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Chapter 22 Chapter Nineteen Night Yin should feel the moonlight cold

Charm Moon 步非烟 6079Words 2018-03-12
With a smug smile floating in the Dream Demon's eyes, Li Xuan suddenly understood! The succubus made him see the killing scene in his dream, not because he was chosen as the succubus' substitute, but because the succubus made everyone think he was a substitute.But this is just a trick of the succubus.The only purpose of this strategy is to make everyone think that the Dream Demon only killed those people that Li Xuan had dreamed about. Actually, of course not.The dream demon must have killed someone earlier, but Li Xuan didn't dream of it. Therefore, when Li Xuan discussed with old man Ziji to catch the succubus before the last person was killed, in fact the succubus had already collected enough souls and was resurrected.

Li Xuan felt annoyed for a while, but he had to admire the ingenuity of the Dream Demon's scheme.There are many dragons and phoenixes in Zhongnan Mountain, but no one has seen through the succubus' tricks! The Dream Demon looked at him coldly, and said flatly: "I said before, when I first escaped from the seal, I was just a ghost with no power whatsoever. Not to mention that I couldn't kill people, even self-protection was far from enough. If there is no help from others, I'm afraid it would have disappeared long ago. Do you want to know who helped me?" Of course Li Xuan wanted to know!But looking at the sarcasm eyes of the succubus, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart!

Under the reflection of the crimson crescent moon, the Dream Demon's mouth curled into a bewitching smile, and he slowly uttered a name: "Su Youlian." Li Xuan staggered back, his face became extremely pale. Although he had already guessed this conclusion from the succubus' expression, when the succubus really said it, he still couldn't bear the shock.A sense of weakness hit him, and he fell to the ground, speechless for a long time. "She hid me in her dream, helped me kill people, and recovered my magic power. She only asked me for one thing, because she knew that only I could fulfill her wish without disturbing Old Ziji .That is--"

"kill you." Li Xuan was at a loss for a while. Although he realized in his dream that Su Youlian wanted to kill himself, it was just a dream.Although he saw Su Youlian wanting to kill himself in the illusion, it was just an illusion. But now, it is reality. Cold reality. The Dream Demon looked at him who was almost in despair with great interest, and said softly, "Should I fulfill this contract and kill you for her?" Li Xuan was speechless, for a long time, he asked awkwardly: "What did you do to her?" Dream Demon: "Nothing. You know, although I am a demon, I take promises very seriously. I will definitely do what I promised her. Before I do it, I will not hurt her."

Li Xuan relaxed a bit, and the Dream Demon said leisurely: "But whether she will hurt me, I don't know, and I can't intervene." Li Xuan's body shook. He could see Su Youlian's shock when he saw his soul pearl.He only hoped that Su Youlian would not regard his last knife suicide as fulfilling her wish. How much he wanted to explain to her that it was a dream created by the succubus. In this dream, all emotions would be exaggerated, and all actions would lose the restraint of reason.The faintest ripple buried deepest in the human heart will also become a bone-eroding crack...

——But what if these are true? ——What will be the result?Li Xuan didn't even dare to think about it! The Dream Demon interpreted it for him: "Tell me, should she commit suicide in joy, or in regret?" Li Xuan's face was ashamed! The succubi's wings fluttered slightly, drawing dreamlike dark halos in the air.He waited for Li Xuan's answer, appreciating the almost hopeless fear. This is such a delicious taste, often let him linger. Li Xuan slowly stood up straight. If he can't figure something out, his choice is not to think too much about it. "With your devil's character, you are willing to stay, absolutely not to keep your promise, nor to talk nonsense to me. Mister Dream Demon, what is your purpose?"

The flying wings of the Dream Demon paused, and he looked at Li Xuan in surprise. "Your power of observation is so sharp, even I can't help but admire you." "Yes, the real purpose of my stay is not these, but him." His wings slowly lifted up, and the thick and long wings flew all over the sky, turning into long black ropes, binding a person messily. A bloody, comatose person. He had obviously gone through an extremely hard battle, the emerald white clothes on his body were all torn, large and small scars covered his supposedly perfect body, his long pale golden hair had lost its luster, and he was in a state of desperation. Pile up on the ground.His face was hidden in the gloomy night, only the vermilion crescent moon between his eyebrows was still shining faintly.

Blood kept dripping from the center of the crescent moon, flowing all over his body. The Dream Demon stretched out his hands and stroked him gently. It's like touching an extremely rare art treasure. Li Xuan couldn't help being surprised and said: "Long Mu?" He was extremely shocked, he really didn't expect that the target left by the Dream Demon at the risk of being discovered by Old Zi Ji was actually Long Mu! The Dream Demon smiled faintly, and Li Xuan's heartstrings couldn't help but another shock. Under the faint moonlight, what he saw were two identical faces.

