Home Categories Poetry and Opera Brief Explanation of Tang and Song Ci

Chapter 3 volume three

Wang Anguo Qing Pingle I can't stay in spring.Spend all Yinger language.The ground is full of remnants of red palace brocade.It's windy and windy in South Park at night.Xiao Lian first played the pipa.Xiao Lai thinks about the end of the world.Refusing to go to Zhuhu in the daytime, the spring breeze is free to populate the flowers. This poem describes the scene of late spring, which is quite famous.From the beginning of the sentence, it is full of charm to say that Yingyu stays in spring. The word "exhausted" shows Liuchun's hospitality. The two sentences of "full of the ground" reversed the syntax, saying that the remnant flowers are in a mess after rain, and it also shows the deep affection of cherishing spring and cherishing flowers.Changing heads, because of the sadness of the remnant spring, the entrusted pipa pops up. The two sentences of "refusing" are more about Yang Hua's freedom, which is a metaphor for people's lonely character. .

Yan Jidao Linjiang Immortal After the dream, the tower is high and locked, and the curtain of wine is low.Last year, spring hate came.The falling flowers are independent, and the little swifts are flying together.I remember the first time I met Xiaoping, the word Luo Yi with double heart.Say lovesickness on the strings of the pipa.At that time, the bright moon was there, and it would return with colorful clouds. This first impression of nostalgia is exquisite.Together, it is written that the buildings are high and locked, the curtains are low, and its desolation is unknown to anyone.But after waking up from the dream, seeing this situation suddenly, it is especially hard to worry about.Because of the luxurious singing and dancing in the past, what kind of joy will make people go to the building, and the sound will be cut off.That is to say, these two sentences are like a "Fu of Wucheng". The sentence "last year" dredges the above and leads to the following. The two sentences "Luohua" were originally Weng Hong's poems at the end of the Tang Dynasty.Falling flowers, light rain, the environment is extremely beautiful; people are independent, swallows fly together, and love is extremely bitter.The text on this piece is quite dense, and changing the head, it is easy to make it sparse and light. "Remember" two sentences, recalling last year's Renben clothing. The phrase "pipa" expresses endless bitterness and memory, and it is the string of an allegory. The two sentences of "at that time", because I saw the moon at this time and thought of the moon at that time, I once returned to the tower according to people, and responded to the beginning of the article, with infinite emotion.And the elegance of the words is even more invincible.

butterfly love flower Dreaming of Yanshui Road in the south of the Yangtze River.Traveling all the way to the south of the Yangtze River, I am not happy to be away from others.There is nothing to say about sleeping wrapped in ecstasy.I feel melancholy and ecstasy.I want to make the most of this love letter.Floating geese sink fish, and there is no evidence for the end.But rely on the slow string song to leave the thread.Heartbroken and moved to break the Qin Zheng column. This first is written from a dream together, and the language is refined.When Gai went to Jiangnan, he missed him so much, so he didn't realize that he dreamed of going to Jiangnan.But when you travel all the way to the south of the Yangtze River, you will never meet anyone, and your dream will hurt your soul. This is a setback.I don't meet people, so I have nothing to say, but when I wake up from a dream, I am still melancholy, which is another setback.In the next film, because I felt melancholy, I wanted to write a detailed book, so as to express the lovesickness in daily life and the search in dreams.But fish and geese have no evidence, and it is difficult to reach them, so this is also a setback.There is no basis for sending books, so I can only rely on the strings to express hatred, but the hatred is so deep that the strings are so urgent that the zither pillars are broken.It is written layer by layer, with successive setbacks, clear and clear, but also heavy.

