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Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Marriott's Blind Spot

wild proof 森村诚一 13998Words 2018-03-21
As soon as Wei Ze returned to the company, someone told him that Michiko Yamada called when he was away, about two hours ago.Aizen immediately called back the phone number on the message. As soon as the phone was connected, Daozi's voice came soon.It seemed that Daozi's condition had improved, and he was able to go to the telephone to answer the phone. "I'm Aizen." "Ah! Mister Misawa, what should I do?" Daozi's voice trembled. "Hold your breath! What's the matter?" "I said it all, and somehow I only thought about myself."

"Hello, hello! What did you say?" "My sister was determined to sue Dachang, so I... told Dachang about it." "Tell Daba?! Did you tell Cheng Ming?" Wei Ze couldn't help but screamed. "I am so sorry!" "Then, what did Cheng Ming say?" "Hmm... He said that it must be handled properly. Mr. Aizawa, I am very worried. Will Oba kill my sister?" "When did your sister come to you?" "It's been two hours since I called you, but I haven't come home yet." "What? Not home yet?!" The element of uneasiness has really increased.

"Mr. Misawa. What do you think I should do?" "Anyway. I'll come to you right away, and don't tell anyone about it until I get there." Aizawa comforted the overwhelmed Michiko, left the chair that had just touched his butt, and stood up. Just as Wei Ze was about to walk out of the branch office, a middle-aged man and a young man with sharp eyes came towards him as if attacking him from both sides. "Are you Mr. Takeshi Aizawa?" The elder spoke up.It seemed like they had been waiting a long time. "it's me." "I'm a policeman. I have something to ask you. Please follow us to the police station."

The words are very polite, but in a tone that cannot be divided. "Police, what's the matter with you?" "You will understand once you go there." "I'm busy now, can I go later?" "No! I have to go right away!" "Is it a mandatory arraignment?" "It's not a compulsory subpoena, but it will be very detrimental to you if you refuse!" The older policeman grinned grimly, his expression full of confidence, knowing that the policeman behind Wei Ze had pulled away.Wei Ze realized that he was in a very disadvantageous situation.Although he was concerned about the safety of Noriko Yamada, he had to submit to them right now.

As soon as they accompanied them to the police station, a tense atmosphere immediately surrounded Wei Ze. It seems that things are not trivial! Wei Ze became alert. "Mr. Misawa, right? I'm from the Search Division, and my name is Hasegawa. Let me ask first, last night, no! It was around four o'clock in the morning today. Where are you?" It seemed that this was taking over as Takemura's search chief, and he asked questions directly without saying a word of politeness.That blunt attitude showed that they were sure. "Four in the morning? Sleeping at home, of course, when it's neither day nor night. I haven't been anywhere!"

Misawa found it strange to ask. "Is this true?" Hasegawa stared into Aizawa's eyes.Misawa also stared at him confidently and said. "It's true!" "How strange! Some people say that they saw you clearly somewhere during that time!" "Who! Who said that? I just slept at home." "Who can testify?" "My daughter, she sleeps with me." "Daughter cannot testify!" "What did that person say I did? Isn't this an investigation of whether I was at the crime scene at the time?" Misawa protested loudly.As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he couldn't help being startled, and something suddenly came to his mind: I pried open Kazami's mouth and found out the criminal who killed Tomoko. It's like I'm choking their necks and throats.

Oba Kazunari's son became a rapist and murderer. This is not only a big scandal for the Oba family, but it may also become a gap in the collapse of the Oba kingdom.Because of this, Oba must do everything possible to cover it up. The only evidence now is Shunji Kazami's confession, as long as Kazami's mouth is sealed, there will be no more strong evidence, so that they can hide the truth.However, they will not do that kind of outrageous thing! "What? Seems like you've thought of something?" "Where, could it be..." Aizawa let out a sigh of relief at his own ominous speculation.

"Could it be what?" "Did something happen to Kazami Tsuji?" "Oh! You know it very well!" There was a mocking look in Hasegawa's eyes. "Please tell me, what happened?" "Don't you know it all?" Hasegawa's tone changed. "What happened? Is Kazami okay?" "You are such a famous actor! It's amazing that you can pretend to be like this. This morning, before dawn, it was three or four o'clock. Kazami was killed. The nose and mouth were covered with plastic film. Cover and suffocate." "Killed!"

Misawa bit his lip angrily.What he hated was not the prisoner, but his own carelessness.He should have expected this kind of thing.Kazami is a fatal gap for the Oba family. In order to protect the entire family and Cheng Ming, and to maintain the Oba system, they will definitely extend their clutches to Kazami. This is all predictable. Even so, he left Kazami, which was a fatal gap for the enemy and a killer weapon for himself, how careless he was!He gritted his teeth in regret. "Don't make such a fuss, it was you who did it." "What did I do?" "At about four o'clock in the morning today, someone saw you coming out of Kazami's ward."

