, because it's already oily." Ayako replied nonchalantly. "It's oily, are you flicking your tail?" "The tail I'm talking about is not the police. My husband has been suspicious of me, and he seems to have followed me several times. He wants to find out where I meet other men so that he can use this as an excuse to divorce me. This is terrible. It can't be done. I hate Inohara too, we shouldn't have gotten married in the first place." "Then what about divorcing him?" "No! Then I will have no home. My father only values ​​the famous families in the financial world. He does not consider the happiness of his daughter, and he will never adopt a daughter who is divorced on the grounds of incompatibility. I have been spoiled and spoiled since I was a child, and I cannot survive poverty. I live. My life is inseparable from villas and gems. Only with Inohara can I enjoy these freely."

"So, I'm a small supporting role for the villa and the jewel." There was a sarcastic tone in Ozawa's words. "Daze!" Caizi suddenly yelled with a stern face: "We are dating after mutual consent. We don't make trouble for each other, and if one of us gets tired of it, we can end it at this point." Mutual relationship. Isn’t that how it is set up!” "That's right, now I have this plan." "So please don't say such sarcasm. For you, you met me only to satisfy your own desires. We don't need to pledge each other. We only have a physical exchange for fun. This is not economical enough. Well, no one knows where we are dating. As long as you show your cleverness, I can guarantee that God will not know about us." Caizi said shamelessly.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I just hope that our pleasant intercourse will continue forever, and that no foolishness will be discovered." "So, hug me again! I'm not quite satisfied yet." Caizi's sudden sweet talk ignited Ozawa's lust again, making him forget the unhappiness of being a supporting role in villas and precious stones.For Daze, even if the relationship between the two is discovered, he will not lose anything, because both parties think it is an exchange of equal value. Yamaji and Murata, who noticed and noticed Osawa's suspiciousness, continued to monitor his movements secretly.It turned out that recently, two or three times in a month, Daze had "blank time" where his whereabouts were unknown. The blank time was about two hours from 2:00 pm.

Regardless of whether there are criminal police following him or not, Daze is always careful, trying not to leave any clues.He changed taxis more than once.Once I got on the tram, I jumped off again the moment the gate closed.After entering the department store, I used the elevator to go up and down many times.In this way, no matter how good a follower is, it will be thrown away.Although it is possible to use the crowd tactics commonly used by the FBI.Lay an ambush where the person being followed turns around.But for the understaffed reconnaissance headquarters, this is powerless.One thing is certain, Daze absolutely does not want people to find out his whereabouts now.Although no one has found out where his destination is and what he is doing now, it is a fact that Osawa went there two or three times in January.It cannot be said that this is not the harvest of reconnaissance. At the same time, in order to investigate the relationship between Ayako Inohara and Su Lisen, Hexi and Caochang also set up a surveillance network around it, and accidentally found out that Ayako Inohara disappeared twice within a month.And found that she was more nervous than Daze when she was wary of followers. At the reconnaissance meeting, the detectives reported the information and checked the time when Caizi and Osawa went missing, and it turned out that the blank time of the two was exactly the same.At this point, the reconnaissance headquarters began to confirm the relationship between Osawa and Caizi. "No matter how vigilant they are, the gap in time cannot be concealed. The two always go missing at the same time, it is by no means accidental." Nasu said. "However, even if there is an improper relationship between them, what is the connection with Su Liesen's murder?" Interpol Lin asked.The victim was Su Liesen, if there was a relationship between Su Liesen and Caizi, then it seems logical to surround the issue of infatuation with women, but so far no inappropriateness between Su Liesen and Caizi has been found relation. "That's right." Shanlu agreed with Lin's question. "The relationship between Osawa and Yingying was discovered by accident from the clues pursued by various groups, and it is still not conclusive. We never dreamed that there was a relationship between these two people. In fact, as soon as the case happened, we already put this The two have been listed as key suspects. Although the motive for the crime has not been found on Osawa, new clues may be found through Caizi. What is the relationship between the scandal between them and Su Lisen, although it has not yet been clarified, but The two of them, especially Osawa, are still very suspicious. