Home Categories Internet fantasy Dragon Raja 2: Eyes of the Mourner

Chapter 6 Act V Fire and Force

Dragon Raja 2: Eyes of the Mourner 江南 27598Words 2018-03-12
At this moment, in the eyes of the school workers of Kassel College who were running around in the Runde Building to hold back the security guards, the van with the "FedEx" logo on its body suddenly turned on its headlights, and the moment the lights pierced the rain, His old engine made a horrible, scalp-tingling noise.It's like an old man sucking in a lot of air in his shriveled lungs, ready to let the stiff and aging muscles of the whole body exert their strength regardless of the cost.The van (there is a typo here) accelerated suddenly, broke through the glass curtain wall supported by the aluminum alloy frame, brought glass shards flying all over the sky, and hit the extremely strong wedge-shaped load-bearing column in the foyer.

Engine sparks flew everywhere, the water tank ruptured, white steam permeated everywhere, and the rain-soaked front windshield also fell apart in an instant. The whole building shook, as if it had inspired a small earthquake.The bigger shock was in the minds of the janitors. The driver's cab was dark, and the sparks flickered in an instant, leaving no one there. Only then did they remember a thing that had been neglected. When the first janitor walked towards the front door of Runde Building, the old van (here the word changed back) started silently, and slowly circled around Drive to Runde Building.

And all nine of them were performing tasks in the building, and the key to that car was still in the pocket of a small worker.For 1 minute and 50 seconds after the operation began, during the chaos at the bottom of the business, the two unmanned vans (wrong again) kept driving around Block A of the Runde Building like a beast Circle around the prey, looking for an opportunity to attack. A van (this word will change) with no trace of popularity, has been trying to hunt humans. It was no longer possible to take into account the principle of "try not to reveal your identity". The moment the van shattered the glass curtain wall, a tall figure leaped down from the second floor, leaped forward like a leopard, and threw two dumbfounded guards out of the van. Pulled away on the road ahead and thrown aside, just a second ago, this burly man who had no time to react due to his bare-handed capture was chased by a group of security guards with electric batons and ran all over the building, with a trace of resistance No intentions, like a crazy foreign tourist.It was also impossible to take into account the principle of "no use of weapons". The moment he found no one in the cab, a janitor pulled out the flare launcher hidden in his pocket. These were the only few weapons in the operation that could barely be called weapons. equipment, used to inform the companions of the direction to retreat in the event of an action failure.He fired from his knees, a bright red flare that shot out flat and into the front of the van's shattered windshield.

The huge recoil knocked the ex-Marine who pushed 250 pounds to the ground, and the "flare" pierced through the entire body of the van with a piercing scream. Flying `out` to `run` `de` `building`, `into` into `rain` curtain `in`,` The `post`modern` in the `heart` of `field` The aluminum `alloy` alloy sculpture `dissolved` a `hole` with a `diameter` diameter `2`0`C`M`. ` "This group of lunatics in the equipment department, can this still be regarded as a signal flare?" The janitor who ate the gun was shocked by this thing that was almost a miniature rocket. This is already the style of the equipment department of Kassel College, which can be called BT Modifications, extremely enhanced power, and vague instructions.

Five janitors rushed at the van from four different directions, spraying the cab with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.In the eyes of others, these foreign tourists, dressed in imitation styles, suddenly seemed to be different people, and their movements were as neat as clones of the same person.The electric spark went out, and the front of the car was covered with a thick layer of white powder. This van seemed to have been parked in the snow of Siberia for several years, and there was a dead silence in the dark cab. Maybe even ghosts can't resist the attack of miniature rockets and fire extinguishers?The janitors looked at each other.

Everything was weird. The appearance of this van disrupted their original tight plan, but their goal was for Chu Zihang to enter the top floor smoothly. This van did not stop Chu Zihang.Is all this just an April Fool's prank by an opponent hiding in the dark? Amidst the sound of rushing rain, there was a piercing sound of metal friction, as if something was hanging on a steel cable that was about to break. A few seconds later, there was a loud bang outside the glass wall, and the iron lifting suspension bridge weighing hundreds of kilograms hit the asphalt road, and half of it sank into the ground.Another huge earthquake caused thick cracks to appear on the surviving glass curtain wall. The reinforced glass finally couldn't bear the terrible pressure. The cracks grew from bottom to top, and spread out in all directions as they grew, like a flourishing plant. When the entire glass curtain wall could no longer support it, thousands of glass shards scattered into the rain.

"Captain!" A janitor remembered something, and his face turned pale. With a precise strike from the van, the shock wave was transmitted along the solid load-bearing column, shaking the entire building, causing the rapidly rising suspension bridge to fall out of control. According to their plan, Chu Zihang should have just reached the position of the suspension bridge...then An unmanned van intercepted Chu Zihang who was going to the top floor in an incredible way. Chu Zihang tightly grasped the steel cable. The moment the steel cable broke, he took off from the falling suspension bridge and grabbed the upper half of the steel cable.

He raised his head, and the heavy rain in the cloudy sky fell into his eyes.It was a very strange feeling.He looked at the rainy sky, thinking of the reflection of the entire sky in his pupils.The rain in the whole sky falls from one point in Tianxin, and it will fall into his eyes.What kind of feeling is like looking down on the world like a god, or seeing the world with the eyes of a god. The feeling of freshness is amazing, reborn, the blood rushes in the blood vessels like a river after thawing ice, and every cell is like spring buds breathing unrestrainedly and with all their strength.The endless power is transmitted silently along the muscles and tendons.

It is not the first time to experience this feeling, the thrill of tasting "forbidden" wine. The first article of Kassel College (Bloodline Commandment), "All operations to improve the purity of mixed-race bloodlines by physical and spiritual means are absolutely taboo, and it is believed that changes to bloodlines will lead to unpredictable consequences!" He chose to burst blood in an instant, even though he knew it was the biggest taboo of the academy. The technology of instantly improving the purity of the bloodline by spiritual means was the top secret of some families before the industrial age, allowing the clan (who would not fight this) to obtain the power close to that of a pure-blooded dragon clan with a mixed-race body.However, none of the families who mastered this secret survived (will not fight), and the secret was lost until the beginning of the 20th century, when the secret party's cutting-edge group "Lion Heart Society" reproduced this technology, and thus quickly surpassed the old ones. Generations have established the status of a new generation of leaders.