The Dream Demon and Long Mu were born exactly the same! Especially when the crimson moon was born between Long Mu's eyebrows, he was almost indistinguishable from the succubus.Even with Li Xuan's keen eyesight, he couldn't tell any difference! Even the lines at the corners of the eyes are as precise as a knife carving, there is absolutely no difference. The only difference is their hair, one is blond, light golden; the other is black, pitch black.In addition, the wings on the back of the succubus became a unique sign. A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Xuan's heart, and he shouted: "I understand, he is your chosen substitute!"

Dream Demon: "Yes, he is not only my substitute, but also my reincarnation. But before he was born, I planted a seal in the depths of his soul. This seal is so secret that even the Great Sun Supreme Being can't know it. , I can only speculate that he will have a great catastrophe in the future. As long as this seal still exists, he is mine, and sooner or later I will find him and take his body—resurrect me.” His slender fingers brushed Long Mu's cheek lightly, walking on his skin: "This seal will whisper in his heart, telling him his true identity. But he will never hear clearly What is this whisper, so he will hesitate and be afraid, but he will never know what he is afraid of. One day, he will see me, and then, he will never be afraid again. "

"I won't be afraid anymore... This is your fate, and it is also the reason why you came to this world." Li Xuan felt a chill in his heart. He suddenly understood why Long Mu was so rebellious.As the prince of the Tianzhu Kingdom, the disciple of the Great Sun Supreme One among the three great immortals, why did he leave such deep wounds because of his elder brother and the Great Sun Supreme Being. In fact, what he cares about is not what others think of him, nor the shadow cast by his brother and Da Rizhi.What he has been afraid of is this whisper in his heart that he can never hear clearly. Because he understands that one day, he will lose everything he has and become nothing.No matter how hard he tried, it was useless.All of this was like a doomed fate, which made him unable to resist. That's why he is manic, extreme, and sensitive. Suddenly he deeply sympathized with this foreign prince.That was so pitiful, even more pitiful than himself. The Dream Demon caressed Long Mu gently, his slender eyes pierced through layers of night, and stared at Li Xuan: "I also want to thank you, if it weren't for your outstanding performance, which shattered the peacock feathers, I would still not be able to break through the big hole." The Sunshine Barrier occupies his body." Li Xuan smiled bitterly: "Is this the original purpose of your arranging this final dream battle?" Dream Demon: "That's right!" His hands slowly raised: "In order to reward you, I decided to let you see with your own eyes how I merged with him. At that time, I will truly be resurrected. Not only will I recover all my original magic power, but I will also inherit all my magic powers." All the relics of the Rizhi Venerable. How terrible will I be at that time? I don’t even know it myself!” He smiled triumphantly, and raised his hands suddenly! The red moon between his eyebrows suddenly brightened.At the same time, the moon marks on the center of Long Mu's brows also lit up fiercely.The two streams of red light, like blood, shone brighter and brighter, gradually converging together.The black wings of the succubus fluttered wildly. It was like launching a grand ceremony on the black sky. The shadows cast by the wings were crazy and messy, like countless ropes, binding Li Xuan tightly.Even if he wasn't hurt, he wouldn't be able to move an inch. He could only watch helplessly as the red light gradually intensified, mixed with the dancing black wings, and bloomed into a huge black and red monsterous lotus. He watched as the succubus' body gradually turned into a pale shadow, becoming one with Long Mu.Long Mu frowned tightly. Even in a coma, he seemed to feel the fear of despair. His body trembled slightly, as if he was still trapped in the nightmare woven by the succubus. Li Xuan asked suddenly: "Mr. Dream Demon, if you die, can you save those people?" Dream Demon: "Of course. As long as I die, everyone will be saved. Including him." Li Xuan smiled: "Cut!" The Dream Demon's heart suddenly moved!He realized something was wrong, but he couldn't dodge it!Because his body has turned into a shadow, almost entering Long Mu's body.This is the moment before he will be truly resurrected, and it is also his most vulnerable moment! A great scythe crossed the sky, but there was no light.The sickle seemed to flicker faintly, and then returned to nothingness.But the Dream Demon let out a shrill scream! The shadow he turned into was cut in half from it. Together with his wings, they were also cut by the sickle, and the half wrapped around Long Mu fell from the air and scattered all over the ground. The hiss of the succubus was full of anger and despair, but he didn't dare to rush forward. A withered old woman was carrying a huge sack, hunched over, standing in front of Li Xuan.In her hand she held a huge scythe that did not match her figure. The Dream Demon stopped suddenly