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Chapter 3 Chapter 03

will to power 尼采 2853Words 2018-03-20
<750> It is cowardly for the corrupt ruling class to discredit the ruler and use the "state" as a referee, because it means that there are no qualified great men.In the end, panic has grown to such an extent that any willpower to command is seen to drop to the ground with fright. <874> The depravity of rulers and ruling classes, the cause of all great upheavals in history!If there were no Roman emperors and Roman society, Christianity would never have prevailed. The danger is great when inferiors doubt the existence of higher ones!Then, at last, even the inferior, the low, the spiritually empty will be found virtuous, and that all are equal before God—the absurdity hitherto climaxed!For the higher men will at last measure themselves by the standard of virtue the slave asserts—and be proud, etc., that all higher qualities in them should be discarded.

During the reigns of Nero and Caracalla, the absurdity arose: "The mediocrity is worth more than the supreme emperor!" Then the image of God appeared—a crucified God—with the most The images of the strong are far apart! ①Nero (37-68)—Roman emperor, the last emperor of the Julia-Claudian dynasty, cruel and lustful, arrogant, and opposed by all walks of life because of his high-pressure policy. - translator ②Caracalla (186-217)——Roman emperor since 211. During his reign, he suppressed the Senate, executed dignitaries, and massacred the residents of Alexandria who resisted enlistment, which caused strong dissatisfaction and was later murdered. ——Translator coc2

<965> In my opinion, the revolutions, chaos, and disasters brought to the people in various countries are insignificant compared to the disasters of individual great men who have been there. People should not be fooled: because the sum of the sufferings of all small people is nothing. Next. ——In the face of danger, don't forget yourself.That profiting from the misery of countless human beings—uncommonly—may be a sign of a great character that conquers compassion and justice. <872> The rights a man acquires for himself are in proportion to the duties he imposes upon himself, and the tasks he considers himself competent to perform.The commonest man has no right to exist, and is a misfortune to the higher man.

<964> A great man's awareness of his power to rule over a nation, of his temporary unity between nations, or an era - this awakening as an extension of liberty and will - is mistaken for "altruism" - which drives him to means of seeking contact.All great men are original in this means, they want to form great societies according to their imagination, and their willingness to give form to all sorts of chaos drives them to contemplate chaos. misunderstood love.There is a slavish love, a devoted and submissive love--idealized and gullible at once--and there is a divine love--which despises and adores what it loves, transforms and uplifts lost his love.

The key is to acquire the incomparably great ability to create future people by domesticating and sacrificing millions of scum, instead of being destroyed by the unprecedented disasters caused by people. <614> To "humanize" the world, that is, the world increasingly makes people feel that they are the masters of the earth. <595> Our premises: no God; no purpose; limited power.We must refrain from devising or prescribing to lowly people the necessary ways of thinking for them! ! <860> Talk about grades. Terrible consequences of "equality" - in the end everyone feels entitled to ask all questions.This is tantamount to abandoning hierarchy altogether.

<364> egoism!But no one has ever asked: what is the self?Everyone wants to see himself as equal to all selves, which is the result of the slave theory-the so-called "universal suffrage" and "equality". <998> The highest man lives beyond the ruler without any fetters.Because they think that the ruler is their own tool. <757> Modern socialism intends to create a secular form parallel to the teachings of the Jesuits.Because it advocates that everyone is an absolute tool, as for what - it has not been clarified yet. <916> What bad things have been done by the rampage of the church:

1.Asceticism—it seems that people have not yet had the courage to publicly declare the natural utility of will education and the ascetic necessity of will education.What emerges in front of our absurd educational circles is the "qualified public servant of the state", who is a model of mediation. They think that with education and brain training, everything will be fine; It was never even considered necessary to do something else first--the education of willpower; people pass examinations in all subjects except the most important ones: whether one can will, whether one can promise; What is the highest value of his own nature has not been examined, and he has completed the course;

2.Fasting: in any sense - also as maintaining the subtle ability to enjoy all good things (for example, not reading, not listening to music, not being pleasant; you should also fast for your own virtues); 3. "Monastery" - live alone temporarily.For example, a strict ban on correspondence; a subtle introspection and self-rediscovery that avoids not "temptation" but "obligation", that is, a setting out of everyday affairs; detachment from stimuli and the tyranny of external powers, because tyranny condemns We, expend our strength only in rebellion, and do not allow the accumulation of strength before the arrival of spontaneous initiative (let us examine our scholars in detail; they only think passively, that is, they cannot do without open reading);

4.Religious holidays—in order not to take the very existence of Christianity and Christian values ​​as a pressure to damn all festivities, one should be vulgar.In the festivals we learn: pride, self-indulgence, indulgence; ridicule of every kind of seriousness and vulgarity; divine self-assertion from animal-like vigor--all which Christianity cannot squarely approve of.Religious festivals are pure paganism; 5.The courage to face one's own nature, dressed in morality. —Passion for oneself can be aroused without resorting to moral formulas: this is the measure of the degree to which a man agrees with his own nature—in other words, the degree to which he relies on morality;

6.Death—shall make a foolish fact of biology into a moral necessity.A man should live in such a way that he can have the will to die in due time. <1056> I am going to teach you a thought that empowers many to cancel their own existence - this is the great domesticated thought. <754> Arming the people—finally, arming the mob. <862> There needs to be a doctrine strong enough for the purpose of domestication. That is to strengthen the strong, paralyze and destroy world-weary thoughts. eradicate the declining race.The Decline of Europe - Abolition of Values ​​Polluted by Slaves. —global domination as a means of creating higher humans. —Abolition of the hypocrisy called “morality” (Christianity is true hysteria in this respect: Augustine, Bunyan) —Abolition of universal suffrage: that is, of the system by which the lowest natures legislate for the higher ones. - Elimination of mediocrity and its effects.

① St. Augustine (354-430) - Roman thinker, theologian, author of "On the City of God" and so on. - translator ②John Bunyan (1628-1688), a British writer, was imprisoned because of being a Baptist missionary, and wrote "Pilgrimage from This World to the Next World" (1678) in prison. - translator (The one-sided man, the individual—peoples; it is through the matching of opposites that nature is enriched. For this the races are mixed.) New courage—not a priori truth (which finds faith-addicted man!), but freely subordinated to a ruling idea of ​​time, for example, taking time as a property of space, etc. <67> In the past, in order to achieve similar qualities and the essence of prudence, people used the means of inheriting land and honoring the elders (belief in gods and heroes originated from belief in ancestors) in previous generations. Now the dispersion of estates is part of the opposite tendency.Newspapers replaced daily prayers.There are also railways and telegraphs.All kinds and countless interests are brought together in one mind.For this, the mind must be strong and flexible. <938> In a world ruled by aristocrats, self-extraction and self-weakening are getting worse!They have abandoned their privileges because of their elegant instincts, and are interested in the poetry of the people, the weak, the poor, and the little people with the help of a super-civilization improved by their own hands. <861> The higher ones declare war on the people!The mediocre people stretch out their hands everywhere for the purpose of being the masters of the country.All connivance and protection and the advancement of "the people" or "women" are tantamount to favoring "universal suffrage," that is, favoring the rule of inferiors.But we must take vengeance and expose the whole (in Europe since Christianity) to judgment.
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