Home Categories Internet fantasy Charm Moon

Chapter 21 Chapter Eighteen

Charm Moon 步非烟 4706Words 2018-03-12
Bi Qi roared angrily and slowly dissipated.Long Mu's pale blond hair soared up against the sky, his body drenched in blood, like an emperor who had just won a bloody battle, slowly descending with fury to destroy the world. Li Xuan was lying on the ground, his anger was like gossamer. Although the vast battle armor is a rare treasure, it cannot protect him under such a strong bombardment.Every part of his body was injured, and the serious injuries made it impossible for him to maintain even a trace of dignity. Long Mu stretched out his hands in front of his chest, and suddenly shook them.

A burst of sandalwood drifted by, and the ancient Buddhas on the floating island quietly clasped together, and the light shone through, shining into his palm, forming a ball purely made of light.As Long Mu descended slowly, the ball became bigger and bigger, gradually revealing scenes such as heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, city walls, and trees.There seemed to be a slight wind stirring inside, which obscured all of this, vaguely, as if there were many, many people walking inside, like a world in a dream. Not only did Granny Tianjie's complexion change slightly: "The world of mustard seeds? I didn't expect you to be able to practice such profound Mahayana Buddhism at such a young age. The old lady underestimated you."

Long Mu said coldly: "If you don't back away, you may not be able to get away after a while when the Dharma is displayed." Granny Tianjie smiled softly, bent down and said to Li Xuan: "Did you hear that? If you still don't ask my old lady, he will release this Sumeru Light Ball, and everyone within a radius of ten miles will be sucked into the Sumeru Seed World You will never be able to escape. At that time, a calamity fire will be born in your body, which will burn your body to pieces, and only a little spiritual light will be turned into relics, but you will never be reborn forever."

"Young man? As long as you give me that thing, I will smash this ball of light for you, how about it?" Li Xuan raised his head with difficulty, and he could see his own shadow reflected in the light.There seemed to be a strong suction in the light, calling him, making him walk involuntarily.His consciousness gradually became blurred, which made him feel inexplicably frightened.He wants to get rid of this ball of light at any cost! But should you give it up? A mass of sadness welled up in Li Xuan's heart. Can't.Without it, what else do I have? He forged ahead with the last bit of strength, raised his head, and said in a mournful voice:

"No!" Granny Tianjie showed surprise on her face: "Is it really that important? More important than your life?" Li Xuan moved his fingers and pressed them on his chest.This simple movement is so difficult to do under the serious injury at this time.But this action seemed to give him great comfort.He seemed to be able to feel that the soul pearl that was awakened by the magic of Tian Jie's mother-in-law was buried under his chest, holding his hand, beating little by little. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The ball of light was reflected on his face, and he didn't even have the slightest fear.

Because, he didn't lose it. When he died with it in his arms, he felt no fear anymore. The light was so strong that it completely covered him.The sound of Sanskrit singing is deafening, and the light disperses to the surroundings, turning into the shape of mountains, rivers, stars, light and shadows, and matching with this world one by one. Li Xuan's heartbeat became weaker and weaker. He knew that his soul was about to be sucked away by the ball of light, and he would be imprisoned forever in that distant world of mustard seeds. Suddenly, a snow light flashed. Su Youlian stood quietly in front of Li Xuan, separating him from the ball of light.

Long Mu was taken aback, and his skills were quickly withdrawn. Amidst the buzzing sound, Xu Mijiazi's Dharma abruptly stopped.Even if he had obtained the true biography of the Great Rizhi Zhi, he couldn't help being burned and almost seriously injured. He held back a mouthful of hot blood, and reluctantly said: "You... what are you doing?" There was a trace of confusion on Su Youlian's face, as if he didn't know what he was doing. After a long time, he said, "I...I want to see what he doesn't want to give up." She smiled softly: "Don't you want to know?"

As lazy as Li Xuan, treacherous and rascal, but would rather die than give up, what could it be? Su Youlian raised a ball of snow light from his hand, shining on Li Xuan's chest. Li Xuan could no longer resist, and let the light in her hand penetrate through her body, fishing up a ball of pink soul beads. Su Youlian's face changed suddenly.She was holding that bead like she was holding a ball of fire, a ball of thunder, and couldn't help but staggered back! There was nothing in that bead except a faint shadow. A faint snow-like shadow. A little snow demon, looking up in the empty desert.

That's her. It was her who Li Xuanning refused to give up. It's okay to throw away all the glory and wealth, give up the light and return to the darkness, but she is the only one who can't even be used as a bargaining chip. Does he value himself so much? Tears quickly blurred Su Youlian's eyes. She was holding that small bead as if she was holding a mountain, a river, and a world. Li Xuan seemed to feel her heart, and raised his head with difficulty. There was a smile on his face. He held her hand lightly. The bead slowly dissipated in the hands of the two of them.It's like the melancholy that once passed by.