"Nonsense! Pure fabrication." "Hey! If you didn't kill it, who killed it? It's obvious: you were almost run over by Kazami's motorcycle, so you have a bitter heart, and you don't want revenge all the time. Didn't Kazami say that too? Are you afraid that you will kill him?" Hasegawa's repeated remarks made Aizawa suddenly realize that this was a clever trap set up by the enemy.They not only sealed Kazami's mouth, but also wanted to add this crime to Aizen.Only now did Wei Ze recall Lai Zi's strange behavior last night, no, this morning.She kept saying that she heard Tomoko's call, and repeatedly asked him to call someone.It was her psychic ability that sensed the trap and prepared Wei Ze for this alibi interrogation.Maybe it's Tomoko's soul calling to Laizi to rescue Aizen!

If only he had followed Lai Zi's advice at that time!Misawa regretted it very much, but it was too late.It was only one step too late, and the enemy fled into the safety circle of the iron wall, and he was placed on the top of the cliff instead. "You pretend to be confused. We know you killed it, but it would be so neat if we honestly and thoroughly explain it!" Hasegawa complacently put the blame on Aize, with an air that seemed to be completely sure that Aize was the murderer.But if they were so sure, why didn't they arrest them?Misawa suddenly thought of this. "Perhaps, they don't have enough evidence to catch me yet." The doubts about Aizawa may be due to the speculation that Aizawa was almost crushed to death by Kazami, so he may hold grudges, and the testimony of the so-called witnesses, who said that during the time when he was estimated to commit the crime at dawn today, he saw him from Kazami came out of the ward.Anyway, witnesses can make up whatever they want. "From this point of view, maybe it's not as hopeless as I thought at the beginning." Wei Ze thought again. The enemy killed Kazami, thinking that this time the only fatal hidden danger was removed, but they fabricated a new fatal evidence of a false witness.Moreover, apart from Kazami, Cheng Ming has another accomplice, Jin Chuan.There is still a gap that can be attacked here. In short, as long as he gets rid of the passive position in front of him, he can still seize the opportunity to counterattack, and Wei Ze's brain is activated quickly. "Kazami is sorted out." After listening to Nakato Tasuke's report, Oba nodded in satisfaction. "Thanks for your hard work! This time, we caught Wei Ze." "He can't escape even if he wants to!" "Hmm! It's a fly in the ointment not to issue an arrest warrant!" "It's just a matter of time, the more the guy struggles, the tighter the condom will get." "Is the nurse who testified reliable?" "Don't worry about that. We won't let Mizawa know who the witness is." "Where's Tsukawa?" "Give him some money and let him go to my brother in Kyushu. We can rest assured. The boy knows exactly what will happen if he shows the slightest sign of betrayal. And, wherever he goes, I His brother's eyes will be on him." "In that case, the only bone left is Aizen. Damn it, it's all your fault that even a clown like me has been terrified by this case! Years of peace have spoiled you all." It’s broken, let down your vigilance, that’s why those guys took advantage of the loophole.” "Yes! I'm sorry to trouble you." Nakato quickly bowed deeply. The news that Aizawa Takeshi was sent for interrogation by the Hashiro Office as a suspect in the murder of Kazami Shunji gave a big shock to the investigation headquarters of the Kakiki Village Massacre. "What exactly is going on?" The village head and sheriff said with his hands in his arms.The suspect who has been tracked down has become a murder suspect in another case and is being interrogated by other policemen. Moreover, it is said that the suspicion is extremely serious, and an arrest warrant is about to be issued. It is not uncommon for the same prisoner to run around and commit recidivism. However, there is no sign of recidivism in Iwate County's follow-up. Right now, joining forces with the Hashiro Office, they can kill Aizawa in one go.However, from the standpoint of the police, Hashiro's actions are always somewhat suspicious. "Weizawa seems to be tracking down the criminal who killed Tomoko based on the clues provided by Kazami. For Aizawa, Kazami is the most important living witness. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Aizawa to kill Kazami." Agent Kitano was also greatly puzzled. "Kazami is the accomplice of the criminal who killed Tomoko Ochi!" "This kind of suspicion is very serious. The thing is that Aizawa questioned Kazami and found out the real situation of the prisoner or got a strong clue. Although this has not been confirmed, I think Kazami's mouth was caught by the Oba gang. It was sealed, and the crime was placed on Wei Ze's head." "Wait! Kazami is 'Speed ​​Race'! 