butterfly love flower Drunk don't wake up in the west building.Spring dreams and autumn clouds, it's so easy to get together and part.The half-moon window still sleeps less.The painting screen shows Wu Shancui leisurely.There are wine marks on the clothes and poems wrapped in words.Little by little, always desolate.Red Candle has no good plan for self-pity.Ye Hankong wept for others. This first writes farewell to desolation.Write the scene of waking up together, blurred and confused, leaving aside the infinite situation of different times. The two sentences of "spring dream" lament the impermanence of life.The word "true" shows the depth of emotion. The two sentences of "slanting moon" say that they can't sleep when they are pregnant, but they can only think about it on the screen of the book.The word "return" means a long time without sleep; the word "leisure" means the silence of being alone.In the next film, the two sentences of "clothes" come from "Drunk Farewell to the West Tower". The word "always" is also very sentimental, and I feel that there is nothing but desolation. The two sentences of "red candle" are based on Du Mu's poem "Candle bids farewell if you have a heart, and weeps for others until dawn".But words such as "self-pity" and "room replacement" can all be conveyed from space.The two Yans also said that Xiao Yan was particularly energetic, which can be seen here.

partridge day The colorful sleeves are attentive and hold the jade bell.Back then, he was drunk and red.Dance to the heart of the willow building and the moon, and sing to the end of the peach blossom fan.After farewell, we will meet again.A few times the soul dream is the same as the king.Tonight □Put the silver on your shoulders, I'm afraid that meeting is a dream. This song is the Ci of Encountering Zhi after Farewell.The first film, looking back at the joy of the past. The phrase "colorful sleeves" shows the deep affection and affection of the year.A word of drunkenness shows the pride of the year.Change the head, the three sentences of "after the farewell", the deep memory of each other after the farewell, often lingering in dreams. The two sentences of "tonight" refer to the meeting today.Old Du Yun: "The candle is held at the end of the night, which is relatively like a dream." Xiaoyan used it, but there are echoes of "□ba" and "still afraid", which is like a pleasant surprise, and the metamorphosis has become ethereal.The above statement is like a dream, but today's statement is really like a dream, with subtle twists and turns.

magnolia Dongfeng made another ruthless plan.Brilliant pink and red are blowing all over the floor.Bilou Lianying doesn't hide her worries, it still seems to be the same as last year.Who knew that it was wrong to manage the remnants of spring.It took tears to log in everywhere.At this time, the marigold has deep beards, and it can be drunk to see all the fallen flowers. This first hurts the spring, and the writing is fresh.The opening sentence is extremely painful, "Dongfeng made another ruthless plan", which shows how resentful the wind is.The word "you" is the same as the word "you" in Ziye's word "wine in the remaining flowers, it was last year's illness again". The sentence "yanfen" refers to the falling flowers destroyed by the east wind. The two sentences of "Bilou" are honest and honest, and the flowers are flying in disorder, and the scenery is also very good. "Huansi" corresponds to the word "you", causing the scene of last year and today. The two sentences of "who knows" are self-pity and self-repentance, all because of the extremely hurt. "Spring remnants" comes from "yanfan"; "everywhere" comes from "last year". The two sentences of "at this time" are self-made explanations. It is useless to waste tears and tears, but to use wine to relieve sorrow.This agrees with Uncle Tong's "I advise you not to be a sober person, there should be a lot of drunken flowers".But Xiaoyan's questioning words are more profound and gentle.And the main word of the latter says: "The road in Zuixiang is stable and frequent, but otherwise it is unbearable." Here, the word "Zhixu" can best understand its spiritual truth.

Ruan Langgui The old fragrance and powder are like before.It's not as good as human feelings.There are still several running scripts in spring.In autumn, the books are even sparser.The quilt is cold and the pillow is lonely.Waiting for wine to relax.Even if there is a dream soul, it will become empty.Nakan and Mengwu. From the first two sentences, it is said that things are right and people are wrong. The two sentences of "Yichun" are writing about the fact that people are not as good as they are, but they feel resentment but not worry.Change your head and say that you are lonely and cold when you are alone. The two sentences of "menghun" have neither words nor dreams, and I feel sad but not hurt.In addition, the writing style of the upper and lower sections of the first poem is very sparse and meaningful.Shao Youyun: "Hengyang still has geese to pass on books, but Chenyang and geese have none", which also agrees with this.