Two hands clasped together.Su Youlian trembled violently. She was so, so sorry. Why didn't she see this bead earlier?Why did she plan so much, so much, just to kill him? Killing him and exchanging love with Xue Yin, what a stupid deal, the person who loves her is actually by her side. Yang Xian's words suddenly flashed in her ears. "One day, you will fall in love with him..." She couldn't help crying.It turns out that the stupidest, stupidest person is her.She never knows what she got, so she always loses it the moment she gets it. Li Xuan's smile was still so rascal, yet so warm.

"Are you so, so trying to kill me?" "Will you be happy after I die?" Suddenly there was a knife in his hand. He held Su Youlian's hand, holding the knife together, and stabbed at his chest suddenly. Su Youlian's face changed in horror, but he couldn't stop it. She watched helplessly as the knife pierced into his chest. At this moment, it seemed like a thousand years long, but it suddenly shattered. Li Xuan's last smile was torn into a thread of mournful blood. Panic, fear, and despair filled her heart, and she desperately wanted to take back the knife, but at this moment, the red moon in the sky suddenly shattered. The violent explosion sounded through everything in the world, the ball of light, the mother-in-law of the sky, Zhongnan Mountain, and the blood moon all exploded together, turning into ashes in the pain of samsara.Su Youlian's body was thrown far away, and blood spattered down. She used all her cultivation to catch Li Xuan, but she was just a little snow demon, she couldn't resist the big explosion that burned the world, she could only watch Li Xuan being engulfed by the explosion, She died like a meteor. "No!" She screamed horribly and desperately. But nothing can be changed. The whole world turned into chaos, Li Xuan was enveloped like a thunderstorm, and exploded.His consciousness and body were almost completely destroyed, but his hands were still stretched out, wanting to grab something. Death-like darkness engulfed him. Is it the abyss of reincarnation? Suddenly, a sharp howl sounded in his ears, the howling sound was full of despair and anger.The violent rotation and explosion stopped abruptly, leaving only the fragmented fragments of pain.A scent of flowers entered his nostrils, the scent of flowers was so familiar. Li Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't help being in a trance. A lone moon hangs high in the sky, and the cold light shines down on the dark flower trees.The flower shadows sprinkled mottledly on the ground, and the green hills were silent, embracing this ancient land and sleeping.All of this, quiet and remote, with the modesty of the night and the charm of the moonlight, is like a paradise. This is exactly the night view of Zhongnan Mountain, Li Xuan has admired it countless times, and it is deeply imprinted in his heart.But nothing changed. He couldn't help being in a trance. What about the violent explosion, the destructive force caused by the collision of magic and Buddhism, the shock when the floating island fell, and the damage caused?Is it just a dream? just a dream... He couldn't help exhaling, relieved. But then he felt a sharp pain attack.He couldn't help lowering his head, but saw that his body was covered with large and small wounds, and the blood was continuously flowing down, winding into a stream on the ground. His energy was so exhausted that he couldn't even stand upright.If it wasn't for his peculiar physique, he would have already been repairing his wounds by himself, saving the last trace of vitality for him, and he would have died on the ground long ago. He couldn't help but be at a loss.what the hell is it? Is it a dream?Why is there a lot of injuries on his body? Not a dream?Why didn't Zhongnan Mountain suffer any damage? "Sinner! You will be punished in the last days!" Li Xuan raised his head reluctantly, and the Cang Yue in the sky suddenly disappeared.Darkness rules the world in the dark night. It was a pair of huge wings, dark and deep, haunted by the ghosts of countless dead, almost covering the entire sky.Countless little will-o'-the-wisps continuously sprinkled from the wings, accompanied by the faint wailing sound, resounding through the silent night sky. A monstrous shadow floats among the wings.The rotten black robe tightly wrapped around his body, falling straight down like a mournful exclamation.His whole body was covered in darkness, only the crimson waning moon was hidden between his eyebrows, and the afterglow dripped down like blood, flowing all over his body. His slender eyes stared at Li Xuan resentfully. Li Xuan was taken aback: "Dream Demon?" The figure smiled coldly as an answer.He snapped: "You vile sinner! How can you break my spell?" Li Xuan smiled lightly. Yes, it was a dream, but under the control of the succubus, everything that happened in the dream may be real.His injuries are like this, what about Su Youlian? what will happen to her A burst of melancholy suddenly surged in Li Xuan's heart. It was her who he would rather die than give up.Even detaching from the body and turning into the soul pearl would be so painful, this is something that even he himself did not expect. Is it that deep already? So deep that no one knows, but can't forget?Can't give up? He shook his head, forcing himself not to think about it again.The most important thing right now is still how to deal with the succubus.He said lightly: "Actually, when I saw the red moon, I realized that it might be in a dream. Can you tell me if you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Why do you have to put The moon turns red? Don't you think that's going to be an opening?" The Dream Demon said coldly: "If your consciousness can stay awake enough to wake up when you see the red moon, then even if I cast magic, I may not be able to kill you. If you still can't wake up when you see the red moon Come on, I'm sorry, you're going to die." Li Xuan nodded: "I understand. Hongyue is a barrier you set up. You use it to detect whether others have been recruited. Your method is good. I saw Hongyue at the time. Although I was shocked, but because I was busy I went to look for Su Youlian, so I didn't think much about it. The dream you wove is too real. Once you fall into it, you will care more and more. The more you care, the more chaotic you will become. Thought I had been completely captured by your dream, but you didn't expect that you left another fatal flaw." The Dream Demon couldn't help asking: "What is it?" Li Xuan: "Soul Orb! You shouldn't have let Tian Jie take out the Soul Orb from my heart! I have seen the Soul Orb of sisters Cui and Brother Lu, and I was so impressed by it. When I saw it, I suddenly understood that this must be a dream!" The Dream Demon's expression changed. Li Xuan said leisurely: "After thinking about this, I want to understand a lot of things. But it is not enough to know that this is a dream. If you want to break your magic, you must understand one thing-what is the truth behind you? Where." "As a weaver of dreams, and you have only obtained the souls of six people, you cannot be fully resurrected, so you must be hiding in someone's dream. Moreover, this person must be someone in my dream! " The Dream Demon was silent, and his face had become extremely gloomy. Li Xuan: "It's impossible for Long Mu, because in this dream, Long Mu didn't make any money. As a noble and gorgeous succubus, it is impossible for him to expose the secrets in his heart to so many people. Therefore, he is excluded. Su Youlian is also impossible, because... " He kept silent, but the reason was understood by everyone.When he stared at her, how could others imitate the tenderness? Li Xuan sighed, leisurely: "Originally, the most suspicious person was Grandma Tianjie, but I immediately rejected it. The reason is very simple, because Grandpa Tianshu never dreams. Then, everyone is no longer suspicious. Does it mean that the dream demon?" Is it not among us?" There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the succubus: "No, there is another person. That is me. I have to admit that your dream weaving is so good, I never thought that the one possessed by the succubus is actually me Myself. It's a pity that I dreamed of your previous murders. I can't help but wonder, is the succubus using my dream to sneak into other people's dreams? Is he possessing me? " The Dream Demon said hoarsely, "So you stabbed yourself to death?" Li Xuan smiled and said, "That's right. Because you possessed me, the one I stabbed to death in my dream was not me, but you." The Dream Demon's whole body shook, and there was a trace of awe in his eyes.He murmured, "Is this God's will?" Li Xuan laughed loudly and said, "Of course it's God's will! Dream Demon, you're defeated!" The Dream Demon stared at him with a cold face, and slowly said: "You know what? You are not my possession. When I was born, my strength was extremely weak, and I couldn't sneak into other people's dreams at will. Provide me with a place of possession." Those who live here must take the initiative to contribute the dream and let me hide. This is a willing contract, signed by the dream provider himself." Li Xuan was stunned, this point, the purple-ranked old man once mentioned it to him, but in his desperation, he actually forgot.He murmured: "I am not? Then why can I break your magic?" The Dream Demon sneered slightly: "That's just because the only way to break my dream-weaving magic is to sacrifice my life sincerely for others. I thought that people in the world are selfish. It's all just lies, no one can abandon themselves and save others at the critical moment of life and death. But I didn't expect it to be smashed by you by mistake. If this is God's will, why does the heaven want to use you as a rascal?" Li Xuan was stunned, scratched his head and said, "So that's the case? Wasn't it because I killed you in the dream?" The Dream Demon said coldly: "No one can kill me..." He looked up at the crimson moon in the sky, and a wave of anger gradually surged on his uncertain face. His magic!If this is God's will, it's really abominable! The corner of Dream Demon's mouth slowly raised a sneer: "In your reasoning just now, one sentence is wrong, a fatal mistake." He said slowly: "You said that I only got the souls of six people, and I can't fully resurrect them..." Li Xuan's face was suddenly full of panic, and he realized at this moment that the dream monster was floating in front of him alive, not in a dream! what the hell is it?His head is like a mess, and he can't figure it out! The Dream Demon laughed wildly. "Dirty sinner! Stupid sinner! Do you think you can really stop my resurrection?" A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Xuan's mind, and he pointed at the succubus and shouted, "So you've already killed seven people!"
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