'Speed ​​Race' must have something to do with killing Tomoko." "I think it's the same. Killing after gang rape, isn't this the usual method of the 'Speeders'?" "However, Tomoko seems to have been killed by Ohba to prevent a rebellion. So, the 'Speed ​​Racer' was ordered by Ohba." The village chief and the others didn't investigate Tomoko's death as deeply as Wei Ze did, so for them, it seemed a bit bizarre to put the two together. "It's still unclear whether the criminal who killed Tomoko was Oba or the 'Speed ​​Racer'. I just think that Kazami probably was killed because he knew some important information about the prisoner." "Killing Kazami and putting the blame on Aizen, this method is not like the 'Speed ​​Racer'. I think behind the murder of Kazami, there is a shadow of Oba at work." "In other words, Kazami Kazami knew of Oba's criminal activities, and it must have something to do with the prisoner who killed Tomoko. The prisoner can be regarded as either a member of the 'Speed ​​Race' or a member of the Oba Group. However, if it is said that things are not good for Oba, it can only be considered that Ozawa has something to do with the 'Speeders'." "That's right! Didn't Aizawa often go to the social department of the former "Hashiro Shinpo" and a woman named Michiko Yamada who might have been abused by the 'speeding people'?" "Will he plan to unite them and start a campaign to get rid of the 'speeders'?" "Didn't Urakawa be fired or suspended because of the failure of the rebellion?" "But he might still have the inside." "Being stared at by Daba, any inside information is useless. Could it be that Wei Ze's target is somewhere else?" "Where?" "Hashiro River." "Is it an illegal act on the Yushiro riverbank?" "Yes! Urakawa and Ochi Tomoko joined forces to use the Yushiro river beach incident as a blockbuster in an attempt to launch a coup and create a 10% rebellion. The rebellion was discovered beforehand and failed. The bomb did not explode, and it was still intact Save it. Did Aizawa pull the bomb out and detonate it?" "If Urakawa does it on purpose, maybe he will put this bomb in the press?" "Hmm! At this time, Wei Ze noticed the role of Michiko Yamada." "Why is that?" "It stands to reason that Yushiro's beach and Michiko Yamada have nothing to do with each other. Why did Aizawa pull these two people out at the same time?" The village chief looked around at everyone, and it could be seen from his expression that he already had his own set of answers.It seems that it is reasonable to explore in the direction of killing Tomoko's accomplices. "In that case, Urakawa and Yamada still have something to do with each other." Satake muttered casually. "Yep!" The village head nodded vigorously, as if to say: I feel the same way. "The culprit who killed Tomoko was probably a member of the Oba Group. They killed Tomoko and drove Urakawa away in order to cover up the wrongdoing at the Yushiro River Beach. Because of this, Aizawa wanted to fight together and avenge Tomoko. Bring Urakawa out again. Yamada Michiko, on the other hand, is a victim of the 'bike clan'. Only when they have a common enemy can he join forces with Urakawa to become a powerful force." "A common enemy?" Because of Satake's reasoning like a self-contained confession, everyone's eyes have entered a new realm. "Yeah! Their enemies are the same. Kazami was originally a 'speeder', so Misawa kept pestering Kazami because Kazami knew the key facts about killing Tomoko. If we portray Misawa truthfully This is the only conclusion that can be drawn from the traced route. That is to say, both Oba and the 'Speed ​​Racer' were involved in the killing of Tomoko. At this time, Urakawa and Yamada Michiko appeared. Lapuchuan went to expose the floodplain of the Ushiro River The question is, pulling Yamada Michiko to sue the "Speed ​​Car Clan" and uniting them to fight together can only show that Daba and the "Speed ​​Car Clan" are their common enemies. That is to say, Daba and the "Speed ​​Car Clan" are the same breed. No There are also people from the Oba family in the 'Speed ​​Car Clan'. If not, they wouldn't have mobilized the crowd, made a big fuss, killed Kazami, and put the blame on Misawa." "There are people from the Oba family in 'Speeders', no wonder!" The expression of the village chief also seemed to have a sudden insight into everything. From this point of view, the role of Yamada Michiko and the seemingly bizarre entanglement of Oba and the "speeding car clan" are also clear. "In this