Ruan Langgui The golden palms on the horizon turned into frost.Yun Suiyan has long characters.Green forests and red sleeves take advantage of the Double Ninth Festival.Love is like hometown.Lampei purple, chrysanthemum hairpin yellow.Attentive management of old maniacs.Want to exchange intoxication for sadness.Qing Ge don't be heartbroken. The first two sentences say that the frost is cold and the clouds are thin, which is a desolate scene in late autumn, which makes people feel sad. The two sentences of "Green Forest" say that those who want to get drunk temporarily and relieve the sadness are because of the Double Ninth Festival and the solemnity of human feelings.For the first three sentences, it is true to say that the Double Ninth Festival is about having fun. The word "Yujiang" echoes the word "Mo", which not only concludes the whole word, but also feels leisurely aftertaste.Kuang Huifeng interpreted this word and said: "Yuanbei" has a deep meaning. "Farewell to manage the old madness" has five characters and three layers of meanings. Those who are "crazy" are so-called out of date, and they are also found outside. "Crazy" and "already" are old and "dead", but "reasonable" and "diligent and reasonable", if the "crazy" is really out of control. "I want to exchange intoxication for sadness" is a footnote to the last sentence. "Don't be heartbroken in Qingge", still has inexhaustible meaning.This word is deep and heavy, and when you get to the conclusion of this sentence, you feel ethereal.Kuang's interpretation is quite refined, and it is recorded here.

poppy Qulan dry outside the sky like water.How can I lean on it at night.At the beginning of the month, the bright moon is better than the best period.Looking forward to the full moon, looking at people's return, Luo's clothes are broken and the fragrance is there.Whoever wants to reform the old idea.Yichun Lihen lazy tuning.There are still two lines of idle tears in front of the Baozheng. This first writes Lihen.The first film expresses hope, and the next film expresses deep hatred.The first two sentences are what Yilan saw. The two sentences "first general" are what Yilan thinks. "Luo's clothes are broken", we can see how long we have been apart.The fragrance of the past is still there, the old intentions have not changed, and there is also a great sense of loyalty. In the two sentences of "Yichun", I shed tears before writing the zither, which is especially sad.

Siyuan people The red leaves and yellow flowers are late in autumn, and I want to travel a thousand miles away.The flying clouds are gone, and the returnee has no letter. Where can I send the book?The tears are endless and the windows are dripping.Just spin the inkstone and study the ink.Gradually write to don't come, the depth of this feeling, red □ is colorless. This first tune matches the title.The rhyme is that of the person who loves the scene.The second rhyme means that the book cannot be sent, and the memory will be cut.Changing the head and carrying on, prophesying that there is no place to send the book and crying, although the tear is still writing, the intention is extremely deep.Dripping tears and grinding ink, the suspect is suspicious.In the last two sentences, don't talk about your own sorrow, but say that red □ is colorless, and it is also a wise and witty remark.

