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Chapter 7 Chapter Seven

evil mafia 森村诚一 9945Words 2018-03-21
"I am afraid!" A man holds up his camera, and a woman standing in front of her is posing as a deer comes running up to her, causing her to stagger and lose her footing. "It's okay, hey, don't move, it's fine like this!" The man pointed at the woman through the viewfinder, and pressed the shutter two or three times in succession.The two appeared to be on a wedding trip.The male is about 30 years old, and the female is 21 or 20 years old.They are together happily, with the ancient temple in Nara as the background, there seems to be endless photos.The man who holds the camera is always the man, asking her to pose in various poses in order to fix the innocent figure of the new wife in the scenery of the ancient capital.

He felt that the delicate newcomer was in harmony with the ancient historical relics.Things that have been weathered over a long period of time are shining from the depths of that time with the exquisite craftsmanship left by that era.This was in stark contrast to the unsophisticated innocence of the woman who had become his wife a few days earlier.This accentuates her beauty even more. They are colleagues who work together in a restaurant in Tokyo.I got married a few days ago and went to the ancient capital of Nara for my honeymoon.At first, I planned to go abroad for a honeymoon trip, but the total cost of the two of us was nearly one million yen. Instead of spending so much money on a two-week wedding trip, it is better to use the money to arrange our future life, so They reached a consensus.

Why bother to go far abroad, there are plenty of good places in China.The essence of honeymoon travel is that two people travel together, and the places they go are secondary.With this in mind, I came here as a tourist destination along the Yamato Scenic Route centered on Nara.They feel quite comfortable. In the first two days, I visited Asuka Mountain and Ikaruga, and today I went to the ancient temples in Nara City.Even the stones along the road have ancient history here.The temple is full of rape flowers, peonies, rattan flowers and heather flowers, as well as very elegant flower fairs and flower sacrifices, as if entering the dream of the life of the ancient palace.

When they came to the south gate of Todaiji Temple, they were surrounded by a herd of deer.They wanted to include the deer in the camera, and just after posing, the deer was begging for food.Rubbing the head against the person's body.It is very powerful, so it is reasonable for the bride to feel afraid.Shops selling local specialties and various stalls are lined up in front of the gate, and deer gather in groups as soon as tourists get off the bus.It is said that in this season the female deer leads the offspring born in spring, and has a particularly lively personality. While comforting his trembling wife, he asked her to pose, took a few photos, then passed the Great Buddha Hall, the bell tower, and walked eastward from the chanting hall on the stone path and stone steps.Here the new green overlaps, forming a dense forest.The ancient Temple Ri Shrine is surrounded by a sea of ​​green trees.

By the time I reached Eryuetang, I was already quite tired.There is a teahouse that has existed since ancient times next to Erwoldo, and there are ancient benches covered with crimson felt under the shade of greenery. "Take a rest, you must be tired." The man consoled his wife who climbed up the long stone steps.The deer, which had disappeared for a while, reappeared around the teahouse.These deer look alike, but each has its own territory. After drinking the cold drink, the man realized that his camera had run out of film.I remember that the last negative was shot at the monument of the haiku poet Basho.Yesterday and the day before yesterday I had been taking pictures non-stop, so I have used up all the spare film.Films were sold in the teahouse, and I bought a few rolls immediately, which were immediately loaded into the camera.

"I really want to feed the deer some shortbread," said the woman. "Yeah, I probably regard you as a role model for loving deer." The man ran to buy shortbread again. Seeing the shortbread in his wife's hand, several deer immediately gathered around. "Oh, don't grab it, wait, wait." The deer ignored his wife's restraint and snatched the shortbread from her hand. "So hungry!" While his wife was busy, the deer, who had finished their shortbread, put their noses out again and waited to feed them. "Go, no. Let's go!" The man is making a gesture of driving away with his hand.At this moment, a deer suddenly stretched out its mouth and took away the finished film placed on the edge of the bench.

