Home Categories Poetry and Opera Leaves of Grass Set

Chapter 29 28

Leaves of Grass Set 瓦尔特·惠特曼 4366Words 2018-03-20
Mother!Son! Continental family! Flowers of the prairie! Boundless space!Ah, the hum of a huge product! O rich cities!How invincible, riotous and proud! Belong to the future generation!O women! Fathers!You lustful men! As long as it is the power of the country!pretty! yourself!Oh, God!Extraordinary ordinary people! You bearded brutes!Poets!O all who sleep! wake up!The morning birds are already singing crisply!Did you not hear the rooster crow? Ah: I have heard the mournful cry of the forecast storm in my walks along the shore--the diving the low, often repeated shriek of the long-lived loon;

what!I have heard and still hear the howling thunder; you sailors!O ship! Get ready! The experienced eagle issued a warning call from the patrol! (Retreat, all! Useless! Throw away your spoils ;) Irony!Advice! (If the whole world proves that it is really a counterfeit, a A scam, that's fine! ) I believe only America and freedom are real! Apart from democracy, we must resolutely deny everything! Emperor!Who dares to stand against you and me? To announce our own things!work for those who work for humanity ah! Culture!North!O slopes sucked dry by the Sea of ​​Mexico!everything is

Inseparable - how many years, how many years, how many years! Ah, curse the man who would divide this Union for any reason! O climate and work!Good and evil!death!You are as strong as a rock!indivual Sex! O village or place with the greatest man or woman!Even if it's just a few broken ruined huts; Cities where women walk the streets like men! A pale and dreadful badge adopted by me! O image that is rising!The image of the centuries to come! Always belong to me for strength and courage!Forever for my men and women! Forever my farmers and sailors!Coachman! I'm going to make a new poetic catalog of occupations and tools!

O rude and self-willed people!I love you!South!for my dear The nostalgia of my hometown!O soft and clear sky! Thinking about it!I must go back to where the palm trees grow and the mockingbirds sing, Otherwise, I would rather die!Equality!Organization contract!i was born to be your poet ah! Chaos, strife, tumult, and echoes!I am your poet because I am you part of them; Gone are the days!Enthusiasts!Forerunners! Great preparations for the founding of this country!Years!now in the future Everything delivered by Aki Bandai! Propaganda tool!For education!In order to convey the invisible faith!

To spread the truth!To travel all over America! Create!Today!Law!Undiminished reverence! Raise a stronger generation of speakers, artists, and singers! Native songs are to be encouraged!The carpenter's, the captain's, the peasant's song!cobbler's song! The most ruthless growth of time!What a moment of indulgence and ecstasy! All that I am preparing to sing here! Thy galloping light!The sun of the world shall rise, flaunting its apex! — you too rise; How majestic and majestic!Shining and burning brightly on high; O soothsayer, vision bewildered by radiance and radiance!how

Rich!How unprecedented! freedom!How solid!What an inseparable unity! O my soul!O lips trembling feebly! Many, many centuries to come! O the voice of a greater orator!I stop - I'm waiting to hear from you! States of America!Cities!Rebel against all outside authority!I stand Immediately put into your factory embrace! I love you all the most!You, great presidents, I am waiting for you! New history!O new heroes!I design it for you!fantasy of poets what!Only you are truly durable!Fly forward!forward! God of death!You stride there!But I can't yet! Still too fast, too dizzying apex!

Purified radiance!I can't stand your threat anymore! Now!I'll come back to you before it's too late! Poets of the future!I rely on you! O sun of true peace!Speeding lightning yo! Free and ecstatic!I'm here to sing! The sun of the world shall rise, flaunt, reach its apex--and you, my The ideal should also rise! How majestic and rich! --in that high place resplendent, shining, burning! O prophet's fantasy, bewildered by radiance and radiance! O lips of my soul, have become powerless! Great and solemn presidential election!Now the war, the war is over! New history, new heroes!I design for you!

Poet's fantasy!Only you can last!Speed ​​forward!Go ahead! Too hasty, too dizzying apex! O purified light!I can't stand your threat! (I must not risk it - the ground under my feet threatens me - it will not support I: The future is too great,)——now, yo, I come back, back to you, in my There is still time. [To this day, to this day, and to the end] To this day, to this day, and to the end, Singing what has been sung in this book, from the irresistible impulse of my heart; However, after this book, do I continue to mature, Shall I project the real radiance, the radiance that has not yet been radiated,

(Have you ever thought that the sun is shining at its brightest? Nope - it's not quite up yet ;) Will I finish what I started here, Shall I rise to my own heights, to prove these unfinished things, Whether I shall make "Song of the New World" above all other poems - that depends you rich, The decision, whoever is serving as President, is up to you, It's up to you, the governor, the mayor, the members of Congress, And you, contemporary America. In new gardens, of all places, In the modern city, now I roam, Although second or third generation, or later, But still primitive, day, place, no difference——

