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Chapter 4 Chapter Three

Nie Yuan 森村诚一 3050Words 2018-03-21
In the afternoon of the next day, the results of the autopsy came out.The cause of death was determined to be a crushed skull and contusions all over the body.The time of death is basically consistent with the testimony of eyewitnesses. It is inferred that it was between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. subcutaneous bleeding marks.Its surface is black and purple, and it is obvious that it was damaged before death. The results of the autopsy confirmed the testimony of some eyewitnesses that Su Lisen was pushed down, and determined that the death of Su Lisen was a homicide.The investigation of the case is headquartered at the Marunouchi Police Station.

At 4:00 p.m. that day, the first reconnaissance meeting was held in the first meeting room of the Marunouchi Police Station.The meeting was chaired by Director Zhongshan.The participants included personnel from the No. 4 Investigation Office headed by the Nasu Police Department of the Metropolitan Police Department's Detective Division 1, several criminal police officers and other forensic officers who were transferred from the police station under their jurisdiction to the headquarters, a total of more than 20 people. At the meeting, after a few words from Zhongshan Police Chief, the person in charge of the case, Nasu Police Department, explained the situation before and after the case and the facts that have been ascertained so far:

"According to the testimonies and test results provided by many witnesses, it can be determined that the time of the incident was between 6:50 and 6:55. The waiter on duty never saw anyone entering or leaving Room 1617. Therefore, it can be considered that the criminal entered Room 1617 before the waiter started to be on duty at 6:30. Six layers of escape, this point is not yet clear. Obviously, either the criminal used the invisibility method (there is no more absurd hypothesis than this), or there is undoubtedly a loophole in our reconnaissance. Let us discuss it." "It's a kind of secret room."

As soon as Nasu stopped talking, Yamaji continued, the sweat on the tip of his nose glistening. "The elevators and security elevators in front of the service desk are used by passengers, so are there elevators dedicated to staff elsewhere?" Detective Hayashi from the police station under his jurisdiction also spoke. "There are indeed elevators and stairs dedicated to the staff, but they are all located in the service station. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to avoid the eyes of the waiters when using them. Last night, except for the waiter surnamed Dajing who was on duty at the service desk, There are also the person in charge and several other waiters in the lounge, so it is impossible to go in and out from there without being discovered." The policeman who had been to the service station himself denied the focus of criminal policeman Lin.

"When the incident happened last night, Director Yazaki from Room 1651 and Mr. Oku Akiki from Room 1680 happened to be in the room. Is it possible for them to commit the crime?" Kasai Detective released in a cautious tone. Opinion, "In addition to the staff at the service station, these two people are the closest people to the scene. Although the attendant on duty and the floor chief have repeatedly emphasized that no one was found, it still cannot be denied that people living on the same floor still have opportunities .” "Indeed, after receiving the emergency notice from the security department, the waiter ran to each room separately. During this time, the murderer may have an opportunity." Nasu expressed the same opinion.

Nasu's words are not without reason.Imagine that someone on the floor you shared suddenly jumped off the building. Upon receiving such an unexpected notice, the waiter would be taken aback and panicked.In this way, no one can guarantee that the service station will not play empty tricks.The floor manager Nishida said that they checked the closed rooms on the east side separately.The so-called branch inspection may mean that there was no one in the service station at all for a short time at that time. Nasu thinks this needs to be re-investigated.Then Murata Detective of the police department under his jurisdiction issued a new opinion:

"I think there is a need to vet all the people who booked the room, including those who were not in the room at the time of the incident." "However, isn't the absence of the room at the time the best proof of alibi?" Shanlu retorted. "That's true, but the situation of the three people who were not in the room at the time was also different. Both Manager Inohara and Minister Yamamoto attended the reception at the restaurant on the top floor opposite. They witnessed the fall from the building. It can be said that they were indeed not at the scene. And everyone Secretary Ze is different, his whereabouts are unknown at the time of the case."

Detective Murata stubbornly insisted on his opinion. Before the official start of the investigation, all the staff demonstrated the facts based on the results of their own investigations, so matters that needed to be clarified emerged one after another, and the detectives spoke very enthusiastically. "How about the people at the service station? If they are criminals, it will be more convenient for them to commit crimes!" A cross-country detective from the Metropolitan Police Department puts forward an unexpected opinion.This idea, while bizarre, is not impossible.If one or all of them committed the crime, wouldn't the mystery of the secret room disappear in smoke?