Su Shi's water melody song head Bingchen Mid-Autumn Festival, drinking happily for a long time, getting drunk, writing this article and □ Ziyu. When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky about the wine.I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is Lingxi.I want to go back by the wind, but I am afraid that Qionglou Yuyu will be too cold in the heights.Dancing clear shadow, like in the world.Turn to Zhuge, low Qi household, according to sleepless.There should be no hatred, what's the matter with the farewell.People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxes and wanes. This matter has never been complete in ancient times.Nung, moon and new moon. This is the first Mid-Autumn Ci.The first film, the whimsy in the sky is born because of the moon; the second film, the fact that touches the world because of the moon.Swaying freely, not fake carving, but the majestic spirit is beyond the mundane.Hu Zhongren called the Mid-Autumn Festival Ci, and since the Ci came out, the rest of the Ci have been discarded, which shows that it was unique at that time.The first sentence, coming from the sky, is strange and unusual, and the intention comes from Taibai's "when is the moon in the blue sky, I want to stop drinking and ask." The two sentences of "I don't know" follow the above meaning and make more questions. I don't know when the month is, so I don't know what year it is today. The three sentences of "I want" cannot be understood because of the question, but there is a wish to go back with the wind, and "I want" echoes with "fear". "Qingonglou Yuyu, the heights are too cold", the original meaning is solid and lofty, and the implication is also extremely subtle. The two sentences of "Dancing" are still inherited, and when they fall into the situation in front of us, they can't go back by the wind, but can only wander under the moon.From the moment he surrendered himself to this point, he has been unrestrained and unrestrained, and sincerely feels that the wind, sea and rain are threatening.Changing the head, it is true that the moon shines and makes people sleepless.The following turns deeper and deeper, forming a wonderful truth by itself. The two sentences of "should not" describe that the moon is round and people are not round, which is quite annoying to the moon. The three sentences of "people have" are changed, saying that the moon is impermanent, which has been the case since ancient times, and it also means to disintegrate for the moon. The two sentences "hope" provide a further explanation. Since people and the moon have been difficult to complete since ancient times, only each of them can protect the body of a thousand pieces of gold. With the help of the moon's alliance, they will never forget each other.Although the original meaning comes from Xie Zhuang's "Moon Fu", the sentence "a thousand miles away to share the bright moon", but Po Gong added the word "hope" to make the love deeper and the meaning thicker. Shuilong Yinzi rhyme chapter Zhifu Yanghua Ci Like a flower or not like a flower, no one regrets following the teaching.Leaving home on the way, but thinking about it is ruthless and thoughtful.Lingering damage the soft intestines, because of the delicate eyes, want to open or close.Dreams follow the wind for thousands of miles, looking for a place to go, and being called by □.I don't hate the flowers flying away, but I hate the West Garden, which is hard to bury when it falls into the vat.When the dawn comes and the rain passes, where are the traces? A pond is broken.Three parts of spring, two parts of dust, one part of running water.Looking closely, it's not Yang Hua, but a little bit of Liren's tears. This song chants Yanghua, the appearance is taken from the spirit, overwhelming the past and the present.At the beginning, the two sentences "like a flower or like a non-flower" are exactly chanting Yanghua, and you can't change the chanting of other flowers.Everyone cherishes flowers, who will cherish flowers? The whole article starts from the word "cherish". The three sentences of "throwing home", inheriting the word "falling", describe the state of poplar flowers, but it is a pity that they have fallen and have no return. The three sentences of "Yingshang" describe the god of Yanghua, but it is a pity that it flies and suddenly □. "Dreams follow the wind" three sentences.Take out the soul of Yanghua, but it's a pity that it comes and goes.The positive side of Yanghua Feiwu has been written above.In the next film, it even prophesies about the fate of Yang Hua, and the meaning of "cherishing" becomes deeper. The two sentences of "don't hate" start with "flying away", and the matter of cherishing spring is over. The two sentences of "Xiao Lai" are to cherish the rain of the poplar flowers. The three sentences of "spring scenery" are a pity that the poplar flowers will be stained with mud and fall into the water. The two sentences