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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 The Blessed Woman

lethal agent 森村诚一 5175Words 2018-03-21
Xianma temporarily settled down in Saeko's apartment.Although there is not a single piece of decent furniture here, which is so simple and frustrating, Saeko still tries her best to decorate the room with the curtains and bedding she sewed herself.After dedicating everything to Xianma's "study tour", in order to rent this room, she also received her salary in advance, so she is now penniless. But she never showed such a look to her "husband" who had been reunited for a long time. "I'm really sorry, I just moved here, and things are not complete."

While defending, Saeko took the lead and entered the room.She was so enthusiastic, but Xianjian didn't give her any gifts.Although American women gave him many gifts, he didn't want to give them to Saeko at all.Those things were his munitions funds for new battles, and it would be a pity to spend them on old prey that had drained the marrow. Xianma associates Saeko as a caterpillar who sacrificed his life to a parasitic wasp.All kinds of parasitic wasps lay eggs on caterpillars, and the wasp eggs absorb nutrients from caterpillars to grow.The caterpillar does not die immediately, but gradually consumes its life before the bee grows up, constantly replenishing it with nutrients.After the larvae have grown their wings, all that remains are the poor, gnawed remains of caterpillars.

This is a lump sum meal. It is said that when one caterpillar is not enough to eat, the old bee will supply new caterpillars to the young bees. Xianma thinks: the aging Saeko is the gnawed caterpillar.Long before returning home, he planned to find another family. If Gomachi Nami can become the host, it will be a huge prey that can't be eaten in a lifetime.But she is too huge, it is impossible to get it easily, and one must find a prey in between. After Xian Jian returned to China, he also made an appearance in his hometown.My father used to work in the municipal government, but he retired last year. He is now recruited as a guard at an electronic component factory in the suburbs.Xianma is the eldest son, and he has two younger sisters. The elder sister works for the local credit union, and the younger sister works for the agricultural association.

The father didn't know what Xianma was doing in the United States, and he only pinned all his hopes on his son.Now, unlike in the past, middle school students can also go overseas, but Yasuo is the only one in the Xianma family who "studies" abroad. Because of this, Xianma has become the hope of their family and shoulders the heavy trust of his father. In fact, Xianma's father was just a low-level civil servant all his life. After retirement, he still worked as a doorman in a private factory. He was a man of no great achievements.For him, although it is a second-rate private university, his son can graduate from university and go to the United States to study for two years, which is also a matter of glory to his ancestors.Xianma also said some flamboyant words to his father and family.

Xian Jian took out some of the gifts given to him by the American guests and distributed them to his family, and his parents were pleasantly surprised.They didn't know that these things were the reward for their son's prostitution. Seeing the happy faces of his parents, Xianma thought to himself: I must get the first-class seat in life as soon as possible. During his stay in his hometown, he stopped by Qingtang, the playground of his childhood.There is a lot of rain this summer, so the water level rises, and the rippling water washes away the roots of the jungle around the pool. When he came to the pond, Xian Jian felt extremely calm.It may be because of the rumor that Qinglong lives here, and the local children are not too old to come here.Tadpoles, crucian carp, snakehead, etc., were all his prey once.Except for the moment when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the silence here is temporarily broken, and the rest of the time is his world alone.

Even if he spends a day here, no one blames him.It can be said that this pond is his "first-class seat". Since the fifth grade of elementary school, Xianma has divided his life into first-class seats, ordinary seats, and standing seats.At that time, his homeroom teacher was recuperating for more than a month due to a traffic accident, and there was no acting teacher during the period, so the school had to divide his class into several groups and transfer them to other classes.Now there are alternate teachers, that kind of situation will not happen, but it was not uncommon to be short of class teachers for a long time at that time.