"Oh, that's not for food." The man was taken aback. He was about to get the film back, but it was too late.The deer had swallowed it and chewed it. "It's bad, I ate the film!" The man looked at the owner of the teahouse in bewilderment. "Don't be afraid, you'll spit it out in a while." The boss remained calm.Probably he was used to this kind of scene.But the deer didn't seem to spit out the film at all. Instead, it ran with its companions. "You see what to do, it will escape!" The wife was frightened, but could do nothing.The deer has already joined the herd, and it is hard to tell which deer it is when it moves.

"That film is finished." "But the deer is all right?" "It's just swallowing the film, it doesn't matter, it will be excreted tomorrow." "It would be nice if that was the case." The wife was worried and looked worried.He felt that she was kind-hearted, so he was very happy, and thought to himself: Can we take another photo.She must be a good wife.He whispered in his heart, and set foot on the road to Mount Ruo Cao again. After the new year, there is still no news of Kazuo Ishida, and the body has not been found.The search has come to a complete standstill.

On April 15th, two full-time searchers were left behind, and the search headquarters was declared disbanded.This can be said to be a complete defeat of the search team. Prior to this, the First Investigation Section of the Metropolitan Police Department had created a brilliant performance because of its Nasu investigation team.But this time for the group, it was a painful failure. When summoning the members of the search headquarters for the last lecture, Nasu concluded: "Although you have tried your best, you have ended up like this. I am very sorry, but we will never be discouraged by it. Everyone returns to the hall for the time being. Leave Shimoda Criminal to stay in the police station, and form a two-person team with Okawa Criminal to continue the investigation full-time. You have done a good job and hope to return to your respective posts from tomorrow to continue to work hard!"

"Mr. Okawa, Shimoda-kun, please!" Everyone in the Nasu team who had no choice but to return to the Metropolitan Police Department could only pin their remaining glimmer of hope on them. The disbandment due to failure made the players feel very heavy physically and mentally.Fatigue at work becomes futile and settles into the body without diluting it in the slightest.This adds to the burden of failure. Okawa has worn out three pairs of shoes since the case happened, and only had one day off during this period. Sometimes even he himself finds this obsession incomprehensible.Why did you go after it?It has nothing to do with the prisoner, and of course there is no personal grudge.I just feel that if I don't pursue it, I won't be able to calm down.

Sometimes, you don't even know what you're looking for.The work of hunting and searching is his life.Every morning at 7:20 a.m., I leave home to attend a search work meeting, at which the search policy for the day is set, and at 9:00 a.m. I go to the street to listen to news and find clues.Until I returned to the headquarters at 6 o'clock in the evening, I continued to work almost like groping on the ground. This is not so much an attachment as a habit that has been formed.If the day when he stops the investigation - the day that Okawa restrains himself from thinking about it as much as possible will surely come.It is hard to conceive the sad end of the hound, no longer able to catch game.Okawa felt that only he was an "eternal criminal". During the investigation of this case, his daughter got married and married.On the day of the wedding ceremony, he had to go to work as usual, because he told him that today was his daughter's wedding.Da Chuan was indifferent, and said to his wife before he heard clearly: "Ask where it will be held, and send a congratulatory message." The wife got angry and asked: Whose daughter do you think is married?It made the girl cry too.Okawa was speechless.This was the rest day during the investigation of the case, and when the wedding banquet started, he appeared at the search headquarters. The phrase "take a congratulatory message" has been the butt of jokes in the search headquarters for a long time. The wife is not so much angry as sad. After Ishida disappeared, Okawa tracked down those who rented desks in Room 503 of the Garden Apartment Building in Shibuya Ward.Among them were those who owned nightclubs, those who were not engaged in real estate business, art dealers, professional newspaper operators, bill brokers, etc., as long as they knew their names, twenty-nine people were recorded in the register. These people should be checked one by one to exclude them from suspicion.The so-called search