of "Look carefully" point out that Yang Hua is tears, and remind the whole article.Uncle Zheng asked what the so-called "finishing touch" is.From the beginning of "Xiaolai", it is coherent and the writing is ethereal.It is not in vain that the first move was called "the magic product of chemical industry". Yongyule Pengcheng stayed overnight in Yanzilou, dreaming of Panpan, because of this ci. The moon is like frost, the wind is like water, and the scenery is infinite.Qugang jumps fish, Yuanhe pours dew, lonely and no one sees. □Like three drums, one leaf resounds, and dreams and clouds are broken.The night is boundless, and there is nowhere to search again. I feel that I have come to the small garden to travel all over.Tired guest at the end of the world, returning home in the mountains, looking at the heart of the hometown.The swallow building is empty, where is the beauty, and the swallow in the empty lock building.The past and the present are like dreams, how can you dream about them, but there are old loves and new grievances.Yu Hao sighed for the night view of Huanglou at different times. This is the work of Po Gong who dreamed of climbing the Swallow Tower and went to find his place the next day.The first film describes dreams and night scenes; the second film describes the feeling of searching for the place.Start with three sentences, writing that the moon is like frost in the middle of the night, the wind knows the water, and I feel lonely. The three sentences of "Qugang" describe the fish jumping out of the coffin under the moon, "I feel that everything is silent, and I will never return to the world." With Po Gong's clear state of mind, he can appreciate the subtlety of things. The three sentences of "□such as" express dreams.The sound of soy sauce and the sound of leaves woke up. The three sentences of "the night is vast" say that after waking up, there is nowhere to find dreams, so I travel all over the small garden to amuse my ears.The first six sentences are writing about Xiaoyuan's only image, and these six sentences are retrospective.In the next film, because of the dream last night, I thought about the impermanence of life, the past and the present are like dreams. The three sentences of "the end of the world" are sighing that I have been a guest for a long time, and I am thinking of returning home. The three sentences of "swallows" rejuvenate the feeling of ascending the building, and when people go to the empty building, it is like a dream.The thirteen-character chants of ancient times are full of ups and downs.There is a big difference between Zi and Shaoyou "thirteen characters can only be said by one person riding a horse in front of the building". In the three sentences of "ancient and modern", there are few people who sigh and dream. The two sentences of "at the same time" imagine that future generations will also think about themselves at night. Cave Fairy Song When Yu was seven years old, he saw an old nun in Meizhou, whose surname was Zhu, whose name he forgot. He was ninety years old.He said that he followed his teacher, Meng Fei, the Lord of Shu, in the official school.One day, when it was very hot, the lord of Shu and Mrs. Huarui went to enjoy the coolness on the Maha Pond at night, and wrote a word that Zhu Gu could remember.For forty years now, Zhu has died, and people don't know this word.But remember the first two sentences.It's not like [Dong Xian Song Ling] to search for taste in leisure time, but it's the cloud of feet. Ice muscles and bones, self-cooling and no sweat.The wind from the water hall is full of fragrance.Embroidery is open, a little moon peeks at people, people are not sleeping, pillows and hairpins are in chaos.Get up and hold plain hands, the court is silent, and sometimes you see sparse stars crossing the river.May I ask how the night is?But when the westerly wind comes, he doesn't know the fleeting time, and secretly changes it. This poem complements Shuzhu's [Dongxian Geling] to enjoy the coolness, and it is romantic and elegant, and it is also a proud work.The first film describes the low-cost inner pillow, and the second film describes walking together outdoors. The scene of enjoying the cool air on a hot night is described in a cool and comfortable way, as if in a spiritual realm.The first two sentences are the original Xun, and the writing is already graceful and graceful, and the word "自" is even more beautiful and natural, and it is cool and cool regardless of the coolness of the scenery.Po Gong made up the sentence "Water Palace", which shows that the world is unique.People are naturally cool, and with the addition of water and wind, the environment is cool, and people are cooler. The two sentences of "Xiu Lian" are even more written about the moon coming, and the light suddenly appears.See how luxurious and leisurely he is when he writes that the wind is coming from the water palace, he is offering incense, and