way, the Hashiro Office not only participated in the criminal's fabrication, but also acted as the protagonist. Aizawa can't escape!" An expression of disappointment that could not be concealed enveloped Agent Kitano's face.The murder suspect he pursued unswervingly was involved in another murder case.When the suspect himself was turning into a detective to track down the criminal, he fell into a trap set by the criminal, and the person who set the trap was a formidable monster.This behemoth holds a local city, a large city that can be called a corner of Japan, in the palm of its hand, and reigns over it like a feudal lord. Here, it can be said that the field itself is the law.Although Aizawa bravely raised the arm of the praying mantis to resist Oba, the result was still in vain, and instead fell into Oba's clutches. The mood and situation of the village chief and the others are very complicated.Aizawa is the object of their pursuit. Hashiro was also after the same subject and caught him.In this way, they are all comrades in hunting down Wei Ze.Now, they can submit a request to the Yudai Office to jointly encircle and suppress Aizawa. This method may be a shortcut to achieve immediate results.Even if Hashirosha arrested Ajizawa on fabricated charges, Hashirosha would be very happy if he knew that Ajizawa had committed other crimes.It is precisely because the charges are fabricated that it is necessary to use other charges to smear the flavor even darker. However, for Iwate Prefecture, it is crooked to use the opportunity of other police stations to fabricate charges to solve the case it is responsible for investigating without grasping the basis for the conviction.Whatever the shortcut, it should not be taken. However, what will happen if the different Hashiro agencies unite?Then he would watch helplessly as the suspect in charge of his case was eaten by another police station on fabricated charges. "There is only one way right now." Satake looked at the village chief with his sharp eyes. "Here we go again." The village chief said impatiently.The implication of Satake's words is clear to everyone.Last time, in order to protect Aizawa's safety, they found Izaki Akemi's body from the Ushiro River embankment. Therefore, Oba was unable to reach out to Aizawa for a period of time. If Aizawa calmed down, It's all right now.However, he went to track down the criminal who killed Tomoko, and chased him all the way to Oba's house, and finally fell into the trap set. Now, the only way to save Aizen is to expose the trap.In any case, rescue Aize from the trap set by the Hashiro Office first, and then pursue the case he is responsible for. At this time, the village chief and the others fell into a perverted state of mind. They protected the object they captured and kept Wei Ze alive until Wei Ze fulfilled his desire to avenge Tomoko.However, they will never let Aizawa become a victim of Hashiro Department's false accusations.This determination is unshakable. "I'm at home." Wei Ze insisted. "Can you prove it?" Detective Chief Hasegawa asked urgently. "I can't prove that I was sleeping at home at four o'clock in the morning. I would like to ask who gave such absurd testimony." "You hold a grudge against Feng Jian, so when Feng Jian died, you were suspected. If you want to remove the suspicion on you, you have to prove that you were not at the scene of the crime." "That's why I have to meet the man who testified that he saw me in the hospital so that I can prove the man's story is not true." "When it comes to the court, I will let you see enough." "Why can't we see you now?" "She's an important witness, and we don't want you to frighten her into speaking." Hasegawa smiled coldly.However, it is also difficult to know his situation: the testimony of witnesses cannot be considered conclusive, and if she is allowed to confront Aize, it will be easy to reveal flaws, and the police are well aware of the fragility of this testimony. At this time, who should produce evidence to prove the alibi is a delicate question.There is no need for innocent people to prove that they are not at the scene of the crime. Only serious suspects need to produce evidence to overthrow the black materials compiled by the police and prove that they are not at the scene of the crime. The card in the police hand is just a witness.And human feelings are unreliable.Due to factors such as the environment and physical conditions at the time, people's feelings will be very different. Let the witnesses confront this sophisticated suspect, and the diorama may be exposed all at once. Moreover, it doesn't make sense to say that Wei Ze's motive for killing was out of revenge