Despite the changes, it's still the same, Time, Paradise, Mannahata, Savannah, found me unchanged, Death is common too—had I already lived? Had I been buried long ago? Even then, I can watch you here now, right now; I want to search for the future with tenacious will - the woman of the future, You, born many years and centuries after me, I seek. [These states! 〕 Oh these states! Are you looking forward to being united by jurists? With a paper agreement?Or with weapons? Go to hell! Here I come, with these, beyond all courts and arms, these!To hold you together, hold yourselves as firmly as the earth itself

into one. The old and ever-new breath of life, it's here!America!I hand it to you. Mother!You did a great job for me, didn't you? See, there's a lot I'm going to do for you. From me there is a new friendship--it shall be called by my name, It should be widely spread in the United States, regardless of the region, It will entwine them, and through them intertwine, Let them be closely knit together, showing a new sign, Charity will solve every problem of liberty, and those who love each other will surely invincible, They will make the United States finally and completely successful, that can be guaranteed, in my name. A man from Massachusetts shall be a comrade from Missouri, One from Maine or Vermont, one from Carroll and one from Oregon Men, shall be friends of the Holy Trinity, asking each other more than all the riches in the world more precious. The fragrance of Florida is coming to Michigan, Cuban or Mexican to float to Mannajata, Not the scent of flowers, but a sweeter scent beyond death. No danger can hinder America's lovers, If necessary, a thousand people will resolutely sacrifice themselves for one The Kannuk would voluntarily lay down his life for the Kansi, and likewise the Kansi Death against people, when necessary. In every direction, in the street and in the house, seeing love between men will learn to as usual, A farewell brother or friend wishes the remaining friend and brother with a kiss. There must be many innovative things, there will be countless tightly held hands-that is, Dong The hand of the North, the hand of the Northwest, the hand of the Southwest, and the interior and all The hands of the same clan hold each other, These will be the masters of the world under a new regime, They're going to defy all the rest of the world with their laughter Those who are most daring and profane kiss each other softly on the cheek, The guarantee of liberty must be lovers in love, The continuation of equality must be gay. These will bind and bind tighter than hoops, And I, ecstatically, fellows!Homeland!From now on, with lover's love You are bundled together. [I thought for a long time..] I have long thought that only knowledge could fill me—if only I could get knowledge! Then my country attracted me—the land of the prairie, the land of Ohio, the land of the South The lands of Fang's treeless plains fascinate me—I will live for them—I to be their orator; Then I met models of heroes old and new—I heard warriors, sailors, and all the deeds of brave men--I think I have something of that in me The quality of things - I would like to do so; Then, in general, at last I began to sing about the New World—and then I believed my Life must be spent in singing; But now beware, the land of the prairies, the land of the treeless plains of the south, Ohio land, Note, you Cannuck Woodlands—you Lake Huron—and with you The region of Yagara Falls—and you Niagara, And you, the mountains of California—all of you must find another Personally go to be your singer, Because I can't be your singer anymore - a man who loves me is jealous of me, except Let me not have any contact except love, I avoid the rest - I throw Opened what I thought would satisfy me, because it didn't— It's tasteless to me now, I no longer pay attention to knowledge, and the grandeur of Taizhong, and the example of heroes, I'm also indifferent to my own songs - I'm going to talk to what I love.He set off together, It's enough for us to be together -- we'll never part again. 〔Days like years〕 Days are like years, painful and depressed, It was twilight when I hid in a secluded and out-of-the-way spot and sat alone Come down, put your face in your hands; In sleepless hours, late at night, I go on alone, speeding along country lanes, Or through the streets of the city, or walk, for miles, restrained cry of grief; In moments of frustration and bewilderment—for that which I cannot satisfy myself without but soon I saw that he was at ease without me; In my forgotten moments, (week after week, month after month pass Ah, but I believe I will never forget it! ) O gloomy and bitter hour! (I am ashamed - but to no avail - I still Myself;) My hour of distress—I wonder if anyone else has What kind of feeling? Is there even a man like me - bewildered - his friend, His lover was over for him?Is he like me now?he early When he gets up in the morning, he will regretfully think of who he has lost?And wake up at night Remember who has been lost?He also quietly embraces his friendship forever?embrace With great pain and burning emotion? Is it a reminder once in a while, or mentioning a name inadvertently, it will also arouse his heart That silently suppressed throbbing pain? Can he see his own reflected image in me?At these moments, he can Can see the scene of his painful moment reflected here? [Who is reading this Where are the books? ] Who is reading this book? Maybe someone who knows some bad things I've done in the past is reading this, Perhaps a stranger secretly in love with me is reading this, Perhaps a man who scoffs at all my hubris and egoism, Maybe it's someone who's always puzzled me. As if I were not puzzled by myself! Or, as if I never satirized myself! (Conscience blames it! I feel guilty ah! ) Or, as if I never secretly loved some stranger! (So ​​tender and long, But never admit it ;) Or, as if I could not see or see very clearly the reality of bad behavior within myself. qualitative, Or, as if it could keep from leaking from me until it had to stop.for you Let us both leave the others and step aside; Now we're alone together, don't be polite, Hello!Give me what has never been given to anyone—tell the whole story I, Tell me the things you wouldn't tell your brother, wife, husband or doctor. [about the appearance of things] Of the appearance of things - and of the permissible evils beneath; About ugliness—I see that there is as much richness in it as in beauty—and the human ugly I can accept; About those who are found out - to me, what aspects of those who are found out No uglier than the undiscovered—no worse than me in any way; Concerning criminals - to me any judge or any juror is equally guilty The — and so is any respectable person — the President is of the same kind.
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