Even though the "Student Union" under the leadership of Caesar Gattuso has rapidly become stronger, the Lionheart Society is still at the top of its members, because the oldest organization in the academy still keeps the secret log of this exclusive society .Contains many mysteries of the hybrid's history.And the division's research on "lineage strengthening" in the early 20th century. And Chu Zihang is the president of Lionheart. Those who have tried this forbidden technique will find that it is not esoteric at all, let alone hard study and training.For the mixed blood with sufficient bloodline purity, it is very simple. As long as you are willing, you can trigger the power hidden deep in the bloodline at any time, and experience the joy of being reborn.It's like there is a lion hidden in your body, as long as you are willing to untie the chain that binds the lion.You gain its power.And restrain this power.Exactly yourself.

"The Lionheart Club". Lionheart Society, the original meaning is "a society that releases the lion's heart". To prevent Chu Zihang from releasing that lion-like heart, apart from the school rules, it is the awe of that great power. So huge that it could get out of control! Chu Zihang exerted strength with one hand, his body rose as if he had escaped the gravity of the earth, and leaped from the broken glass window to the 11th floor again.Those security guards who were restless under the encouragement of Yan Ling were trying to poke their heads out of the window and look down. Facing Chu Zihang who suddenly appeared in front of him, instead of panicking, they showed surprise and tightened their batons one after another. The man borrowed the iron chain from his waist. Chu Zihang looked around, his eyes were not focused, he didn't look at those vicious security guards at all.In his eyes, there are no words like these ants looking down on the world.Do you stare at every passerby?When you have mastered the power to easily destroy an individual into ashes, will you really care about its existence? "you".Chu Zihang grabbed the sunglasses he was wearing all the time and threw them on the ground.He pointed at one of the security guards.It was an unremarkable little man.The brim of the hat was lowered down, hiding his face. "I"?The little man answered involuntarily. He didn't want to answer at all, and if he answered, he would reveal his identity.But he saw Chu Zihang's eyes through the thick fog——sparkling golden pupils.It was a condescending gaze, with indescribable coercion, as if another hand was holding his heart. If he resisted and did not answer, his heart would be crushed. "You." Chu Zihang said again, taking a step forward. The coercion rose again, pressing down on the little man like an overwhelming mountain.When the fish dies, or the net breaks, the little man's chanting voice suddenly becomes high-pitched, and the domain of the speech spirit expands instantly.His chanting was broken because of fright, but the fright also caused him to struggle frantically in the spirit bound by the golden pupils. The hands and feet of the little man were trembling violently. Under the cover of the golden pupils, he Originally, he was weak all over, but at this moment, the prey entangled in white spider webs was about to escape from control. In Wang Zhishi's domain, the security guards had blood dripping from their skins all over their bodies. Their physical functions had been strengthened to the extreme, and their blood pressure was so high that their capillaries ruptured one after another.They jumped up again and raised the electric batons high above their heads, and the static electricity like spider silk was entwined between the electric batons again.There is no dead angle attack at all, coming from all directions at the same time. Chu Zihang stood where he was, only one part of his body moved - his lips.No one heard what Chu Zihang said clearly. It was not reciting, not even a sentence at all, without any rhythm. There seems to be only one syllable - "Broken!" At that moment, what Chu Zihang said actually looked like a Chinese character, "bro". A faint light clearly visible to the naked eye flashed between his brows, and then it swelled hundreds or thousands of times.That was the "domain", the domain of the Dragon Clan's Yanling. Chu Zihang uttered "Yanling. Junyan" with the word "Po"! A large amount of heat is released in a small space. Although it was only the original form of "Jun Yan", the temperature reached a high temperature of nearly 80 degrees in a few tenths of a second. With Zihang as the center of the circle, in the huge spherical space with a diameter of less than two meters, the air has returned to complete transparency, and there is still a thick fog outside the space, and the boundary of the domain is clearly visible.At the same time, the effect of "Word Spirit. King's Servant" was also dispelled. The moment all the security guards entered Jun Yan's domain, the strengthening of their body functions was cancelled. They seemed to wake up from a dream, and they all screamed in horror. shouted. The huge gap in the serial numbers of the words spirits means the huge gap in bloodlines. While releasing "Jun Yan", Chu Zihang forcibly interrupted the "Servant of the King". The security guards fell powerlessly to the left and right of Chu