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evil mafia

evil mafia


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 126289

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 "After" Broken Love

evil mafia 森村诚一 11128Words 2018-03-21
Kayoko Ninomiya arrives at Ueno Train Station.She didn't have a fixed destination, she only planned to go north.I plan to take a random train at Ueda Station and get off at the place I feel comfortable with.Just buy a ticket to a place two or three hundred kilometers away.If you are still not satisfied when you get there, go on. She had longed for such a trip.Now is the perfect time to do such a trip. "Take a train at any time that suits you, let the train take you wherever you want, get off there, and live until tomorrow. Wait for a new destiny to strike you in the middle of the day. Of course, the travel expenses are not enough .”

She is mostly influenced by the sentimentality in Natsume Soseki's novel "After" that she must carry every time she travels, and she always has romantic fantasies about the temptation of travel.However, the current Kayoko does not have such a childish and ethereal longing in her heart. She just wants to get rid of her daily life blindly.Although I know this is just a way to escape from reality temporarily, I still think of this strange land, and put this broken body and mind in the air of forgetfulness to dry it. She wanted to immerse herself in all the magnificent scenery of land, sea and sky, and become as empty and empty as those scenery for a while, so she felt that it was most suitable to go to the north.

Although the mood felt empty, the travel expenses were sufficient.It is enough to live in big hotels or hotels along the way for half a month.In this point, she is different from the protagonist Daisuke in "After".However, she is a single woman traveling alone, which is also a last resort. In the duffel bag is just a few carry-on clothes, toiletries, and a few essentials.Although I still have a few books in the library, I am afraid I have no chance to read them.Even so, I still took out the book "After" and kept it on hand. Before that, she often traveled abroad, but it was the first time that she came out alone.Always went out with him in the past.

Last night, when she was putting travel gear in her travel bag, the moment she unknowingly put the "everything in stock" in, she felt a sudden shock in her heart. "Yeah, this thing is no longer needed..." She noticed it and took the thing out.At this time, the reality of losing him tightly oppressed Kayoko's heart again. Whenever she went out with him on the eve of a trip, she always felt uneasy in her heart, and with a bit of shame, she hid the thing in the bottom of the travel bag.Now, that thing is no longer useful. Not having that in the bottom of the duffel bag says a lot about the nature of the trip to leave behind the wreckage of that love affair.

Kayoko Ninomiya, who was among the mixed crowd at the commuting station, looked at the train departure timetable hanging above the ticket gate of the long-distance train. What caught my eye were the trains bound for Aomori, Yamagata, Akita, Sendai, etc.Kayoko had no choice but to buy a ticket to Sendai.Because she feels that if she buys a place farther away, she will limit her choice of where to go. - An express train bound for Sendai has already entered the station, and the stop time is 20 minutes.The carriage was empty because it was a normal day in the off-season, and it was the time when the upper and lower were out of reach.

Kayoko took the seat by the window in the box with four seats, and let out a sigh of relief.If this is on the weekend of the peak tourist season, it will be unbearable.What a bleak sight it would be to set off on a journey alone, with one's back turned away from the cheerful travelers, in search of a base of love. "How stupid I am to fall in love with a man with a wife, and the other party is twenty years older than me." After Kayoko lost that man, it seemed as if a deep hole had suddenly opened in her chest, and she felt at a loss in her heart. She knew from the beginning that it was a love affair that would not bear fruit.The other party already had three children, and they had both a family and a certain social status.If he sacrificed everything for Kayoko's love, his burden would be too heavy.

It is impossible to throw away the burden of life that has already been carried on your shoulders for a new love.That's what the man said.The ending was that the man refused to exchange everything he had for her.Although he used various excuses, in the final analysis, it was a middle-aged man who did not pay any price for his own greedy desires, and used the bodies of some young and tender women to satisfy himself. This is also known from the beginning.He knew it clearly, but he was still ignited by the sensual flames that contained the oil tank on the woman's body. When it is discovered, the fire is already very strong, and there is no way to change it.