against Feng Jian who almost ran him to death.Feng Jian's illness has almost recovered. When Feng Jian was just hospitalized and still unconscious, there was no need to suffocate him with plastic film, and there would be many opportunities to attack him.Moreover, if Kazami was killed at that time, it could be considered that his condition had worsened, and the risk of arousing suspicion was very small. The police have only one unreliable witness, which is very weak as evidence.The police had no choice but to let Wei Ze go back temporarily. "Why did you release Wei Ze?" Dachang became furious. "It's not release, it's just letting him go back temporarily..." Before Nakato Tasuke could finish explaining, Kazunari roared again. "Going back is tantamount to release! Why don't you just put him in jail? Aizawa killed Kazami, how can you let the murderer go?" Yi Cheng was furious.It is not so much because of sending Wei Ze back, but because Nakato failed to faithfully carry out his will.In Yushiro City, he would never allow such a thing. "That's because the witnesses we arranged have not been clear enough, so the police can't make up their minds to arrest him." "Why arrange a person with a vague attitude? No! It doesn't matter whether he is a witness or not. You tell the Hashiro Agency to arrest him quickly, and you tell the director like this." "Even if Hashiro wanted to do this, the district court would not issue an arrest warrant." "The District Court?" Yicheng roared, his power had not yet reached the court.No!It has also reached the courts, but not quite penetrated like the police station. Recently, the Hashiro District Court has also been under the influence of the Youth Legal Association and has strictly controlled the issuance of arrest warrants. "My arrangements were a bit inconsiderate. I'm sorry. I think as long as there is one witness, that's enough. I forced the nurse out, so she wasn't strong enough to testify." "It's useless to listen to your excuses now! Wei Ze is an annoying guy. If you don't lock him up now, you don't know what will happen. He may have pried Kazami's mouth open. You have to think about it." A surefire solution!" "The solution has been figured out." "What? Have you already thought about it?" "Let Wei Ze go back because the materials at hand are not enough. He has a fixed address, so there is no need to worry about him escaping. If we force him to flee, the court will issue an arrest warrant." "Good idea! But how can we make him run away?" Nakato saw that there was no one around, so he put his mouth close to Yicheng's ear and muttered a few words, and the unhappy Yicheng gradually calmed down. "Okay! It's a good plan to force him to escape, but you can't let him escape one step away from Hashiro!" "Don't worry about that! The president also knows that the police won't let him slip away." After Wei Ze was temporarily released from the police, he immediately went to find out about the situation of Yamada Noriko, who he had been worrying about.Fan Zi has arrived home safe and sound. "Great! I'm worried because you haven't come home from the hospital for a long time." Only then did Wei Ze feel relieved and said to Fan Zi on the phone. "A gentleman named Urakawa came to see me, and we talked for a while on the way home." "Urakawa? Is it Mr. Urakawa who used to work for Hashiro Shinpo?" "It's him." "What did that Urakawa say to you?" "He said that he heard about my sister from Mr. Misawa, and he came to me to verify the situation in order to make a big threat and sue Daba." "Did he say he would assist us in the prosecution?" "yes." "great!" "how?" "You don't know. If Mr. Urakawa is on our side, we will have an army of one million, and we will definitely be able to teach Daba Chengming a lesson." "I also felt the same way after hearing Mr. Urakawa's words. I also told him that even if my sister doesn't want to, I will sue Daiba." "Really? I'm very happy to hear these words. You have to be more careful with yourself now, no one knows what hooligan tricks Dachang will use." "I must be more careful." "You don't know, Kazami is already dead." "Fengjian is dead?" "It was killed. It was killed by Cheng Ming." "Ah! It's terrible!" "Because if he was alive, there would be living witnesses for the murder of your sister and Tomoko Ochi, so they killed him. Moreover, they tried to put the murder charge on me." "Put the blame on you?" "Yeah! No arrest because of insufficient evidence. Those beasts in clothes will do anything to protect themselves, so you have to be careful." "Don't kill me too!" "Your sister told Cheng Ming everything about your appeal." "Sister? Is it true?" "It's true. Your sister told me