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Chapter 59 Huang Gongwang

Ming Wang Shizhen's "Yiyuan 卮言" said: "Landscapes, big and small Li have changed again, Jing, Guan, Dong, and Ju have changed again, Liu, Li, Ma, and Xia have changed again, Da Chi (Huang Gongwang), The Yellow Crane (Wang Meng) changed again." These five changes actually refer to the five changes in landscape painting in the Tang, Five Dynasties, Northern Song, Southern Song, and Yuan Dynasties.This change in the Yuan Dynasty brought landscape painting, especially literati landscape painting, to a very high level. In fact, Zhao Mengfu contributed the most to this change in landscape painting in the Yuan Dynasty. He advocated "learning from the ancients", advocating learning from the Tang and Northern Song Dynasties, and advocating the use of calligraphy in painting.However, he did too much work and did not specialize in landscape painting. Therefore, it was Huang Gongwang, Wang Meng, Ni Zan, Wu Yuan, the "Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty" who put this theory into practice and made great achievements, and actually completed this change in landscape painting. town.

Huang Gongwang (1269-1355), style name Zijiu, nicknamed Yifeng, also nicknamed Dachi.Changshu people.According to Zhong Sicheng's "Record of Ghost Book", his surname was Lu and his first name was Jian.Later, he was adopted by a family surnamed Huang.His father is nearly ninety years old, and people say that "Gong Huang has been looking forward to his son for a long time."So he changed his name to Huang Gongwang, with the word Zijiu. Huang Gongwang concentrated on studying painting and was already in his fifties.In his early years, he was a petty official, but he was implicated and imprisoned.After he was released from prison, he never wanted to be an official. He once lived in Songjiang and sold divination. He also believed in Quanzhen Buddhism, but mainly entertained himself with poetry, wine, calligraphy and painting.

Although Huang Gongwang traveled around in his later years and lived in no fixed place, he often wrote about the scenery of Yushan and Fuchunshan.In his paintings, some people say he learned from Jing and Guan, some say he learned from Dong and Ju, and some say he learned from Shi Fan and Li, which just shows that he "transfers many masters".But he mainly learns from Dong Yuan (Beiyuan) and Li Cheng.He said in "Shan Shui Jue": "In modern painting, there are many brushworks of Dong Yuan and Li Cheng." Later, Dong Qichang, who inherited Huang Gongwang's most powerful Ming Dynasty, said in "Painting Zen Room Essays": "Ju Ran learns from Beiyuan, Yuanzhang Learn from Beiyuan, Huang Zijiu learn from Beiyuan, Ni Yu learn from Beiyuan. Each Beiyuan ear is different.” In fact, they are all literati paintings.He said: "The paintings of literati began with Wang Youcheng, and Dong Yuan, Ju Ran, Li Cheng, and Fan Kuan were his sons. Li Longmian, Wang Jinqing, Mi Nangong and Hu'er all came from Dong and Ju, until the 'Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty', Huang Zijiu , Wang Shuming, Ni Yuanzhen, and Wu Zhonggui are all authentic stories." But the four have changed, especially Huang Gongwang.Wang Shimin of the Qing Dynasty said in "Xilu Painting Postscript" that he "does not stick to his teacher's method. Every time he sees his scenery with a brush, it is still rough in the thick, and it is beautiful in the wild. , meaning infinite."

Huang Gongwang's success is still imitating nature.He said in "Shanshui Jue": "Put a tracing brush in the leather bag, or in a good view, if you see a tree that is weird, you can copy it and remember it." Therefore, the landscapes he painted, "the more they come out, the more strange they are." Ming Zhang Chou's "Qinghe Calligraphy and Painting Boat" said: "There are two styles of big idiot paintings: one is light crimson, with many rocks on the top of the mountain, and the brush is majestic; The three families of Wang, Ni and Wu are different.

Many of Huang Gongwang's paintings have been handed down, the most famous being "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".Others include "Nine Peaks in Snow", "Danya Yushu", "Tianchi Stone Wall", "Intention of Rain in Streams and Mountains", "Shanxi Visiting Dai", "Fuchun Daling" and so on.

Portrait of Huang Gongwang
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