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Chapter 67 tough guy hemingway

Know some world famous people 刘明轩 1909Words 2018-03-20
July 2, 1961, was a painful day for the whole world.In the early hours of this morning, Hemingway put his beloved shotgun at his own head and pulled the trigger himself, knocking himself out of the literary world. In fact, Hemingway is just an unfettered big fish swimming in the sea of ​​literature. When serious illness and pain ruthlessly restricted his freedom of thinking, it undoubtedly deprived him of the sea on which he depended for survival and galloping freely.For a tough guy who dares to defy everything and never bows his head, this is undoubtedly a kind of destruction. Many people know Hemingway through.Hemingway not only loved writing, but also loved rivers and oceans.His lifelong hobby, besides writing, is fishing and hunting.Writing is the release of his artistic wisdom and life energy, and fishing and hunting is a kind of adjustment and relaxation after his intense writing, which are two indispensable and important parts of his life.

Hemingway is a legendary writer.He was born in 1899 into a family of doctors near Chicago.Influenced by his sports-loving parents, Hemingway was fascinated by hunting, fishing and boxing since he was a child, and he was also very interested in music and painting.On his 3rd birthday, Hemingway followed his father to go fishing by the river.It is unbelievable that he quickly mastered the timing of the hook and was able to catch the fish. It can be said that he is the smallest fisherman.Hemingway maintained a lifelong interest in fishing, and his own fishing experience played an extremely important role in the later completion.

During World War I, he became a trainee reporter and received strict language training.Later, he participated in the post-war ambulance team and was seriously injured on the Italian front. After 13 operations, more than 200 pieces of shrapnel were removed from his body.After the war, he was stationed in Paris as a reporter stationed in Europe, met American writers Stein and Pound, and began to publish works.Soon he took part in the Spanish Civil War.During World War II, Hemingway used his yacht to assist the regular army in combat and search for Nazi submarines at sea, and was rewarded by the authorities.Later he led a guerrilla group and took part in the battle to liberate Paris. In the 1950s, Hemingway returned to fishing, hunting and other adventure careers.The cars and planes he was in crashed one after another, so you can often read about his death.

Hemingway's early novels "The Sun Also Rises" (1927) and (1927) have become the main masterpieces of the "lost generation" in the United States.In the 1930s and 1940s, he portrayed the image of anti-fascist fighters "Fifth Column" and the novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls" who cast off confusion and pessimism, fought bravely and sacrificed fearlessly for the benefit of the people. In the 1950s, he even shaped the "tough guy image" represented by Santiago in the movie "he can be eliminated, but he can't be defeated".Hemingway is the spiritual monument of the American nation.

The 1920s was the early stage of Hemingway's literary creation. He wrote "In Our Time", "Spring Tide", "Men Without Women" and the novel "The Sun Also Rises", etc.During this period, the Western world was sinking into the wasteland that Eliot saw behind the collapse of society. The novel "The Sun Also Rises" is about the life of a group of young people living in Europe after the war and the depth of their spiritual world. Variety.The protagonist of the novel, Jack Barnes, is an American journalist whose sexuality has been destroyed by the war.He fell in love with an English nurse, Brett Ashley, who also fell in love with him, but they could not bond.An American writer, Robert Cohen, who has a lot of vain and romantic fantasies about life, also fell in love with Brett, but she didn't like him.This group of youths who have experienced vicissitudes of life wandered around the European continent after the war, doing nothing all day long, drinking, quarreling or fighting.The war took away their relatives and left them with physical and spiritual scars. They are extremely disgusted with war, have doubts about axiom and traditional values, and feel tired, confused and frustrated with life.The novel condemns the war from a unique angle, and has an anti-war color.The novel has become a representative work of the "lost generation" literary genre because it describes the bewilderment of a generation.

(Also known as "Battlefield Dreams") is Hemingway's masterpiece.With the theme of opposing imperialist wars, he revealed the historical reasons for the emergence of the "lost generation", accused wars of destroying people's ideals and happiness, harming people's hearts, and ruining millions of innocent lives.This work reveals the basic characteristics of Hemingway's prose style and "modern narrative art".The plot of the work is simple and the artistic conception is pure, the language is unpretentious, the sentences are short and concise, and the description of the environment achieves the blending of scenes.

In 1939, Hemingway created the famous novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls" against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, which is an important work linking the past and the future.It tells the touching story of Robert Jordan, a volunteer from the International Brigades, who sacrificed his life to cooperate with a guerrilla in a bridge bombing operation. Get rid of the emotions of loneliness, confusion and weeping, integrate the individual into the society, and show the lofty spirit of dedicating to the just cause. After World War II, Hemingway's creation entered the late stage, and his representative works won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954 because of the courage shown by people in the "real world full of violence and death" in the novel.Hemingway's life creation has left a glorious page in the history of modern literature.He disclosed the hypocrisy of those in power and the cruelty of reality through his own experience, and portrayed the bewildered emotions of the younger generation in the United States. Gained a new luster!

In writing, Hemingway's favorite themes were war, death, manliness and love.This is also the main theme of his life.In particular, "death" and "masculinity" run through all his creations and become the main style features of his works. Coupled with concise, powerful, vigorous and dynamic language, his creations have a huge impact on European and American literary circles. , and even caused "a literary revolution" in the United States.
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