that she regretted it immediately after she told Cheng Ming herself." "It's heartless! It's heartlessness! I'm not suing because of my sister." "Anyway, this is the end of the matter, and we must race against time. You can submit the victim's complaint tomorrow! Once you submit the victim's complaint, your sister who is hospitalized will not be able to deny it. I will go to Jin Chuan, another accomplice of Cheng Ming, in the Can you submit the victim complaint before school tomorrow? I will pick you up." "Then please." "You don't want to go anywhere today." After Wei Ze told Fan Zi, he went to call Puchuan again.Urakawa is worthy of being a journalist, he fully understands the death of Kazami and the conspiracy in it. "Mr. Wei Ze, this time things have become serious." Urakawa's tone was quite different from that of Aizawa's visit the day before yesterday. "There's another witness, I'm going to track that guy down." "Since they can kill Kazami, they will definitely take some action against another accomplice. If that person tells you the situation again, wouldn't it be pointless to kill Kazami? I think, you It’s really amazing to be able to escape from the tiger’s mouth.” "Their methods are very stupid, but I think they will definitely come to trouble me again. Let's not talk about my business. Mr. Urakawa, I heard that you saw Yamada Noriko?" "That's because I heard from you that the victim's sister was very active." "So, are you determined to expose the illegal activities at the Yushiro River Beach?" "I can't talk about determination. However, seeing such a young female high school student stand up to fight against Daba, I also want to cheer up my sense of justice again." "thank you!" "You don't need to thank me, this is actually Hashiro's problem. Oh! I forgot to mention it. Some party seems to be investigating the problem of the river beach." "Where is a certain aspect?" "An agent from the Miyako Bureau of Iwate Prefecture came to inquire about the situation of some river beaches." "Iwate Prefecture Miyako Bureau?" Misawa's complexion suddenly changed.Because it was a phone call, it was impossible for Urakawa to see it. "Do you have any clues there? The detectives seem to be very interested in you and Tomoko. No! It seems that they are most interested in you who are tracking the criminal who killed Tomoko. The Miyako Bureau seems to be tracking the criminal from another standpoint. Why are the police in Iwate Prefecture investigating the murder of Yushiro in different districts? Because the search is a secret, they didn't tell me. However, I think they are at least more reliable than the police in Yushiro, so I will tell you what I know Tell them all at once.” "Have the police from Iwate Prefecture been here?" Aizawa has not recovered from the shock of the arrival of the police from Iwate Prefecture. "That's right! That detective seems to be very interested in buying the Yushiro river beach. Even though they are policemen from other prefectures, if they can come out to help, the second search department of the prefectural police station may be able to investigate." "Didn't the agents of the Miyako Bureau bring up the matter of Misako Ochi?" "Ochi Misako?" "It's Tomoko's older sister." "Ah! I remembered. Tomoko had an older sister who was probably killed while hiking. Wait a minute! Oh! I'm a little confused. Her older sister was indeed killed in the deep mountains of Iwate Prefecture. That said. That The agent may have come for this matter!" After half of what Urakawa said, he fell into his own memories. "If I didn't ask about Ochi Misako, I think I came here for another case. That's right! A few days ago, the police in Iwate Prefecture discovered that she was killed in a case of fraudulent insurance money from the embankment of the Yushiro River Tongjin. Is it the body of the hostess? Thanks to their discovery, I, who was responsible for the insurance, showed my face. It is said that a murderer was arrested in Iwate Prefecture at that time, and he confessed to burying the victim in the embankment of the Ushiro River. As soon as the embankment was searched, the hostess' body was discovered as an accidental by-product. I think Miyako's agents probably came for this." Misawa asked the question himself, and cleverly directed Urakawa's attention away from Misako Ochi to another aspect. At this time, Agent Kitano was desperately analyzing and looking for the witness who saw "Weizawa committed the crime".For unknown reasons, the Hashiro Office kept the names of witnesses secret.Because of the egoism among the police, it is common for each to hide the secrets at hand, but there should be no reason to hide witnesses. Even