Zihang, and none of their batons had time to touch Chu Zihang's body. The sudden high temperature made their body's thermostat function unable to respond in time. Their body temperature rose sharply to over 40 degrees, and their brains immediately stopped working. . Chu Zihang looked at the little man coldly, and his lips slowly recovered from the shape of the word "broken". "How is it possible?" The little man backed away in horror.He can understand the matter of being released from the spirit of speech. Too big a bloodline gap can produce such a result, but what is the word "broken"?Do you have Chinese language skills?Is there a language that can be uttered in one word? A thought popped into his mind, that thought could explain everything, but he couldn't believe it, it was too unbelievable... He had studied a little Buddhism, and [indiscernible] taught that reciting scriptures can accumulate merit, but the scriptures It is very long, and it is not easy to recite 【】over and over. Therefore, the Shingon sect said that eight hundred years after the death of the Buddha, 【】sa used seven white mustard seeds to open the Nantian【】zhang iron tower, which symbolizes the sixteen Bodhisattvas of the Vajra Realm. Tsin learned the Great Sutra left by the Buddha.Mantra【】The difference from other Buddhist sects is that they believe that there are so-called "truth words" in the world. The real language penetrates the soul and has the power to penetrate the hidden world. The power of chanting mantras is unparalleled. If you recite the "Diamond Sutra" nine thousand times, it is as if ten thousand Buddhas protect the Dharma, because the "Diamond Sutra" is compressed into a mantra of a few hundred words, which is a secret language, a language with infinite power, in order to prevent the world from greedy for this The vast power, Vajrasattva did not spread it easily to the world, but was imprisoned in 【】.To this day, believers in Tibetan secrets still engrave the six-character mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" on the prayer wheel and shake it. Every time they turn a circle, they will recite the scriptures thousands of times, which will accumulate immeasurable merit. Mantra, real language, real... Longwen! What Chu Zihang said was not the word "broken". It was a complete paragraph of Long Wen that took at least tens of seconds to prepare. He compressed it to the extreme. In the eyes of ordinary people, his lips only opened and closed once. , but in fact he completed every pronunciation of Longwen.It was too fast, as fast as firing a gun so neatly that hundreds of bullets left the chamber with only one shot! Is it possible?But he didn't have time to think anymore. He was groping for the "Black Star" bought on the black market in his lower back while facing backwards. Self-defense, because no matter how dangerous the gun is, it is still made by human beings, but the innate ability does not know where it comes from, so he dare not believe it 100%.He had never been forced to use this gun. This was the first time that his natural ability was indeed unreliable. When it failed, the death scythe had already stuck in the back of his neck. The corners of Chu Zihang's eyes twitched slightly, and he had already grasped the little man's wrist. The back of his hand showed a dark iron blue color. With the silent force, the little man's two wrist bones broke at the same time.Chu Zihang threw the unconscious little man away, his hand had completely changed shape, the bones were protruding, the back of the hand was covered with fine iron blue scales, and the nails were covered with sharp claws. A few seconds ago, this place was full of people, but now everyone is lying on the ground, the air is filled with the smell of being burned and a faint smell of blood, everywhere is fog, white, and the end of the corridor cannot be seen. Chu Zihang turned his head and looked at the window behind him. There was only rain but no fog outside the window. He could see Block B of Runde Building through the rain curtain. All the fog is concentrated inside this building. The in-ear intercom was connected, and the janitor on the first floor called anxiously, "Captain! Captain! Report location! Report location!" "Where is that Maybach? Find the driver." Chu Zihang's voice came from the intercom. The janitor who was in charge of the call was stunned for a moment. He couldn't tell if it was Chu Zihang for a moment. The voice should be very similar, but there was no difference.The "A" level student with little expression and the president of the Lionheart Club is actually not a cold person, more like he is not very good at communicating with people. He is a polite Chinese boy and always greets him politely , There is always a unique Chinese humility in his voice. But at this moment, humility and etiquette completely disappeared. Chu Zihang's voice from the walkie-talkie was as hard as steel, without any warmth. It was completely commanding, like an adult tyrant, which made people shudder. "There is no Maybach here. Our van crashed into the building without a driver." The janitor said and looked up, "I don't know what's wrong, there's a lot of fog here..." When the van crashed into the Shunde Building, all the janitors were focused on dealing with possible accidents, and no one noticed the dense fog floating above the high roof.At this moment, the fog is getting thicker and thicker, as if seeping from the plasterboard of the ceiling, and it is slowly pressing down. The concentration of water vapor is surprisingly high, and the so-called things that can be touched are covered with a layer of water film.