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Chapter 2 Postscript

Jiu Se Zang Lonely Angry Hero Audience Doubts Southern China Late Autumn, November 11, in a private room of a Shanghai restaurant in Shenzhen, including myself, a total of 11 people. On the day of "Singles' Day", we all concentrated on the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs with a set of exquisite tableware.As the saying goes: crab claws are gold liquid, and bad hills are Penglai.And you must drink fine wine and climb to the high platform while drunk. This banquet was hosted by my friend Jiang Hua.Except for me and Jiang Hua, the other nine are old classmates of Jiang Hua when he was studying for a master's degree at Tsinghua University and a doctoral student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.After a few years of separation, they gathered in Shenzhen to taste crabs and talk about old times.

These people are all pure science and engineering backgrounds, most of them have successful careers, and now they live scattered in Europe, America, Hong Kong, Beijing and other places. While chewing gluttonous food, everyone gossiped and watched an exclusive interview with a famous hostess of a certain TV station on a "network newcomer" - "Mr. Click Rate" who wrote a post about the history of the Ming Dynasty.This person is quite "famous" on a community website in the south. He often lures viewers with fakes with millions of clicks, carried out low-level but effective hype, and made fakes everywhere. Finally, he was able to get out with his sensational fakes. With a hit rate of tens of millions, the publisher pushed him to do an exclusive interview on the TV station to "positively" promote his upcoming new book.Judging from his appearance, this person has a seemingly dull, simple and honest big fleshy face, which makes it almost impossible to compare his appearance with that Tian Tianyin who organizes members of the QQ group selling book mice behind the keyboard to install fraudulent click rate software everywhere. "Grassroots" yamen servants are linked together.This new "popular man" on the Internet, he sent people to put photos of corpses in his posts, and then yelled like A-Bian that he was persecuted and excluded by community websites and netizens, so as to flourish on several other large websites , The hype about a Ming history post written by him, in the end, really won the attention of many netizens.The profit of the eyeball attention economy is exactly its purpose.

When I saw this big flesh-faced man holding back tears like he was holding back his urine, his lips trembled and he said that he "worked hard" And when I was wronged by "other people's suppression", I was really almost immersed in the "sadness", "helplessness" and "endurance" of this fat-faced man in an instant.All of a sudden, the thin, earthy dialect in the mandarin of the fat-faced yamen servant brought me back to reality. What's ridiculous is that among the 11 people who were sued by "Mr. Click Rate" on the screen, besides Jiang Hua and me, 5 of the 9 people knew this famous person—He King Lian Bobo (Mei Yi)!Of course, Jiang Hua and I don't need to talk about it, we have known Mei Lang for many years, old friends Guigui.As for the other five "intellectuals" in the private room, their impressions of King Helianbobo's knowledge and reputation were all obtained from the Internet communication channels.

Mei Yi's ID "King Helianbobo" is well-known on the Internet.Because of this, in May 2006, he immediately caused an uproar when he questioned the chubby-faced government official writer who had installed click rate fraud software in the history column of a community website on the TV screen.Feeling guilty, the click rate counterfeiter teamed up with booksellers to organize an online MLM rat club, attacking and swiping the screen of King Helianbobo himself and the website day and night on the Internet.In order not to destroy the history section of that website in the hands of these swipe rats, King Helian Bobo chose to quit.The reason why he left sadly is just like what Su Zhe said: "A gentleman and a villain are as powerful as ice and coal, and they must fight in the same place. After a fight, the villain will win and the gentleman will lose. What is the villain who is greedy for profit and bears shame, it is difficult to get rid of it." .A gentleman is pure and righteous, and if he knows what is wrong, he must first retire."

Regarding this virtual battle on the Internet, I once asked Mei Yi out of curiosity, why he used his real ID "King Helian Bobo" to stand out, and whether there was a mistake in protecting himself.Mei Yi said indifferently: "Chang'an rice is expensive, and it's not easy to live in a big place. Such a son of a farmer in Hubei, such a poor yamen servant with a strong Julien-style struggle complex, who wants to make a fortune by writing things to buy a car and a house, is not a big villain. His unscrupulous falsification of click rate, while ruining the atmosphere of the website, what is even worse is that he also disguised countless vests and smashed other new writers in the forum. Seeing this despicable and vicious person, how can I stand by and watch, so I know it Do what you can't do, and hit it with your real body.

Of course, the way of a gentleman is loyalty and forgiveness.I exposed his trick of falsifying click rate, which affected him to get rich, and felt guilty. "Unexpectedly, the kind and kind King Helianbo was used by this scheming subordinate and unscrupulous bookseller, and became the point of attack for them to hype and sell books. In order to suppress King Helianbo to promote themselves, These few people have ulterior motives to describe this online righteous man as a "net bully" who attacks new writers. A gentleman is ashamed to live in a low class. Perhaps, when Mei Lang retreated in silence, all the evil came back.

