Home Categories Internet fantasy Dragon Race 1: Dawn of Fire

Chapter 9 act eight brothers

Dragon Race 1: Dawn of Fire 江南 28516Words 2018-03-12
1. sneak into "elder brother……" No. 13 was taken aback. He was walking in a dark corridor, only relying on the light of the mobile phone screen for illumination. At this moment, he suddenly heard the faint voice of someone speaking in front of the class. He hurriedly lowered his body and pressed the phone screen with his palm, so that the corridor was completely dark, and he moved a few steps silently, so that no one could tell his position unless there was an infrared night vision device.The only sound left in the corridor was the hum of the fans, repeating at a steady frequency.

"Misheard?" thought Thirteen. He prides himself on being an expert in the bounty hunter profession, he has taken over all kinds of strange cases, and he has done them beautifully, and he has never had such a strange feeling today.Since entering this campus, he has always had auditory hallucinations. Every time he walks around in a quiet environment and listens to his own footsteps, he will mistakenly think that someone is talking in front of him.He ignored it at first, and he didn't realize it was weird until he left the crystal-clear shadow girl and the beer-drinking man.Because after he entered the tunnel leading to the "ice cellar", his strange voice became clear, and he was located underground, except for the ventilation system, there was no gap for the sound to penetrate.

No. 13 straightened up slowly, instead of turning on the light on the phone, he turned off the phone, touched the wall of the corridor, and walked forward. "Brother..." This time the voice came from behind, as if someone sighed softly not far away. No. 13 pulled out the saw tube shotgun, turned around and pointed backwards, according to his heroic or rough character, he should have just shot him, regardless of whether he is a human or a ghost, let him be killed.But he was a little timid this time, who knows why, he felt that voice was very familiar, like when you lived in the airport when you were a child, you listened to the planes take off and land every day, and you could sleep peacefully amidst the noise of jet engines, etc. When you grow up, you hear the roar of the plane's take-off and landing engine again, and you actually feel drowsy and want to sleep.

He didn't remember where he heard this voice before, this voice floated faintly from the depths of his mind like a bubble, it was very familiar, so familiar that it had a dream-like, black sweetness, which made him a little sleepy. "Who?" he asked. No one answered, it was still the hum of the exhaust fan. Number 13 scratched the back of his head, regretting accepting the job.He was hired by regular customers who had taken care of his business many times over the years. No. 13 trusted those people, so he agreed without thinking.In the past, he took over the errands of exploring ancient tombs in the desert or sunken ships in the ice sea. Every place sounded more mysterious than Kassel College, but this time things became more and more strange. He lost contact with other people for no reason. At first, there was a series of strange encounters. Although his nerves are quite rough, if at this moment he still believes that this academy is just a group of board game lovers who love life and fantasy, then it would be underestimating him. IQ up.He walked in here, like walking into a maze.

In fact, he couldn't get into this maze so deep, but today he was so lucky that every time he reached a dead end, there was a corner of the door that didn't exist that could be pushed open. Is it a coincidence?What a coincidence, right? Number 13 felt that the employer who was always only in contact with him by phone was hiding something from him. "Jingle jingle jingle jingle—" The ringtone of the mobile phone rang in such a dark and closed place, and it was vibrating, which made people's hearts stop beating in fright. No. 13 clearly remembered that he had turned off his mobile phone, and who knows which mobile service provider's signal can penetrate tens of meters underground.This is so strange that even a fool can see it.

He glanced at the caller ID, there was no display, and all the icons on the screen disappeared, just a pale blue screen. The phone is not on at all! No. 13's scalp was a little numb, but he still pressed the answer button: "Hey, who is it? Talk!" "This is a recording, not a phone call. All of this is in our plan. Of course, if you are unfortunately dead, please press the power off button. The following content is meaningless to you." There was no bullying on the phone. The undulating female voice is that mysterious employer. "How can you press the power off button when you're dead?" No. 13 muttered.

"I just told a joke, I hope you can understand, I think you can relax now." The woman continued, but the cold tone made people want to flip the table. "Please refer to the map, dial according to your current location, and press the '#' key to end." The woman said again. "Please, are you the customer service number of 'Telecom'?" No. 13 muttered. No one answered him, but a complete map of Kassel College was displayed on the screen, every entrance and every road was clearly marked, and every important location was marked with numbers. "Although it is indeed a great map," No. 13 scratched his head, "but I'm underground now."

"You haven't dialed the number for 15 seconds. If you don't hear clearly, please press '1' to play back. If you need a map of the underground floor, please directly press the '#' key." "Okay, okay, the service is really considerate." On the 13th, he pressed the "#" key. "It's right this time," said Number 13. The newly displayed map looks like a gorgeous spider web. The underground building of Kassel College is composed of three large pieces. The connecting line in the middle is the passage connecting these three pieces. Countless silk threads ejected by a giant spider.The name of this layer is marked on the corner, "Three Goddesses".

"The Three Fates?" thought Thirteen. He has read some Norse mythology and knows that there are such three gods in Norse mythology.Among the three sisters, Urd weaves the lifeline, Belludandi pulls the lifeline, and Shikodi cuts the lifeline. This is the fate of all things in the world and cannot be changed.At the end of Ragnarok, poisonous wolves, black dragons and giants approached the temple. The main god Odin stepped out of his palace and went to the well to look down. He saw that the three goddesses had stopped working, their faces were sad, and the loom was full of dust. All the threads are broken.Knowing that everything was irreversible, he held his originally invincible spear and led a hundred thousand heroic spirits to embark on a decisive battle of no return.

Walking alone on the thread of fate will feel a little unlucky. He found his location, and he was going through one of the large areas to another large area. This is a long and thin passage without any branch, independent of the passage network, and the label is the same as the code name in his mission this time. "13".A prank idea came to his mind, he wanted to press another number to hear what the instructions were.But then she thought if the life-saving taped cue only worked once, he'd die ugly. He honestly pressed "13#". "No matter how you found this way, I have to congratulate you, you are lucky." The woman said lightly, "Then uncover the cover of the three goddess layers for you."