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and even forgot to cover up. In this situation, people's thinking encountered obstacles. With a "ding", the janitor turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. It was the sound of the elevator.The VIP elevator directly leading to the top floor, the key of that elevator is in the hands of the only merchant on the top floor. It is a mechanical key, and even Norma can’t dispatch that elevator, so Professor Schneider made a plan to reach the top floor through the suspension bridge. the plan of.But now, the elevator lights up, showing that guests have entered, and the floor lights show that it... is going rapidly to the top floor. It's like someone went in, but didn't see him.All eyes are on the van without a driver. Since the appearance of this ghostly van, this building... the world seems to have become a little different. "Don't scare yourself, it's the people on the top floor who control the elevator to come down and seal all the elevator entrances!" said a janitor. "That's right!" Another janitor nodded, "There is no such thing as not being able to see the driver." They are all mixed races with a trace of dragon blood, so they are physically superior. They have all received complete training in the Marine Corps and experienced the baptism of the battlefield, so they will not be easily confused by false appearances. "No... Before this van came in, the floor of this elevator was shown as being on the top floor. It didn't even open the door. It was definitely not someone on the top floor who called the elevator up. There are only three possibilities. First, the elevator program went out. malfunction; second, the person on the top floor made a joke with us, he took the elevator down and up again, forcing the door to not open; third, there is a ghost. Which one do you believe?" a janitor whispered Say. "Damn it!" someone said. "I'm afraid you're right." "No Maybach?" Chu Zihang pressed his forehead hard, and suddenly his head began to hurt, and his headache was about to split. This is not a side effect of bursting blood, this level of bursting blood is not enough to make the blood vessels unable to bear the pressure.He began to be confused about what was real. At that moment, he clearly saw a Maybach below, which was exactly the same as the one many years ago, crashing into the Runde Building, and that scene was clearly imprinted in his mind. With a sound of "Chi", the icy water curtain descended from above, and the fire safety system automatically started spraying water, perhaps because the small-scale Junyan made the system aware of the high temperature. Empty corridors, human figures all over the floor, thick fog, water falling from the sky... Chu Zihang wiped the water on his face, what's going on?It was like standing alone... on a rainy night. "Captain, the elevator is going up, the elevator is going up!" Someone shouted at some point. But Chu Zihang couldn’t hear clearly, and his mind was in chaos. He subconsciously took off the water-soaked earplugs and threw them away (original text), groped the wall to find an exit, the watch was still working, and there were still 2 minutes and 50 minutes left Seconds, he still thinks it's not done.There was a slight voice behind him, he turned his head suddenly, and saw the VIP elevator that could reach any floor, this is the moment it passed the 11th floor - dazzling lights shot out from the gap between the elevator doors, like car headlights bright. "Father..." In a trance, Chu Zihang hoarsely spit out these two words. What's wrong?he does not know.From the appearance of the Maybach, everything around has changed silently. The torrential rain, thick fog, and familiar smells in the air all remind people of the endless elevated road many years ago. .That Maybach is like a knife that can cut through time, splicing the two ends of time and space together. Everything that has appeared in Chu Zihang's dreams over the years, just like this in the Runde Building, in a twisted way way reproduced. He still couldn't confirm it, until when the elevator passed the 11th floor, he clearly smelled the breath coming out of it, that unforgettable smell, just like the man's hands that always smelled of burnt because of frequent smoking. Dead people don't come back to life, do they?Is he really dead?Have you lost him forever?Illusions, these are all illusions, something is wrong, like a trap, cannot be deceived, must regain a clear consciousness as soon as possible!He wanted to yell to remind himself. He didn't want to remind himself... he wants to believe... He knew what he wanted to believe, that night, that accident that made the headlines, that there was no body.One in a thousand, maybe one in ten thousand chance, that man is not dead.Even if it could be smaller...one hundred thousandth...one millionth...or one ten millionth...it doesn't matter, he will believe it. He has already lost him once, there will never be a second time, one in a trillion possible second loss, don't