is the work of eliminating countless suspects one by one and only screening out one criminal. Kazuo Ishida rented a desk here under the name of Kazuya Hishida.This may be a base set up to deceive Ninomiya Kayoko.A bad guy may show his true colors in the midst of bad guys.Among the people who rent the desk together, someone may have seen another side of Ishida that no one knows.Among them, the woman who runs this desk rental company, Eiko Kosaka, is very noteworthy.She seems to have some sort of relationship with Ishida.Someone who rents a desk probably knows something about it.Maybe there is someone hiding behind the scenes manipulating Ishida among them.This possibility should also be considered. Okawa discussed his views with Nasu, and then continued to investigate along this line. The search, however, stalled.Although not all people who rent desks are bad people, this place can easily become a gathering place for hidden villains in the metropolis.In addition, the operator himself has disappeared, so almost no one knows where he is going. There is no other way but to dig from the administrator's vague memory and to trace the sender's address of the unclaimed mail.Then rely on the limited information and memories of the neighbors, and check them one by one. As a result, sixteen renters were finally identified, and the remaining thirteen could not be found anyway.In addition, there may be unregistered renters. Regarding Eiko Kosaka, nothing was added. The mesh is too thick, so many fish can slip through. "Find Wedding Travel Photos in the Stomach of a Deer" “[Nara News from our newspaper] At around 7:00 am on May 27th, in the woods near Nigetsudo, Nara Park, Nara City, the park management staff found a dead deer. There was no sign of injury on the deer, and no evidence of eating The Nara City Deer Conservation Association entrusted the Department of Animal Pathology, Yamato University to dissect the deer. As a result, a roll of film that had been filmed was taken out of the deer's stomach. "One end of the film stuck to the stomach wall of the deer, resulting in the death of the deer. Considering that no one would feed the finished film to the deer, the Deer Conservation Association believes that it was accidentally lost and eaten by the deer. "Because a part of the film was not exposed, it was able to be developed and printed, and it was confirmed that it was a photo of a wedding trip. The photographer traveled along Yamato Road, and went to Asuka Temple, Gantan Hill, Stone Stage, etc., and left jade photos. Deer Protection The association felt that the couple who lost the precious commemorative photos must regret the loss of the film, so they sent the photos to this newspaper and asked them to publish them. Now I will disclose part of the photos here. Anyone who knows the news is welcome to contact the newsletter. .” Before Okawa went to work, he suddenly saw this report on a newspaper column.This column is dedicated to light topics and anecdotes. On the sidelines of the report was a photo of a woman, wearing a white wedding hat, bending over a pool to feed a deer. Okawa didn't have much impression of this woman, but he always felt that he had some impression of this photo. Strange, where did you see it? He tried hard to search the memory in his mind.But I can't remember it at all.The round, chubby and cute face is a very ordinary appearance.This is a woman you can often meet at a station or on a street corner.Maybe that's why I think I've seen it somewhere, but I don't have a particularly deep impression on it. "What's the matter with you? You're going to be late." His wife shouted to Okawa who was staring at the photo. Okawa just left home with indelible suspense. After that, the longer the days passed, the heavier the photo taken out of the deer's belly became in Da Chuan's heart, forming a lump that kept growing.When I was busy at work, I forgot about it as soon as I was distracted, but when I was free for a while, I immediately remembered the photo.It took possession of his body and mind, oppressing his thoughts.The photo seemed to tell him day and night, "Think of me, remember me." Right, go to the newspaper and ask.Okawa came up with an idea.The newlyweds whose film was eaten by a deer may have gone to the newspaper office and reported their names after seeing the newspaper.If the identities of the couple are clarified, it may be possible to unravel the suspense that weighed on Okawa's heart. Okawa immediately hung up the phone to the newspaper office. The person in the newspaper's communication team replied very readily: "Ask about that matter. After the report was published, the person concerned came here to explain the situation and took away the film." "Do you know the man's address and name?" "Yes. But