Together with other students, Xianjian was inserted into another class.The class he entered was a class full of mischievous ghosts and feared by other classes.Immediately exiled to this "violent classroom", they even have to worry about breathing. It was the beginning of the cold season in the third semester, sitting in the corner of the northern wall of the classroom, and ran to the window to bask in the sun as soon as the expected get out of class time came.The body that was frozen in the cold place was slowly softened and stretched by the warm sunshine. Although the rest time is only five minutes, it can also be enjoyed.In order to go to the cold classroom to listen to the long lecture again, it is necessary to accumulate sunlight in the body as much as possible.Just as Xianjian was feeling drowsy from comfort, he was suddenly pushed down by someone.Unprepared, he fell straight forward and hit his forehead heavily on the floor.His eyes were filled with golden flowers, and it was difficult to move for a moment.

"This is my place, get out!" Xian Jian was trampled under his feet, lying on the ground like a frog, and was insulted repeatedly.He turned his face to look in the direction of the yelling, only to know that the leader named Samejima surrounded him with a few accomplices.Xian Jian understood that there might be something that angered them. Samejima is the roughest in the class full of mischievous ghosts. Not only the classmates in the same grade, but even the senior students have to give him three points. The senior classmate who hated Samejima was planning to teach him a lesson on the way home from school, but he pulled out the hidden knife from his pocket and sprinted left and right, chasing and beating the fleeing senior student instead.

Since this incident happened, Samejima has become the overlord of the whole school, and the teacher is helpless against him. That sun land was reserved for Samejima, and Xianma, who was transferred to the class, took it because he didn't know it. Xianma tremblingly wanted to get up, but Samejima stepped on him firmly.Samejima already has the physique of a middle school student, while Xianma, who started school early, is the weakest in the class.The smallest one was trampled by the largest one, and Xian Jian's body could not move at all. "sorry Sorry!" Samejima laughed at Xianma, who was apologetic, and ordered the other little accomplices: "Punish this kid and give him an 'dissection'!"

Xianjian resisted desperately, but lost to them in the end, and his lower body was stripped naked. "Look, it's a little thing!" Humiliation and shame welled up in Hatsuma, as Samejima and his gang laughed at his immature masculinity.The classmates in the class also booed, and there was wild laughter in the classroom.There are also students who came to this class together between the chords. If they don't laugh, they may suffer the same bad luck. Half of the class is girls.Xianma kept the hatred at that time in his heart, and the conception of his special edition started from then on.

