Home Categories philosophy of religion Li Shutong talks about Buddha

Chapter 2 Talk about changing the experiment

Li Shutong talks about Buddha 李叔同 1789Words 2018-03-20
In the first lunar month of Guiyou, the lecture was held at Miaoshi Temple in Xiamen Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level It's the Lunar New Year, please look at the whole city of Xiamen, which is full of new atmosphere, with New Year couplets pasted on the door, more people wearing new clothes, and congratulating each other on new happiness and good luck in the new year.Those of us who have always believed in the Buddhadharma, when all phenomena are renewed, we should also be renewed.What do we call new? Is it the same as ordinary people posting Spring Festival couplets, wearing new clothes, etc., thinking that it is new?Said: No.The so-called new ones are those who have reformed their mistakes.However, the scope of the four words "rehabilitation" is too broad. If you want to make a speech, you don't know where to start.Now let’s take a look at those who have been experimented with in the past fifty years of revisions and reforms.

Before I talk about it, there are things that need to be stated in advance, that is, although most of the books quoted below are from Confucianism, they are actually in line with Buddhism.Because of talking about the mysterious and wonderful stages of cultivation, I think the Buddhist books are the most detailed.As for beginners like us, we follow the methods of bowing and doing things, dealing with things and taking things. Although there are also sayings in Buddhist books, what Confucian books say is particularly clear and detailed, suitable for beginners.Therefore, I quote it more today, thinking that it will be helpful to those of us who study Buddhism.The following is divided into two general remarks.

The general commentator is to explain the order of reformation: ① To learn, you must first read more Buddhist and Confucian books, so as to know the difference between good and evil and the method of correcting mistakes and making good.If you are unable to read it all because the books on Buddhism and Confucianism are so vast, and it is difficult to understand, you can read "Proverbs Lian Bi" first.I have read this book since I was a child.After converting to Buddhism, I often read it, and I feel that it is kind and interesting.The Buddhist Bookstore has a typesetting version of this book, which is very fine.

②Since the province has been learned, you must always examine yourself, whether every word or action is good or evil?If you are an evil person, you should correct yourself immediately.In addition to paying attention to correcting mistakes at all times, when going to bed every day, think about the things you did in the day in detail.You can write a diary every day, especially good. ③ After reform and inspection, if you know it is wrong, you should try your best to correct it.You should know that the things that have been corrected are very open and aboveboard, which is enough to show a great personality.Therefore, Zigong said: "The faults of a gentleman are like the eclipse of the sun and the moon; when they are passed, everyone sees them, and even more, they all look up to them." And the ancients said: "If you pass and you can know, you can call it clear. Knowing and being able If you change it, you can become a saint." You gentlemen don't encourage it!

Those who do not show are to explain separately the things that have been corrected and improved in the past fifty years.But there are too many things to do.Now let’s cite ten items that ordinary people don’t pay much attention to, and let you talk about them first.The number of ten is used in Huayan Sutra, but ten is used to express the meaning of infinity.Now I talk about the things that I have done to correct my mistakes, but I only cite ten items, that's okay; it is just to show that I have many mistakes, and they are really endless.The time for this lecture is very short, and each article only has a general idea, but can't go into details. If you want to know, let's talk about it in another day.

(1) An ordinary person with an open mind does not understand good and evil, is not afraid of cause and effect, and never admits that he has done something wrong, let alone change it?But the ancient sages are not.Here are a few examples: Confucius said: "It is easy to learn at fifty, and there is nothing wrong with it." Make people like Confucius.Confucius sat with him and asked Yan, saying: "What is the master?" He said to him: "The master wants to have few mistakes but failed." The sages are still so modest, we can be complacent! (2) Be cautious about everything we do, think and move our minds, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and even ghosts and gods, all know and see everything.If you think like this all the time, you don't dare to do anything wrong.Zeng Zi said: "What ten eyes see, what ten hands point to, is so strict!" He also quoted a poem: "Trembling with trembling, as if facing an abyss, as if walking on thin ice." These words are often remembered by the rest of the people.

(3) What is tabooed by generosity and generosity, is called cleverness.The sages deal with things only broadly but thickly.There are many ancient teachings, which are not recorded in detail today. (4) The ancients said: "I don't know what it means to be a gentleman, but I think it is the one who is willing to suffer in everything. I don't know what it is to be a villain, but I think it is the one who is cheap." In ancient times, there was a sage who was dying , The descendants asked for the last instruction, and the sage said: "There is no other words, you just have to learn and suffer."

(5) Reticence is the most important matter.Confucius said: "A four-foot can't match your tongue", that's awesome!There are many ancient teachings, which are not recorded in detail today. (6) Don't talk about others. The ancients said: "Always check yourself and don't have time, how can you check others." Confucius also said: "Being self-serving and ignoring others." I often dare not forget the above words. (7) Don't write about your own mistakes. Zixia said: "You must also write about the mistakes of villains." We must know that writing about your mistakes is the most shameful thing.

(8) Don't repeat your own mistakes. If we offend others, we must be ashamed and fearful.Express your gratitude and repent your past mistakes.Don't be stingy about decency, forbear and keep silent, and deceive yourself. (9) The ancients said: "Why do you stop slander? Say: no debate." It also said: "If you suffer a small loss, you will not suffer a big loss." Over the past 30 years, I have experienced many times and firmly believe that these words are true True. (10) The habit of not being angry is the most difficult to get rid of.The ancient sage said: "Twenty years of treating a word of anger has not completely worn away." But we have to do our best to treat it. The "Avatamsaka Sutra" says: "One thought of anger can open millions of obstacles." Don't be afraid!

Due to limited time, what I said above is slightly omitted, but we can also know the general idea of ​​the correction.In the end, I still have a few words, which I would like to present for all the lords: It seems easy to say to correct the past, but it is very difficult to do it.Therefore, those who have repeatedly changed and committed repeated offenses, and they have not been able to force themselves to be masters, are actually caused by karma without beginning and end.Please, gentlemen, always recite the names of Amitabha Buddha, Avalokiteshvara Ksitigarbha and other great Bodhisattvas, sincerely and respectfully, sincerely repent of karma without beginning and end, and have an incredible feeling in the dark.Inheriting the compassionate power of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and the karma eliminated and the wisdom brightened, then the things of rectification and self-improvement can be accomplished satisfactorily. Now they will enter the domain of sages and sages, and they will be reborn in the state of bliss at the end of their lives. This is the congratulations of all the kings.

Ordinary people congratulate each other when they meet each other during the New Year, so they will gain fame and wealth by congratulating them.This time I met with you during the new year, and congratulated you, so congratulations to you that you will be able to truly correct your mistakes, and soon you will become a sage; soon you will decide to live in bliss, quickly become a Buddha, and be divided into ten directions, universally benefiting all sentient beings Ear.
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