what can you do?" Okawa notified his identity as a policeman, fearing that the other party might mistakenly think that he was looking for some trouble, so he explained: "Actually, I was traveling in Nara at that time. I bumped into the newlyweds when they were visiting Asuka, and took pictures together. I got a photo. But I forgot to ask for their addresses at the time, and I couldn’t give them the photos I finally took, so I was worried.” The other party believed the words that Okawa came up with in a hurry, so he told him his address, because it was just an anecdote in life, and there was no serious issue such as keeping the source of the news secret. When Okawa heard the address and name, he couldn't help but let out a cry of astonishment. That was Hisao Hatao and Junko from 4-16-x Futabazhuang, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Okawa took out a note card for comparison, and after confirming that it was correct, he greeted Shimoda excitedly: "Mr. Shimoda, do you still remember this address?" "Yoyogi 4-16-x, ah, isn't that the car rental shop?" "Besides the car business, is there anything else you can't think of?" "Another point?" "After Kazuo Ishida rented a car at the car rental company in Sangong Bridge, some people rented that car. Among these users is this person's name." "When you mentioned it like that, I remembered that it had such a name. The first user found pink coral particles, but after the second one, the impression faded. Until the third one, we separately asked about it. But what's the matter with this one?" Shimoda still doesn't understand why Okawa got excited.It is not surprising that people who live near the same taxi shop rent the same car one after another.So Okawa showed him the news report of "photograph found in deer's belly". "It's the master in this photo, who rented a car after Ishida rented it. What a funny coincidence." Shimoda still thought it was an accidental coincidence that had nothing to do with the case. "Shimoda-kun, can't you remember anything after seeing this photo?" "Well, no particular impression. I don't know the man." "Not the object in the picture, but the picture itself." "I don't know." Shimoda shook his head. "There's something like a gray spot in the upper right corner." "Maybe it was smudged during printing." "Maybe, but it could also be dust on the camera lens or a crack in the lens. Well, can't you recall a similar picture?" "Similar photos..." Shimoda was searching his memory. "Aren't there cracks like this in the landscape photos taken by Kayoko Ninomiya when she traveled to Matsushima?" "Then...could it be true!" Shimoda was stunned. "You have to find the person and check the film to find out. If after Kazuo Ishida rents the car, the person who rents the same car right after Kazuo Ishida uses the same camera that took the picture of Kayoko Ninomiya, then this situation is definitely not the case. Negligible." "The camera was not found at Ishida's residence either." After Ishida's disappearance, a careful inspection of his residence did not find the camera used to take pictures of Kayoko Ninomiya in Matsushima. "In retrospect, Ishida disappeared when he was about to be arrested. At that time, it was explained that he was looking for an opportunity in advance and happened to slip away when he was about to be arrested. The timing was too opportune, as if he was spying in secret Like our search work." "However, such reconnaissance is probably impossible." "It seems not necessarily." "It is said that the prisoner is spying, so how did it work?" "What if this man named Hisao Hatao is an accomplice of the prisoner, or is used by the prisoner?" "..." "Why did Hatao rent a car that was used in the crime? Is it simply because he lives near the car rental company? Or is there a criminal's will at work here? Shimoda-kun, Hatao rented the same car, that is, When is the day when the company's super DXA wagon is going to be leased out?" "Is it June 12th?" "According to the registration, it is the second one after Ishida. The first person to rent a car after Ishida is a staff member named Mihashi. He rented the car on the 11th day after Ishida rented it. That is to say, Hata Oo originally wanted to rent after Ishida, but because Mitsuhashi rented too quickly, he had to rent after Mitsuhashi. Is it possible to think about it this way? In fact, the situation shown is: Ishida, Mihashi, Hata The last three people rented that car for three consecutive days on the 10th, 11th, and 12th. And the distance between users after that will be widened.” "So what?" "Ishida returned the car after committing the crime, but was worried about whether there were traces of murder left in the car. Just like what people often encounter: at that time, the accelerator