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly find out the location where Osawa and Caizi met, especially to strengthen surveillance around Osawa. Where was this guy when this case happened It is still a mystery until now. We have discovered the relationship between him and Caizi, as long as we continue to follow the clues, I believe we will find what we need." Nasu arranged it very confidently.Although Nasu, who is always cautious, has only grasped such a small amount of clues, it is enough to be the basis for relisting Osawa, who was the first to break away from the clues of the investigation, as a key suspect again. Mu Mu recognized Osawa first.Osawa only paid attention to the back, so he didn't notice Motomo in the front. Just as Mu Mu was about to say hello to him, he suddenly found that the other party was looking around as if he had something to hide and was afraid of being seen, so he swallowed the words that came to his throat again. Salary employees like Mugure, who have been under pressure for a long time, always act according to the face of their superiors.Now Mu Mu intuitively concluded that if he said hello at this time, Osawa would definitely be unhappy. Besides, Osawa is a senior employee of the same company, and promoted himself in good faith.He is the manager's confidant, and he may be able to promote himself to important positions.If he loses his painstaking care, not only will he have nothing to eat for a long time, but he will also lose this smiling face. Thinking of this, Mu Mu immediately hid in the dark. Osawa didn't know about Mu Mu's existence, and he still walked forward with a few steps and turning his head as before. —Is anyone following you?But, what is Mr. Osawa doing here? Mu Mu had doubts in his heart, and he let Daze pass by.This is a residential street in Meguro Ward, which is a few stations away by train from Shibuya.Mu Mu's residence is here.And Daze lived in Nakano, why did he come here? If they just met unexpectedly on the road, no one would have such doubts, but Osawa's sneaky look aroused Mu Mu's curiosity instead. The place where Osawa was about to leave was exactly where Mu Mu was going.There is a station and a taxi park there, and Osawa seems to be taking a tram or a taxi. But why did Daze come here?There are only small residences for general employees of the company and company dormitories.Only recently have a few apartments and a decent hotel have been added. —Maybe they came to play with an acquaintance? No matter how you say it, Daze's strange demeanor made Mu Mu very surprised, and he wanted to find out very much.Although it has nothing to do with him. Kigure is the head of the inspection and acceptance section of Inobara Hotel's miscellaneous goods warehouse.His job is mainly to check and check the quantity of various hotel supplies purchased from industrial and commercial people with the receipts.Foods such as meat, fish, and wine, as well as furniture such as tables, chairs, and beds, and daily necessities must be inspected and kept here. Originally, he was only responsible for checking and accepting miscellaneous goods.However, since it has just opened, the business division of labor has not yet been arranged, and it is not easy to calculate the scope of division of labor according to the routine, so Mu Mu had to beat and kick, which saves trouble.Even so, the incoming items are often not fully inspected and accepted on the same day, so they have to be put on the truck untouched and driven into the warehouse, and the inspection will continue the next day.This is a long time, it is inevitable that something will happen. Although his work is messy and busy, which is almost the same as that of a restaurant handyman, it is different from the hotel he used to work in - he is the section chief in the new hotel.The chief of a large hotel has many subordinates, and he can finally order his subordinates as a leader.Thinking of this, although the work is tiring, I feel motivated to do it. Ten years ago, he got a job as a supply boy in an old hotel in the city and started his career as a hotel clerk.He knew a little English and wanted to work at the service desk, but because the old hotel had very strict academic requirements, only those who had just graduated from college could enter the service desk where talents gathered.People who graduated from high school like Mu Mu can only look at "Taiwan" and sigh. In the hotel, departments that do not directly contact guests, such as personnel and managers, are called "backstage".According to this statement, the supply department that always checks items silently in the warehouse is the backstage of the backstage, the most invisible department. Gao Sheng had no hope, and when he was depressed, he happened to meet Da Ze who was working in the preparatory room for the opening of the Inohara Hotel. In a teahouse in the city center, Osawa seemed to be waiting for someone.Because the appointment time has passed, the other party has not come yet, so I got up to leave.Osawa walked towards the door through the narrow passage, but unfortunately, the hem of his jacket knocked down Mu Mu's teacup on the seat next to him, and the water dripped on the table fell on Mu Mu's lap. They got acquainted like this. According to the business card that Osawa handed over, Mu Mu knew his identity, so he expressed his desire to "want to change places to do a big job". This is what Daze, who is eager to recruit soldiers, really wishes for. "It's just because of the lack of experienced acceptance personnel. Is it okay to temporarily arrange a section chief? Of course, it is best to arrange a better position, but I have to take care of other people. I will look for opportunities and promote you to a higher position." Ideal location." In this way, Mu Mu left the original hotel without hesitation and transferred to work in the new hotel.In the original restaurant, even a high-ranking official like the section chief may not be able to become a senior official until he retires. In any case, Osawa raised Mugure's humble status by one level, and brought Mugure the hope of "finding opportunities to be promoted to a more ideal position in the future".This is not Osawa Sora giving favors. Not long ago, Osawa revealed to Mu Mu his internal plan to promote him to acting section chief. The so-called Acting Section Chief of the Acceptance Section can also be said to act as the Acting Section Chief and can control the purchasing power.Inobara Hotel's right to purchase items is really no small matter. There are at least 300 industrial and commercial people who often deal with, and more than 1,000 items are purchased.No matter what item is purchased or not, it all depends on his words.Therefore, for these