and stared at the old woman resentfully. Tian Jie's mother-in-law sighed, and said: "Mo Shuang, don't blame me, I really don't want to be your enemy, but the conditions he offered are really tempting. I can't refuse. In fact, you should be the most to blame , why did you wake up the old woman?" The Dream Demon suddenly trembled all over, his rage was almost uncontrollable, but he knew that he, who was seriously injured, was definitely no match for Granny Tianjie.He suddenly smiled. He bowed gracefully: "Then see you later." "Remember, I will definitely come back and take back what belongs to me." His shadow suddenly became very faint again, and the moon in the sky suddenly shone brightly, engulfing him. Li Xuan shouted: "Kill him!" Grandma Tianjie didn't move at all.Li Xuan yelled loudly, and Tianjie's mother-in-law said: "Young people, don't be so impulsive. If the dream demon is so easy to kill, Jun Qianshang would have killed him long ago. If you want to kill him, go to Qingliang Moon Palace to find him gone." Li Xuan: "Qingliang Moon Palace? Where is it?" Granny Tianjie: "Don't try to be sloppy. The things you asked the old woman to sell are very interesting, and the old woman has written them down. After three years, the old woman will come to pick them up. If you want to renege on your debt, the old woman will take your last soul pearl. " "Let's do it for ourselves." After finishing speaking, Tian Jie's mother-in-law suddenly disappeared.It's hard for her to run so fast with such a big bag on her back. Li Xuan scratched his head, not knowing what to do for a moment. Although the succubus temporarily disappeared, it was not eliminated after all.As long as Long Mu is still in Moyun Academy, it may come back at any time to take away his resurrected substitute. Li Xuan didn't quite understand the words of Granny Tianjie's words. Go to Qingliang Moon Palace to find the succubus? The succubus must be found, but where is the Qingliang Moon Palace?Li Xuanming thought hard, his frowning brows slowly opened. The moon in the sky is so round, and the cold light is extremely beautiful.There are three more days, and it will be Zhongqiu. Before that, let's calm down for now. Su Youlian hugged her shoulders tightly and sat on the cold ground. She couldn't control herself and couldn't help shaking.Her eyes were empty, filled with deep despair. And regret. She watched Li Xuan die in front of her helplessly. "Will you be happy after I die?" She would have been happy, because she would have had her own love.That used to be her extravagant wish for a thousand years.But now, why is she in tears? Why did she feel that she had lost the most precious thing? Could she be like Li Xuan who would rather sacrifice her life to protect one thing? And that thing was her. She held her wrist tightly until blood stains appeared on her skin. Suddenly she jumped up. She wants to find Li Xuan, she wants to find him, and tell him that she doesn't want any love anymore, she just needs to stay by his side, even if it's only for a moment, even if it's only for a moment, even if he only loves her for a moment, even if she loves her immediately She will be smashed to pieces, she has no regrets. She ran out frantically. An old sigh resounded, and Su Youlian's body suddenly became in a trance.She seemed to have entered another world, her body was still in the air, motionless. A figure quietly appeared in front of her. He had a long beard, was short in stature, and wore simple clothes. He looked inconspicuous at all, like an old man who was tired from traveling in the mountains. But he is the leader of Hinayana Buddhism in Xueyu, the first person in Tibetan Buddhism, Master Xueyin. His eyes looked at Su Youlian lightly. There seemed to be snow in his eyes, falling secretly.It seemed to be an endless mandala dojo, with compassion and pity. Su Youlian's body fell slowly, like a piece of snow, falling towards this cold world.Her heart has also become cold. She knew that the only purpose of Xueyin's appearance was to harvest.Harvest the mission he entrusted to her. But how can she accomplish her mission? When she saw that Li Xuan would rather give up her life and return to the darkness than give up on her, how would she kill him? How to kill him when he says "Will you be happy after I die?" Su Youlian's tears fell one after another, and every drop turned into a piece of snow, which drifted away in the cold night. Master Xueyin was like a mountain standing in front of her.A majestic and solemn snow mountain.She didn't dare to disobey this mountain, but now, she couldn't care less, she knelt down in front of Xueyin, and hissed: "Master! I can't kill him!" "I would rather not look for any love. I would rather be alone on the snow field forever. I don't want anything. I just beg you, don't kill him!" "The Dragon Emperor has already been born, and the world's catastrophe is unavoidable; Li Xuan is so ordinary, what can he influence? Please, Master, let him go!