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Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Finding the Way

new alchemy 奥修 3669Words 2018-03-20
"Find the way." "...stop and think about it.Is this the path you desire?Or is it a dim vision in your eyes of the great future you are about to accomplish, high up on your own?Be alert.The path is to be seen for its own sake, not for the feet you are about to tread upon. 』 Find the way.The way is unknown.It cannot be understood by others; it cannot be given to you by others.The way cannot be shown, cannot be communicated.You have to search for it. Often, we think we have to find our purpose, but we already have our way.There are many paths that people have been talking about, and they all lead to the same goal.The goal has to be found, has to be reached, but what about the way?Roads are within reach.In fact, it is too easy to get, and there are too many roads.

But this is not the case, because the goal and the path are not two different things.The path itself becomes the goal.The first step is also the last, because the path and the goal are not two different things.When you walk on the path, the path transforms itself into the goal.The real thing to do is not to think about the goal.The most basic thing to think about must be the way.To find the way: "Find the way." But our minds are so conditioned that every man thinks he has been given a way from birth.Some are Christians, some are Hindus, some are Muslims.They think that the way is given to them by society, culture and education.No, the way cannot be given.Society, culture, education cannot give you the way.You must seek it, because by seeking you will be transformed.

A borrowed way is a dead way.You cannot walk on it; it will not take you anywhere.You can believe in it, you can take solace in it, you can delay your journey because of it, because you know the way, you can take it anytime, but the moment your journey begins, borrowed, The way that is given will not be helpful.You have to find your own path.It is difficult to find it; many mistakes can be made.But if you don't make mistakes, you can't get anything, so be brave enough to make mistakes.You may be on the wrong path, but it is better to be on the wrong path than not to move at all, because at least you learn by moving, at least you learn what the wrong path is.That's good too, because elimination is helpful.You'll walk this path and find out what's wrong with it.You'll go the other way and find out what's wrong with it.And by knowing what is wrong, you will understand what is right.

So don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to go the wrong way.People who are afraid of making a mistake, of going the wrong way become paralyzed.Then they stay where they are; they never move. Be brave enough to find your own way.Don't imitate the way of others.Imitation will not lead you to freedom.It's not a question of going this way or that; it's a question of seeking.Be a seeker not a follower.To understand the difference well. Followers are imitators.A seeker also follows others, but he is not an imitator.A seeker also follows others, but he follows to seek, to find.He is still alert, aware.The follower becomes blind, becomes dependent, he is a spiritual slave.He throws the responsibility on someone else's shoulders and waits.The seeker is responsible to himself.He is alert, responsible, he discovers new things every day, he experiments new things every day.He is unafraid, vulnerable, and open to the new, ready to move into any new dimension he sees.If he feels he is on the wrong path, he won't say, "But I've invested a lot in this path. I can't change it now." He will abandon the path, his entire investment. , Then go back to the starting point and start learning from ABC.

A seeker is always ready to change, but a follower is stubborn.He would rather close his eyes than to see the light again, because he has invested too much. A Jain monk came to me.He said he had been a Jain monk for thirty years. "I understand now that the path I chose was not for me, but I can't leave it now because what would I do if I did? I have no education. I have been a monk since I was a child. Thirty years My monkhood has made me completely dependent. I can't do anything; I can't do any manual work. And I'm so respected! Even the governors of big cities salute me. If I don't become a monk—I Knowing that's not for me - the people who bow down to me won't even give me the smallest job. So what do I do?"

There is too much investment in it.All authority, respect, reverence is now at stake.So I told him, "If you are a true seeker, give up everything. Be a beggar or a fool, but stop being a false person. When you understand that this path is not for you, Just throw away everything that has come this way. Stop being a false, unreal person." He said, "I'll think about it. But it seems difficult." He thought about it for three years.He never came back for me.He will not come.He is a follower, not a seeker.The moment a seeker understands that something is not for him, he throws it away.He will not hesitate.This scripture says, "Find the way." Be a seeker, don't be a believer.