The two put reason, future, and identity behind them, and were immersed in each other.Love is not ethics.In the end of fruitless love, the one who is really hurt must be a woman.Although Kayoko knew this very well, she still let the fire of lust burn her body greedily.I am afraid that the flame will not be extinguished until it burns her body and mind to pieces. There is still a lot of erotic fuel left in Kayoko. Although the fire in her heart was ignited by the man, as if the endless oil field buried underground woke up from a long sleep, but the man's instinct of self-protection gradually sensed the danger.The delayed warning signal sent by instinct stopped the greedy desire of this middle-aged man.And because his desire was satisfied for the time being, this man became hesitant.He was also financially strapped because he secretly squeezed out the expenses needed for dating because he didn't tell his wife.

The man thinks that now is an opportunity. If they break up now, Kayoko is old enough to find a new partner.If the new partner doesn't know anything about her past, she can use the usual "working woman" youth and good looks to stabilize him. All in all, after the man sucked the most delicious part of Kayoko's body quietly, he covered the wound with a new wrapping paper, and then passed it on to the ignorant and kind man. If you continue to greedily devour the meat of your prey, it will become a burden to carry for life.In this way, no matter how much wrapping paper is used to cover up, there will be no customers to take over.

"Think about it carefully, when you are forty, I will be sixty." The man wanted to persuade her. "That's what I thought of at the beginning. No matter how old you are, the age gap will not be shortened." Kayoko said with a contemptuous smile. "I'm not talking about the age difference, but I'm getting older. It's okay now, but by then you'll still be charming, and I'm already old..." "Hmph, just talk about this kind of thing. We are not just a sex life together." "Of course it's not just for sex. But when I'm old, I can't ignore the situation of cutting off my income. At that time, I won't be able to be responsible to you."