The Internet does sometimes make people laugh and cry.On TV, this flesh-faced man with sagging fat buttocks sitting on a high chair, this petty official who claims to "hate" ancient Chinese since he was a child, is just holding a copy of Wu Han's "The Biography of Zhu Yuanzhang" in one hand and a book in the other. On the premise of not reading any original history books, using Wu Han's book as a clue, and using vulgar jokes and nonsensical "humor" on the Internet, he wrote a book about the Ming Dynasty. Continuous water posting, trying to use the "that little thing" of the Ming Dynasty, and finally make a fortune.

Not to mention, in this hot and campy world, he can finally enter the hall, become famous by making fakes, and go on TV to talk about the "difficult" history of becoming famous that he devoted himself to creating.Moreover, not only did the click rate fraud not become his crime, but it became a gimmick for him to sell himself.What an absurd world! Of course, I also asked Mei Lang: "So many publishing houses recommend you to give lectures at Peking University, Tsinghua University and other institutions of higher learning, recommend you to appear on various TV stations, and go to major bookstores to sign books. Why do you keep rejecting them?"

Mei Lang smiled and said: "Showing your face is no different from inserting a bid to sell your head! I will never follow the example of the 'celebrity' nowadays. When will the famed swordsmen stop!" Although Mei Lang claims to be indifferent and doesn't worry about his brows, he still falls into the insidious trap of the villain on the Internet for no reason.A hearty person will inevitably be generous.But only to show his recklessness and pedantry, Fang reveals his sincerity. On the other hand, King Helian Bobo's golden boots also have the effect of turning stones into gold.With a quick kick from him, the bag of cheap Xiaogan sesame candies was turned into a well-known juicy duck neck.Then look coldly at this seemingly honest subordinate who faked the click rate on TV. He is really a charming man. He seems to be a "modest" person who looks good, smiles, and stands sideways.

Mei Yi and I have known each other for many years, this person is indeed a very interesting person.Ten years ago, when I met Mei Lang for the first time, "I was young, and you were young" (in Ginsberg), he was a handsome, young, gloomy-looking overseas correspondent bank expert who had just resigned from a large state-owned bank; Afterwards, "I am old, and you are still young", Mei Lang remains as handsome as ever, and has become a famous historical prose writer all over the world.In addition to sighing, I have to admire Mei Lang's talent and good attitude to resist the years.In historical writing, he can always put emotion into his writing, combine his talent and interest, and finally make his historical prose reach the state of perfection.In order to prevent the joyous and proud things from passing by and causing sadness, Mei Langai concentrates on depicting and describing with his spiritual pen.Ever since, the truly lonely historical temples are more interesting in Mei Lang's works.

