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Chapter 7 3. The trickster in the head

What is history 4 袁腾飞 6090Words 2018-03-21
Yangguan Road and single-plank bridge What do Americans think?What ideas do Germany and Japan have?It’s hard to talk about thinking, because thinking is determined by politics and economics, and it’s also influenced by the “Vanhua system”—the Versailles-Washington system, they are influenced differently by the “Vanhua system” .The United States is a beneficiary of the system, so it tries to maintain the system.Germany and Japan are restricted in this system, and they want to break this system.Because of these three reasons, in the 1930s, the United States and Germany and Japan embarked on different development paths.In fact, a very important aspect is the personal quality of the leader.The different personal qualities of a leader determine that the measures he takes are different.Roosevelt broke up with Congress and the Supreme Court in order to implement the National Industrial Recovery Act.Therefore, the Americans said at the time that if the president told us that Congress should be set on fire, we would support it with both hands. Why can't the fire still be set on fire?If Roosevelt wanted to establish a fascist dictatorship at that time, he would have met certain conditions in the United States.But Roosevelt was not this kind of person. He came from a wealthy family and received a good education. The most basic thing about running a country is that you should be full of love for the society before you can run a country.If you always provoke the masses to fight against the masses, then you are not worthy of being the leader of a country.Therefore, you can see that the leaders of the countries in the world should basically come from families above the middle class and have a good education, so that it is possible to govern the country.In this way, due to the different personal qualities of the leaders, the result is that they have embarked on a different development path. This is what we call economic politics.

In terms of international relations, let's talk about the "Vanhua system" first. Here we talk about a few small issues in the "Fanhua System". First, the Paris Peace Conference was held. 32 countries represented the chairmen, and Mr. Gu Weijun attended the Paris Peace Conference on behalf of China. But representatives of the Chinese government have no right to speak, and even Italy has no right to speak.Because in war, your contribution is negative and you still want spoils?Therefore, there is no right to speak. Those who really have the right to speak are the United States, Britain, and France, the so-called Big Three of the Paris Peace Conference.At this Paris Peace Conference, the United States, Britain, and France each had their own ideas and goals: the United States wanted world hegemony; France wanted European hegemony; Just like the things he wanted before the First World War.In this way, a very interesting scene appeared.Any country has conflicts with the other two countries. , any two countries can also unite against one country, which is very interesting.

three monks fight In this way, a very interesting scene appeared.Any country has conflicts with two other countries, and any two countries can also unite against one country, which is very interesting. If the United States wants world hegemony, it will conflict with Britain and France.Since the opening of the new sea route, the center of the world has been in Europe. Western Europe, you North American bison want to get in the way, but there is no way. Who can value you as an upstart?In this way, Britain and France have conflicts with the United States. How can you want world hegemony? France wants European hegemony, and it has conflicts with the United Kingdom and the United States. The United States wants world hegemony, and of course it does not allow the momentum of the European continent.Looking at continental Europe today, the only country that can confront the United States is France.He is always so individual, but individuality cannot be eaten as food. If France wants European hegemony, the United States will definitely not do it, and neither will Britain.

You see, the United States has conflicts with Britain and France, and France has conflicts with Britain and the United States. What about Britain?What we want is colonial hegemony and maritime hegemony. Obviously, there is a conflict with the United States, and the mainland military has a conflict with France.Therefore, any country has conflicts with any two countries, and any two countries will unite against one country.So, the Paris Peace Conference has been arguing for more than five months, why is it so noisy?There are too many contradictions to resolve.The French Prime Minister chased the British Prime Minister with a map. He was able to chase the British Prime Minister all the way to the toilet, to the table, and to stand on the table to chase others. He wanted to give me the Saarland Basin in Germany.

noisy peace treaty After arguing for a long time, they signed the Versailles peace treaty with Germany.The second is colonies, the third is armaments, and then reparations. From these aspects, Germany has made strict demands.Germany lost 1/8 of its territory and 1/10 of its population, and lost all its overseas colonies.The colonies in Africa were divided among Britain, France, and Belgium, and the colonies in the Pacific Ocean were inherited by Japan, such as the Bismarck Islands, Berry Islands, and Mariana Islands.The German army cannot exceed 40,000, and cannot have tanks, heavy artillery, or even heavy machine guns. It can only have rifles, which are basically at the same level as the police; the German navy cannot exceed 15,000, and cannot own capital ships, aircraft carriers, and submarines. Being able to own a maritime boat is about the same level as the police; Germany cannot have an air force, and only kites can fly.Therefore, Germany's armed forces are basically limited to the level of a police force.

