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Chapter 44 Section 7 Xi'an Huajue Temple

Xi'an Huajue Temple, commonly known as Dongda Temple, was built in Huajue Lane, Xi'an today. Year) and Qing Qianlong thirty-three years (AD 1768) rebuilt, become the largest mosque in Xi'an, is also one of the four ancient mosques in my country. The architectural style of Huajue Temple is different from that of mosques in Xinjiang and other places. It adopts the architectural style of the mainland, and the temple is spacious and magnificent.Along the east-west central axis, there are four courtyards in front and back, and 14 buildings such as lecture halls and halls are arranged, with a construction area of ​​4,000 square meters.The main buildings are the front and rear halls, the Xinxing Building, the Phoenix Pavilion, and the Chaoyang Building, which are collectively called the Wufeng Chaoyang Palace.

First entering the courtyard, there are halls, corridors, bathing rooms and living rooms, among which the small hall is for Muslims to pray on weekdays. In the second courtyard, there are five buildings in total, among which the brick carving niches record the construction history of the temple in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The third entrance to the courtyard is mainly the Shengxin Building and the Imperial Palace.The Imperial Palace is one of the earliest buildings in the temple.Above Zhumen hangs a golden horizontal plaque with the words "Chici Worship Temple" written by Dong Qichang in Ming Dynasty.There are three doors to the hall, and there are many inscriptions in the hall. Among them, the Arabic "Moon Stele" was erected in the early Qing Dynasty to calculate the Muslim calendar, and is the most precious.Shengxin Building is a two-story wooden structure building with three halls and an octagonal spire, which is used to call believers to worship.

In the fourth entrance to the courtyard, there is a "Yizhen Square" in the center. Behind the square is a hexagonal pavilion with pointed hexagons. There is a triangular "Jia Pavilion" on the left and right of the pavilion, just like a phoenix spreading its wings, so it is named "Phoenix Pavilion". Finally, worship the main hall for the main building in the temple.The main hall has a single eaves on the top of the mountain and is covered with glazed tiles. The plane is convex. The front is seven rooms wide and four rooms deep.With a total area of ​​1300 square meters, it can accommodate thousands of people to worship.The hall is covered with wallboard carvings and paintings, and the Quran scriptures are engraved in the twigs and vines. The color is gorgeous. The main hall stands on the platform.

The Arabic stele erected in the temple in the tenth year of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (AD 1732) records the history of Islam in detail and is a very precious cultural relic.After renovations in recent years, Huajue Temple has a new look, and it can be used for Muslims to worship, and it can also receive relevant foreign guests.
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