so, they kept it secret, and it seemed that there were ghosts in it. "The man said he saw it around four o'clock in the morning, which ruled out the possibility of visitors. First, it should be the night shift nurse, and second, it should be the inpatient in the same ward." "However, do the hospitalized patients know Wei Ze?" "It is said that he often goes in and out of the Fengjian ward, so maybe he remembers his face." "Although we may recognize it, but it was four o'clock in the morning. I just turned around and glanced at it vaguely. I don't know who it is. Nurses are more likely than patients. And citizens The hospital is involved with Daba, and it is much easier to win over a nurse than a patient." Based on this analysis, the police from the Miyako Bureau focused on the three nurses who were on the night shift that night.First of all, the nurse Usawa Keiko who is in charge of the Kazami ward, she is the discoverer of the case, and it is of course possible for one person to have two roles, both the discoverer and the witness, but this arrangement is not effective.If she is arranged to be a witness, then seeing Aizawa come out of the Kazami ward at such an unexpected moment, as the nurse in charge of the ward, should arouse suspicion and ask him something. The situation is the same for the head nurse Naito Suzue, and the rest is the Makino house, and she is the most suspected.Kitano was going to interrogate all three nurses, but the order of the examination was decided to be Makino, Naito, and Usawa. Kitano came to look for her in the nurse's room when she was not on duty in Makino's house, and she immediately turned pale with panic.Suzue Naito and Keiko Uzawa are both nurses, while House Makino is still a trainee nurse.She finished middle school and just graduated from the trainee nurse training class. She is 18 years old and is a fledgling nurse. A sudden visit from a strange agent puts Makino's house on tenterhooks.Kitano saw her expression as a strong "reaction." After finishing the polite words of the first meeting, Kitano asked the core of the matter straight to the point. "I heard that when Mr. Kazami died, did you see Mr. Aizawa come out of his ward?" "yes." Makino answered with lowered eyelids. "How do you know it's Mr. Misawa?" "Because I think it's Aizen." "You said you saw Mr. Misawa in front of the nurse's room?" "yes." "Mr. Kazami's ward is at the innermost part of the corridor, and the nurse's room is in the middle of the corridor, far away from the innermost ward. Besides, the lights are not too bright at night, can you really recognize Mr. Mizawa?" "That... that... Although the man's face is not clearly seen, it can be seen from the outline, the characteristics of the posture, etc." Under Kitano's sharp questioning, Makino's house was in a panic. "So, you didn't see Mr. Aizawa's face clearly. You guessed it was Aizawa from the outline of the face and the posture of the body. Right?" "Perhaps that's the case, isn't that roughly the case with human observation?" The house raised its head, and reluctantly asked a question.At this time, her eyes were just under the light, and Kitano felt a flash of light, which gave him an inspiration. "Miss Makino, let me ask abruptly, how is your eyesight?" "The vision of the eyes?" The sudden question took the house by surprise. "yes." "0.1 for the right eye, 0.3 for the left eye." "I can't say it's too good." "You mean you can't see the end of the corridor with this kind of vision. However, I have already put on contact lenses, and both eyes have been corrected to 1.2." It was only then that Kitano knew that the "light" on the house's eyes just now was the light from the contact lens.However, since House Makino insisted that her eyesight had been corrected, this cannot be denied. In the early morning of the next day, Yamada Noriko waited for Misawa's arrival.She was going to pass the "accusation of victimization" to the police before going to school.For this matter, she would rather be late for school for a while, because she knew that if her parents found out, they would definitely stop her, so she was determined not to say a word. Now, it's time to create a rebellion against the emperor Oba family in Yudai.Fanzi was very excited.According to Urakawa, he has now grasped the wrongdoings in the Yushiro riverbank and other large fields.Urakawa also said that he must cooperate with Fan Zi's accusation and expose those illegal acts.Fanzi's accusation may become the fuse to overthrow the Dachang family. Fan Zi felt that she seemed to be the heroine in a drama, and she was completely immersed in a high degree of excitement. When she submitted the victim complaint, Wei