Home Categories philosophy of religion will to power

Chapter 5 Chapter 05

will to power 尼采 3507Words 2018-03-20
<127> I am delighted with Europe's military progress and internal anarchy.The age of tranquility, the age of China, as Galliani predicted for this century, is now a thing of the past.The personal, manly faculty, the faculty of love, regains its value.Valuations became more natural, and nutrition became increasingly meat-oriented.The appearance of handsome men has become possible again.The time of the pale, lowly man (as Comte imagined the nobleman) is over.Savageness, that is, beasts, has been recognized by each of us.Because of this, there must be better philosophers. —— Kant is a scarecrow who is strong on the outside and capable on the inside. He doesn't know when he will appear once.

① Fernando Galliani (1728-1787) - Italian writer, also studied philosophy and law. - translator ② Auguste Comte (1798-1857) - French philosopher, one of the founders of positivism and sociology. - translator <995> How can a person gain great power, and how can he shoulder great responsibilities?All the virtues and abilities of body and mind are accumulated bit by bit without tiresome toil.To repeat the same labor with painstaking self-denial, single-mindedness, tenacity, and suffer the same pain.But there are those who are the heirs and masters of this slow-acquired virtue and faculty, the fruitful fruits—for, based on a happy and rational marriage, that is, a power acquired and accumulated from generation to generation based on accidental happiness, Not to be lost in vain, but to be united through unremitting struggle and firm will.In this way, at last there will be a giant of great strength, eager to shoulder great tasks.For it is our power that governs us: and base games of wit about ends, intentions, motives, etc., are mere foregrounds—yet the nature of these things is seen even by the weak-sighted eye.

<972> future legislators. —After protracted and fruitless attempts to associate the word "philosopher" with a particular conception—because I discovered many contradictory properties—I finally realized that there are two Different classes of philosophers: 1.One is to establish a system of extraordinary valuation (logical, moral); 2.One category is the legislators of these valuations. The former class tries to make use of the present or past world, and they use symbols to summarize and abbreviate things.Their purpose is to enable us to observe, review, comprehend and use all events that have occurred so far - their mission to serve mankind is to make the past serve the future of mankind.

The second type of philosophers, however, are those who call the shots."That's the way it should be," they say. Only they can determine the "direction" and the "end," what is good for man and what is not; they possess the experiments of men of science, and to them all knowledge is but is a means of creation.Such philosophers rarely succeed; in fact, their situation is extremely difficult; fraught with danger.They often close their eyes deliberately so as not to look at the little space that separates them from the abyss or utter destruction.For example, Plato, he believed that the "goodness" he originally imagined was not Plato's goodness, but the "goodness in itself", that is, the eternal treasure that a man named Plato accidentally picked up on the way!It is this blind will that rules the minds of the founders of religions in a still clumsier form.Their "you should" must not be heard as "I want" in their ears-they dare to complete their mission because it is God's order; their views on value can only be used as "inspiration". A load that does not crush one's conscience.

Once the reassurance of Plato and Mohammed had worn off, no thinker could soothe his conscience with the postulates of "God" or "eternal values."Then the value legislator will have to stipulate a completely new and unprecedented requirement of terror.At present, the chosen ones of God—whose dim responsibilities begin to loom before their eyes—try to see if they can evade responsibility by evading it “in time” as they do catastrophe.For example, they delude themselves that their mission has been accomplished; or that it cannot be fulfilled; or that they cannot handle the burden; or that they have accepted other more suitable tasks; Responsibilities indefinitely amount to abduction and seduction; evasion of all responsibilities is a sickness, a madness.In fact, many people have achieved the purpose of evading responsibility.All history bears the names of these deserters and the traces of their ugly consciences.Most of these people, however, experience a moment of liberation, the age of familiarity.At that time, they have to do things they "don't want to do"-and before this, what they dreaded before, now becomes as easy as an apple falling to the ground, like an unexpected gift.

① Muhammad (about 570-632) - the founder of Islam. - translator <131> At present, countless high-level figures are going to destruction.But he who can escape is better than the devil.This is very much like the situation in the Renaissance era. <1053> Our philosophy proposes such an invincible thought that any other way of thinking would eventually perish by its appearance.This is the great idea of ​​domestication.Every race that cannot stand this thought is doomed to perish; every race that thinks it a great gift of God is doomed to rule. <755> In my eyes, socialists are ridiculous.They have a naive optimism about "good people."They argue that once the existing social "system" is overthrown, the way is opened for "natural desires". , then this kind of "good person" will wait at home and join the ranks of people.