switch, electric door, etc. were clearly turned off, but later I doubt whether it is really turned off, so I feel uneasy and worry. Once I worry, the feeling of uneasiness will continue to expand. If I don’t check it again, I will not be at ease. But if If the same person goes to rent a car again, it will be easy to be suspected, so I entrusted Hatao to rent the car out and inspected the inside of the car again." "Yes, if that's the case, then after checking with Hatao when we split up last time, Hatao can tell Ishida that the police came." "It doesn't matter whether Hatao is an accomplice, or whether the person behind the scenes uses it secretly behind Hatao's back, the effect is the same. After Ishida committed the crime, the person behind the scene became uneasy about whether there were traces and leftovers in the car. If we assume that the person behind the scenes did not participate in the crime, then his uneasy feeling came from listening to Ishida’s story after Ishida’s return. In this way, they could not rent the car before the third bridge that rented a car after Ishida Got it." "Quickly check Hatao." "The film should be verified first." The two were refreshed.They felt as if, while groping in the long dark night, they finally saw the light.They were very excited. Hisao Hatao works at a restaurant in Harajuku.He was the leader of the male receptionists there, and his newly married wife was the female receptionist.Probably the husband and wife make money together, dreaming of opening a restaurant by themselves in the future. That day happened to be the weekly rest day, and he was relaxing at home when a criminal came to visit him, which surprised him.When he heard that he was here for the film taken from the belly of the deer, he thought that killing the deer must have become a criminal issue. When he saw the photo published in the newspaper and went to the newspaper office to report his name, he was told that he had no responsibility, so he felt relieved.It seems that if the "sacred deer" in the temple dies, all kinds of troubles will still come. "I was feeding shortbread to the deer. I didn't pay attention. I even ate the film. I tried to take it off, but it was already bitten and I couldn't take it off." Hatao apologized again and again.Fortunately, at this time the wife went out to buy vegetables for dinner. "Then, do you have the film from the deer's stomach and the camera you took it with?" The criminal didn't care about his apology at all, and asked straightforwardly. Hatao felt that the problem was quite serious, so he became even more frightened, and immediately replied, "Yes." "Can I take a look at it right away?" "Is there something wrong with that camera?" "I'll tell you later, please take a look first. In addition, if you have other films shot with this camera, please also take a look." At this time, Hatao realized that the criminals were not concerned about deer, but cameras and film.The film is the "weapon" that kills the deer, and it may be necessary to start with the film to solve the case. Hatao followed the order and presented the camera and film in front of the criminal. "The one that was eaten by the deer was this roll of film, right?" The older of the two criminals picked up the film.The younger one looked carefully at the lens of the camera. "Yes. Among the thirty-six pieces, only ten pieces were saved. The rest were exposed, and some were bitten by deer's teeth indiscriminately." "Is this the one in the paper?" "Ah, it was taken by the pool in Saruzawa. The deer was photographed, and this is the only one left. Everything else is useless." "There is a mark in the upper right corner, which seems to be a crack in the lens." "Yes, at first I thought it was a deer's tooth marks, but there were the same marks on other films. At first, because it was on the horns and did not affect the image in the center of the frame, I didn't take it seriously. Later, the deer incident After the incident, when the lens was checked, it was found to be cracked." The elder criminal took out several photos that seemed to have been prepared long ago, and compared them with the photos developed by Hatao's roll of film that had been swallowed by a deer. "Although it's small, there's something like a crack on the lens." The young criminal looking at the camera handed the camera to the older criminal. Okawa took the camera handed over by Shimoda, checked it himself, and said, "But Mr. Hatao, did you borrow this camera on March 12th three years ago?" Okawa stared at Hatao's face. "Three years ago? I didn't have this camera back then." "No? Then you bought it second-hand, right?" Okawa wanted to say something flattering, but he asked a very impolite question.It is still necessary to make an accurate comparison to