the moon is coming. "The bright moon peeps at people", and the word "peeping" is clever.It is as expressive as the word "peep" in Ougong's "swallows fly to peep all the way". In the two sentences of "people are not sleeping", you can see the chaotic hairpin and temples from the side of the bright moon, and the scene is just like it.Changing heads, writing about wandering hand in hand under the moon, it is another quiet scene.The above saying "people are not sleeping", the time has passed; the saying "the court is silent", the time is even more. In the three sentences of "Try to ask", I want to see the feeling of no one whispering, but I have been wandering around for a long time. The two sentences of "but flex your fingers" are because of the great heat to enjoy the coolness, and then think about the coming of the westerly wind, because the carnival is not yet young, but also cherish the speed of time.The whole article imagines the affairs of the Lord of Shu on that day, and complements the original work, which is almost beyond the reach of the original work. Bu Suanzi's Residence in Huangzhou Dinghui Courtyard When the moon is missing, hang Shutong, and when the moon is missing, people are still at the beginning.Who sees a lonely person coming and going alone, a lonely shadow.Startled but turned around, there is no one to forgive.Pick all the cold branches and refuse to live, the lonely sandbar is cold. This is the work of Dongpo in Huangzhou.Let's start with two sentences and write about the state of quiet night. The two sentences "who sees" are self-echoing, saying that no one sees a lonely person going and coming alone at this time, only a lonely ghost, just like a person wandering in the ear at night, this statement is too rare to see people.In the next film, you talk about people when you see them, and when you talk about people, you talk about people.The valley is said to be "like a non-marriage fire-eating language", which is good. Qing Yuhan and He Fang returned to the rhyme and sent Bogu back to Wuzhong. Three years on Wuzhong Road.Send the yellow dog and go with you.If you go to Songjiang, call Xiaodu.Don't be surprised, there are four bridges, where I travel.Look at the spring evening on the map of Wangchuan.Always remember the sentence of the right Cheng of the expert.As a return date has been promised.The spring shirt is still the same, Xiaoman's needlework, once wet from the rain in the West Lake. This song "Yuefu Yaci" was written by Jiang Xuan, and "Yangchun Baixue" was written by Yao Zhidao. However, the title says to send Bogu back to Wuzhong, and Pogong should be the right one.The beginning of the sentence "three years on Wuzhong Road", "three years", is the time when Bogu became a public servant. The "yellow dog" sentence uses Lu Ji's yellow dog to pass on the book, and when he returns, he often communicates with the audio book. "If you arrive" a few sentences, I envy you that you can return to the place where you used to travel, and wander around every day.Changing heads, saying that the beauty of Wuzhong's scenery is like Wangchuan, and Bogu's poems are like Youcheng. "Make a" a few sentences, the wonderland is different, because of Bogu's return, he sighed that he could not return.But in "Xiao Man's Needlework", it shows the sadness of the eunuch's delivery to the end of the world, and the urgency of his own desire to return.Kuang Hui Fengyun: "West Lake was once wet with rain" is a Qing language, not an erotic language.Connected with the above three sentences, it becomes strange and beautiful, which is unbearable.Looking at what Kuang said, it can be seen that Po Gong's genius confides, often in a pleasant way, which cannot be imitated by future generations. Jiang Chengzi Yimao's Night Dreams on the 20th Day of the First Lunar Month Ten years of life and death.Don't think about it.Unforgettable.Thousands of miles away, there is no place to talk about desolation.Even if you don't know each other when you meet, your face is covered with dust.The temples are like frost.The night comes and the dream suddenly returns home.Xiaoxuan window.Doing makeup.Looking at each other without words, only a thousand lines of tears.It is expected that the place where the heart is broken every year, the bright moon night, and the short Matsuoka. This is the work of mourning the death of the public.The true feelings are exuberant, the sentences are painful, and the sound is shrill. After the sincerity, the so-called "sound should reach the sky, and tears can taste the spring".Say goodbye to death for a long time. The two sentences of "thousand miles" are far apart. The two sentences of "even if" imagine the situation of not knowing each other when they meet.In the next film, I suddenly turned to the dreamland, and the window was dressed up, which is still the scene ten years ago. The two sentences of "xianggu" describe the sadness of meeting each other, which