Nasu felt that this opinion was very valuable, and immediately recorded this opinion. "Even if the personnel at the service station are not the perpetrators, they may cover up the criminals. If the crimes are committed by the insiders of the hotel, the cover-up mood is understandable." Cao Chang proposed a new idea. The meeting became more and more active, forming a form of collective creative thinking, and various novel insights were continuously put forward. "However, is it unreasonable to say that the criminal is shielded? Because this is before the opening, the waiters are not familiar with each other, even if the insider of the restaurant commits the crime, it is not so easy to quickly find a suitable asylum. Besides, in the service station Not alone on duty."

Interpol Lin retorted.This can also be regarded as his non-malicious counterattack after hitting a wall with his initial opinions. The meeting went relatively smoothly and ended with five reconnaissance guidelines. (1) Investigate the actions of the cafeteria manager Yazhi and the technician Oki before and after the incident and whether they have the motive for committing the crime. ⑵ Check again whether there is any "blank time" before and after the incident at the service station. ⑶ Investigate the actions of the main members of the service station and whether they have the motives for committing crimes.

⑷Investigate the reason why Secretary Osawa is not on the scene. ⑸ Investigate whether Manager Inohara and Head of Customer Service Yamamoto have motives for committing crimes. Among them, items ⑴~⑶ were investigated by the Hengbo and Lin groups; Shanlu and Murata groups were responsible for the investigation of item ⑷; Caochang and Hexi groups were responsible for the investigation of item ⑹. The Hengbo team firstly investigated the service station again.It was confirmed that there was no "blank space" in the service station before and after the incident. It was the floor manager Nishida who received the notification from the security department.At that time, Oi, the waiter, was in a fixed position at the service desk.After receiving the notice that someone had fallen from the building on the east side, the waiters hurried to the various rooms on the east side. Nishida ran to room 1617; Oi and Nakajo ran to rooms 1620 and 1621; Sasaki ran to room 1607.Since only Xitian held the common key of the floor, the three rooms of No. 1607, No. 1620, and No. 1621, where the owner of the room was not present at the time, could not be entered or exited.The three waiters stood helplessly in the corridor, so the entire corridor was within their field of vision. Had the criminals tried to get away, one of them would have spotted it.Especially when the relevant hotel personnel and detectives headed by the main members of the security department swarmed in, the criminals had no room to escape.After that, Xi Tian came out of Room 1617, and immediately used the common floor key to open the three unoccupied rooms on the east side, and found out that the criminals were not hiding in these three rooms. At the same time, someone also went to check room No. 1651 where Yazhi lived and room No. 1680 where Oku Qiu lived, and informed them of the fall.At that time, no one was found except the owner of the room. Due to the seriousness of the case, even the toilet and wardrobe were checked.All in all, once again it was confirmed that there is absolutely no unattended idle time in the service station. Then, according to item (3), the main members of the service station were examined, and it was proved that Nishida and the waiters had nothing to do with the victim.In addition, they were all recruited from various places in preparation for the opening of the business, and the relationship with the accomplices was also established. So far, the crossing team has not found any suspicious clues in the reconnaissance of the service station and waiters.However, upon further investigation, some very interesting things were discovered. Minister Yazaki, who lives in Room 651, is an expert on canteens and banquets brought by Su Liesen from the United States.He married in the United States, and it is said that his wife Zonia was Sulesen's mistress before marrying him. Yazaki's coming to Japan was not promoted by Su Lisen, but Su Lisen forced him to continue to maintain an improper relationship with Jonia. Except for Yaji, Aoqiu, who lived in Room 1680, was severely reprimanded by Su Liesen a few days before the incident because the temperature of the air conditioner was not suitable.Afterwards, he wanted to resign, but because of the strong dissuasion of Secretary Osawa who happened to be present, he gave up.It can be said that this person does not have a good impression of the victim.But it would be too rash to use this as a motive for killing. As for Yazaki, the motive for committing the crime due to his wife's improper relationship with Su Lisen seems to be a relatively sufficient reason.Su Lisen brought Yazaki to Japan in order to play with Yazaki's wife more conveniently, and the humiliation was unbearable for the husband.Maybe he was quietly enduring the epilepsy deep in his heart alone, while he was looking for an opportunity to clear away the hatred he had held for many years. It cannot be denied that the two people who lived near the crime scene at the time of the case had motives for committing the crime, but the strengths of the motives were different.However, both of them had alibi.Although the room they live in is very close to the scene, the proximity does not mean the scene after all.What's more, the staff at the service station not only proved that they had not been to the scene, but also emphasized that there was no possibility of them being there. Although the certificate provided by the service station has a small error in time and distance, it can be said to be absolutely reliable. Cross-duty and Lin criminal police convened everyone to conduct a more thorough study of the investigation materials, but they still could not overthrow the proof that they were not at the scene.
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