determine, but we have seen that the size and shape of the cracks are very similar to those in the photos of Ninomiya Kayoko's trip to Matsushima.Okawa already had such a preconceived notion that the two rolls of film were shot with the same camera.The fact that Hatao and Ishida rented the same car one after another also deepened Okawa's opinion. "No, it was given by someone else." "Sent it? Who sent it?" "A customer who frequents our restaurant." "What kind of person is it?" "This, can this question not be said?" It seemed that Hatao was unwilling to reveal that person's name. "Please be sure to say this, because it is actually related to a homicide investigation." "A murder case?" Hatao's face changed.It's not a matter of dying a deer. "I'm not ready to tell you the details, but the original owner of the camera is very suspected of murder." "Don't you think I'm also..." "If you can't tell where the camera came from, you're certainly in a most suspicious position." There is no room for compromise in what the criminal said.He has already prepared a posture that he can deal with no matter what Hatao says. "I, I am a murderer? Don't, don't be kidding!" He wanted to protest.But the voice of the voice was trembling beyond recognition. "If you don't want to be suspected, then please tell who you got the camera from." "I don't know this person's situation in detail, but I often come to the restaurant and have met many times, and I got to know him slowly and then I started talking." "You got it from someone of unknown origin. Obviously there is a crack on the lens, but it's a high-end product, and it's not really a scratch, it's just a defect in the camera." "Please don't tell my wife about this. Before marriage, I had affairs four or five times." "Is it a woman?" "Yes, but please don't let my wife know. The relationship happened only because of temptation and evil thoughts." "What's the woman's name?" "She only said her name was Kosaka, and she only told me her address was in a nearby apartment, without giving details." "Is it really called Kosaka?" A phosphorescent name suddenly flashed in Okawa's mind.That is Eiko Kosaka, who runs a rental desk called "International Intellectual Development Company" in the garden apartment building of Tomino Valley. "Yes, it's probably written as 'small' for big and small, and 'ban' for Banpo." "Have you ever said it's called Kosaka Eiko?" "Since you asked in detail... She said that it is not necessary to know the name when a man and a woman meet, as long as there is a mutual calling, so don't tell me." "What kind of woman is she? What are her age and physical features?" "Aged about twenty-five or six years old, she is a burly and enchanting woman." This is consistent with the "big, attractive woman" in the testimony provided by the administrator of the Garden Apartment Building. "Besides Chen, didn't you notice anything else? For example, moles, scars from injuries and so on." Although there were only four or five meetings, but because of the contact with the body, I should have a deeper observation than the administrator. "Squeaky, I didn't find anything special." "Does it look like you've been married?" "Well, it's true that she looks very hot in terms of her body shape, but she doesn't look like a married woman." "why?" "That's right, that, if she's a married woman, then she shouldn't be too used to men." "You mean very familiar with sex, don't you?" "That's what I mean. As an ordinary person, her skills are superb, but she doesn't have professional vulgarity. I'm sorry, I said some boring things, please don't tell my wife." It seems that Hatao is quite Fear of guilt. "Does she speak without an accent?" "I didn't pay attention." "You rented a super DXA touring car made by T company from the Arrow car rental company in Sangongqiao on June 12 last year. At that time, the woman Kosaka was with you, right?" "How do you know?" Hatao was surprised by Okawa's question.From Okawa's point of view, Mi can of course be deduced after this conversation. "Please tell me in detail what happened before and after the car rental." "On the night of the 11th, she suddenly called and said that she would invite me to go for a drive together the next day. The contact between us was unilaterally contacted by her. Although the next day was Sunday, I I didn't rest, so I asked her if there were other days? She said that she was free only on this day. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I really wanted to meet for a while. I finally had an opportunity, and I didn't want to miss it, so I told the store I was in a hurry, so I asked for leave, and ended up going out together." "Is the car driven by Kosaka?" "No, she can't drive and doesn't have her own car. She rented it from Arrow's Car Rental." "There are many places to rent a car, why should I rent a car from this one?" "Because she reserved that car at Arlo's beforehand." "Don't you think it's weird that someone who can't drive a car orders a specific car?" "I didn't think about other things at the time. It's a bit strange after you say that." Only then did Hatao become suspicious. "Where did you go to play that time?" "It's Hakone. But I stayed at a motel in Zanbodo on the way, and then I came back." "Why is that?" "Because she said she was too tired." "She was the one who forced you to travel by car, but halfway through, she said that she was too tired to go to the destination again. Don't you think it's strange?" "I don't think it's strange. It was an excuse to travel by car." Hatao smiled at the corner of his mouth as if mocking the criminal's slowness. "Kosaka is on the way, didn't you look for something in the carriage?" "After a motel break, I found her in the car. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she lost the ring and was looking for it." "So did you find the ring?" "I didn't find it. She said it might have fallen somewhere else. This meeting was the last time, and I haven't dated since then. The camera was also given to me that time. Mr. Criminal, what happened to her?" Hatao, who asked this question back, is still a newlywed groom, but he is still attached to his pre-marriage lover. "Last time, other criminals came to you because of the car rental. Did you tell me about her situation at that time?" "No, I just asked if there were traces of murder or items left by the prisoner in the car. I was surprised when I heard that the car I rented might have been used to kill people... Please wait a moment , she reserved that car on purpose, could it really be her..." Only then did Hatao realize that this was an important match, and his face twitched.Hatao's belated deduction, and Kosaka's search for the car when he was in the motel, made the case even more concentrated. "Have you contacted Kosaka since the criminal came last time?" If Hatao had contacted, then he was not innocent.At least it wasn't the woman who contacted him unilaterally. "Just as Mr. Criminal left, she called." "You just said that driving to travel was the last time we met, and you never met after that?" "Not really. This time it was just a phone call." "When you called, did you tell her about the criminal's visit?" "Tell me. I said someone was killed in the car we were driving in. She seemed very surprised. Is it because she was a prisoner that she was so shocked? I think she called me, maybe He wanted to meet me, but once he heard that the police had come, he had no intention of going on a date." A nostalgic look appeared on Hatao's face.That expression seemed to say that if he didn't say something superfluous that time, he might relish her tenderness again. At this time, the lady who went shopping at the intersection seemed to be back. The nostalgic expression immediately disappeared from Hatao's face, replaced by a distressed look. "Then please continue to assist me in the future, please take care of me!" The criminals took this opportunity to stand up and say goodbye, and borrowed the camera and film. "What do you think about Hatao?" Okawa asked Shimoda on the way back. "He was used by Eiko Kosaka." "You think so too?" "Yes. Kosaka is not Ishida's accomplice, but his behind-the-scenes. After Shiguo committed the crime, she was very worried, so she rented the same car with her sex rival Hatao, and searched the car, but it was too late. One step." "Can Kosaka really not know how to drive?" "No, even if it is open, I don't want to use my own name to rent the car that Ishida rented. Because I have to show my driver's license, so I can't use a fake name. The so-called Kosaka Eiko is probably a fake name." "Why not let Ishida come forward and rent it again?" "I don't want to rent a car again than Ishida, probably because I want to check it myself." "Maybe that's why. But Kosaka is also a terrific guy when it comes to pornography." "Indeed. If she is behind the scenes of Ishida, then it means that Ishida alone cannot satisfy her." "Maybe Ishida is the accomplice in the crime, and Hatao is the partner of lust, and they are separated in this way. In this way, it is almost clear that Eiko Kosaka is involved in the murder of Kayoko Ninomiya. However, the link is Her whereabouts are now unknown." After passing a level, there is a new level blocking the way forward.And the new section of the road will be more and more difficult. "Yeah, when will this muddy road come to an end?" Shimoda said in agreement, but his voice was bright. Where the mud ends is where the prisoner is. Both investigators were convinced of this.
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