"Are you saying you are now responsible?" "If you say that, then you don't have to hide it. I said it for your future." "Then I understand. In short, I have become your burden." "no!" Although the man was really angry and denied it, the more angry he was, the more he revealed his true intentions. Kayoko also felt that she had glimpsed the man's true face.In fact, his true face has long been known, but she just pretended not to know it. Although she believes that she has no regrets for giving her body and mind to this person, the fuel for the fire of love will fade with age.No matter how rich the oil reserves are, they will always be exhausted.By the time it really burns out, it will be too late. When the kerosene in the lamp on the altar of male egoism runs out, I am afraid that no one will light a lamp for himself. Because of the man's calculations, Kayoko also thought about it. If you want to break up, now is really the most suitable time.So they separated. The man left with a sigh of relief.That was the camaraderie of a man who unloaded the reorganization. Kayoko also breathed a sigh of relief.Finally put a stop to this love song that has paid a price.But it will take some time to start a new future from here. Although it was the love that was eaten as the bait of the man's egoism, the two hearts have gradually melted together during the long time together, and now they are being torn apart forcefully, so the flesh is still torn apart. flow. At this time, it would be impossible not to heal the wound, so Kayoko embarked on this journey. The departure time is approaching, and there are more passengers.All the boxes were almost full, but only Kayoko was here, and she was the only one occupying the box for four people.Because there are many male passengers, it seems that they are a little respectful of the position occupied by such a young woman.But they wanted to come here very much, so they looked at it from a distance. "Here, can I sit?" A man's shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and a linear voice reached her ears.Depressed, she turned her gaze away and saw a man in his thirties who was wearing a suit.Although there were still vacant seats elsewhere, he walked towards Kayoko without hesitation. "Please." Kayoko replied blankly.She has neither reason to refuse nor the right to refuse.The man saluted lightly and sat diagonally across from Kayoko. When the occupancy rate is about 80%, the train starts to move.After the man put the briefcase on the wire rack, he began to read the magazines he had brought with him. Kayoko's slight curiosity about this strange passenger disappeared immediately, and she moved her eyes out of the window to watch the moving scenery. In the box they were sitting in, no one came in again.Perhaps because it seems that the family is a couple, the passengers who just got on the bus avoided it.Also, even if it wasn't a deliberate attempt to avoid them, there were plenty of empty seats on the bus.Eighty percent of the passengers who come and go at Ueno Station only decrease every time they stop. The man probably got tired of reading magazines, and leaned back on the backrest to take a nap.Although she came straight to the seat next to her at Ueno Station, the boundary of being a strange fellow traveler still sticks to it. For her, thank goodness.When she was in her present state of mind, it would be unbearable to be haunted by boring people on the road.The scenery outside the window moves and extends into the distance.Together with them, the residual liquid of love in my body is also flowing outward. Kayoko also fell into a drowsy sleep unconsciously.The train was stopping at a rather large station when she was awakened by noises outside.Kayoko felt a little thirsty, so she hurried to the door of the car and asked the salesperson at the fast food station if there was any tea.The man replied that he would come later. But before the tea seller arrived, the train started.Looking at the watch, we will reach the terminal in one hour.She thought, anyway, just be patient for a while, so she walked back to her seat.At this time, she found that the man opposite had disappeared. "Maybe I got off at this stop?" She looked up as she thought, and the briefcase was still on the rack. When the train had passed the entire platform, the man returned to the carriage with a sandwich and tea in hand.It was the man who moved quickly, probably when she walked to the door, he suddenly asked and rushed to the place selling tea and fast food on the platform to buy it. The man returned to his seat and asked timidly, "If you don't mind, please drink this tea." Because it was so sudden, Kayoko was taken aback. "What a disrespect. I have another, and I'd be glad if you could use the tea." The man did buy two cups of tea. "No. It's too bad." Because he said that he still has one, the other one was obviously bought for Kayoko in the first place.She felt so embarrassed. "However, if you don't dislike it, please use it." "Where?" The aroma of hot tea is already wafting in front of my nose.Yu thirsty throat was a little itchy. "Then please don't be polite, I bought two copies on purpose." There is a certain cohesion in the man's words.However, there is no imposing taste at all. "Then I won't be polite." Kayoko finally accepted the other party's kindness.Although I felt that I should pay others tea money, but doing so would look pretentious, so I restrained myself. The hot tea poured into the thirsty throat, as sweet as melting into the blood vessels. Ah, it's