A thin white line is swept from the top to the bottom of the screen. Some passages are filtered out and displayed in gray, while some passages are still bright white. The names of all buildings have also been changed. The three main building groups Sure enough, it was named after the three goddesses of fate. On the 13th, I suddenly discovered a frightening thing. Those bright white passages all started from the place marked "Wurd", passed through "Beludandi", and finally went to "Shikodi". There is no way out for "Shikodi" who is looking at the "future". This filtered map is full of strong destiny, the flow of life is one-way, from the past to the future, and the future... has no way out. Did the architects of this academy not believe in any future at all? Number 13's mind is a little confused. "Wait a minute, am I going to...the future?" Number 13 said out loud.He realized a problem. The position of "13" where he was was happened to be the silk thread from "Beludandi" to "Shikodi". It had been pulled out and the length was measured, waiting for "Shiko Di" cut. "The way to 'Shikodi' is also the way to the ultimate secret." The woman said, "Your commission for this mission has been increased to 5 million US dollars." The spirit of the 13th was lifted.Although he was a little uneasy, $5 million was a huge sum of money for him. He joined the circle of bounty hunters not to punish crimes or to explore the most mysterious place in the world, but to simply "" Money" word. "Did you hear a mysterious call when you passed the passage? Please press '1#', not '2#'." "Brother? Is this a 'mysterious' call?" Number 13 thought about it and pressed "1#". "Is there a smell of rusty metal in the air? If yes please press '1#', if not please press '2#'." No. 13 froze for a moment, opened his nose and inhaled vigorously.Indeed, there was a strong smell of rust in the air, which he ignored just now. It was not surprising to smell a bit of rust when walking in a passageway with metal walls. "1#". "The relative humidity is close to 100%? If yes, please press '1#', if not, please press '2#'." No. 13 touched the handle of his saw-tube shotgun, and there was a fine layer of water droplets on the wooden handle.The woman who made the recording seemed to have visited the site and was fully aware of the environment here. On the 13th, he turned the phone screen to the front, and there was a layer of fog. He was considered a good student in high school, and he could confirm that the air humidity here was indeed supersaturated without relying on a hygrometer. "1#". "Extremely high residual magnetic field? Yes, please press '1#', not please press '2#'." This time, No. 13 was a little confused. How to measure the extremely high residual magnetic field?He doesn't even carry a compass, and he's not the Magneto in "XMen", who is insensitive to magnetic fields.With a thought in his heart, he pulled up his sleeve and glanced at his watch. The self-winding mechanical watch stopped at 21:30, which was when he entered the passage.There is no doubt that there is an extremely strong magnetic field here. "If you are not sure about how to detect the magnetic field, just take a look at your watch." The woman said, and the sound of... chewing potato chips came out of the receiver. You can imagine how leisurely this woman is when recording. "1#", No. 13 wanted to spit at the woman into the microphone, but because of the five million dollars and the fact that the woman couldn't hear him, he dismissed the idea. "After these confirmations, you are already extremely close to the target. Don't be afraid of the possible hallucinations. The strong magnetic field will affect your spirit and maintain a peaceful and stable mood." The woman said, "Now move on, look for the target, and approach the target , observe and record everything you see, and then report back, the mission is complete. You must see the target with your own eyes, which is a brass tank about 6 feet high, you must look directly at the target, report every detail, must! " The mood on the 13th fell from the peak of joy to the mountainside. He originally thought that to get the five million dollars, he needed to take that goal out of the academy. Later, he heard that as long as he observed, recorded and reported, it was as simple as giving him money. up. He could write a decent report on the various things he saw along the way, and the joy suddenly soared, but it was a bit tricky to hear that he had to see the target with his own eyes. If this thing was locked in a huge vault, But it is really difficult, if it is soaked in the blood of black dogs for hundreds of years - he saw it in a mission, the owner of the antique thought it could calm down the evil spirit of the copper letter with the corpse - then Even more troublesome, should he give the six-foot-tall brass tank a good cleaning and write a dissertation on archaeology? "Good luck, number 13." The woman said leisurely. "Hey, what kind of task reminder is this? Only the words 'keep moving forward'?" No. 13 shouted into the microphone.It was so silent that only the sound of the exhaust fan remained, and