Mei Lang is really talented and beautiful, with a face as white as jade and lips as bright as vermilion.The name of his online ID "King Helian Bobo", according to my guess, is just like the ferocious iron mask worn by the beautiful man Lanling Wang Gao Changgong of the Northern Qi Dynasty when he rode his horse out of battle. In the middle, the enemy's ears are broken.As a result, Mei Lang gallops in the online virtual world with the heroic prowess of the "King Helian Bobo", and is even more able to freely and freely! Mei Lang's pen is fierce and courageous, his eyes are sharp and his tongue is sharp, he portrays and describes freely.From this point of view, among the four states of cynicism, birth, harmony, and adaptation, Mei Lang is not familiar with the fourth state.In Mei Lang's works, the setting sun and the crows flying over the deserted terraces are all the prosperous places in those days; the frost and cold flowers, and the moon is lost in the north, all of which are the battlefields of heroes in the past.Looking at it, what is the strength and weakness, the rise and fall are safe and sound, thinking about this is fascinating.The state of the world is extremely illusory, and the history is sad, rushing to the eyes in an instant, the cold spring and autumn, the world is flying away like the wind. When Mei Lang wrote history, he took advantage of the time when his mental strength was strong, so as to eliminate the injustice in his chest. "Wine and sex hide loneliness and anger, and heroes are suspicious."So indulgently going up and down in the smoke and clouds of history for thousands of years, wear and tear the heart, it is really beyond the reach of human beings, even the painstaking efforts of lovers.However, clam disease can only become pearls.Looking at Mei Lang, the sentiment is detached. The so-called "love must be close to ignorance before it is true, and then it must be both interesting and beginning to change".He has true energy, but he has true temperament. Therefore, we can summarize the general characteristics of Mei Lang's temperament, which includes madness, extravagance, infatuation, love, pride, and truth: One is crazy.Mei Lang killed the Buddha when he met the Buddha, and killed the ancestor when he met the ancestor.His eyes are full of forests and springs, and he never lowers his eyebrows to the rich and powerful.Qingbai's Gu Pan is always dressed like Ji Kang's rough head; the wind song's long roar regards gold, precious jade as rubble and dung.Mei Lang used to be a Buddha. One day, this gentleman suddenly read "Wen Tianxiang's Biography" and realized what was wrong. Therefore, Mei Lang was ordered to drive thousands of miles from Shenzhen to Ruji'an to visit the tomb.After returning home, I asked the man, "What is the meaning of the Buddha's coming from the West?" Mei Lang replied: "The blue-eyed beard misleads all living beings, but Wenshan is a real man!" The second is extravagance.Mei Lang is really a master of money slaughter, known as "Qian Tu".Between self-serving and caring, Mei Lang spends thousands of dollars on a cup of tea, and spends tens of thousands of dollars on a trip.Between swaying and throwing away, I don't care.Those who don't know Mei Lang will always think that this person is a poor scholar who has been combing through historical records.With such apprehension and panic, how could it be expected that Song Zijing, a scholar of Song Dynasty, would be accompanied by Meiji, and the giant candle would be burning like daylight to repair the grand view of "History of the Tang Dynasty"!Mei Lang is a luxurious and suave person, and he also loves "Unknown Heaven", and his writing of history is quite similar to that of a talented scholar in Song Dynasty.Just like a tree has galls and a stone has eyes, both are "sick" Also, no surprise.And Mei Lang's habit of "Qian Tu" is also a manifestation of his frankness. The third is madness.Mei Lang always loves to feel sad for Sheng Jing, and he has poetic pity when he sees Luo Hong.Recalling that Mei Lang used to be fond of collecting, he was fond of jade, fine pots, and seals.One day, Mei Lang realized that life is too short, and accumulating odds and accumulations, he suddenly changed his mind. He counted boxes of rare things, and once he threw them away, he scattered all his relatives and friends, but he didn't take it seriously.Ever since, the beautiful jade in Hongshan hangs on Jianghua's fat waist; book.Thinking of Meilang's hard work in search and inspection in various places and cities in the past few years, seeing how he is not hesitating in abandoning donations today, how stupid! Four is love.Mei Lang loves to be sad, and the buds wither in the smoke in an instant, and most happy is the pear blossoms in the moon with rain.However, studying the wear and tear of wine and beauties, seeing the beautiful shadows of the world as a distraction, how unrestrained and self-indulgent it is.I once said to Mei Lang with a smile: "It's a pity, my lord. It's a pity that you have too many strange books in your chest, and the words in your pen are too good. The fewer people suffer, the more you suffer." If you can not read or write, you should be able to become a real celebrity. "Mei Lang smiled:" This is a very pleasant remark.You can't say this, and I can't understand it.I really want to ruin my pen and keep my mouth shut, but it's a pity that I can't forget the world. "In the middle of the day, someone asked about his "ruthless" appearance. Mei Lang was hesitant for a moment, and replied: "Love is always like ruthlessness, but I feel that I can't laugh in front of my mouth!" "The fifth is arrogance. Mei Lang's bone-embroidered wool brocade is proficient in ancient and modern times, and he has naturally cultivated a strange arrogance. In addition, his writing is high-born, with a rich charm. It is fully vented in its vast and unrestrained historical chapters. Its writing is like a human being, arrogant and unremarkable, carefree and novel but not superficial, strange and towering but not too harsh, ingenious and full of spirit. What I like the most in my life is according to Sit down and listen to Mei Langya's uninhibited eloquence; wake up again and watch Mei Lang's hero's unrestrained arrogance. Liu Yuezhen.Mei Lang has seven parts of talent and three parts of genuine energy. He is a man and a man without frills.According to my understanding, Mei Lang is also the descendant of Dongpo.Clear cloudy moon, thunder and wind and rain, its movements and shadows are good, and it can be controlled freely.The reason why it can be kept true is that Gai Meilang's Lingtai is silent, not like our generation became stagnant when we touched the road, waited for the color to listen to the sound, and walked in a hurry, unable to calm down and deal with the world.Some people laughed that Mei Lang's dragon-slaying skills were useless, and ridiculed his youth for being self-conscious.However, I don't know that between the wind and rain, the spring is beautiful, but it's a pity that the world can't accept it. Meilang, a well-known scholar in Jinmen, has many knowledgeable scholars and scholars, but he often asks our friends to write prefaces and postscripts for his new books.After writing the history of the Ming Dynasty, Mei Lang once again asked Yu to write the postscript, which is ashamed.Such matters of writing and ink are really painful for my generation, and there are many books and cases, and thousands of excerpts and hundreds of selections are the only way to get good sentences and beautiful words.My writing is stagnant, and I can't imitate Mei Lang's style of writing and eloquently. Life is like a game of chess, the key is the most important.Mei Lang's ears are loud, eyes are beautiful, mouth is full of taste, and he can forget his feelings comfortably. Let the branches and leaves wither, the roots are at ease, and the spring is ready at any time. generation. Birds fly outdoors, Xiuhuang is reflected quietly.And holding several volumes of Meilang's history books, watching and sighing.Although he does not want to follow the customs of the times, Mei Lang is detached from the world, and he is quicker than his heart when he is sent to history, calm and happy.From pleasant to pleasant, so far, the thought of idleness suddenly arises, and the floating days are as long as a young year.Before I knew it, my eyes were intoxicated. It is postscript. Yaming2006-12-9
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