Ze said that she would escort her all the way, and he would take care of everything. Seeing that it was time to leave home, it was the time Wei Ze had agreed on.Just at this time, a girl about her age stood at the door of the house.Fan Zi had never seen this girl before. The girl said to Fan Zi who was about to go out. "Are you Miss Yamada Noriko?" Fan Zi nodded. The girl went on to say: "Mr. Aizawa asked me to pick you up." "Mr. Aizawa let you?" "Well, Mr. Misawa is waiting for you. He said there is something urgent." Fanzi believed her words and followed her. "Come here." When the girl led her into an alley, several cars were parked there, and several young men with Regency hairstyles gathered there.Fan Zi was startled and turned to run, but it was too late.The girl shouted eagerly, "Bring it!" Then, the young people immediately dispersed and surrounded the range from all directions. "Who are you? What do you want to do?" 看到范子浑身紧张地大声责问,一个满脸酒刺像是头头的人嘿嘿冷笑着说: “跟我们来一趟就明白了。” “你们想干什么?我要上学去呢。” “一个上学的人为什么一说味泽就急急忙忙跟了来呢?” “这与你们毫无关系。” “有没有关系,我们要慢慢问你。上!” 领头的向喽罗们丢个眼色。五六个小伙子立即扑上前来,把范子推进车里。 “住手!你们要干什么!我要喊警察了!” 范子拼命抵抗,无奈,寡不敌众,很快就被推进了车里。把范子一推上车,这伙青年人立即各自坐上车,开车就跑。前后只有几分钟工夫。路上一个行人也没有,谁也没有看到这个清晨绑架的场面。 就在事情发生前不久,一个电话打给了正准备去范子家的味泽。房东来叫味泽接电话,味泽一拿起听筒,一个陌生的声音钻进了耳膜。 “味泽先生吗?山田范子在我们手里,要想让她平安地回去,你就得打消起诉的念头。” “什么?你是大场成明?” “是谁都没关系,既然本人不想告发,你这个局外人就别再多嘴多舌啦。” “你们打算把范子怎么办?” “不打算怎么办。我们要好好看住她,直到你放弃那多管闲事的起诉。” “你们这是绑架!” “不敢当。她是自愿来的,而且已通知学校和家里了。” 对方在电话里轻轻一笑。 “等等,别挂电话,我们面谈一下……” 味泽还没说完,对方就挂上了电话。 “是从'钢盔'快餐部打来的。” 味泽感到无论如何也要马上到“狂犬”根据地“钢盔”快餐部去一趟。大场成明终于把魔掌伸向范子了。到了“钢盔”店,就可以知道他们要干什么。 味泽刚要走出家门,身背书包准备上学的赖子喊了起来。 “爸爸,您上哪儿呀?” “我马上就回来,你和同学一块上学去吧。” “爸爸,不要去!” 味泽想,赖子的直观像可能又预感到危险了。但为了搭救范子,必须要到“钢盔”快餐部去一趟。 “放心吧,赖子。” “我和您一起去。” 味泽略微犹豫了片刻,用坚决的口气说:“算啦!你上学去吧。” 北野越来越坚信牧野房子是个伪证人。她一定是被人收买或受到威胁而伪装目击者的。她的证词是捏造的。正因为如此,证词缺乏足够的说服力,敌人也不能一下子就把味泽逮捕起来。如果不赶快下手,敌人就会根据她的证词接二连三地捏造材料,栽赃陷害,把味泽逮起来,这是显而易见的。 一定要抢在事情发生之前,揭穿牧野房子的谎言。 北野仔仔细细地检查了现场。风见住的320号病房是外科病房的单间,在病房的最里面,离走廊中间的护士室大约有三十多米远,这段距离也并不是就看不清风见病房前面站着的人。 夜间又会怎样呢?牧野房子一口咬定说在凌晨四点左右亲眼看见了味泽。为了在同一条件下对现场进行观察,北野在凌晨四点又来到现场,整个病房寂静无声。灯光非常明亮。从护士室前面满可以清楚地看到风见病房。荧光灯隔五米就有一个,直接安装在顶棚上,而320病房前的灯光特别明亮。 北野把整个现场调查了一遍,仍不能推翻牧野房子的假证。房子的态度有些暖昧,但言词却顺理成章。如果把视力矫正到1.2的话,站在护士室前,完全能看清站在320号病房前面的人的脸。 北野自己的左右视力就都是1.2,用自己的眼睛就可以证明这一点。 但北野的心里还总像有个疙瘩解不开似的。他自己也不知道那是什么。尽管把现场查看得很仔细,但心里仍是忐忑不安,好像漏掉了一个什么重要的东西。那漏掉的东西使他心神不定。唯其原因无从知晓,这使他焦躁不安。 他明白,味泽正一步一步地被逼进无路可走的境地。决不能让他们把味泽抢走,这人是他要抓的对象。北野心急如火,岩手县警也被逼进无可奈何的境地了。 他们是声称搜查一个失踪的人而来到羽代市的。本来的任务是为味泽而来,但一直没有明说出来。他们把发现井崎明美的尸体说成是出乎意料的“副产品”,声称真正要搜查的对象还没有发现,就在羽代市呆了下来。但也不能总是呆着不走。 而现在,发现井崎明美尸体之后,岩手县的警察好像再也没有进行像样的搜查,就在羽代市泡了下来。这使羽代署对他们投下了狐疑的目光。他们来到别的警察的管区里,就说是搞到了一个“副产品”吧,当地的警察已经把那个事件当作事故处理了,他们却把死尸找出来,弄成了“杀人”案,因而,使羽代署和暴力集团的勾结关系暴露出去,使搜查科长丢了饭碗。对于点燃这根导火线的岩手县警察,羽代署怎么会有好感呢? 一般来说,别处的警察来到自己的管区内到处活动,心里总不是滋味,况且羽代署又是心怀鬼胎,很想请岩手县警察赶快离境。 跟上次不同,这回已经暴露出本来面目,就再也无法进行秘密调查了。岩手县警察也不得不赶快收场。 北野从市民医院前面上了市内环行汽车,正赶上早晨上班上学的时间,车内职工和学生挤得满满的。 好像正值考试期间,几个同学在互相提问: “什么是马利奥特盲点?” “就是没有视觉细胞的地方。在白纸上一左一右地并排画上一个十字和圆圈,从二十五厘米的地方闭上左眼。右眼盯看十字,就会看不见圆圈……” 车到站了,学生们吵吵嚷嚷地下了车。 “马利奥特盲点?” 学生们下车后,车里顿时空了,北野把身体伸展开来自言自语地说。北野自己肯定也有这个盲点,光线照到那个盲点上,就发生奇怪现象。下一站就在图书馆的前门,北野突然打定主意,在那里下车。 走进图书馆后,他马上找了本百科辞典。“马利奥特盲点”在“眼”的条目里。书目上解释说,由于网膜视神经乳头上没有视觉细胞,即使光照到上边,也不会产生光感。所以,视觉中的这一部分就看不见物体,这个生理上的视觉缺陷部分叫做盲点,是发现的,一般叫马利奥特暗斑(或盲点)。盲点为椭圆形,其中心距注视点十五度左右,垂直径约七度,横径约五度……盲点的检验办法是:在白纸上画一个小十字,在它右侧五到十厘米的地方画一个圆圈,然后闭上左眼,从十七厘米到三十五厘米的地方注视小十字,右边的小圆圈就看不见了。而视野中的盲点这个词,人们已转而用作没想到、没注意到的地方,空白点,漏洞等意思了。 “没想到,没注意到的地方……” 北野看着百科辞典自言自语地说。然后,他用自己的眼睛对着百科辞典上画的黑地白色十字和圆圈试验了一下。 “咦!真的看不见了。” 圆圈果然从视野消失了,北野惊诧不已。 “盲点原来是从这时来的呀!”北野感叹一番之后,马利奥特的试验图和市民医院病房的光景就在他眼前重叠起来了。 病房的荧光灯是每隔五米一个,直接安装在天花板上的,而惟独风见房间前的灯光特别亮,那是为什么呢? 北野跳了起来,把百科辞典送回书架,飞也似地奔回市民医院。他站在外科病房320病室前面,凝视着天花板上的灯出神。一个护士正好从那儿路过,北野赶紧叫住她: “为什么这个房间前的灯特别亮?” 护士疑心地看了看北野,见他一本正经,就回答说: “噢!那里的电灯坏了,最近才换上。” “什么时候换上的?” “可能是昨天或是前天。” “你能准确地告诉我吗?” “那得问材料科的人才能知道,你问这个干什么?” “啊!对不起,我是警察。材料科在哪儿?我非常想知道哪天换的灯,要为一个案子作参考。” 一看北野拿出警察工作证,护士马上改变了态度,把他领到另一栋房子里的材料科。医院里的所有器材都由这个材料科调配。 听到北野的询问,保管员查阅了一下出库收据,告诉他换荧光灯是昨天早晨。 “荧光灯快要烧坏的时候,会一闪一闪忽明忽暗的。你们换下的旧荧光灯也是这样吗?” “不是,外科病房320病室前的那个荧光灯已经超过了那种程度,根本不亮了。” 这正是北野想要得到的回答。 “320号病室前面天花板上的灯的开关在哪儿呀?” “都集中在护士室,是遥控开关。” “那么,要想单把320号病房前的灯关上的话,怎么做呢?” “那呀,只有把灯管从灯座上卸下来。” “给您再添点麻烦。天黑以后,您能把外科病房320号病室前天花板上的灯管给卸下来吗?不!只要让灯灭一会儿就行了,这对破案非常必要。” 北野焦急地等到太阳下了山,便开始进行“实验”。风见病房前走廊顶棚上的灯管已经卸了下来。按正规的说法,这是一种热阴极预热型荧光灯,只稍拧一下灯管两端的卡子,就很容易拆下来。灯光一消失,走廊的这一段就暗了下来。 “这样行了吧?” “好了。对不起,请您面对着我,站在320号病室前面。” 北野让材料科的管理员站在走廊上,自己从护士室前面看过去。走廊顶棚上与那个灯相隔五米邻近的灯光照射着那一段,这个“临近的灯光”很暗,看不清管理员的面孔。 这样,北野就明确了,出事那天的夜里,风见病室前走廊顶棚的灯管已烧坏,完全熄灭,从护士室那么远的距离,根本看不清320号病室前站着的人。 使他得到启发的是“马利奥特盲点”,当十字和圆圈并排摆着时,一注视十字,圆圈就进入暗点而消失。若说白色黑底的十字和圆圈,圆圈应是显得特别清晰明亮的。任何人乍一看时也不会想到,暗淡的十字会留下,而明亮的圆圈竟会消失无踪。 过于明亮就会引起注意。北野把那个亮度和风见病室前走廊顶棚上的灯结合起来,同样度数的灯,比别的灯亮,那是因为灯管是新换的。那么,旧灯是什么时候换下来的呢?在旧灯下面,走廊又该怎样呢? 马利奥特的暗点和新灯重叠在一起消失以后,牧野房子伪证的把戏就完全暴露无遗了。 而使北野得到启发的马利奥特盲点,还另有更重要的意义。
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