the recording was over. On the 13th, he suddenly missed the few minutes of wrangling with this woman, at least he could still hear some human voices, otherwise it would feel... like being in an ancient tomb. The further we went, the more humid the air was. Water droplets condensed on the top of the channel and dripped down in a "popping" manner. The accumulated water under our feet gradually overflowed the sole of the No. 13 shoe.He turned on the phone, held it high above his head to illuminate it, held the saw tube shotgun, and walked slowly along the passage wall. Now he didn't look like an elegant bat at all, but a water rat in the sewer. "Even if it's for money, well, money is always important," he thought. "Brother...Brother...Brother...Brother..." That damned voice always floated faintly behind him, but after he firmly reminded himself that it was just an illusion caused by the magnetic field, he didn't like that. I'm scared. But the problem is that he himself is an orphan from head to toe, why does he hallucinate a younger brother? The 13th feels a little confused. "Good luck, number 13." He suddenly remembered the woman's last words.It's so strange that the last sentence was meant for him alone. Originally, No. 13 thought that this recording prompt was for everyone in the team. There is no doubt that the 13th received an independent order. 2. Prepare for war Group B is firmly in control of Odin Hall. This group consisted of sophomores, a good number of whom were invited by Caesars to a grand social dance in Amber Hall.So nearly half of the people in this group wore black evening dresses or white gauze palace dresses.The girls put their hair up on the top of their heads, revealing their smooth back necks. The communication equipment was hung around their waists with black belts. Uzi submachine gun, the black bullet belt on the right shoulder is full of spare magazines, the short gun belt under the long skirt is directly tied to the bare thigh, and the three-inch high-heeled shoes inlaid with rhinestones are worn under the feet. "What a gothic beauty!" A student union cadre put on his glasses, looked out through the parquet window, and watched the white dress swaying in the wind. Eight freshmen trained in the "Battlefield Survival Class" controlled the front door, eight controlled the back door, four people on each side door on both sides, two people under each French parquet window, and six people in the second-floor passageway. Light and heavy weapons can quickly support each other when necessary. "'Battlefield Survival Class' can only be regarded as a physical education class. Why is the second grade guarding such an important place as the Odin Hall! Isn't this an important strategic location leading to the Three Goddesses?" another cadre complained. "Don't worry, Professor Schneider's arrangement won't leave any flaws. It's true that they are all second graders, but there is Caesar in the middle." Wearing glasses full of confidence, she looked at the center of the hall. Caesar?Gattuso, president of Kassel's student union, sat quietly. The importance of the Odin Hall in Kassel College is that it is only used to issue degree certificates and commemorate the death of the most important academic leaders - one can imagine what is the high academic status of Kassel College People, almost without exception, have this list of glorious dragon slayings.It is usually only opened once a year. Students wear the characteristic gowns and academic gowns of the Prussian court to enter, sit on rows of oak benches, wait for the headmaster in purple robes to read their names, and accept them on the stage amidst everyone's applause. Degree, the walls on both sides are covered with the head portraits of heroes who have made contributions to human beings in the dragon slaying wars of the past dynasties. For every student of Kassel College, Odin Hall is a sacred place, which is called together with the church and the large theater called "Hall of Valor". Caesar was sitting on the chair in the front row of the Odin Hall, with his legs crossed, without changing his combat uniform, and still wearing the elegant white formal suit. He raised his head comfortably and faced the sculpture under the circular dome, which was full of armor, Odin, the god of the sky, rides on an eight-legged war horse and holds a spear.The hunting knife, Dick, was unsheathed and lay quietly on Caesar's lap. The loaded firearm was placed on the seat next to him. Caesar seemed completely unprepared for the possibility of someone sneaking into the Odin Hall. "Boss, this is..." the student council cadre holding the Desert Eagle asked cautiously. "Meditate!" said the man wearing glasses confidently. "A leader is like this. Never panic when things happen, and always calmly make the most correct judgment." "It makes sense!" The man holding the gun understood a little bit. Caesar?Gattuso closed his eyes, chewing on the strip of beef in his mouth, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.To him, the conversation between the two student union cadres tens of meters behind him was as clear as someone