On the issue of compensation, the representative of France said the number with one mouth, 132 billion gold marks!The representative of Germany was very angry. It is not worth the money for you to squeeze out the bone marrow of every German and sell it.Then you want it whatever you want, it doesn't matter if you want 800 million, I can't afford it anyway.In the end, Britain and the United States had no choice but to smooth things over, saying that before May 1, 1921, they would first take 20 billion, the gold mark, and if they had no money, they would use real objects, such as locomotives and machinery and equipment.You can use this to pay for it. Anyway, all countries need to rebuild and need machinery and equipment.The remaining numbers will be discussed later.

In this way, Germany is restricted in several aspects, and then it is the treaties with the little brothers of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey.For example, the "Treaty of Saint-Germain" was signed with Austria, the "Treaty of Neuilly" with Hungary, the "Treaty of Trianon" with Bulgaria, and the "Treaty of Sèvres" with Turkey. These treaties are without exception. What are the above-mentioned countries required to do?Cede territory and pay compensation, disarmament.Because these countries do not have any colonies, the most amusing is Hungary, which was actually requested by the Allied Powers to cede four-fifths of its territory, and the Vatican was completed.Think about it, Hungary is only more than 90,000 square kilometers, is there still four-fifths of it?Cut it into the size of Beijing.

In this way, the Versailles treaty with Germany, together with the treaties with Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, constituted the entire Versailles system.The role of the Versailles system is manifested in: first, to adjust the political structure of Europe and the Middle East.From the ruins of the Russian Empire, independent Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were established; on the ruins of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Hungary, and the Czechoslovak Republic were established; A considerable part of the territory of the Hungarian Empire was incorporated into the later republic of Yugoslavia.Therefore, on the ruins of several great empires in Europe, a series of new types of nation-states have been established, laying the foundation for the territory of today's European countries.Today's European countries were further divided on the basis of the First World War.For example, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are divided into two, and Yugoslavia is now divided into seven and eight.After further division, one village and one country in Europe is very good. Traveling is so fun, and you can reach a country in two minutes by car.

Second, there are many contradictions implied. The first one is between the victorious country and the defeated country. This is very interesting. The First World War, in our terms, was an imperialist unjust war in nature, and everyone was not a good person. Why are you punishing me?Why am I punished in Germany?I understand, just because I was defeated, I committed the crime of defeating the war, and I was defeated.Then I will win next time.Therefore, as soon as the treaty was signed, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Powers, the French Field Marshal Fuxu, looked up to the sky and sighed after reading the treaty. After World War II, Germany was divided up, and now it is unified again.

Look at today’s unified Germany, which only has 350,000 square kilometers, compared to 580,000 square kilometers before Hitler came to power. Today’s Germany is much smaller than it was back then, and most of its territory has been incorporated into Poland and Russia.Today's Germany is very kind. Of course, it is still the most powerful country in Europe. This nation is so amazing. The "World War I" made it like this. Although his vitality was hurt, he didn't use his muscles and bones, so he licked his wounds and sharpened his claws, and one day he would pounce on him again.Germany is a fierce tiger. If you want to recruit him, you must recruit him to death, or else you should not recruit him.This matter is over, we are all Europeans, shake hands, hug, toast, break up, or you don’t recruit him, you recruit him, and you fail to recruit him, he will recruit you, and he has the ability to recruit you .He is not like Tanzania, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries, whoever goes there is a master, he is not this kind of country.You recruit him, he is very angry.Before the Second World War, 70% of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Natural Sciences were Germans, and Einstein was also a German. Hitler did not coax him away, and the Germans produced the atomic bomb.Germany is very powerful, you can take away its locomotives, you can take away its factory machines, but you cannot take away the wisdom in the human brain.You don’t allow Germany to have an air force. There are aviation clubs all over Germany, using light aircraft to train pilots, and then send them to the Soviet Union and Nordic countries for training, because their air forces are all there, in the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union and Germany are two international outcasts, so they quickly united.You don’t allow Germany to own submarines. They build their submarines in Spain. German engineers go to Spain to help build submarines. After they are built, I keep the blueprints and equipment, and I can build them when I return to Germany.Therefore, when Hitler ordered the rebuilding of the Air Force, all members of the Aviation Club took off the logo on their uniforms and pasted the eagle emblem of the Air Force, they were soldiers of the Air Force, and they did not even need to change their uniforms. , Put on the badge and it’s over. The Stuttgarden City Aviation Club was changed to the Eighth Army Command of the Air Force OK. Overnight, it has the most powerful air force in Europe with more than 3000 fighters.You allow the German Army to keep only 100,000 people, yes, these 100,000 people are all non-commissioned officers, all are squad leaders, there are no soldiers, as long as there is a war.Everyone can command at least twelve or thirteen people.Then the 100,000 people quickly expanded to more than one million, and then the veterans were promoted to platoon leaders and company commanders, and the recruits used to be squad leaders. If they could be recruited again, the force would snowball.Look at today's Japan, members of the Self-Defense Forces are called self-defense officers, 90% of the 250,000 people in the Self-Defense Forces are officers and non-commissioned officers, and there are no soldiers.

