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Chapter 75 Qing Ping Le · Small Thatched Eaves/Xin Qiji

This is one of the two most familiar and beloved poems by Xin Qiji. It is also a villa in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province where I live leisurely, and I went to the countryside outside the manor after I was slightly drunk, so I naturally approached an ordinary farmhouse. Looking from a distance, it is a low hut, which shows that it is just an ordinary family.Although the hut is low and small, there is a piece of green grass on the slope next to the hut. Of course, there will be delicate and beautiful flowers, thick shade of trees, and of course there will be cocks and dogs barking, and the fragrance of bean flowers.

As I got closer, I heard someone talking in the "Meihao" "Wu tone" called "Wu Nong soft language".Going closer, it turned out to be an old couple with white hair. Probably under the guidance of the old man, the poet saw their eldest son hoeing beans in the east of the stream, their second son weaving chicken coops, and the cutest and most interesting one was the youngest son, who was not yet an adult, sleeping on the grass beside the stream , holding the freshly picked lotus pods in his hand, peeling and eating them one by one. There is no extra pen and ink, no extra description, and no deliberate carving of language. Just like this, a quiet and beautiful genre painting has come to life on the paper.

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