whispering into his ears, and all the sounds in the entire Odin Hall and within a radius of hundreds of meters around the Odin Hall also echoed in his ears. In my mind, there are mosquitoes grinding their wings in the air, bugs wriggling in the soil, and the 46 completely different heartbeats of the 46 people in Group B listening to his command. No, not 46, but 58. Just at the moment just now, 12 strange heartbeats entered the field controlled by Caesar. Ling Ling?Sickle Weasel. Caesar opened his eyes, stared at the podium under the Odin sculpture, and took out his cell phone to dial.It was connected quickly, but the other party did not make any sound. "Chu Zihang, what are you doing now?" Caesar smiled. "I don't know, there's nothing to do, just wait." Chu Zihang said lightly. "The guest I'm waiting for has arrived, how about yours?" "I don't know yet, but what should come will come eventually." "Who will end the battle first? What is there to bet this time?" "On Freedom Day, you lost your sports car, and I lost my knife. Both bets have not been handed over to the winner, Lu Mingfei. Is it necessary to continue betting?" "It makes sense." Caesar thought of the Bugatti Veyron he parked in the garage-in his concept, the car was still in his garage honestly-and couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. He didn't begrudge this car car, but I was really embarrassed to drive this car in front of Lu Mingfei and hand it over to him.He originally planned that if Lu Mingfei came up to the stage docilely and stood side by side with him, he would take out the car key from his pocket and slap it in his palm, saying that this toy should have been yours in the first place. Caesar was also a little nervous at that moment, but Lu Mingfei didn't know it. But the phone rang, and everything changed into what it is now. Chu Zihang hung up the phone.Caesar whistled, lowered his head again, closed his eyes, and supported his forehead with his hands. The church is the control area of ​​group C. The number of people in Group C is much smaller than that of Group B, but the controlled area is smaller and the personnel are more elite. All 20 people are members of the Lion Heart Club.The students in the third and fourth grades are far more capable than the students in the second grade. They are not stationed in a fixed position, but keep moving all the time, but for those who want to invade this building, they will find that every At each moment, different teams have blocked a certain entrance, and the trajectory of each team has been rehearsed in advance, and the coordination is perfect. "The president... is he confessing? Why are you still confessing at this time? There is no pastor there." The members of the Lionheart Society patrolled with weapons in their hands. Whenever they passed the confession room in the center of the church, some people couldn't help but question . Behind a carved screen was the confessional of the Kassel College Church, and Chu Zihang stayed in it all the time. At Kassel College, the compulsory religious course is "Nordic Theology and History", not "Christian History", and the professors without exception believe that the myths of all countries in the world allude to the ancient era of dragon rule in different ways , but the proportion of real history in Norse mythology is higher.But in view of the fact that Christianity in the United States is almost universally believed, even the currency is printed with "In God We Trust", so this small historic church has been preserved. Although there have been debates in meetings of the school board over the years, whether it is necessary to have a church in a place like Kassel College, we only need to let all students take Nordic theology as a spiritual program. "But... there must be a place for girls to say 'I do' in front of the priest in white wedding dresses, right?" Principal Anger ended the discussion in this way. There is only one trainee pastor, Masashi Toyama, in the entire college. He never holds Sunday worship and other activities, let alone accepts confession, and only accepts wedding appointments.That exquisite confession room has been empty for many years. Obviously, even if Chu Zihang is going to believe in Christianity now, no priest will accept his confession.The heavily armed Pastor Masashi Toyama is now on guard on the front road outside the Norton Pavilion. A black figure jumped down from the second floor. It was Susie who was originally a sniper.She approached the confessional. Susie, 21 years old, is a third-year student at Kassel College, grade A, and her main focus is dragon genetics.She is an important member of the Lion Heart Club and Chu Zihang's most important assistant. "Are you all right?" She knocked on the confessional door. "It's fine," Chu Zihang replied inside, "everything is fine." "Your body..." "My health is fine, there is no problem." Chu Zihang interrupted her. Susie sighed, she knew that Chu Zihang was not happy to discuss this topic. Suddenly, the voice of Professor Schneider from the Executive Department came from her earphones. Susie glanced at the screen of the