have it! He rushed forward, and the "Exit" sign flashed in a ball of red light. It seemed that someone outside was knocking on the door frantically to rush in. At some point, the knocking on the door had become deafening. Chu Zihang kicked open the door, and in the stairwell, under the pale mercury lamp, those familiar figures, whose faces you would never remember, stood silently, greeted him with expressionless faces, whispered, and The welcome ceremony was exactly the same as before. Chu Zihang tore open the shell of "Flower Express", and he held the knife named "Cun Yu", which should not have existed according to history, in his hand. "One hundred years later, someone actually embarked on the road to becoming a god!" Someone said with a laughing voice in the shadow of the stairwell. Kassel College Headquarters, Central Control Room. "The operation is terminated! The personnel are withdrawn!" Manstein stood up abruptly, "The situation is completely chaotic, and the police will be alarmed if this continues!" "We may not be able to terminate the operation." Schneider grabbed the microphone to prevent the conversation from being overheard by others on the line, "Chu Zihang... has already left the operation plan." "Departure from the plan?" Manstein was stunned. "What is the detachment from the plan?" Schneider pointed to the big screen. On the screen's cross-section of the Runde Building, a red dot flashing at high speed appeared. Move from the bottom up. "This is the signal source I installed on Chu Zihang, we can locate him at any time." Schneider pointed to the light spot on the screen, "He has reached the 15th floor and is still going up"" "Don't you need a key to open the elevator to the top floor?" Manstein said in surprise. "But he's taking the stairs." "Take the stairs? He wants to go from the 11th floor to the 26th floor! Climb the 15th floor?" Guderian became anxious, "There is not enough time to climb the stairs, the police will arrive five minutes after the operation starts. If our people are taken back Ask how to explain? Said that we are good people, and all our actions that are not so legal are to fight against dragons and protect the earth? Ghosts believe it!" "The flickering frequency represents his heartbeat. His heartbeat frequency has reached the limit of 180 beats per minute. His body is undergoing strenuous exercise. With his physical fitness, even if he climbs the stairs at the same speed as the elevator, his heartbeat should not be so fast. .But at the current speed, he will reach the top floor at the same time as the elevator." Schneider's forehead was covered with cold sweat, "I warned you that Chu Zihang cannot cooperate with other people. Therefore, in the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir, I did not consider sending Chu Zihang, who has an advantage in blood, but agreed to send Caesar? The student union headed by Gattuso will be incorporated into the team." He paused, "He doesn't trust anyone from the bottom of his heart, and if there is an accident in the operation, he may deviate from the plan and turn to..." "Turn to what?" Guderian asked. "Trying to get the job done on your own instead." "You mean he is going to invade the top floor to retrieve the materials by himself?" Guderian was taken aback.Their opponent is a group of hunters. It would not be very difficult if they dispatched the elite of the executive department, but when the incident happened suddenly, they dispatched only a student and a janitor. All kinds of accidents and risks have been evaluated, and the responsibilities of each member of the nine-person team were finally determined. Together, these nine people are a machine, and each person is a part. Only by precise cooperation can it run at high speed.But at this moment, a part broke away from the machine, trying to complete the function of the whole machine independently. This part is crazy. "He can do it." Schneider whispered, "If we don't limit the means he uses..." "You installed a signal source on Chu Zihang?" Manstein looked into Schneider's eyes. Schneider slowly looked away, avoiding Manstein's scrutiny, and looked out the window, "You already know his speech, and the college has never accepted a student with such a high concentration of blood. Yes, he His bloodline and language skills are very dangerous, although I am his instructor, I recognize his talent, but I have to monitor him continuously. I installed a signal source on him, but he doesn't know." "Where is it installed?" "One of his molars was filled in the medical department of the college. The source of the signal was implanted in the molar. It was covered with a titanium alloy crown, and X-rays could not show it." "Damn it, a hybrid with such a high purity of dragon blood, with amazingly excellent genes, can actually have tooth decay." Guderian pressed his forehead. "When I learned that he had tooth decay, I felt a little relieved," Schneider sighed softly, "In this way, he is like a human being. Human beings are supposed to be a flawed species that can get sick, suffer from pain, and be cowardly. It seems less than perfect compared to dragon genes, but more real." "Many religions say that God created man in his own image. Man is like God, but not as perfect as God. And the perfect gene is God's gene, God," Manstein said softly, "It