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Chapter 5 child

prophet 纪伯伦 297Words 2018-03-20
Tell us about the baby, said a woman with a baby in her arms. He said: Your children are not your children. They are the children of life's longing for itself. They come through you, but not because of you. Although they are with you, they do not belong to you. You may give them your love, but not thought, Because they have their own minds. You may build houses for their bodies, but not their hearts, Because their minds dwell in the House of Tomorrow, even in their dreams, you have no chance to visit them. You may try to be like them, but not try to make them like you. For life does not go backwards nor remain stuck in the past.

You are the bows, and your children are the arrows of life shot out. The archer takes aim at the goal on his infinite journey, and bends you so hard that his arrows fly far and swiftly. Let thee bend gladly in the hand of the shooter; For he loves both the flying arrow and the steady bow.
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