businessmen, pleasing Yu Mumu is a matter of life and death.This does not necessarily refer to bribery. The etiquette rewards for businessmen alone are huge extra income. For Mumu, it is an exaggeration to say that Daze is the benefactor who pulled him out of his long-term life of cold food, and he would go through fire and water for Daze. Daze walked over like a ghost.Don't get close to the disadvantages of Osawa, this is also a natural retaliation for the care of the superior.Thinking of this, Mu Mu went to the supermarket to buy the things his wife told him to buy when he went to work in the morning, and then walked home.He had no children, so both husband and wife worked, with the wife working as a telephone switcher at a newspaper.Today my wife is on the night shift and can't go home until after eight o'clock in the evening. When working in the previous hotel, his wife offered to go to work to support the family and improved the poor economic situation. He was very moved.However, before the acting section chief's chair was seated, he suddenly became aggressive and became domineering.Things like shopping and preparing dinner are even more lazy. "You can stop working now." Mu Mu said to his wife.However, his wife has become a veteran of the company after working for many years, and she is also very comfortable in the company, so she is not willing to quit her job for a while. Mu Mu purchases dinner materials according to the list made by his wife. For some reason, he always feels like a laggard in the men's team, embarrassed. ——In any case, this kind of double-employee life can no longer continue.I'm going to be acting section chief soon, wouldn't it be a little bit of a shame if my subordinates see me like this? Mu Mu came out of the supermarket with a large bag of food and vegetables in his arms, secretly making up his mind. The food bag was very heavy, and I had to change hands a few times before finally getting to the apartment.At this time, a young woman came across. She was plainly dressed, as if trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.However, her slender figure, beautiful features, and high-society attitude always make it hard for men passing by to look back. To conceal her beautiful face, she wore a pair of light-colored sunglasses.But things didn't work out as expected, so it seemed that the big name star went out in micro-services, which became even more eye-catching. But Mu Mu paid attention to this woman for a different reason, he felt as if he had seen this woman somewhere.If he remembered correctly, this woman was the wife of Manager Inohara.At the opening reception, despite being far away, he still saw her like a beautiful peacock waiting beside her husband, smiling and greeting the dignitaries gathered there frequently.He also heard that she was the daughter of the deputy manager of East-West Bank.How could this noble lady who often went to banquets and dance halls appear on the streets in the suburbs of the city at this time?And the way she kept looking around alertly was even more puzzling. —Did you admit the wrong person? In an instant, such a thought flashed through Mu Mu's mind. ——That’s right, it’s definitely the manager’s wife. Mu Mu is very confident.Aren't Mrs. Inohara's charming red lips and affectionate eyes at the pre-opening banquet exactly the same as this woman? — But how did the manager's wife come here?It's unbelievable that she's wandering here alone, not in her own car. Mu Mu's ghostly eyes fixed on Cai Zi, but luckily the manager's wife didn't notice him.On the one hand, Madam doesn't know the lower-level employees of the hotel, and on the other hand, she only pays attention to the back. When the manager's wife turned around suddenly, Mu Mu involuntarily moved his body into the shadow of the electric pole beside the road, letting her pass by.At this moment, he suddenly remembered.Didn't the same situation happen just now?They appeared on this lonely street at almost the same time. It was no accidental coincidence that they were trying to avoid being seen by others and that they were only wary of the trailing people behind and not the front. Mumu's reasoning began to become logical. ——Madam Manager and Mr. Osawa will really...? Mu Mu immediately dispelled this distracting thought. In order to avoid people discovering their relationship, adulterous men and women often adopt the method of specifying a meeting place, coming and going separately.The hotel staff called it "loner".In the direction the two of them came from, there was a well-equipped, clean and comfortable hotel.There they can have as much fun as they want without any scruples. If you think about it carefully, isn't the manager's wife and the manager's secretary the easiest to have an affair with?All these signs point to an illicit relationship between them. A husband who is preoccupied with company affairs has little time for his wife, who may often have access to her husband's secretary.On the one hand is the manager's wife who has absolute control, and on the other hand is the secretary who is younger and stronger than her husband.Whether it is Osawa or Ayako, they all have extravagant and extravagant affairs in order to get revenge on the manager who dominates them-the brave entrepreneur.Mu Mu became more and more convinced of the correctness of his reasoning. Once this relationship is discovered by the manager, not only will the wife lose her status as a wealthy celebrity wife, but Daze will also lose his superior position.If you think about it this way, it is only natural for them to concentrate on noticing the Infinity Tracker behind them. The two only paid attention to the back, but did not notice Mu Mu coming from the front. This is really clever but was misunderstood by cleverness. "This time, I caught Daze's braid!" Mu Mu couldn't help but feel secretly happy.
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