is not for man." Guderian nodded, "The dragons think they are gods, and people are sheep that can be slaughtered at will in their eyes. In this way, gods are the enemies of people." "We all understand this," Schneider took a deep breath, and the sound of heavy breathing came from the oxygen mask, making one imagine that his lungs were forcibly stretched like a tattered bellows, "Chu Zihang's The purity of the dragon bloodline is close to 50%, like a motorcycle that is about to break the watch, the high-purity bloodline brings top talent, and makes him more like the dragon clan than others." "For the student I love the most, I also have such scheming, Schneider, you surprised me." Manstein said in a low voice. "Manstein, I heard that you didn't go into the water in the Three Gorges, right, so you haven't been face to face with the real pure-blooded dragons, that 'face-to-face' feeling, like you are facing Death, you two breathe together, you Every breath you inhale is exhaled by Death." After taking a deep breath, Schneider took off his oxygen mask.It was a face that would cause nightmares at a glance. The skin below the eyes was all dead gray, and the flesh and blood on that part were completely dried up, leaving only a layer of skin sticking to the bones. Therefore, he had no nose or lips, and his jet-black two There are two nostrils and exposed front teeth, and the isolated nasal bridge is turned outward, like a thin clown nose. "I know your face is ugly, but I don't know how ugly it is... No wonder you hide under the mask." Guderian couldn't help but tremble. "Are you kidding me? But I can't laugh. Because I still can't get over the feeling of being ... 'face to face' with them. It was like a nightmare. Eleven years ago, under the ice in Greenland," Schneider said , "I have to wear an oxygen mask all the time, because more than 90% of my alveoli are necrotic. I inhaled the air it exhaled, and the temperature was minus 200 degrees. You would never imagine that there is such cold air in the world. Liquefaction. As for this face... In fact, I was famous for being 'handsome' when I entered Kassel College, but that breath caused all the muscles on half of my face to die in an instant, and I touched myself subconsciously The skin peeled off like a piece of paper on my face. The doctor tried their best and only managed to get my tongue back. Schneider put on the oxygen mask again, "Now you understand why I changed from a professor of dragon genealogy to the head of the executive department? For the head of the executive department of Kassel College, all dragons , are all mortal enemies, even though he was once... the closest person!" He turned to Guderian, "Your student Lu Mingfei is the only 'S' student of Kassel College, and his bloodline purity has not been Conclusion, in other words, its danger level has not been confirmed, and you should also set a signal source on him to ensure that he is under our control." "Mingfei? He doesn't need it? No matter how you look at him, he is a harmless and good boy!" Guderian scratched his head, disapproving. Rong Chao hugged the Baleno paper bag and curled up in the corner of the office. The office was also covered in thick fog, and the fire-fighting device sprayed water like crazy.The fire-fighting devices of the entire building are spraying water, turning Block A of Runde Building into a world where water is everywhere.The lights went out, it was pitch black, and the bone-piercing cold invaded Rong Chao's body. Rong Chao's eyes were fixed on the row of numbers that kept flashing, the floor plan of the VIP elevator, this elevator directly leads to his office, and the key is on his waist.He clearly knew that he hadn't opened the elevator, and the elevator went down by itself to pick up someone. No one answered on the 11th floor, and the other floors were also in chaos. Although they are called the Millennium Labor Export Company, they are one of the most elite hunter teams in the East Asia block, but now those who have experienced the storm are all in chaos. Like headless chickens.Rong Chao understood that he took the wrong thing and did the wrong thing. In fact, it would have been better to call earlier to explain the truth. There is no need to have such a big battle to get it back. Rong Chao didn't know that most of his opponents were trapped in the chaotic crowd at the bottom of the business, the only exception was running wildly in the stairwell. He believed that his opponent was calmly going upstairs from the elevator, and as soon as the elevator door opened, Rong Chao would call out lines like "Hero, spare your life" and return the things respectfully. "Just let this damn mission be completely terminated!" Rong Chao roared in his heart.He suddenly felt cold, thinking of that old saying, the mission...finally (original text) will not end! Who said "bye-bye" to him?Goodbye or farewell? The elevator reached the top floor with a "ding" sound, the elevator door opened, and there was no one inside. Rong Chao's pupils were blank for a few seconds, he had no idea what his brain was doing in those few seconds, his thinking was cut off by the scene in front of him.There is no one in the elevator, so who called the elevator down, and what did the elevator come up with?Rong Chao tremblingly stretched out his hand to touch his