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Chapter 79 Gong Tiao

This is a complex theory to describe in full detail, so we will only briefly introduce it. Speaking separately, the palace is the concept of heightening, and the tone is the concept of mode. Let me talk about the mode first.Theoretically speaking, any one of the five tones and seven tones can be used as the main tone of a tune (called "tune head" in ancient China), such as the Gong mode with the Gong tone as the main tone, and the Shang mode with the Shang tone as the main tone. Wait.Since different "sounds" are used as the main tone, the positions of the semitones in different tones are different, so different "colors" are produced, just like the major mode with "1" as the main tone and the minor mode with "6" as the main tone in Western music. debug.

Let's talk about turning it up.The main tone of each tune can correspond to one of the twelve temperaments, which can be used as the pitch standard of the tune.For example, the Shang tone in the Shang mode can use Huang Zhong, Da Lu, Tai Cuu... ). In this way, twelve "quotient adjustments" with different height adjustments can be obtained.In the same way, twelve different tunes of "Gong Tune", "Jiao Tune", "Zheng Tiao" and "Yu Tune" can be obtained.After the main tone is determined, the twelve temperaments corresponding to the other tones are also determined.For example, when Shang Yin is the dominant tone, when the pitch of Shang Yin is equal to Taicu, Jiao is equal to Guxi, Zheng is equal to Linzhong, Yu is equal to Nanlu, and Gong is equal to Huangzhong. This tune is "Taizu Shang".The rest of the mode can be analogized.

Strictly speaking, the pitch of the same mode is different, and the emotional color is not exactly the same. For example, "C major", "D major" and "G major" in Western music, although the same as the major of "1", But the emotional color is not the same.In the same way, the emotional colors of "Huangzhong Palace", "Taicu Palace" and "Nanlu Palace" are not exactly the same.The explanation of this problem is also very complicated, so I won't go into details here. Tune is the mode.The five tones of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu are respectively the main tones, forming five different modes.Adding Bianzheng and Biangong, seven modes are formed.The tonics of these tones can all correspond to a "temper", so that sixty (in terms of pentatonic) or eighty-four (in terms of seven tones) tones can be obtained.For example, Huangzhong Palace, Taicu Palace, Zhonglu Palace, Lin Zhongshang, Wusheshang, Jiazhongjiao, Dalu Zheng, Yi Zeyu, etc., this is tune.

The meaning of Gong Tiao is more than that, and its meaning is sometimes different in different periods and different occasions.For example, in the Yanyue system, the pitch standards may be different, and the titles will also be different, such as Banshediao, Zhenggongdiao, Dashidiao, Yuediao, etc. that are common in later generations. For another example, after the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the Gong mode with Gongyin as the main tone was called "Gong", and other modes with Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu as the main tone were all called "Tune".Therefore, there is a saying of "five palaces and four tunes" in Yuan Zaju music.In addition, the palace tunes of the qin temperament system, the Gongchipu system, and the Nanbeiqu system are also different. Because they are too specialized, I will not introduce them here one by one.

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