delicious!She gulped it down. "If you like, please use this one too." Because Kayoko drank too sweetly, the man smiled and handed over another tea container. "No, how about that, it's enough." Kayoko hastily declined.She finally calmed down and took another look at the other person. Although they were sitting together from Ueno Train Station, they were just passing passengers and didn't pay special attention, so she didn't even look at the face carefully. The man was about thirty years old, with a slender face and fair complexion, and he was a clerk.A honest and ordinary face gives the other party a feeling of reassurance.The dress on the body is also very elegant. "Ah, I forgot to report my name. My name is Hishita Kazuya, and I work in design." It may be that he noticed that Kayoko's attention has increased, so he introduced himself. "Alas, each other, I am Kayoko Ninomiya, a staff member, please take care of me." Kayoko hurriedly reported his name. A cup of tea dismantled the fence between the two of them.They are no longer strangers to each other. Hishida Kazuya said cautiously that because his work was not going well, he came out for a stroll in order to grasp the idea of ​​opening up the situation. "Your job is difficult," Kayoko interrupted. "It's hard to say, and it's really hard to do, but it's not as rigid as ordinary employees who have to sit in a fixed office, so it's very suitable for a loose person like me. At least it has the advantage of using work as an excuse to travel. But What about you? Miss Ninomiya, are you here on business too?" Lingtian asked casually. "No, it's to use the vacation to go out for entertainment." Is it possible for a man whom he has just met to say that he has traveled to bury the wreckage of his love? "Solo travel for young women is romantic enough." "You don't have to worry about going out alone, it's good." "I also like to travel alone, and I often just go on the road so casually. It is written like this in Natsume Saishi's novel "After". ——Just take a train at the right time and let the train take you wherever you want. Get off there and stay until tomorrow..." "Huh?" Kayoko exclaimed in surprise. "What's the matter with you?" "I also like that story very much. What follows - waiting for a new fate to strike me in the middle of the day - I came out just because I wanted to do that kind of travel." "Why, have you read it too?" Then the two recited in unison: "Of course, the travel expenses are not enough..." The two laughed at the same time.So they got closer to each other. "Where do you plan to get off today?" Lingtian asked without hesitation. "Anyway, the ticket has already been bought in Sendai, and there is no predetermined purpose, just travel as you like." "So you want to live in Sendai?" "I'm afraid that's the way to go." "Have you made a reservation for a place to stay in Sendai?" "No, not yet." "Oh, that's not allowed. Although it's a trip that can be taken anywhere by the train, but because it's a female solo trip, it's dangerous if you don't decide where to live." Hearing what he said, Kayoko suddenly felt bottomless.This is the first time to travel alone.Before that, always be with him, just walk behind him. What if you get to the terminal and you don't even have a place to live, so what if you are left there? "Excuse me, if I look for it temporarily, can't I find a place to live?" "It's not the peak season for tourism, so I think it will be empty. But hotels and restaurants are more careful for single female travelers, not to mention that they haven't booked a room in advance..." "This is terrible. What to do?" Now I can't care about any burial place for the wreckage of love, I have to find a place to stay tonight first.This sentimental travel of a woman recoils at once from fear. "As long as it is convenient for you, may I introduce you to the place where I booked? Although it is not a very high-end hotel, the environment is very quiet." "If I can get your help, it will be saved." Kayoko finally had to turn to this man he just met for help with Rensu.The strange thing is that there is no vigilance.This is probably because the character of the other party seems to be good. The accommodation for tonight has been decided, so Kayoko is relieved.Lingtian seemed to see that her mood was relaxing, so he took the opportunity to ask: "I'm sorry to ask you, what is the nature of your work?" "This..." She hesitated a little. "No, please don't say it, I'll take a guess." "Can you really guess it?" "However, you have to give me some hints. If you divide it into the three major categories of agriculture, forestry and fishery, mining industry, and business service industry, which category should it belong to?" "Included in the third class of business services." Kayoko was finally deceived by Hishida's ingenious inducement. "In other words, it belongs to the tertiary industry. So is it included in commercial companies, trading companies, banks, airlines, hotels, department stores, hospitals, etc.?" "include." "Then it's getting closer. First of all, it has nothing to do with the hotel. If it's a hotel, isn't it easy to book a place to stay? The airline can also use the same reason to deny it." "I'm really surprised." "Secondly, in terms of feeling, it doesn't look like a hospital at all. If it's a nurse, it should smell like medicine. My nose is very sensitive." "It's terrible." "In this way, there are only three categories of business, trade, and banking." "Have you already guessed it?" "It's a bank!" "Guess right!" "It's been