waist, and the key was indeed still in his waist, so there are only three possibilities, 1, the automatic control system of the elevator is crazy; 2, Rong Chao is crazy; 3, hell. Rong Chao threw down the paper bag and jumped up, desperately running to the rooftop. Fear almost overwhelmed him, and he decided to use the last emergency plan, as long as he could escape from here, he would do anything. He opened one lock after another, and each of those rusty locks took him a few more seconds to open, and then locked behind him. He not only wanted to escape, but also set up obstacles.The only way he knows is from the top floor of Building A to the roof. There is a bridge between the roofs of Building A and Building B for wiring. The bridge can bear the weight of a person.The money Rongchao has earned over the years is enough for him not only to rent the top floor of Block A, but also rent the top floor of Block B, which is always vacant, just waiting for this day. The high-altitude wind is so strong that it can knock him down. Normally, he would not be willing to walk tens of meters high, but now he can run faster than a rabbit.He pounced on the roof of Building B, but he didn't see anyone on the roof of Building A when he turned his head, but he tapped the button without hesitation and broke the hinge in the middle of the thin bridge. If you can't connect, even if you are chasing something invisible, you should fall down and be smashed into meatloaf.Unless he is invisible and can fly, that would be too unreasonable, even if he is a bug character in a superhero movie. Panting roughly, Rong Chao walked through the iron gates again and reached the top floor of Block B.The layout is exactly the same as that on the top floor of Block A. There is a luxurious office, a VIP elevator that directly enters the home, and even the decorations on the table and the Ming-style furniture used for decoration are the same. Occasionally, Rong Chao will come to this office alone. Think about things here, and experience the feeling of being isolated from the world and others not being able to find him.In fact, he left more things here, such as photos. After all, that office still has to entertain guests, so it is not convenient to put personal things. He tapped the button of the elevator vigorously. The elevator had not been used for a long time and was on the first floor. At this moment, the fire protection device was fully activated, and the public power supply was cut off. He could only get up through the backup power supply, which made him anxious. He turned his head and looked at Block A through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows... He couldn't believe his eyes, under the dark sky, in the pouring rain, a black figure stepped on the void, walking towards him step by step. On a starless night, the black sky engulfed his figure. what is this?Spider-Man?Lingyun Feibu?A ghost body not controlled by gravity?Rong Chao felt that he was going crazy. The shadow was still holding the Baleno paper bag in his hand, and he stretched out his hands in the air and shook them gently, as if he was doing a stunt of walking high. 荣超忽然明白了,那不是什么特别的技巧,只是一个胆子大到不可思议的人和一份绝佳的平衡性,他中断了桥不假,但是通过桥的那根电缆还在,黑影是从电缆上走过来的! 电梯正在上升,荣超最后的希望是那层坚固的玻璃,顶层采用的玻璃和下面不一样,双层经过强化可以抗风,就算是抓起椅子砸上去也要好几下才能砸破,黑影悬空无从借力。那个黑影已经贴在玻璃上了,背后一道闪电劈下,荣超看不清他的脸,死死地靠在电梯边的墙上。 黑影按在玻璃上的手心里出现了暗蓝色的微光,仿佛一个液体小球在失重的坏境里滚动。以那点微光为中心,玻璃像是蜡遇见火那样轻易地融化了。 玻璃的熔点是多少度?怎么能融化玻璃?荣超已经来不及思考了,黑影跃入办公室,身上散发出仿佛实质的压力,狠狠地压在荣超的身上,压得他几乎喘不过气来。 他必须打破这种被死死压住的僵局,他猛地摘下鼻梁上的墨镜,向着对方投掷过去。 不知道对方手里藏着什么利刃,只是轻轻地一挥,空气仿佛被撕裂,风声尖锐,那副墨镜被生生地断成几截,落在地毯上。 荣超瞪大了眼睛,竭尽全力把眼睛睁到最大,漆黑的屋子里,仿佛亮起了两盏金色的灯。 这是荣超的最后的秘密,他异乎常人的能力,在集中精神的时候,他的瞳孔会变成诡异的金色,仿佛蜥蜴或是蛇的眼睛,放射的金色细纹像是血丝那样遍布眼球表面。 他不知道这种能力从何而来,跟某些猎人相比,这个能力根本算不上什么,但是荣超直视他们的眼睛时,都能慑服对方。金色的瞳孔里像是藏着古老的魔神,把敢不服从的猎人压得屈膝跪下。 荣超轻易不愿意让人知道这种能力,但当他使用这种能力的时候,他的信心无与伦比! 对方缓缓抬起了头,十倍于荣超的金色目光在黑暗里仿佛两盏金色的灯。同样是黄金瞳,却带着压倒性的力量优势! 荣超战栗着跪下,像是古代的臣子觐皇帝。 一只冰冷的手捏住了荣超的脖子,巨大的力量让他的颈骨处在开裂的边缘,荣超从那只手上感觉不出任何人类的体温。他想自己这次真的要死了,眼前那双金黄色的瞳孔里一片冰冷,没有任何怜悯。颈骨发出咔咔的怪响,荣超从未想过原来听着自己的脖子断掉是这样的……可怖! 对方的手忽然松动了,手的触感也在一瞬间变化,从钢铁变成了人类的皮肤。 黑影缓缓地松开手,一步步后退,最后站在距离荣超五米远的地方。这一次荣超看清楚了,那是个20岁上下的年轻人,一身联邦快递的制服,手里提着一柄造型古怪的日本刀,浑身都湿透了,低垂眼帘遮住了可怕的黄金瞳。 楚子航指了指荣超旁边的相片,“谁?” 荣超扭头一看,是张再普通不过的照片,荣超大学毕业的时候和老爹的合影。那个老实巴交的农民觉得儿子大学毕业是件大事,特意跑进城参加毕业典礼。荣超他们学校穿学士服拍照是收费的,但是可以印上红字,荣超老爹要印的是,“1994年07月,儿荣超大学毕业,父字。”其实不要那行字也能看出来,荣超和他父亲很像,照片上两个人勾肩搭背。 荣超都快记不得这张照片了,他还保留着,因为他有点念旧,而老爹的照片原本就不多。 “不用告诉我,我能看出来。”楚子航摆了摆手。他知道自己差点杀了荣超,在爆血之前,他已经把荣超记为敌人,爆血的副作用就是,会对视为敌人的人毫无保留地攻击。 “千禧劳务输出公司,荣超?”楚子航问,“我的任务是取回资料,”楚子航提起手中湿透的纸袋,“其他的事情不在我的任务里,我不会伤害你,你不用担心。”他顿了顿,“我只有一个问题问你……电梯里出来的人是谁?” “空……空的,电梯里,”荣超吞了口唾液,“是空的。” 楚子航点了点头,他并不担心荣超欺骗他,在黄金瞳的对峙中失败之后,荣超还被他血统的余威所控制,不会说出假话来。其实按照道理,电梯里确实就不该有人,即便那种熟悉的气味是那么的清晰。 电梯到达顶楼,楚子航走了进去,电梯门关闭的时候,荣超背后沉重的古董钟轰鸣起来,木雕的猫头鹰从树洞里蹿了出来。荣超忽然想到雇主最后给他的指示,晚上7:00,有快递来取走资料,提示中那个取快递的人……就是楚子航。 从一开始,这些都在任务之中,他软软地瘫在地上。 “医院么?润德大厦A座,有暴力事件,15人受伤,其中6人需要救护车,需要血浆和镇痛剂,没有生命危险。”楚子航挂断电话,仰头看了一眼雨中的润德大厦,钻进车牌遮挡起来的Panamera,此刻警车的警笛声已经从东边铺天盖地地卷来了。 “晚上7:00,五分钟,任务完成!”曼施坦因看了一眼腕表,“施奈德,你说的不错,他是个天才,他完全有能力独立完成这项任务,而不需要任何人的配合。在学生中,他执行任务的能力是最强的,即使凯撒?加图索也无法和他相比。” “对于追求'最强'的学生来说,世上只有'及格'和'不及格'两种成绩,而只有'最强'才是及格的,其他都不及格。”施奈德擦了擦额头上的汗,长长地出了口气,并没有任何欣慰的表情,“这也是他最大的缺点。” “但我实在无法祝贺你培养出这样一个优秀的学生,”曼施坦因摇了摇头,“他完全不可控,从行动开始的1分50秒后他就完全脱离了计划,直到5分钟的时候他带着资料返回报告。我们不清楚在这3分10秒内他做了些什么,还有他造成的大量受伤事件……这次我们的善后工作可不轻松……当然,还有财务巨亏,你们知道善后有多花钱么?” “好在资料完整无缺地回来了,还是值得庆祝,”古德里安说,“不过这份资料有那么重要么?听起来不过是美国军方《UFO蓝皮书》一类的东西,不过是捕风捉影,中国人也没很看重它。” “不知道,没人知道。