In other words, as soon as a war breaks out, the army can be expanded immediately, and it can be expanded to 6 million.Therefore, the country usually raises fewer soldiers, and the backbone is enough. It is said that within more than 100 hours, Japan’s troops sent more troops during the war. This is the reason. I cultivated some Germans to be very strong. If you recruit such a country, the end will be miserable. More importantly, The opinions of these victorious countries are still not unified." Let's say that it is not impossible for you to deal with Germany. You can follow the French method and completely dismember it, so that it can return to the state before the reunification, and return to the state before the Franco-Prussian War. But the United Kingdom does not do it, the United Kingdom does not want France to be dominant, the United Kingdom wants to maintain a balance of power on the continent, and the opinions of the victorious countries are not unified, so the ability to restrict Germany is further weakened. Another, between imperialism and the oppressed nations For example, with China, we were also the victorious nation in World War I. We went to 150,000 migrant workers. After the war, our rights as the victorious nation were divided up. You treat us too badly. Another It is the contradiction between the two social systems. It means that there are so many contradictions implied in the Versailles system, and this system is doomed to not last long. This is the Versailles system. Hero row seat Next is the Washington system.The background of the Washington Conference is two points: First, the conflict between the United States and Japan. The two countries want to compete for the Pacific region, especially for China.At that time, Japan had the upper hand, because other countries were busy with World War I and had no time to take care of the Far East, so Japan had the upper hand. Second, the battle for hegemony in the Far East and the Pacific depends on the navy, so a shipbuilding competition is launched.As I said before, the Navy is the most expensive of the three armed forces.A tank costs several million dollars, and Chinese tanks may cost several million yuan, because our labor force is cheap.Aircraft are tens of millions, and warships cost hundreds of billions. An aircraft carrier costs four to five billion dollars, and the aircraft on it is about four to five billion dollars. If you have all the escort ships, you will need another four to five billion dollars. One hundred million U.S. dollars.The aircraft of the US aircraft carrier takes off once, bounces up for a while, and then comes back, and it costs 4,000 yuan for one bounce. The aircraft carrier stays in the port for a year and does nothing, and it costs 80 million US dollars a year, so it is a gold-swallowing beast. Then, several treaties were signed. First, the four-nation treaty, the Anglo-Japanese alliance was dismantled.Britain formed an alliance with Japan in order to deal with Russia in the Far East.Before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the leader of Far East Asia was our Qing Dynasty. In 1900, the share of manufacturing in our Qing Dynasty was much higher than that of Japan, but once we calculated per capita, we were finished. In 1900, our industry and our manufacturing industry accounted for a little over 7% of the world, and Japan only accounted for a little over 3%. We were twice as big as him, and our Qing Dynasty was the leader in the Far East.After the end of the Second Opium War, China and Britain were in a honeymoon period of more than 30 years. Later, they were forcibly dismantled by Japan. The British empathized with each other and entered into an alliance with Japan to deal with Russia.Japan is happy, we have formed an alliance with the United Kingdom, and the son of the tenant farmer has given this feeling to the rich man.So, it's valid for 20 years and expires in 1922.Five years after the United Kingdom formed an alliance with Japan, Britain and Russia entered into an agreement. There is no need to deal with Russia, but they can still deal with Germany. Therefore, Japan used the excuse of fulfilling the obligations of the British-Japanese alliance to occupy Qingdao in Shandong. When Germany is defeated again, Britain For the United Kingdom, the Japanese alliance is really unnecessary, especially the United States is even more displeased with the British-Japanese alliance.How do you tear people apart? The Americans said, in our four-nation alliance, the young couple has become a young four, how can we live these days? So the Anglo-Japanese alliance was actually dismantled.At that time, Japanese Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita told the British Foreign Minister Clement sourly, thank you for arranging a decent and grand funeral for the Anglo-Japanese alliance.In the end, there was a four-nation alliance. These four countries cannot really be an alliance. The four-nation alliance of the United States, Britain, France, and Japan is impossible.Therefore, the Anglo-Japanese alliance, Japan's deliberate plan to form an alliance with the United Kingdom was dismantled. You can see that during the Second World War, the Japanese navy captains tied themselves to the bridge as soon as the warship sank, and sank with the warship. They were extremely careless.It's really not that bushido is so careless. It's the tradition of the British Royal Navy. When a warship sinks, the captain must sink with the ship.Later, Britain suddenly understood that I built a warship for 1 year, and Pei Qiao, a colonel and captain for 20 years, was