However, the more he tried to get that first-class seat, the more it moved away from him.Afterwards, high school was also a second-rate school, and it took a lot of effort to enter a second-rate university. I stayed in the first year and finally graduated, but I couldn't find a job. In response to job advertisements in newspapers, he worked in nearly ten jobs, including salesman, insurance field worker, and nightclub waiter.The last restaurant he worked for before going to the United States was also hired by a newspaper advertisement. During that period, he was often dismissed, not to mention the first-class seats, he could not even sit in ordinary seats.For example, it was difficult for him to find a seat on the tram to work, and he always stood up to watch the movie theater, and occasionally booked tickets, but he was repeatedly rejected by "full seats". Xian Jian was used to being unemployed, and he realized the philosophy of being unemployed in life.But habits are habits after all, not willingly, and unemployment is definitely not a happy thing. Among the unemployed, there is one thing that has never been unemployed, and that is women.Oddly enough, he had never been unemployed with a woman. It may be that his natural parasitic ability aroused the maternal instinct of women, and women always gave him generously, even offering their bodies.He always flattered himself that he had a free umbrella. Getting women's protection began when she was "dissected" by Samejima. There is a girl named Momoe Kawashima in the class, who is the class monitor. She accused Samejima of despicable behavior in bullying the weak and weak students amidst the wild laughter of the whole class.Taozhi is the daughter of a big shot in the city. She excels in studies and sports, and is also very beautiful. She is known as the princess of the school.The fearless Samejima only looks at her differently. Since then, Kawashima Taozhi has often greeted Xianma. Even after the teacher recovered from her injury and returned to the original class, she still took the initiative to approach Xianma, which made other students envious. Xian Jian vaguely realized that women are not the first-class seats, but maybe women can bring themselves tickets to sit in the first-class seats.This kind of consciousness keeps expanding in Xian Jian's mind. It is a man's good fortune to be able to find women often, but Xianma is spoiled because he doesn't have to worry about finding women.When a man asks for money from a woman, it is a sign of a man's vulgarity, which shows that the man's goal is low. Ke Xianjian doesn't think this is a vulgar performance and a low goal.If it is said to be low, it is just that the hunting woman is low. He was doing well in America, but it was not so much that he preyed on women that he sold himself to them. No matter how prestigious the other party is, she cannot be his prey.Xianma took the opportunity of returning home and decided to take aim at a new target, and the arrow was already approaching Nami Gomachi. Xianma began to investigate the identity of Gomachi Nami.He paid close attention to the relationship between Nami and Mokura Takamichi.Judging from Namei's age and innocent innocence, she would not be Mo Cang Gaodao's lover.However, a woman's disguise is very clever, and she can't rest assured if she doesn't verify it clearly. The address that Nami left him before breaking up was a quiet area in Songtao, Shibuya District. Although the place was in the city center, it was quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, full of the high-class atmosphere of a rich man.Those high-end residences compete to stand like the owner's economic strength and social status.Among them is a residence, which cannot be said to be particularly luxurious, but it has a beautiful garden and luxuriant flowers and trees. At first glance, one can tell that it is the other residence of a wealthy family, but there is a nameplate with the words "Homachi" hanging on the door. It happened that the salesman from the wine shop came here by bicycle, Xianma stopped him and asked, "Is this Houmachi's residence?" "yes." The salesman stopped the car and turned his acne-ridden face away. "Miss Nami from Women's University will live here!" "Well, I don't know the name, but there's a pretty lady here." "What's Houmachi's occupation?" "Occupation?" said the salesman meaningfully. "Why are you asking about this?" "Hey, I'm actually from the credit investigation agency. Someone proposed marriage to this lady, and I was entrusted by someone to investigate and investigate." "Hey, propose marriage to the Hou Machi family! If you ask that lady, she must be a rich family. Damn, I really want to see what the man who wants to marry this beautiful woman looks like. You should investigate carefully!" "So, what does Gomachi do?" Xian Jian urged the salesman who got off topic. "Do this, this!" The salesman stretched out the index and middle fingers of his right hand in a V shape. "What does it mean?" "You, you are still from the credit investigation agency, why are you so slow, this is the second room, which means mistress!" "Mistress! Whose..." "Even if you don't know about these things, why come to investigate the life experience of the person who proposes a marriage! It belongs to Mo Cang, the mistress of the chairman of the Mo Cang Financial Group." "So, that young lady's father is Mo Cang Gaodao?" "Of course, it goes without saying!" I see!Xianma was surprised that his hunch was correct.Nami Gomachi is the daughter of Takamichi Mokura. Although she is a concubine, she is no different from her own daughter.If it is recognized by him, it can be divided into huge property.Judging from the fact that Gao Dao made a special trip to greet him at the airport, it is likely that he has already admitted it. This is a prey of a different level and nature than before. Gomachi Nami may become a big prey to change the