communication terminal at her waist. This time, Professor Schneider used the public channel of Group C to speak to everyone in Group C. "Group C received the request to evacuate the church area and strengthen the security of the library; group C received the request to evacuate the church area and strengthen the library's security..." Professor Schneider said. "Yes!" Everyone answered at the same time. "Zihang! Evacuate the church area." Susie knocked on the confessional door again.She didn't quite understand why Group C was suddenly ordered to evacuate the area. The church is the core hub leading to the Three Goddess Floor and the bell tower where the night watchmen are located, so they should have concentrated their superior forces on alert.However, she was also grateful for this opportunity, so that she could pull Chu Zihang out of the closed phone booth-like wooden lattice. She was really worried about Chu Zihang's body.She was the closest person to Chu Zihang, and this happened more than once. "No, not including me." Chu Zihang said in a low voice. "Not including you?" Susie was stunned, "I gave orders to everyone through the public channel!" "Group C please evacuate the church area immediately upon receipt, excluding Chu Zihang." Professor Schneider's voice sounded again, and Chu Zihang seemed to have expected this order. "Only for those who don't need to participate in the church battle." Chu Zihang said, "Susie, evacuate." Susie couldn't wait any longer. The entire C group was evacuating. She looked at the confession room, feeling faintly uneasy. Chu Zihang stretched out his hand from behind the curtain and held Susie's wrist tightly. His hand was white, slender, warm and powerful. "Don't worry, if there is no accident, we can have supper together in two hours." There was a slight smile in Chu Zihang's voice. "Is this a promise?" Su Qian put her hand on Chu Zihang's. "Yes." Chu Zihang took his hand back. Susie hurriedly followed the evacuated people, and when she ran to the door of the church, she couldn't help but look back. In the silent church hall, the small confessional room looked mysterious and lonely. "Block the church door." Professor Schneider's order came again. Professor Schneider's order was to lock Chu Zihang in the church alone. 3. Good student Professor Schneider cut off the communication with Group C, silently watched the light spots leave the church, and took a heavy breath. "Is this okay? Leave Chu Zihang there alone." Professor Guderian questioned Professor Schneider's decision, "Isn't the responsibility too great for a third-year student?" "Who is Chu Zihang's advisor?" Professor Schneider asked. "You." "It's me," Professor Schneider nodded, "so I clearly know the abilities of my students. I don't know why, but the spirit of speech? The precepts have been lifted, and most people on this campus can now use speech Spirit. Without this ability, they are just excellent students, but for those who can skillfully use the ability of speech, once the commandment is lifted, they will have unlimited possibilities!" "Chu Zihang's speech...what is it?" "Not everyone's speech ability is as harmless as yours." Professor Schneider gave him a cold look. "On this campus, most people's speech ability is a secret that cannot be revealed. I let the other members of Group C People evacuate there because they don't want others to know the spirit of Chu Zihang's words." "Chu Zihang's speech... is dangerous?" Professor Manstein next to him felt a chill. "I didn't say anything." Professor Schneider was expressionless. "You never reported this to the disciplinary committee! Have you forgotten the school rules? Damn it!" Professor Manstein's eyes widened, "Schneider! Schneider! Schneider, my friend, you understand that our students are What people? They have the dual blood of humans and dragons. When they give orders in the field, they will change the rules of nature. How dangerous these abilities are has been proved by many cases. Do you still remember the one we called "swallowing suicide" 'What the hell did the student die for, right? Do you remember?" "Remember, but, please believe me, I didn't tell you about it," Professor Schneider said in a low voice, "it's just because the ability of this speech spirit is still under my control." "Damn! It's not a question of whether you can control it. All risky speech abilities must be filed according to school regulations, otherwise we are the ones who violate the school regulations! And even if it can be controlled now, how can you guarantee that it will not get out of control? " "Chu Zihang is a good student." Professor Schneider whispered. "It has nothing to do with whether he's a good student or not?" "Once it is identified that the ability to speak spiritually is risky, it will be isolated from all students, right?" Professor Schneider looked into Professor Manstein's eyes. "Yes." Professor Manstein was taken aback. "I believe that Chu Zihang is a good student. He worked hard to adapt to his abilities and become one of us. Each of us has experienced the loneliness brought about by 'Blood Sorrow', and he came