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Chapter 12 Selected Poems of Ai Qing - Spring Girl

Ai Qing's Works Collection 艾青 491Words 2018-03-20
Miss Chun is here—— who of you know, How did she get here? I know! I know! She is from the south, Arrived here a few days ago, the good news, It was the swallow who told me. who of you has seen, What does she look like? I know! I know! she is a little girl, Looks prettier than me, With watery eyes, A braid is so long! She is barefoot, trousers rolled up to the knees; on her arm, Hanging a bold willow basket. she crossed the river Walk slowly on the beach, She bowed her head and sang softly, That sound is like a river flowing... see her, who would be happy; heard her singing,

Anyone can be happy. In her big willow basket, filled with many things— red flowers, green grass, And golden seeds. She hung flowers on the tree, and spread grass on the ground; Sow the seeds in the fields, Let them grow green seedlings She walked across the fields, The cow looked up, The calf hopped, The big lamb bleats... She came to the village, Everyone is happy, each orchard, All open the door to welcome; those pools, polished; When Miss Chun walked by, Also look in the mirror. various birds, sing all kinds of songs, Every bird says: "My heart is so happy!"

various birds, sing all kinds of songs, Every bird says: "My heart is so happy!" only those ducks, Can't fly or sing, They stand there dumbfounded, flapping wings and laughing... They said: "Miss Chun, We have been waiting for you for a long time! It's good that you come! We can't sing, hahaha..."
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