corresponds to the opening sentence "life and death are boundless". The two sentences of "expected to get" have the meaning of "broken heart". "Mingyue" and "Songgang" are where the "Lonely Grave for Thousand Miles" is located. Nanxiangzi sent the ancient Looking back at the chaotic mountains.I don't see the people, I only see the city.Who looks like a pagoda on Linping Mountain, a pavilion.Welcome guests from the West to see them off.The way home is clear at night.A pillow of early cold dreams will not come true.Tonight, where the remnant lamp is shining obliquely, it is glowing.When the autumn rain is sunny, tears are not clear. This first, the first film, then describes the scenery on the ancient journey; the second film, describes the nostalgia for returning.The writing is elegant and sincere. "Looking back" two sentences, remember the distance of seeing off. The three sentences of "who looks like" are very touching. The two sentences of "the way back" record the style of the way back and the sleeplessness of returning home. The three sentences of "tonight" are recorded in the sorrow of the night, the rainy eyes and tears are not clear, and the meaning is very new. Niannujiao Chibi Nostalgia The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and there are romantic figures through the ages.On the west side of the old base, the human way is Chibi, Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms.Rocks and clouds collapsed, turbulent waves cracked the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up.The country is like the day, and there are so many heroes at a time.Thinking back to the time when Gongjin was young, Xiao Qiao was married for the first time, and she was majestic and heroic.Feather fans and scarves, while talking and laughing, the strong captives are wiped out in ashes.If you travel in the motherland, you should laugh at me passionately, and you will be born early.The world is like a dream, and one is still in the river moon. In this song, the first film is realistic and realistic, and the second film is full of emotion because of the scene, which is extremely bold and unrestrained.Start writing, touch the mighty river, sing into the clouds, and the infinite sense of rise and fall has been revealed first. "Old fortress" two sentences, point Chibi. The three sentences of "random rocks" describe the scenery of Chibi, which is shocking. The two sentences of "Jiangshan" are folded into personnel affairs, and the bundle starts and ends.Change head and reverse. The four sentences of "thinking in the distance" remember Gongjin's majestic appearance in those days. "Motherland" is flat out below.Tell the love of the ancient times, don't come out of the bright moon, and reflect the river waves.In this situation and situation, he does not know what the world is like. Congratulations to the groom Milk swallows fly to Huawu.No one is quiet, Tongyin turns to noon, and the evening is cool with a new bath.Hands make raw silky white round fans, and the fan hands are like jade for a while.Gradually sleepy and lonely, sleep alone and clear.Whoever comes to promote embroidered households is in vain teaching people to dream and break Yaotai songs.But again, the wind knocks on the bamboo.The pomegranate half spat out the red scarf and frowned.When the floating flowers and pistils are gone, I will accompany you alone.Look carefully at one branch of Nongyan, and the fragrance is as heavy as a bunch.I am afraid of being scared by the autumn wind.If you wait for the king to come here, you can't bear to touch the wine before the flowers.A total of pink tears, two rustle. This first poem is not (?) necessarily written for the official prostitute Xiulan, and the scenes are all superb. The three sentences of "Ruyan" describe the environment in the early summer afternoon, which is extremely quiet. The three sentences of "cool in the evening" are written into the beauty after bathing. A few sentences of "gradually sleepy and leaning" describe a person who sleeps alone and is awakened by Fengzhu.All of the above are things about your boudoir.In the next film, because of the unique fragrance of the durian flower, I used the durian flower to talk about people, which is the same as [Bu Shuanzi]'s next film Shan Shuohong. The three sentences of "pomegranate" describe the character of the pomegranate flower, which is similar to the person who wrote "the weather is cold and the green sleeves are thin, and the sun is leaning on the bamboo" written by Shaoling. The two sentences of "Nongyan" express the unique affection of durian flowers. "Again" is a sentence that suddenly frustrates, hurting time is fleeting, and flowering things are hard to last. What is the number of "if you can wait".Following this prophecy, if the flowers meet again, they will be more haggard and unbearable to touch again.Flowers fall rustle, tears fall rustle.
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