not allowed to sink with the warship.In British and American countries, the tradition of Western countries is that when a warship sinks, the captain is the last to leave the ship, but if there is a chance to escape, if you don’t escape, you can’t be considered a martyr. .Japan is sinking together. The last ship, you said you were driving on the road, and you are still a novice. Please take care of me. Can you post this when you drive the ship?Please take care of you as a novice pilot, it is you who are hitting.Weapons are worthless, talents are the most important. Second, the five-nation naval agreement.As a result of the five-nation naval agreement, the United Kingdom and the United States are neck and neck, and Japan is second.Britain, the United States, Japan, Italy, France, and the five countries have a ratio of 5:5:3:1.75:1.75, giving Italy and France a ratio of 1.75. Italy and France are very happy because they have not yet reached it.Not only does Italy and France not need to disarm, but they can also expand their armies. Now it is equivalent to 1.42 of the total tonnage of the British Navy. If I can reach 1.75, I can continue to build.Japan has exceeded the standard, and Japan has almost reached the level of the United States? 0%, now if you want him to compress it to 60%, his warship has to be demolished, and the two battleships are on the bow.The United States is keeping pace with the United Kingdom. It turns out that the British Navy has always maintained a dual-power standard. The British Navy is the world's largest, and its total tonnage must reach the sum of the second and third. This guarantees that the combination of two and three cannot beat him.Now the British Empire has nothing to do with it, its industrial strength is weak, and the World War I wiped out the savings of more than 60 years in Queen Victoria's era, so there is no way to admit that the United States is equal to him.Today, the U.S. Navy can't count how strong the standard is in the world.The total tonnage of the U.S. Navy's warships today is 3.3 million tons, and no country in history has ever achieved this figure.There are 12 aircraft carriers alone, one of which is 100,000 tons, which is 1.2 million, and his 3.3 million tons ranks first.The U.S. Navy ranks second below the British Navy with 800,000 tons, then the Russian Navy with 700,000 tons, and the Japanese Navy with about 600,000 to 700,000 tons. How much does this add up to equal to the United States?The Chinese Navy has more than 300,000 tons, equivalent to a fraction of that of the United States, and equivalent to the weight of two or three US aircraft carriers.We have a large number of warships, but our ships are relatively small. Generally, there are more boats, surfing in Beihai Park. Third, the Nine-Power Pact brought China back to the common domination of several imperialist countries, and the former monopoly of Japan, returning China to the state of common domination by all countries. In the Washington Conference, the United States achieved great success and Japan suffered a great failure.Little Japan managed to get a lot of money, and the United States was dismantled.In the Anglo-Japanese alliance, the navy has been fighting for a long time, but it is still second. The United States and the United Kingdom are neck and neck. They originally dominated China, but the United States messed up.So, why Germany and Japan provoked the "World War II", as Germany said earlier, it is not a truce, but a truce for 20 years, and you and Japan are the same. The Washington Conference was signed in 1922. Nearly 20 years later, the Japanese Air Force attacked Pearl Harbor, and the Pacific War broke out. It was because the two countries were contained under the system, and he would rise up to resist. Rules must be operable The second point of international relations is the League of Nations. The establishment of this League of Nations was initiated by the United States, but it was actually controlled by Britain and France.It shows that the political center of the world is still in Europe.Although the centrality of Europe has been shaken, it has not been broken.The strength of the United States is now on the rise, especially its economic strength, but its military and political influence is not enough.In fact, the United States at that time was a bit like the European Union and Japan today, and Europe at that time was like the United States today, which means that Feng Shui has turned and turned back.The League of Nations really did not play a role in maintaining peace and sanctioning aggression.However, regarding the protection of human heritage and poverty alleviation, do you think the United Nations can maintain peace and sanction aggression today?He can't do it either, you see who you sanctioned for invading?You can sanction Saddam Hussein, whoever the United States wants to hit, can the United Nations control it?It doesn't matter.However, today, like the United Nations, isn’t it doing a good job in disaster relief, protection of human heritage, and education?The League of Nations actually played this role back then. Why couldn't the League of Nations maintain peace?The most embarrassing point is that if a country launches a war of aggression, if you want to impose sanctions on this country, it must be unanimously approved by all members of the League of Nations. Then who has few friends in the world, right?You said that you want all countries to unanimously approve the sanction of aggression, that is simply nonsense, so it is not feasible for him to do so.
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