这分资料的级别是'SS',据我所知,这是校董给予的顶级编号,他们对此志在必得。校董会的要求,即便是校长也无法回绝。否则我们也不会那么急切地调动楚子航执行夺回任务,我们不能等。”施奈德说。 “没人能拒绝那些家伙,在还没有卡塞尔学院的时候,秘党的权力就是掌握在'长老会'的手中。学院成立之后,长老们则以学校董事的名义出现。”曼施坦因说,“他们掌握着学院的全部财政,以学院名义展开的各项任务,很多都出于校董会的直接授意,很多人认为卡塞尔学院只有路明非一个'S'级,事实上,每个校董都拥有'S'级权限,他们的血统纯度则都是绝密。” “校董们正在意大利开会吧?”施奈德问。 “是的,”曼施坦因点头,“听说还把凯撒?加图索召去列席会议。” “召一个学生列席校董会?”古德里安吃了一惊,“我作为教授可连校董们是谁都不知道呢!” “这很正常,没有人知道校董们都是谁,我不知道,施奈德估计也不知道。校董们不会轻易现身,如果他们来找你了,说明他们非常需要你。”曼施坦因说,“被校董会需要,可是份殊荣。” 凯撒·加图索靠在一根大理石柱,悠闲地喝着一杯矿泉水,看着那些昂贵的豪华车接二连三地开出Spiendid酒店的大门,最后是那辆山地车。看着骑车人扭动屁股出力地蹬车,凯撒不由得笑出声来。 “很有趣么?”老人悄无声息站在凯撒的背后,加图索家族在校董会上的代言人,凯撒的叔叔。 “对于卡塞尔学院里的普通人而言,校董都是高高在上的大人物,很多人都不知道还有这么个校董会在幕后掌握这权利。但我的拒绝让这次校董会没有任何结果地完了。让你们这些大人物白跑一趟。看着你们一无所获地离开,有的人还要扭动屁股,就觉得很好玩。”凯撒耸耸肩。 “凯撒,今天你让家族在校董会颜面扫地”。 “叔叔,你知道么?我一直都在忍,忍着不说话,我一直在想我说出“我拒绝”三个字的时候,你的脸上会是什么表情,憋得我都要笑出来了。”凯撒扭头,督了老人一眼,带着微笑。 “你是加图索家族几百年以来罕见的天才,你的血统,你的天赋,都是第一流的。你也渴望这成为领袖,而且一直以来都很努力。”老人度步上前,和凯撒并肩而立,“家族认为你毫无疑问讲成为新一代混血种的领袖,知道楚子航和路明非的出现,阻碍了你的道路。我们不希望所谓的“超A”级和“S”级对你造成威协,你毫无疑问是最优秀的,不该有人的评级在你之上,家族利用自己的影响力,推倒“尼柏龙根”是要确保你获得最好的培养。你难道不喜欢? “我的血统?”不不,叔叔,你大概忘了一些事,加图索高贵的血统,我只继承了一般,还有一般血统来自一个卑贱的姓氏,卑贱的·····”凯撒顿了顿,脸上的笑容消失了,“古尔薇格”。 “是因为你的父亲啊,”老人摇摇头,“看来我们之间的误解很深啊,对加图索家族而言,你的母亲古尔薇格的血统确实说不上高贵。她和你父亲的婚姻,也没有被家族祝福,但是她遗留给你的血统却一点都不卑贱,恰恰相反,你被整个家族认可为血统最优秀的后(不会打)。你的天资已经证明了这一点。” “一个出身卑微的女人,嫁给血统高贵的丈夫,生下了孩子,然后她死了,丈夫的家人鄙夷她的血统,却认可混合了她血统的孩子。”凯撒耸了耸肩。“这个古时就像是,没有人喜欢猪,因为他们很脏,但是它死了,人们却会选择最嫩的猪排切下来,让米其林三星的大厨煎好。配上松茸和羊肚菌。盛在一尘不染的瓷盘里,因银质的托盘捧上去。” 老人沉吟了片刻,“凯撒,非要用这样怨毒的口气说话么?你父亲的死和家族无关,她的葬礼安排在威斯敏斯特大教堂,教皇亲自主持,整个都出席了,五百人的唱诗班,几千人来观礼,送的白玫瑰堆成小山那样高。她的灵魂已经安息了,关于她的一切都已经借宿。你还纠结于她的死而否认加图索家族成员的身份么?” “世系龙血的家族,我们中会有什么人在意教皇主持的葬礼?你是跟我开玩笑么?”凯撒冷笑。 “这是哀荣,这样高规格的葬礼,每个人都知道她是加图索家族的女主人,家族给了她荣耀,以回报她对家族的贡献。”老人说,“凯撒,你就是她对家族的贡献,想一想,那个女人,她一辈子留下来的东西只有你,如果她真的有灵,难道她不希望你获得震惊世界的成功么?尼柏龙根计划是家族为你量身打造,是一份高额的馈赠,你如果拒绝,也会伤你母亲的心。” “叔叔,你在开玩笑了”凯撒笑着,低头桡了桡额角,他忽然抬起头,他的表情全变了,很少人见过他的这张脸,笑容薄而凉,瞳孔里像是结着冰。“她死的时候,已经看不见,也听不见了,”凯撒轻轻举起右手。“我只能握住她的手告诉她我在她身边。”他修长的手慢慢蜷曲,握拳,骨节发出轻微的爆响,他紧紧地握拳,“我不敢松开她的收,因为我想那是多可怕啊,你看不见,也听不见,如果没有人握着你的手,你会觉得这世界上只有你一个人,一片漆黑里····只有你一个人。家族给予的哀荣,她根本不知道,那个时候,世界和她之间唯一的联系,只是从我手心里传过去的温度。”他耸了耸肩,“而那是,我慷慨而有力的家族在做什么呢?我作为商业领袖的父亲在那里?作为家族领袖的叔叔,你又在那里?” “对于医生已经宣布死亡的人,你指望我们做什么呢,凯撒?”老人摊了摊手。 “对于你们等待已久结果,你们自然乐意静静地看着它发生。”凯撒望着远处波涛起伏的热那亚湾,乌云正翻滚着聚集在海涛上空,色泽沉重如铅块。 “真是任性,你的心底就认定你父亲的死是家族一手造成的么?”老人摇头,“家族为什么要伤害一名假如加图索家的尊贵女性呢?” “算了,叔叔,不用试图说服我,你从小看着我长大的,我是一个什么样的人你很清楚,我认定的事情,不会轻易改变。” 老人幽幽地叹了口气,“凯撒,家族选择你,就是因为你的自信。但是你得明白,自信并不是成功的一切。黑王或者白王。都已经消失在历史里了,人类杀死所有龙族四大君主之后,龙族的时代就彻底结束了。那时候我们混血种将会是世界上最优秀的族群,我们远比人类优秀,又掌握言灵和炼金学,我们也懂科学,而我们的敌人都死了。那是世界的格局都要重新改写,就像大航海时代,就像工业革命,历史会迎来变革,涌现为人,他们都会是混血种。而你,要成为他们中的领袖。”老人微微眯起眼睛,“这很不容易,楚子航或者路明非,可能都有实力和你竞争,而家族的力量会帮助你,你将成为···皇帝!” 老人的声音低沉嘶哑,却透着狡黠的诱惑,仿佛伊甸园的蛇对亚当和夏娃说,“吃那树上的果实,你将与神比肩。” “是的,皇帝。别幼稚,凯撒。你以为在几千年里,混血种付出巨大代价,不断对抗龙族只为了公义么?不,这是一场权力之争,龙族之后,世界的权柄将毫无疑问地属于混血种。而加图索家族几百年里期待的,就是一个血统绝佳的后代,能够掌握庞大的权利,成为君王般的人,左右世界的走向!现在你明白家族对你的馈赠是什么了吧?是整个世界的走向!你会成为书写世界历史的人,就像历史上的凯撒大帝。”老人盯着凯撒的眼睛,“你要拒绝这份馈赠么?” 凯撒低头看着自己手中玻璃杯,长久地沉默。 “凯撒,你还有机会再选择一次,只要你同意,家族会召开下一次校董会,重新把尼伯龙根计划提上日程。这个计划将培养出终结龙族的领袖。那以后,他将成为整个世界的领袖。这是很多人梦寐以求的机会。现在家族摔到你面前,请你接受它。”老人微笑,“你要明白,家族虽然在校董会有话语权,但是校董会并不被家族掌握,为了对抗即将苏醒的龙王门,尼伯龙根计划的启动是早晚的事,如果人选不是你,那么就会是楚子航或者路明非,一旦他们成为候选人,你就会在和他们的竞争中节节落后。机会,是永远不会为一个人长久地等待的。” “就像这个被子?”凯撒举起手中的玻璃杯。 " “杯子?”老人皱眉。 “叔叔,你说的家族,到底是个什么东西?”凯撒看着老人,难得地认真。 “家族,是因为血统而凝聚的团体,由留着加图索家血液的人组成,我们所有人合在一起,就是加图索家族,分散开,家族就消失了。家族爱每一个成员,也期望每一个成员以同等的爱来回报它。” “可我眼力,家族这东西,根本就就是某些人臆想出来的东西。以它的名义,来确立自己的权力,家族的血管里流淌的,是权欲。如果我接受家族的馈赠,我就想这个被子,”凯撒晃着玻璃杯,其中清澈的谁摇荡,“被子里盛的,就是权欲。家族把它的权欲赋予我,让我去掌握权力。但是有一天”凯撒仰头喝干了杯中的谁,“杯中的水没有了,杯子也就失去了意义,那时候,杯子就会被放弃” 他把玻璃杯扔在地上,“砰”的一声巨响,粉白色的玻璃渣四溅。 “凯撒,你想的太多了。”沉默了片刻,老人叹了口气。 “难道不是这样么?”凯撒冷笑,“我会代替家族掌握权力?你们只是需要傀儡而已,就像你们需要我的母亲,你们要用她的血统和生育的能力,在你们眼力她只是一个适合孕育优质后代的子宫!当这个子宫把孩子生下来,就像一个被子把里面的水倒空,它就再也没有意义了,随时可以扔出去摔碎。” “家族爱它的每个孩子!”老人神色冷峻。 “家族只是使用它的每个孩子!”凯撒以同样的冷峻回敬,如果我知道这次列席是家族的安排。我根本就不会来。 " 沉默了很久,老人长长地叹了口气,”要建立一份仇恨只需一瞬间,要建立一份爱则要很长时间。凯撒,你还太年轻,总有一天,你会明白所谓“家族的爱”。我这次来,带来你父亲的一封信。本来希望在为尼伯龙根计划庆祝的时候交给你”老人从怀里摸出了一直信封,封口用红色的火漆烫印着加图索的家徽,“对于你喜欢的人,家族和你父亲都知道,但遗憾的是,她和你父亲古尔薇格一样,血统不符合家族的要求。按照道理,血统是家族通选新娘的绝对标准,但家族不希望你母亲的悲别重演,你的父亲愿意为你而修改规则。”老人顿了顿,“家族会破例批准你和陈墨瞳的婚约,你们的婚约将得到家族祝福。” 凯撒低着头,沉思了很久,忽然笑了笑,扭头看着老人,“你们觉得这样的提议足够显示你们的慷慨了,是吧?” “但我已经不耐烦了,带着你的提议和你的家族,”他咬住舌尖,以突出一口浓痰的力量喷出了凶狠的一个字。 "roll!" 老人默默地看着凯撒踩着玻璃渣走向圆廊的尽头,直到背后传来从容的脚步声。 “昂热”?老人扭头。 “看来你和凯撒的谈话进行得不太愉快。”昂热校长挑了挑眉。 “年轻人总是喜欢叛逆。但是他们会渐渐长大而明白道理。”老人淡淡地说。 “我是来通知你的,校董会要的那件级别为“SS”的资料,已经被中国的专员取回了,那名专员的名字是楚子航”,昂热轻描淡写地说,“他在这次行动中表现出远超其他学院的出色能力,被执行部的叫兽们一致看好,很快那件东西就会被送回学院本部。” “这是好消息”。老人点了点头。 “我得提醒你,为了迎接龙王们的苏醒的高潮,我们必须培养新一代的领袖任务。尼伯龙根计划的开展只是迟早的事,虽然在加图索家族的提议下,凯撒被列为第一候选人,但如果他执意拒绝,学院并不会坐等他。能够和他竞争的候选人有资格的。还有楚子航。”昂热卫校。 老人的脸色微微变化。很快恢复了平静。“凯撒,一定会同意的!” 楚子航关闭了Panamera的引擎,车灯随之熄灭,车库里一片黑暗。 他在黑暗中默默地坐了一会儿,重新换上黑色瞳的隐形眼镜,而后打开了后备箱的门。后备箱里是他的网球服包,包里有一套还没有打开的网球服。 楚子航把身上的联邦快递制服脱了下来,换上了那套网球服,在镜子前把头发弄乱,就着水龙头弄湿双手,在地上沾了沾灰尘,在胸口抹了抹。这样对着镜子看来,他下午确实在网球场撒谎那个摸爬滚打了一番。 他走出车库的时候,草坪的隐藏式喷水管从地下升起,旋转着洒水。已经7:30了,家里的草坪每天都是7:30准点喷水。 楚子航直接穿越草坪走过,任凭水洒在他的裤子上,没什么可在乎的,在这个暴风雨的夜晚,他回到家就该是湿透的。现在他只想走一条笔直的路线,用最少的时间进入客厅,而后去二层自己的房间。他剩下的体力不多了,大概还能支撑着走上几百米,要慎用仅存的体力。 客厅的灯亮着。但显然“爸爸”不在家。“爸爸”不在家是个常态,确实那辆奔驰S级也不在车库里,妈妈那辆宝马倒是在,可是这个时候她不该正跟那帮阿姨在什么酒吧里喝那种渗红茶和绿茶的威士忌,大声说笑麽? 楚子航推开门,妈妈裹着一床薄毯蜷缩在沙发里。这个女人总是这样,睡相狼狈,昂贵的丝绸睡裙上全是皱褶,倒像是缠着一张抹布,开气的地方整条大腿暴露在外面,那床薄毯却被她抱在怀里,像是小孩睡觉喜欢抱个娃娃。 屋里瑟瑟的凉,空调吹着冷风,温度还是楚子航走前设的,可那是阳光炽烈的上午,现在是暴雨忽降的晚上,难怪这女人把毛毯抱得那么紧。 楚子航经过沙发时停步,默默地看了她一秒钟,闻到一股浓重的酒味。楚子航随手扯了扯毯子,把她暴露出的身体盖上,转身上楼,直接进了二楼的卫生间。 他轻手轻脚地把门插上,又检查了一遍锁,确认不会有人突然闯进来。而后他的呼吸突然急促起来,无力地靠在门上,一手夹紧腰间,一手把湿透的T恤扒了下来。右下腹上压着一层层的纸巾,下面的伤口已经有点结痂了,但是一动又裂开,小股鲜血沿着身体一直往腿上流。他从吊柜里拿出医药箱,从里面找到了破伤风的疫苗、碘酒和绷带。
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