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, almost pleading with her own blood. There was one sentence that she didn't say. If love is given to me, why not him. Xueyin looked at her quietly. It's like watching a moth fly towards a fire. Knowing that the ray of light would destroy him and turn him into ashes, he still rushed towards it without hesitation.Just for that moment of warmth?Or is it because it has been cold for too long? He didn't answer, just raised his hand.When the wide robe sleeves were waved, a sheet of snow shone down. Are the ashes flying one after another, or the ashes after the bones were burnt? There is devastation everywhere, and there is only one color left in the world, which is dead gray, cold dead gray. Mountains, rivers, trees, city walls, and towers have all become ruins, and the corpses of people or beasts, demons, or immortals are piled up in disorder. In the sky, there is a group of deep blue, shining on the whole earth.It seems that the sky opened its eyes and stared at the misery of the world.It also seems to be the ultimate power in this world, wanting to destroy this world. Among the ashes of the catastrophe, under the intense blue sky, is the last person left in this world.They surround a man with all their strength, believe in him, support him. This person is surrounded by dragons, and the flames are soaring to the sky. His body is full of domineering, and the four-pole free sword is held high in his hand, pointing directly at the sky. Even the power of the gods can't make him back down in the slightest! Ashes danced around him, like burnt snow. Like blood that doesn't feel the weight. It's like a heart that has been cut out and dried into pieces. Gradually, this person's face slowly approached, and it was reflected in Su Youlian's eyes.Su Youlian couldn't help but scream! The snow light suddenly exploded. Su Youlian staggered back. She leaned against a dead tree, feeling that all the strength in her body was exhausted. Even if she took one more step, she would die. She looked at Xueyin in horror, as if she was begging. Begging Xueyin said that this was a lie to her. But there was only pity in Xueyin's eyes. "Did you see it? This is the Buddha's oracle that Da Rizhi and I have exhausted for three hundred years." Xueyin looked at the sky, sighed, and seemed to be begging.He also hopes that at the end of the sky, the Buddha who quietly looks at him can tell him that this is just a lie.But when the Buddha looked at him, there was only pity in his eyes. Amongst the ashes of the heavens, the one standing with Yulong holding his sword was not the Dragon Emperor Shi Xingyu, but Li Xuan. This scoundrel, Li Xuan who wants to live life with cold jokes.This Li Xuan who had nothing to ask for and nothing to complain about. "He's going to kill everyone he sees..." Xueyin also seemed unable to believe such a cruel Buddha's oracle. "...And in the next few years, he will travel all over the world." Su Youlian wailed. "The real calamity in this world is not Shi Xingyu, but Li Xuan!" Su Youlian shook her head almost instinctively: "No! Impossible!" Her voice was so hoarse, broken in the wind. Xue Yin's voice was faint, as if it didn't contain any human emotions: "Li Xuan must die." "No! He can't die!" The light of the Jiuling Yumagic Mirror became stinging, and Su Youlian felt his heart tremble.The coldness gathered from all directions and turned into thin needles, trying to pierce her body.She can only maintain a little warmth by relying on this stinging pain.Once the pain is gone, she will be completely cold. Just like many years ago, she stood quietly on the snow field, barefoot, looking into the distance, away from the bustling lights. She can't kill Li Xuan!She also cannot tolerate anyone killing Li Xuan! She has already owed him too much, so much that even one heart is not enough.She must protect him from any harm! Maybe she is no longer qualified to love him, she is a banshee who bears the sin of love.But even so, she would use a curse to make him live happily. Even if he could only hide in a corner and watch him secretly.Watching his happiness. "Please, promise me, let me take him away, let's go to the place where I was born, to the snow field, to the end of the world! There is no one there, so he can't harm anyone, okay?" She looked at Xueyin pitifully. It was the last love she was holding on to but slipping away. She believed that everything she saw in the dream was real, Li Xuan loved her so much, and she loved Li Xuan so much.The two of them will spend their entire lives on the snowy field without being disturbed by anyone. Xueyin looked at her quietly. His long eyebrows turned into the mercy of gods and Buddhas, covering his eyes. In this way, the suspicion in his eyes will not be seen by his disciples. "Ok." "As long as you can take him away." Su Youlian turned around and ran out frantically. She had to use all her strength in this way to stop herself from thinking for a while. But Xueyin's last words still resounded in her mind uncontrollably. "As long as you can take him away." Li Xuan loves me, Li Xuan loves me! "As long as you can take him away." I love Li Xuan!For him, I would rather give up everything! "As long as you can take him away." After going through seven tests, people who love each other will be together, and their love will never change. "As long as you can take him away." Su Youlian ran wildly.The clothes on her body had turned into snow demon's snow clothes at some point.
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