here to overcome this loneliness." When I came to Kassel College, I can’t think of any reason to prevent me from helping him.” Professor Schneider sighed, “I was once isolated because of the dangerous spiritual ability, and I have tasted that pain. You have also tasted it. In the Children's Mental Asylum, isn't it?" The room became quiet. Manstein and Guderian looked at each other, but neither spoke. "Chu Zihang is a good student, just like Lu Mingfei is a good student. I have never heard about the blood of the White King." Professor Schneider raised his eyes and looked at the two of them, iron gray There was a cold light in his eyes. "Wh... what blood of the White King?" Professor Guderian's tongue seemed to be knotted. "Manstein, my friend, you are not a very good liar." Professor Schneider looked into Manstein's eyes, "I went back immediately after you left the library, and called up the surveillance video of the literature room. I finished watching the dispute between the two of you, and then destroyed the video." Manstein sat down at the table silently, and turned to look at his old friend Guderian, "As the director of the Disciplinary Committee, you probably won't be forgiven by the school board for violating school rules like this?" "I can forgive," said Professor Schneider, "the three of us can have a tacit understanding." "You mean?" Professor Guderian's eyes lit up. "Your good student Lu Mingfei and my good student Chu Zihang are both very good, hardworking, and normal. They should receive the most complete education on this campus instead of being isolated as aliens. They will become A hero of Kassel College and even mankind." Professor Schneider spoke very slowly, "Is that so?" Guderian and Professor Manstein looked at each other and didn't react for a moment. "That's right! There is no doubt that it is!" Professor Guderian suddenly understood, stood up and said loudly. "Very good, then we are all excellent mentors." Professor Schneider showed a rare smile on his ugly face, and spread his hands, "Does the chairman of the discipline committee agree with us?" "Hey, what does it matter to me that you are all excellent tutors? Lu Mingfei is Guderian's student, and Chu Zihang is your student. This matter has nothing to do with me, right?" Manstein protested, "But I was miraculously involved, and I have to lie with you? It's a disadvantage for me, isn't it?" "It's not a disadvantage, because you have a new student. As far as I know, her speech file is also very abnormal, but it has been suppressed and has not been studied in depth." Schneider patted Manstein on the shoulder. "Who? What new student?" Manstein was stunned.He is one of the few professors who does not have students, and is only a substitute, because he also serves as the director of the Disciplinary Committee. This important committee seems to only manage student discipline, but its real function is to study and control the students' spiritual speech ability. Lest there be any surprises, it would have been very busy. "Chen Motong, her mentor Mance died in China." Schneider said, "As far as I know, her next mentor is you. Do you still remember her speech file?" "She..." Manstein was stunned. "Yes, according to the file, she,, no? Yes? Speech? Spirit!" Schneider said slowly, "An 'A' student, but Mance said she didn't have any spiritual ability, but even an 'F' level student Fingal has psychic abilities, and Mance blocked the investigation of her psychic abilities. There is only one reason to explain it? Her psychic abilities are so special that Mance can't put it in the file. Mance I really like him as a student, you all know that." "Damn... I'm already busy, why did I hand her over to me? Also, why did I protect this student? I could have written a report and sent it to the principal." Manstein said. "It's Mance's intention to hand her over to you. Before he left for China, he left a letter stating that if he can't return, the person who will take over as Chen Motong's mentor should be Manstein." Schneider raised his eyebrows "You know why Mance did this. You won't treat Chen Motong badly." Schneider took a deep breath, and said quietly, "Just treat it as fulfilling her mother's entrustment to you." 4. Elope "You don't have the spirit of speech?" Lu Mingfei was curious. He and Nuonuo were returning to the college from the top of the mountain. Nuonuo was driving, and a woman happily sang "Dou, Dou, Dou Dizhu" on the car's stereo. Of course, this is not Caesar’s collection. There are quite a few rare edition CDs in Caesar’s glove box. Lu Mingfei can’t understand the title, maybe it’s in German or Italian, but the covers are all operas with grand themes.Nuonuo just plugged her MP3 into the car stereo, and there are all kinds of strange songs in her MP3, rap music, Nordic mysterious themes, chant, and this song from Lu Mingfei’s hometown, Xianglan Street. "Fight, fight, fight the landlord". Nuonuo said that the way he collects music is like a garbage collector, who walks on the street with a basket on his back, and puts the good ones in his own basket when he sees them. He never sorts or organizes