fate of Xianma. The rope that tied her was still slender and soft, and it would break if it was pulled with a little force. It is necessary to replace the thin thread with a thick rope in order to gather the net in hand. "Yes, that's it, that's what I'm looking for." There was a long sigh between the strings.Only Gomachi Nami could become the issuer of the first-class seat in life that Xianma dreamed of. Just after investigating Nami's life experience, Xianma called her.I wanted to make a call a long time ago, but it is really dangerous to start fighting before finding out the truth about the target.Although the investigation is not sufficient, if it takes more time, she may be forgotten by her. Contacting again at the last moment is the secret of success. After the phone rang two or three times, the beautiful voice he was familiar with came out.He suppressed the excitement of wanting to fly over immediately and called the other party, but the echo was a bit strange.Yes, that is the beautiful voice, but it is always different from the speaking voice. After the signal tone sounded, it was "please leave a message" - when hearing this sentence, Xianjian, who was struggling with energy, was suddenly discouraged.This is a voice recorder when no one is there. Xian Jian was very disappointed, but immediately cheered up again. "I live in the Royal Hotel, please call me, in case I go out, please leave a message." These words were recorded on Nami's phone. He hurried to the Royal Hotel and opened a room.He believed that Nami would not go out again just after returning from an overseas trip, and besides, the summer vacation was coming to an end, Nami would definitely call back within two or three days. He didn't say anything to Misawa Saeko.He didn't take Saeko seriously.Saeko is now nothing more than a "gnawed caterpillar". As expected, Nami called the next evening. "I'm very sorry, I went to the villa in Izu, I was very happy to receive your call." That beautiful voice trembled a little. "Since you went to the villa, why did you come back so soon?" "My family always goes there for the weekend. I've called you since we broke up, but you're not here." "Call me! Is it to the hotel?" Xianjian panicked. "Yes, didn't you say you lived in the Royal Hotel?" That line of defense doesn't seem to be working. "I'm really sorry. In fact, I was ordered by the company to ask the hotel to keep it secret." Xianjian wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Secretary? What's going on?" "If my colleagues know that I will return to China, some troubles will happen, so I entrust the hotel: Even if I live here, I have to tell visitors that I am not staying here." Xianma took out the knowledge he had acquired while working in the restaurant to prevaricate, but he didn't know if the Royal Hotel had such a service. "Keep it a secret from me too?" Namei's tone was full of dissatisfaction. "Sorry, due to technical reasons, it is difficult to make an exception for a certain person." Xian Jian talked sweetly to get rid of the questioning, and at the same time thought: Namei can break through the defense line set up by Xian Jian and take the initiative to contact, doesn't that just mean that the prey has thrown itself into the net! "I really want to see you, can you come out?" Xian Jian made up his mind to pull the net rope. Xianma and Nami started dating.Although there are several boyfriends approved by her parents, Nami feels that secretly dating Xianma, an unapproved figure, is like engaging in an adventurous love, full of mysterious joy. The strings are slowly replaced with thick ropes. In this stage of adventurous love, there is no room for carelessness.Nami was different from the previous prey, and because of this, Xianma planned to do it steadily. If it is a girl from a poor family, most of them treat their body as a treasure in order to strive for better marriage conditions, but Namei doesn't have to do that.Not only her body must be conquered, but her heart must also be conquered, otherwise, she is not a prey of Xianjian. Back then, Xianma had enthusiastically thought that Namei was just an unsophisticated girl who could get it easily with a little trickery, but now it seems that it is not that simple. Sometimes this kind of situation also happens. Seeing that the fish is about to enter the net, it turns over and swims to the depths of the sea again shaking its head and tail.And Nami showed no signs of being on guard, nor was she wary of Xian Jian. She is different from the women she has played with before, so she can't figure out the truth between the strings.She is too cheerful, so Xianma still doesn't know if she is sincere.When Xian Jian boldly tried to develop in depth, she tactfully walked away, I really don't know what she was thinking. "Could it be that I let this yellow-haired girl play tricks on me!" Xian Jian was a little anxious, but when he thought about it carefully, it was understandable: Although he was an expert, he was only an expert in playing with women's bodies, and never intended to capture women's hearts.There was simply no need to win a woman's heart before. When dealing with Nami, you must not be eager for quick success. You have not yet reached the stage of sucking the nectar, so you can only cast bait. That beauty is pampered and does not need ordinary bait, so it costs money to maintain communication with her.Even for a cup of coffee, you can't go to a normal store. Xianma is a young elite of a first-class company in front of Nami, who is currently living in the Royal Hotel.In this way, the money has to be paid by him.Unknowingly, Xianma felt tight.The gifts from the American guests have been squandered, and there is not a drop of oil to be squeezed out from Saeko. If this continues, the economic loopholes will inevitably be uncovered, but right now there is no decent job to be found.
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