felt for some reason from the beginning." "why?" "It's a gut feeling." During the conversation, the people around began to commotion, probably almost to the end. Hishida introduced that the place to stay is a small and comfortable hotel in the suburbs.As he said, the environment is quiet, although not luxurious, but every corner of all facilities is very clean. After renting a room for Kayoko, Hishida happily returned to his room. His demeanor is unrestrained enough.Kayoko thought, since he helped arrange the accommodation, it should be okay to have a meal together.However Hishida avoided it, so she felt a little frustrated instead. She went into the room to take a shower, and just after taking a breath, Hishida called. "I didn't have time to ask you just now, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" He asked hesitantly on the phone. "No, there are no predetermined plans." "Then, I plan to go to Matsushima. If possible, I would like to invite you to go all the way." "However, I'm afraid I'll cause you trouble again when I get there." "Oh, then you agreed to go, thank you very much. It seems that I should ask. I hesitated for a long time, lest you think I am a thick-skinned guy." Hishida said happily in a childlike voice. After putting down the phone, Kayoko realized that in this aimless trip, a predetermined goal was formed.During this trip to pay tribute to the old love, I met another man and made an appointment to go out together tomorrow. In this matter, she did not feel that she had lost her integrity or lost her frivolity.But it's just stuffing used to fill the void created by the loss of a man. However, even if it is a temporary stuffer, something that does not suit one's own wishes, it is not necessary.The reason why she used Hishida as a stuffing was because she found in him a substitute value that could replace the lost man.For Kayoko, losing a man is like losing the whole world, and she wants to find a substitute as soon as possible.She herself was amazed at the urgency of a woman. Maybe it's because the hole created in my heart is so big that if I don't use anything to fill it, I can't bear the appearance of a woman's weakness. What if Hishida knocked on the door at this very moment——she suddenly imagined this. Kayoko is a twenty-six-year-old mature woman.She herself clearly knew that she was a ripe fruit.She was opened the virginal door by a man who had a wife, and every part of her body was cultivated by him.She no longer has the sense of integrity about sex that a virgin or a woman with little life experience has.In addition, after breaking up with that man, she has fallen into sex addiction symptoms.Before that, the lubricant, replenished by regular intercourse with men, is abruptly interrupted.The whole body is stagnant, eager to be lubricated. At such a moment, if you are pursued by a man, you may not be able to bear it for a while.This is a kind of instinctive beat that inhabits a mature woman's body as opposed to the spiritual rejection reaction. no!I didn't bring that thing with me.Kayoko realized that she hadn't brought the necessary items for traveling with that person in the past.So I hurriedly counted the days after the menstrual holiday.It was calculated that it was still barely in the safe period, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Her menstrual cycle is very accurate, so the calculated days are reliable. "I hate it!" Kayoko felt that her imagining was too lewd, and she couldn't help covering her cheek with her hand.Although he said something sentimental like "traveling away from the wreckage of love", his interest in approaching men was naked and straightforward.This is the instinct of a mature woman. Kayoko tossed and turned, feeling disgusted by her lewd imagination, and stayed up all night.As a result, Hishida did not come to knock on the door. Nothing happened between her and Hishida and they broke up.Kayoko couldn't bear it in front of Hishida, so Matsushima made a hasty pass and left as if escaping. After a night of delusion, they went on a tour together during the day, and the relationship was naturally more harmonious.If they stay together again tonight, there will definitely be a decisive development.Unlike sleeping in a single bed at night, rational inhibitions are strong during the day.Her self-defense instinct told her: It is safest to run away when the throbbing pain of the flesh can still be suppressed. It is dangerous to come into contact with a new man while the wounds inflicted by the previous man have not healed.Because doing so, rather than healing the wound, it would only produce the effect of scratching the wound.Besides, if the new man had a wife, it would be the same nightmare all over again. Even if the replenishment source of lubricant is cut off to cause hunger and thirst, there is no need for fruitless love that only causes bloodshed. After breaking up with Hishida, Kayoko lost interest in continuing to travel and returned. Kayoko Ninomiya is a loan officer at the Omiya Branch of the Sekito Bank.The Guanyang Bank has forty-eight sub-branches across the country with the capital circle as the center, and it is also among the best among local banks. After graduating from high school in the local city of Shango, she immediately entered the branch there, and now she has become the oldest female bank employee. She has a quick mind, quick and accurate work, and a serious and diligent work style, so she is quite trusted by her superiors.At the same time, she has a cheerful personality, and actively