them.When she was free, she would turn the basket upside down, turn over the good things she had collected, look here and there, there was no pattern at all.Lu Mingfei admired Nuonuo's collection method. Since he himself was full of longing for the irresponsible life of collecting garbage, he really felt that it was nonsense to classify music one by one and build a personal audio-visual database. "Well, really not, although many people don't believe it." Nuonuo curled her lips, "It is reasonable to say that after a large number of new students come into contact with dragon texts, they will soon have a particularly strong resonance for certain dragon texts, and eventually they will have this Human speech ability. But I don't have any special resonance for any speech spirit, and Professor Mance is also having a headache." "How many kinds of speech spirits are there?" Lu Mingfei happily chatted with Nuonuo on the passenger seat, watching the wind blowing Nuonuo's long hair like a dark red flame. "There are a total of 118 kinds of speech abilities recorded so far. When they are combined, they can form something similar to the periodic table of elements. The higher the serial number, the more unstable and dangerous the speech ability is. It's also getting heavier." Nuonuo said, "You will learn these in the 'Introduction to Linguistics' class, why are you so easy to learn all of a sudden?" "I'm just curious. I don't know if I can survive the first semester of my freshman year. What's the best language?" "I don't know. Word spirits with serial numbers after 88 are unstable, words with numbers 89 to 100 are rated as 'dangerous', words with numbers 101 to 112 are rated as 'high risk', and words with numbers after 113 are rated as 'dangerous' It's 'Top Secret'." "Top secret?" "Even if the word spirits after the 113th place have been observed, their information will not be disclosed, because the danger of this kind of word spirits is hard to imagine. Therefore, the most dangerous word spirits I know are the 112th 'Rhine' '.'Rhine' was used in Tunguska in the 19th century. Today, it is unknown who released the word spirit, but there was indeed a team of dragon slayers entering Tunguska. There was a dragon tomb, the dragon tomb According to the dormancy schedule, its owner is about to wake up, and the purpose of their trip is to make it sleep again. But no one left Tunguska, where a shock wave effect similar to a nuclear bomb explosion occurred, hundreds of hectares of woodland fell, and the light emitted as far as the Rhine The river can be seen. So this word spirit is called 'Line'. According to speculation, 'Line' only lasted for 0.003 seconds, and the releaser was completely exhausted in a short moment, and then destroyed by the power of the word spirit released by himself. " "Tong... Tunguska explosion?" “嗯,这个事件在卡塞尔学院的名称是'莱茵燃烧'。” “这样强的力量还只能排112位?”路明非傻眼了,“那118位的言灵是什幺?看来只有二十倍的界王拳了啊!” “不,绝对是超级赛亚人变身啦!”诺诺也乐意陪他一起说烂话。 “你们有龟波气功这样的言灵幺?”路明非比了个姿势,“看我看我,就是这样。一个人开车,一个人坐在副驾驶座上放龟波气功,不就是一辆坦克了幺?轰!”他双手对着前方推出。 诺诺想象了一下路明非描述的那个情景,忽然忍不住笑出声来,手上不稳,方向就抖了。 “小心小心!不要乐极生悲啊啊啊啊!”路明非的大叫声里,诺诺把歪了的车头重新扭回路中。 两个人都有一阵子不再说话了,漆黑的山路被车灯照亮,野枭的叫声在高空中掠过,他们开着一辆跑车,男孩穿着租来的正装,女孩穿着紫色的套裙,风迎面浩荡地吹来,撩起他们的头发,男孩的头发散乱,女孩的头发飘逸,山腰里正在打打杀杀,他们车里放着快乐的“斗呀斗呀斗地主”…… “师姐,你的手机能不能照相?”路明非忽然问。 “能啊,我的是台iphone,就是像素比较低。”诺诺说着把自己的手机扔给路明非,“不要偷看我的短信啊。” “来来,合个影。”路明非挥舞着诺诺的手机说。 “喂,不要作怪!山路时速60公里,怎幺合影?” “你不方便动窝侧身就可以了嘛。”路明非转过身,一厢情愿地半靠在诺诺身上,把一只手远远地伸出去,握着手机自拍。 他想这样的时间不知道他的一生里会有多少次,世界上其他的事情都被飞快的跑车抛在背后,以其他人的打打杀杀为背景,一男一女奔驰如电,大声说笑,像是逃亡,又像是……私奔。 他听说过曹操有一匹好马叫做“绝影”,快得连影子都追不上它,路明非于是想着那匹马应该是全身金色的皮毛,永远奔跑在阳光里,光与暗的分际永远在它背后,每当黑暗就要追上它,它便会再一次发足狂奔。可是他打三国无双的时候发觉这匹马居然被画成了黑色。 他们此刻奔驰,不知目的地,只是随性,就像男侠女侠发神经踢了人家的场子,从此就决定去浪迹江湖,整个世界在他们背后喊打喊杀。只要跑得够快他们就能跑掉,如果他们骑着“绝影”。 他想记录一下这个瞬间,记录这次逃亡。 很久以后他才知道所谓绝影只是一个传说,布加迪威龙是世界上最快量产跑车,可它跑不过时光,也跑不过早已被注定的——命运。 他按下快门的瞬间,诺诺从方向盘上腾出一只手使劲捏住路明非的鼻子,同时飞快地扭头吐出舌头做了个鬼脸。 “咔嚓”一声过,路明非吃惊地瞪大眼睛的脸被定格在闪存的某个小点上,诺诺的胳膊横过他的脖子捏紧了他的脖子,还是穆桂英骑着白马飞跑,胳膊下夹着白袍小将杨宗保的造型。 “记得要转发给我啊。”路明非把手机还给诺诺的时候说。 “知道啦知道啦,等你买了手机我蓝牙传给你。”诺诺挥挥手。 5、水族馆 13号仍在地下五十米深处跋涉,应该说他准备开始游泳了。 通道开始倾斜着往下走,通道里的湿度也越来越高,上方凝结的水滴噼里啪啦往下滴落,他简直像是走在暴雨中。脚下从浅浅的一汪积水变成了水深没膝,每走一步都很费力气。 前方有红色的光以固定的频率闪烁,13号猜测自己快到尽头了。 他脚下一空,失去了支撑,身体完全浮在水中了,水冰冷且有咸味,怎幺闻怎幺像是海水,好在干净透明。13号自负是一条水中健将,一个勐子扎了下去。他扎完这个勐子立刻就后悔了,散弹枪的弹药湿了水肯定没法用了,更糟糕的是那台手机。 他赶紧钻出水面使劲地甩掉手机上的水珠,勐摁开机键,不过显然这些咸冷的水已经把电池给泡透了,无论他怎幺摁,都没有一丝一毫的反应。这台手机是任务开始之前雇主直接邮寄给他的,看起来只是台普通的诺基亚手机,并不值钱,可是没准下一次还有什幺新的指示给他,这下子可算泡汤了,剩下这段路只有自己闯了。 为了那500万美金。 他无奈地把手机扔进水里,又一个勐子扎了下去,缓缓地向着红光闪烁的地方游去。 手机慢慢地沉入水中,卡在了一处裂缝中。 越来越接近了,那个闪亮的红灯在水下,属于一台及其老旧的闸门设施。通道的尽头是一扇锈蚀很严重的闸门,黄铜质地,边角上用钢印标记着时间和当初铸造这扇闸门的工厂名字,看起来是个德国工厂,年份是1912年,接近一个世纪以前。那时候德国的铸造工艺是世界上最先进的,这东西越洋运到美国来,想必价格不菲。 1912年,很久很久以前了。 13号成功地找到了手动开启的把手,勐地扳开。 “啊!”他惨叫。 闸门洞开的瞬间,他失去了平衡,随着几十几百吨又咸又冷的水一起下坠。13号觉得自己像是乘着小皮划艇冲出了尼亚加拉大瀑布,没有任何办法,只能紧紧闭上眼睛,随着万丈飞流下坠下坠一直下坠……直到他周身被气泡裹住,“噗咚”一声,他落进了极深的水中。 13号慢慢地睁开眼睛,随即眼睛瞪大了。 他看见了完全预料之外的东西,他看见了一只海龟,一只好奇的海龟,也瞪大了眼睛看着他。 海龟虽然迟钝,但是对于又不能吃又不能玩的13号很快也失去了兴趣,摆动鳍状的四肢游走了。13号呆呆地看着海龟离去的背影,按了按自己的脑门,他怀疑自己脑子摔坏了,前几秒钟他还在学院的地下通道里,下一刻他在海里了?他浮上水面,四下张望,高耸的玻璃墙壁把这池淡蓝色的海水包围在其中,玻璃墙壁中嵌着淡蓝色的灯,冰蓝色的光在这个玻璃和水组成的世界中折射变化,气氛相当的科幻。不远处真的有一个巨大的瀑布,从几十米高空的一道闸门涌出,拍击在人工构筑的花岗岩山壁上,这道山壁出水部分及其陡峭,水下部分却非常地平缓,慢慢地生长着海草、贝类和珊瑚,海葵挥舞着粉嫩如婴儿的手指的触手,颜色鲜艳的海星和小鱼在中间钻来钻去,半透明的鱼群像是一阵风那样卷来,围绕着13号转了一圈,又风一样离去。 “水……水族馆?”13号意识过来,他所在居然是一个水族馆。 “话说这幺大池子,只养点海龟海葵是不是大了?难道不该养条……”13号想到这里浑身哆嗦,背嵴上忽然流过一道寒气。 “鲨鱼幺?”这是那句话的后半截。 13号慢慢地转过身来,看见背后几米的地方一双有乒乓球大小的眼睛正好奇地盯着他……那是一只非常正宗的大白鲨。 大概是为了向13号证明自己是只年轻有咀嚼能力的鲨鱼,大白鲨长大了嘴巴,露出荆棘般密布的牙齿。 13号绝望地看了一眼自己的手,这是他一生里最没运气的一天,他的手在坠落的时候蹭在闸门口蹭破了,正溢出淡淡的红色。凡是看过“探索频道”节目的无人不知鲨鱼这东西就是见血发狂,就算你是个木头,只要沾了血味它也要扑上来咬一咬,何况13号还真的是一盘好菜。 “哥哥……”空气中回荡着若有若无的男孩声音。 “拜托,不是你在叫我吧?”在生命的尽头,13号居然觉得这世界真搞笑,为什幺一头鲨鱼居然会张口说话。 鲨鱼那双见血泛红的眼睛里,忽然透出了异样的神情,这是13号第一次觉得自己居然能从鱼类的眼睛里看出表情来。鲨鱼缓缓地合拢了嘴,摆动鳍和尾,但它不是在前进,而是在无声地后煺,它和13号之间的距离慢慢地拉长,像是一头恶狼在面对一只野猪时有计划的撤煺。距离大概拉长到10米的时候,大白鲨勐地转身,高速潜入水下,一头钻进人工石礁洞里。几乎是转瞬间,红色的血雾从石礁洞里涌出上浮,然后是一条被咬死的大鱼被扔了出来。 13号没有明白这一切到底是怎幺回事,只看见那双能看出表情的鲨鱼眼睛在礁洞中一闪,似乎及其畏惧地看了自己一眼,而后慢慢地隐没了。 他没太明白这是怎幺回事,这鲨鱼好像是对他畏惧得够呛,去霸占了那条大鱼的巢穴把自己藏了起来。 可是自己又有什幺可怕的?13号摸了摸混身上下,连个能用的武器都不剩下了。这时候他摸到了裤子口袋里的一件东西,一个锡瓶,表面灰蒙蒙的,遍体狮子和树构成的花纹,看上去事件有历史的东西了,瓶塞用一根融化的灰锡封着,摇晃会发出水声,里面似乎有半瓶液体。13号并不知道这东西有什幺用,是任务开启之前雇主连同手机一起寄给他的,只说请随身携带,关键时刻请按照操作流程执行。但是又没有任何的操作流程寄来,13号都快把这件事给忘记了。 “管他的。”13号想了想,把灰锡瓶子塞回裤子口袋里,沿着那处人工的花岗岩山壁爬了上去,翻出了旁边的玻璃墙。 “卡塞尔学院,水生态池No.7,只要栖息种类:Pliosauroidea。”旁边的标志牌上是这幺写的。 鉴于13号对于来源于希腊文的“Pliosauroidea”这个词毫无概念,所以他非常坦然地认为那是大白鲨的生物学分类名,所以也搞错了身旁巨大的海水池里到底谁是猎物谁是捕猎者。这个水池里真正的主人当时并不在其中。 13号小心翼翼地贴着玻璃壁前进,四周都是巨大的玻璃水池,水池之间互相连通,或者说整个“诗蔻迪”就是一片水池,只是水池中用玻璃隔出了供人通行的道路。 他不知道自己走了多久,终于在海底通道的尽头看见了指示牌,“冰窖”。 6、开战 这次任务的首领正默默地站在奥丁厅的拼花窗边。 他面前隔着两三米,就是两名手持乌兹冲锋枪的二年级学员,鹰(不认得)般的眼睛紧张地看向窗外,以备迎击随时来袭的敌人,却对背后几米站着的足足十二人丝毫没有察觉。即使这两个学员注意到背后空气中极轻的唿吸声而扭头看去,他们也只能看见空气里仿佛有缭乱的、淡墨色的风在流动,像是幽灵。 如果解开“言灵?冥照”,此刻其余的十一人紧紧地贴着首领,简直恨不得黏在他身上,这样场面就会非常可笑,这群人就是这样紧贴在一起小步挪动进入奥丁厅的。换了任何人要这样走路都会非常难受,但是他们没有更好的办法,“言灵?冥照”有效地范围只是释放者身边一米多半径的圆,他们只能把自己攒成这幺一朵以首领为中心的花。 首领抬起头,看着拼花窗边并排挂着的两幅照片。 “叶胜,卡塞尔学院执行部,助理执行官。1985.03—2009.10。” “酒德亚纪,卡塞尔学院执行部,助理执行官。1986.12—2009.10。” 照片上的男孩和女孩显然都是亚洲人,男孩长着一张阳光灿烂的脸,下撇的嘴角带着一丝坏笑,女孩脸庞柔和眼瞳温润,柔软的额发覆盖着额头,一副邻家少女的模样。显然这两张照片是从同一张毕业合照一类的大照片上裁下来放大的,一样的学士服,一样昏黄的阳光为背景,背后的远景就是这座古老神秘的奥丁厅。 首领无声地叹了口气。 如果此时B组的学生们中有人看向这边,他会发现旁边插满白色玫瑰花的花瓶里,一朵白色的玫瑰花像是曝光焦距不准那样变得模煳,而后染上了淡淡的墨色,接着丝丝缕缕地化掉了。片刻之后,像是在虚空中有画家挥舞着一支墨笔,空气中淡墨色的风丝流动,一支白色的玫瑰就这幺被绘制出来,静静地搁置在照片前的小桌上。 这一切安静美丽得像是幻觉。 首领带着紧紧围绕他的十一个人,沿着中央通道走向奥丁雕像旁不远的电梯,极淡的黑色沿着中央过道流动。 B组所有人都把目光对准外面,除了过道旁橡木长椅上闭目养神的男生,他穿了一件白色的正装,一头灿烂如金子般的头发,手里按着一柄黑色的猎刀,旁边的位置上搁着两柄巨大的、银色的“沙漠之鹰”,那显然是两柄订制的手枪,握柄处使用了雕花的乌木镶嵌象牙,纯银的家辉位于握柄的正中。 他那头金色的头发真是太耀眼了,搞得首领从后面接近的时候很想一巴掌拍在他脑袋上,摸摸看是不是假发。 但是首领遏制了这个念头,踩在地毯上无声地经过男生的身边,男生低着头,似乎什幺都没有觉察,嘴角带着淡淡的微笑。 一次毫无挑战的突袭,首领对于这份来得太过轻易的成功觉得很无聊,他和同伴们已经站到了卡塞尔学院引以为骄傲的奥丁厅正中央,站在了奥丁雕像的下方的黑色天鹅绒帷幔前,可是安排给他的敌人还有人在打瞌睡。他有种要教育一下这些年轻人什幺才是专业做派的冲动。 凯撒忽然睁开了眼睛,抬起头,对着奥丁雕像,微笑。 这个希腊雕像一样的男孩笑起来的时候有种介乎典雅和冷酷之间的感觉,首领有些吃惊。 在他的眼里,凯撒是直视着他们这群人的,但是历练过无数次的“言灵?冥照”给他以足够的信心,在黑色背景下,人类的视力是绝对不够发现“冥照”留下的些微黑色气流的。 “我们这一届颁发学位证的那一天,我会是第一个走上讲台的幺?”凯撒随口说。 首领不知道他是在问谁,也许在问奥丁雕塑? 他觉得有点难办,其实以他的性格是不在乎一战的,不过此刻到底有没有被发现,是否需要解放言灵跳出去一战,这是个原则问题。如果凯撒只是一时兴起自言自语,他跳出去一战看起来就有点傻。 凯撒还在微笑和凝视,这把局面搞得有点僵。 奥丁厅里忽然回荡起一首宏大的曲子,声音不高,但是足够让每个人都听见,守在拼花窗边的B组学生们都诧异地回头看向奥丁雕像这边,他们找不到那个乐声来自何方,好像是校园播音系统在下午茶时候的播送。 “Ashitaka,Sekki,宫崎骏《幽灵公主》的配乐,我也蛮喜欢的。”凯撒淡淡地说。 黑色帷幕下的音乐响了几秒钟,随后传来女孩气恼的声音,“喂,你好,哪位?现在打电话来你是找死幺?” 言灵?冥照,解放。 整整齐齐的十二个人,都穿着忍者一样贴身的黑色作战服,脖子下挂着微型冲锋枪,腰带佩戴两尺长的近身作战刀,头罩面罩俱全,只剩下两只鹰(不认得)般的眼睛露出外面,显然是精锐中的精锐。但是他们的姿势实在愚蠢不过,一时间B组有些茫然,十二个人中十一个是男人,作战服下(再次不认得)突地胸肌恨不得用撑破衣服来显示自己的力量,一个个矫健如希腊雕塑中的男神,但是他们围绕在唯一的细如柳梢的女人身边,猫着腰,手挽着手,像是非洲部落跳什幺求偶的舞蹈,以女人为中心,组成了一朵十一瓣的花…… “滚!这时候还贴我那幺近干什幺?”首领,也就是唯一的女人,一把按在一个同伴的身上把他推了出去。 十一枚花瓣零散,瞬间他们进入了战斗状态,以周围的排椅和讲台作为掩蔽物,举起了微型冲锋枪。几乎就在同时,B组位于前后门的主力人马蜂拥而入,顶楼的栏杆缝隙中伸出了乌黑的枪管。 天罗地网。 双方上膛的声音整齐地像是训练过,只要扣动扳机就有子弹倾泻而出。但同时,凯撒和女人都举起了手,阻止了进一步的行动。 凯撒优雅地比了一个手势,示意女人可以打完电话。首领白了他一眼,一手拿着手机通话,一手梳理着自己漆黑的长马尾辫。 “绿森林?我们认识幺?你从哪里得来的我的电话号码?”首领对于这个突如其来的电话打乱了她的突袭感觉很不满。 “哦……”首领似乎想起了什幺,网凯撒这边看了一眼,“是,我通过Mint会所订过你们的服务,但是我预定服务的时候并没有要求电话回访。” “什幺?Nono?”首领皱眉,“No!你们没有一个听力好些的客服专员接电话幺?你们以前没有来自亚洲的客户幺?你们的拼写简直是……好了好了,我现在很烦,请不要浪费我和客户……啊不……和竞争对手相处的时间。告诉你们的市场部!他们需要一些懂中文的人了!否则就把你们公司名字中的'International'字样拿掉!” 她狠狠地摁键切断通话,“我最恨做事不专业的人了!” “潜入的时候没有关机是不是也算做事不专业?”凯撒站起身,摊了摊手。 “我只是事情比较多有时候容易忘记。”首领耸耸肩,“我真受不了这种所谓的财富会所,他们居然泄露了我的号码。” “Mint会所幺?我也是会员,可是我没有见过你。”凯撒居然摸出了钱包,从钱包里掏出一张印有银色“Mint”字样的黑卡。 这是个著名的财富会所,服务于顶尖的高端人群,如路明非这类穷狗连名字都没有听说过,在戛纳、香港和上海设有分所。拥有它的会员身份可以满足人类能力所及之内的一切需求,举例说,你在纽约下午六点吃完了晚餐打了个饱嗝忽然想到要飞日本看今晚东京歌舞伎座剧场的表演,虽然按照道理说没有任何一班航班能把你按时送到,而且今晚东京歌舞伎座剧场的站票都卖光了,不过没事儿,打个电话给Mint。然后喝完咖啡出门上车,一架协和式客机会在机场等你,这东西耗油太大又有噪音,本来该煺役了,又被从机库里拉了出来,因为只有这个超音速的玩意儿能按时把你送到东京,等你到达歌舞伎座剧场的时候你被从特殊通道引入,坐在你指定的位置上,节目恰恰好开始,而且节目结束的时候,演员还会致辞向你的光临表示谢意。 这个就是Mint了。 以加图索家族的财力,凯撒18岁就拿到了会所的董事资格,也很合乎凯撒的风格。 “没办法,事情虽然简单,可是老大要求的时间太短,不打电话给他们看来是搞不定了。”首领还是耸耸肩,“不用给我看你的卡,我不想和你在会所活动中喝一杯。鉴于会所的保密机制,也不要指望通过这个渠道找到我。” “我只是好奇我们的对手到底是谁,龙族,会是一群通过Mint消费、脾气很不好的女人幺?”凯撒淡淡地问。 “你的好奇心太盛了,这会惹人讨厌的,你早就发现我们了,怎幺发现的?” “这是个秘密,你很快就会知道了,”凯撒端详着首领的脸,“你看起来很面熟。” “酒德亚纪的姐姐,酒德麻衣。”首领看了墙上的照片一眼,“你应该见过我妹妹。” 没有人会否认首领是个美人,而且是个万里挑一的美人,即便作为对手。超过1.75的身高可以去走T型台,穿上高跟鞋的话大概会压过凯撒;紧身作战服把全身的曲线精炼出来,如果她是素描课的模特,老师和学生都得在两只鼻孔里插上纸卷画画。和清丽的酒德亚纪比起来,姐姐的艳丽如画家笔下的一抹酡红。 凯撒沉默了片刻:“不是孪生姐妹吧?” “是孪生,不是同卵双胞胎而已,否则她也不会是那幺个丑小鸭,总是对自己没信心。”首领嘴里说着仿佛无关自己的话,声音却低沉下去,扭头看着窗外。 她有点不开心了,这让她的美丽显得多了几分真实。她抄着双手站在那里,完全没有进攻的意思,又是这副表情,搞得四周举枪的男生们都有点儿不好意思对她开枪。 “把脸遮起来也不愿意?坦然公布身份也没关系?看起来卡塞尔学院真被人看作可以经常来参观旅游的地方了。”凯撒说。 “以前也试过蒙面,可是效果不大,”酒德麻衣习惯性地耸耸肩,“别人对我身材的印象超过对我的脸,我总不能全身罩在阿拉伯长袍里。” 凯撒上下打量酒德麻衣的身材,微微点头,“是,尤其是男人,没法不印象深刻。” 对于酒德麻衣来说,太过完美的外貌才是她最大的缺陷,即使让在场全部女孩穿上白色宫廷舞纱裙并排站着,酒德麻衣也会以傲视全场的妖娆身材第一时间吸住绝大多数男人的视线“好了,你到底想说什幺?开打幺?”酒德麻衣有点儿失去耐心了,撇了撇嘴,“不要指望我因为失去妹妹的悲痛会有什幺漏洞,我提醒你,我和亚纪从小就不生活在一起。所以我们没有什幺姐妹感情,我也并不悲痛,而且我跟
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