Moreover, the opposition party is equally comical in that it does not recognize the violence behind the law, the ruthlessness and self-interest inherent in any authority. "I and my kind want to rule and maintain rule, and the degenerate will be expelled, or eliminated."——This is the basic idea of ​​all previous legislation. Men hate higher races more than they hate princes.Hate the nobility, and often wear the mask of hating the king— <407> Philosophers, preoccupied with appearances, change, pain, death, flesh, senses, fate, bondage, and all purposeless things. They believe: 1.Absolute knowledge; 2.Knowledge for the purpose of understanding; 3.The marriage of virtue and happiness; 4.Human behavior is recognizable.Their guiding ideology reflects the instinctive prescriptions for value of previous (and more dangerous) civilizations.

<1060> In order to endure the thought of reincarnation, one must get rid of morality;—this is a means to deal with real pain (suffering can be understood as a means, as the father of happiness; there is no general consciousness of pain in the world);——to deal with various uncertainties And tentative enjoyment is a counterweight to extreme fatalism;—that is, the abolition of the concept of "necessity";—the abolition of "will";—the abolition of "absolute knowledge". To consciously maximize human force - for it is capable of creating superhumans. <1059>

1.The idea of ​​eternal return.The premise of this thought must be true, if it is true.This kind of thinking has consequences. 2.It is the trickiest thought.For, if caught off guard, if all values ​​are not revalued, its outcome is uncertain. 3.The method to suffer from this thought: revaluation of all values.The interest is no longer in certainties but in doubts; no longer in "cause and effect" but in persevering creativity; no longer in the will to self-preservation but in the will to power; The deferential phrase "everything is only subjective," but "everything is our business!—let's be proud of it!"

<752> "Whether power, vision, leadership talent, etc., are in the hands of the few" or "in the hands of the majority"; establishing an oligarchy or establishing a democratic regime-this is the difference between people's sentiments. The monarchy embodies belief in a superior man, a sovereign, a savior, a demigod. An aristocracy, embodying belief in a small number of elites and high-ranking people. Democracy embodies suspicion of all great men and elites.Because it stands for "all people are equal". "In essence, we are all selfish brutes and mediocrities."

<873> Misunderstanding of egoism.By their humble nature they are ignorant of the lust for conquest and the greed of great love.Similarly, I don't know anything about the abundant power sense.People with this sense of power hope to conquer everything, to force others to obey themselves and to form one mind—this is the driving force for artists to seek creative materials.As is often the case, only a positive spirit will seek space for itself. ——Ordinary "egoism" is precisely the extremely mediocre thing of "non-self", the habitat of human self-preservation—once the nobler elites and extraordinary natures discover them, they will rebel.Because the elite concluded: "We are nobler! Better to save us than the beasts!" <1000> I think I have read into the minds of the highest men—perhaps those who know too much are perishing.But anyone who has seen the highest people will definitely try to perfect them. Basic idea: We should take the future as the yardstick by which to measure all values ​​- not follow in our footsteps to find the law of action! <615> For the people at the top, cognition will also take a new form, which is not needed yet. <145c> If you want to understand the negative Aryan religion from the ruling class, you must study: Buddhism. The oppressed classes do not produce Aryan religions, of course.Because, the host race either sits in court or perishes.This is contradictory. <686> The man so far—somewhat like the embryo of the future man—has conceived all the creativity for the purpose of creating the future man.Because these forces are incomparably great, people today will suffer.The more he has to decide the future, the more he will suffer.This is the deepest insight into suffering.Because these creativity collide with each other.There is no need to conceal the isolation of the individual—in fact, there is something constantly flowing in all individuals, and the fact that they feel alone is the most powerful stimulus in establishing their most distant goals; On the one hand, their pursuit of their own happiness is a means of accumulating and regulating creativity and preventing mutual harm. <1001> "Human beings" are not the goal, superhuman beings are the goal! <610> Science—the concept of transforming nature in order to dominate it—belongs to the category of "means." However, man's "purpose" and "will" should grow in tandem with the general purpose. <498> Why is our intellect also the result of the conditions of existence?If we didn't need reason, we wouldn't have it; if we didn't need it, we wouldn't have it. — even if we live in a different way.
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