participates in amateur group activities other than banking affairs, so her colleagues have a good evaluation of her. Soon after Kayoko entered the bank, she took the position of a loan officer, which shows that she has gained deep trust. In addition to branch managers, sub-branch managers, and agents, the duties of the branch are divided into four categories: external affairs, internal affairs, internal and external affairs, and support staff (users, guides). Among them, the most prone to problems are external affairs and internal and external affairs that have many opportunities to contact customers alone.Loan officers are both internal and external, and they have to handle large sums of money. Kayoko, who was placed in an important position shortly after entering the industry, lived up to the trust of her superiors. Kayoko is an extremely ordinary-looking woman, definitely not within the scope of beauty.But her chubby but steady face and gentle figure can seduce men's hearts, she is the so-called woman who pleases men.When she entered the industry, she still had the rustic attire of a schoolgirl, but when she put on make-up and dress in an adult way, she revealed her natural charm, which attracted the enthusiastic attention of men. Although there are many men who have a good impression of such a woman, due to the constraints of the nature of the bank's work.Don't dare to have explicit behavior.In a place like a bank, due to the professional nature of storing other people's money, there are particularly strict requirements on the private life of bank employees. For the bank staff themselves, although they should be free after work, the indulgence of private life will cause uneasiness to customers.Therefore, since you are a bank clerk, you must be cautious in all words and deeds that will make customers uneasy. In this way, for more than two years, she spent safely in the vacuum of the men's favor and the mutual restraint between them.If things went on like this without accident, she would be like the other female bank clerks.Married in an ordinary way, I am afraid that I have already become a mother of one or two children. Two years after joining the bank, the head of the branch changed hands.At the same time, the deputy chief has also changed.The person transferred from the Maebashi branch to serve as the deputy chief is Isomura who changed Kayoko's fate. Isomura graduated from the Economics Department of a private university, and immediately worked in the Central Bank after graduation.He jumped around the branches, from the Maebashi branch to the Omiya branch. He was forty years old at the time and became the deputy head of the Omiya branch.This can only be regarded as a makeshift position, but everyone thinks that Isomura was born in a private university, so he should be promoted slowly.Isomura did not wrap his love for Kayoko with the "glutinous rice paper" to protect himself like other colleagues.In addition to the contacts at work, he also invites her out for dinner in his free time.And Kayoko didn't dislike this middle-aged and somewhat old-fashioned Isomura, but happily went out with him. The apparently open communication turned into a smoke screen, and no one could see the progress of their relationship.Six years have passed in this way, and the secret communication between the two has deepened unconsciously. Isomura's transfer put a stop to their relationship.In this regard, Isomura thinks it is a god-sent opportunity.Their relationship has grown to the limit, no matter how skillfully it is done, it will be exposed one day sooner or later.People who strictly require their subordinates to control their private life on weekdays, if the truth is exposed because they have a secret affair with a female employee in the industry, then there is no excuse. Isomura did not miss this opportunity and broke up with Kayoko.He was relieved, and went briskly to his new position.The new position is the president of an important branch in Tokyo, so it can be said that he has been promoted. Kayoko, who was left alone, returned to her life before she met Isomura.No one knew the relationship between them, so nothing changed on the surface. After returning from a trip to leave behind the wreckage of her relationship with Isomura, around four o'clock in the afternoon on the fourth and fifth day, the phone on her desk rang. "Hey, hello, is this Miss Ninomiya?" A voice that seemed to be heard there came from the earphone.When and where I heard it, but I can't remember it for a while. "It seems that you have forgotten. I am Hishida, Kazuya Hishida who was with us in Sendai!" "Ah, Hishida-san!" She remembered the owner of that voice.On the occasion of parting, she only told him the phone number of her work unit. "When did you come back?" Kayoko's voice trembled involuntarily.She thought of the unrequited love that night, and felt a little ashamed. "I came back that day. After I broke up with you, I suddenly felt bored." "Really." "You are so bad. After arousing people's emotions, you suddenly said goodbye and disappeared without a trace." Lingtian complained a little in his tone. "I don't mean to play with anyone's heart." "I want you to come out and sit down." "I'm really sorry, I received a lot of care last time, and I came back without saying thank you." At that time, if Kayoko stayed with Hishida any longer, she would not be able to bear it.She could not tell him about the entanglement in her heart between the longing of a mature woman and the defensive feeling of not wanting