"Find the way by going within." When you find something that appeals to you, when you find something that seems plausible, true to your reason, to your logic, to your head, that's not enough.Your reason may say it is true, but it may not be true.Unless you experiment with it, unless you experience something out of it, you will not discover anything.Nothing is found through logic.Logic is helpful, but don't let it be the ultimate measure.The ultimate measure is always within.It is evidence and experience.Do not believe that you have found it, that you have seen the way, until you have gained experience.It is only through experience that theory becomes truth.

"Find the way by going within." When you have found a technique, a path, go back within, go within.Experiment in it: experiment with your subjectivity, your heart.To experience it.Don't just keep thinking about what meditation is.go do it!Only then will you know what it is.A technique may not work for you.Then throw it away and try another one.There are hundreds of meditation techniques in the world.There is bound to be a technique that works for you.Humans have been fighting for freedom for thousands of years, and every type of person has been given freedom.Every type of meditation is found.You are not a new type of person; your kind has been around before.There have been many people like you before, and they have gone this way.Many tricks have been discovered.

to try.But be sincere and serious when you try.Try it with all your energy.If a particular technique doesn't produce any results, throw it away and try another. In the past, when a disciple went to the master, the first thing the master would observe was whether the disciple was suitable for him, and whether he was suitable for the disciple.If the master thinks that this disciple should not be with him, if he thinks that other people will be more helpful to this disciple, even if it is someone who opposes him, he will say to the disciple: "Go to that master!" The disciple will say, "But I heard that he is against you. He says what you are doing is wrong."

The master would say, "Don't care what he says. He suits you, his method will suit you. Go to him. Go to him and try." Go ahead and try different techniques, but try with your whole heart.Otherwise you might discard a skill that just works for you.So try with all your heart.If something happens, that's fine.Go on, go deep.But if you try with all your heart and energy and nothing happens, throw the technique away; it's not for you.But don't throw it away until you've tried it, until you've tried it with all your heart. "Find the way by going within."

"Find the way by boldly going outward." Even if you experiment with a technique and get some kind of experience within, it is most likely just a delusion.It may be just a kind of protection of the mind, a kind of dream, a kind of wish fulfillment.Don't think you've got the way.Now, whatever you get on the inside, test it on the outside.Whatever you know in your heart, transform it in your personality; live it now.You have experienced it.Now live it and make it your life.If you feel that silence has happened to you through this experience, let the silence move on and let the ripples of silence around you pass you by.Let your silence reach others.Let others feel that you have become still. If you have been angry with the outside world and you still say, "I am a great meditator," you are just confusing yourself.Don't get confused, don't cheat, because you will be the only loser.No matter what is going on within you, if you feel that you have experienced the inner light....How do you know if it's delusional or real?The standard of measurement is that your external life must also change accordingly. If you really experience the inner light, sex will disappear.Love will come to you, but sex will disappear; libido will disappear.Love, a very caring personality, will take its place.There will be no sexual desire.If the sexual desire is still present, you have not experienced the inner light.Then the inner light is just a protection of the mind. So on and so forth.Whatever you experience within must manifest.You have to let it into your life, because that is the real test, the real measure.If you go into deep silence, hatred will leave.If it is there, if it has not been fully transformed into love, then you have not felt the inner silence.With hatred there is no inner silence possible.You may feel something cultivated, you may have cultivated a silence. . . . If you repeat a mantra over and over, you create a cultivated, false silence, but your outer life remains the same.If the inside changes, the outside must also change, but the reverse is not necessarily true.You can change the outside without changing the inside.That's called hypocrisy.You can change the outside, you can be very loving on the outside and hate on the inside.You change the exterior, you create a false mask, a facade. You see it everywhere, especially in this country with many religions.The only result: a hypocritical society.A mask, not a real face.Look at any face and you will see that it is not real.There is something else hiding behind it, something quite the opposite. You can change the outside without changing the inside.But if the inside changes, the outside must inevitably change too.When the inside changes, the outside changes automatically.If there is no external change, then your internal change is just a delusion. These three verses are very meaningful: "Find the way." "Find the way by going within." "Find the way by boldly going outward."
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