to repeat the same kind of trauma. "It's rude for me to make such a sudden request. I know this very well, but after that meeting, I will never forget you again. I beg you, ask me again and I will meet again." Lingtian said sincerely Tone said. "Where are you now?" "A restaurant near the station." "Which station?..." "Omiya Station. I'm near your bank." "Oh, is it?" Kayoko finally couldn't control her voice. Because the account of the day has been settled, Kayoko can't wait to run to the restaurant where Hishida is when it's time to get off work.Although it's been less than a week since we parted, it feels like it's been a long time since we last met. "I was taken aback!" "I'm sorry to come to you again suddenly." Lingwei's expression is like a naughty child who has been discovered, which makes people feel that he is very childish.When we first met, he looked about thirty years old, but in fact he might be younger. During the meal, the restraint of the second meeting gradually eased.The gap before the reunion was also filled by a shared meal.The intoxicating aroma of wine created a relaxed atmosphere between them. The meeting during the trip laid the foundation for this charming intoxication, and the unknown parts between the two people quickly came into contact.Eating together between men and women is a preparatory action before sleeping together.For men and women who don't know each other to reach this point, even in this world where everything happens quickly, it takes a lot of trouble. Hishida, who quickly approached Kayoko by taking advantage of the encounter during the trip, would be quite neat if his ambition started after they broke up during the trip. "I'm so glad you came to see me. I don't know what to do if I'm turned down." It seems that Hishida is really happy from the bottom of his heart.Kayoko gave all of her youth to Isomura, so she has never had a meal with a young man like this.Isomura treats Kayoko like a daughter, looking at her with loving eyes, while Hishida's eyes contain straightforward and warm admiration for the opposite sex. Leaving aside the gaze cast from behind, Kayoko had never encountered such a thing of being stared at by a man with such gaze.The gaze was dizzying, but pleasant. "It's embarrassing to look at me like that." Kayoko covered her hot cheeks with her hands.The hot face is not just because of drunkenness. "Oh, such a pretty face, please don't hide it with your hands." Although this sounds like a nasty word, women always like others to praise their beauty. "You flatter me." Although she said so in her mouth, she thought in her heart that she had never heard such words from Isomura. "I don't mean to be flattering, but I mean it. You're beautiful." "Please stop talking." "Miss Ninomiya!" Lingtian suddenly changed his tone. "Ah?" As soon as she raised her eyes, she was entangled by Lingtian's sticky gaze. "Can you marry me?" "marry?" Since the words thrown by the other party were completely unexpected, the meaning of it could not be understood immediately. "Please marry me. When I saw you for the first time, I thought it was her! There is no one else for me but you. It is true. You She is the woman of my destiny. I beg you, marry me!" "Please... please wait a moment. We still don't understand each other." Kayoko froze due to surprise. "Wouldn't it be enough to get to know each other from now on?" "But we just met." "Everyone just met at the beginning. Love has nothing to do with the length of time. I firmly believe that you are single, so I proposed to you. If you have a lover, please break with him. I must be better than him." "It's quite mandatory!" Kayoko couldn't help laughing, and Hishita seemed to take her smile as a dance step of promise, and immediately took another step forward. "It's compulsory, and I have confidence, and I firmly believe that I am also a man in destiny for you. No matter what, you can't escape." Kayoko felt that Hishida was approaching her step by step. "But, Mr. Lingguo, don't you have a lover or fiancée? If so, I think it's natural." Although Kayoko was already staggered by the attack, she still counterattacked tactfully.In fact, she wanted to find out whether he had a wife. Recently, there are many men pretending to be celibate with wives, so don't be careless. "I don't have any of these. I'm a real bachelor. But I'm so lucky to have waited until now, because I believe that there must be someone in destiny who will appear clean and self-respecting, and will not succumb to the temptation of women." This is a questionable statement, but when it comes out of his eloquent mouth, it has the power to force people to believe. “象您这样的男性一直是独身,真是难以相信。”加代子又迈出了试探的一步。 “如果不相危我把户口簿拿来好了。”茬田以极为认真的口吻说。 “无论如何,也太突然了,我不知道该怎样答复您,再给我些时间吧。” “随您的便吧,我并不想叫您马上就答复我。不过,请不要做出令我失望的回答。” 结果,就这样使她变得不能拒绝了。加代子对菱田的身世,几乎还是一无所知,但却被他那连珠炮般的热烈的话语所打动,弄得不知所措。“结婚”这个词就成了击中要害的利刃。 在她同矶村之间的无为之恋中,这个词是避讳的。而这个忌讳的词,却从菱田的口中如洪水般倾泻出来。 在失去矶村之后,加代子没有想过自己能正当地结婚。她那成熟的女子的身体已经全被矶村开垦了。失去矶村之后留下的伤口过大,全心身都残留着矶村的锄痕。 这种事,对于初婚的对方是难以隐瞒的。一个被别人破坏了贞操的女人,会有男人正式求婚,她是没有想到的。 尽管如此,结婚对于她来说是梦寐以求的事情。同期参加工作的女友们一个个地出了嫁,退出了银行,现在只剩下她一个人了。银行里虽然视她为需要的人,但作为一个女子,决不可咬住一个职业不放。 她还是向往着如果有可能也象别人一样结婚、有个家庭。虽然嘴上叫硬说自己要与男人为伍,当个职业人员自立下去,但是当夜里偶尔醒来的时候,却要忍受袭向枕边来的孤独的折磨。就此下去,年龄一天天大起来,到头来会怎么样呢?一种不安和更为可怕的恐怖感,由于工作的繁忙而暂时忘掉,可是到了夜深人静的时刻,就会向她无情地袭来。即使捂上耳朵,它们也会渗入她的心田。 “如果结了婚,就不会再听见那孤独的声音了。”——当她这样想的时候,甚至打算不论对方什么样,把身子舍出去算了。这样的情形也不止一次有过。 可是,现在已经有了一个向自己求婚的男人,况且他又决不是那种令人讨厌类型的人。当时作为一走而过的同路人,所得到的印象是淡薄的,而当关心的程度深化起来之后,仿佛他的身上逐渐染上了自己所喜好的色彩。 尽管是为了拖延时间而不立即作答,但加代子在这一瞬间已经被征服了。
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