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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty-Eight

funeral snow 步非烟 4179Words 2018-03-12
Gorgeous like a firework. Everyone was satisfied, nodded, pondered, and walked back to their home. Princess, watch this gift that fell out of nowhere.Her brows are still lightly furrowed, there are sorrows in this world that she can't linger on. Where the beautiful boy disappeared, a huge crystal coffin was left behind. The crystal is as crystal clear and clear as ice, and also as cold as ice.Like this royal city, there are no carvings, only the withered flower of three thousand years lying quietly on the crystal coffin lid. The slightly curled petals reveal a gray color, as if swearing the majesty of death.

In the crystal coffin, lay a person. dead. His face was still alive, as if he was in deep sleep.His two hands were folded on his chest, so peacefully. He was no longer making a fuss, telling ridiculous jokes, and showing off his might with a dog's tail grass in his mouth. Nor would he upset her with stupid and reckless actions, nor would he reveal the pain she had quietly buried, nor would he run to another woman when she needed him most. Not anymore, never again, because he is dead. His quiet face is his last prayer to this world. Li Xuan lay in the crystal coffin, quietly closing his eyes.

"How can we save her?" His hands were pale from exertion, with prominent blue veins, and he held Long Mu tightly. He asked urgently, "How can I save her?" There seemed to be a trace of sadness on Long Mu's face: "It's very simple." He avoided Li Xuan's eyes. "As long as you die." As long as you die. Do I have to die to save you? Then I will die. I'm not a thoughtful person, and I can't guess what you're thinking.I don't know what to do so as not to hurt you.I love you, but I don't know how to love you.I want to take care of you, but I can't hold a leaf of snow in my hand.

I am petty, and I suffer from what all men suffer from, and from what all men suffer from.I can't be detached enough to love you desperately, and I can't give you the status of a princess, the status of a fairy. I am an ordinary person, I can only live like an ordinary person, and love you like an ordinary person. My love can't cut through the yellow sand of the desert, can't fight for thousands of miles, and can't turn into a dragon. But if I have to die to save you, then I will die. It's the only thing I can do, and I'll do it. I will do it. In the crystal coffin, there is a quiet sadness.It was as if the blond boy's piano sound was still stirring in his heart, gently touching his extremely soft heart one by one.

Every time, it hurts so much. The pale hands convulsed, twisting the back of the chair hard. Can you really forget? In the Azure Palace, the princess' face suddenly turned pale. So pale, even snow can't compare. She stared at Li Xuan in a daze, why didn't this person let her go until he died? She is no longer Su Youlian, no longer that humble snow demon. It's not Jiu Ling'er either, she has transformed into a witch who avenges love, with the sharpest thorns, stabbing others and herself. With her slender hands, she crushed the legends that did not belong to her, together with her own blood and broken heart.

With her pale and sweet smile, she stabbed the most powerful king in the world, shattered the most perfect love in reincarnation, and resisted the tricks of fate. I will no longer love anyone, only love my own love, and there will be no change in the slightest. Why did he suddenly come to her?Are you threatening yourself with death? She sneered. She will not be impressed by any love, never again.She bit her lips tightly, as if she wanted to bite through the nightmare of her life.When she spoke, a faint blood stained her thin jaw: "Throw him into the deep valley." To the north of Wangcheng is a deep valley.

That was originally the place where the ninety-nine monsters were imprisoned, but all the monsters were turned into a blow by the heaven and earth formation, and this deep valley became a forbidden place for the monster clan. The deep valley is full of resentment, the resentment of ninety-nine demons who are extremely skilled and can only be sealed by Jun Qianshang's sword.They were not reconciled, if the Dragon Emperor had not suppressed them with the Extinct Purple Bead and severely damaged their demon energy, how could the mere heaven and earth array incinerate them?This resentment formed a frantic snowstorm in the deep valley, raging all day long.

The crystal coffin lay right in the middle of the snowstorm. Li Xuan was still lying quietly, without any complaints. He no longer complains, no longer suffers.His love has come to an end here. Then, he can only wait for the referee. "I die?" He doesn't understand. "yes." Long Mu nodded and explained. "She calls herself Jiu Ling'er. I don't know if she was charmed by the Dragon Emperor or what happened. In short, she seems to have forgotten that she is Su Youlian. Our only chance is to awaken her memory and wake her up." .She loved you like that..."

When he said this, Long Mu's heart twitched uncontrollably. "This is our only hope. I hope that you will still leave a deep shadow in her heart. The pain of losing you forever can make her wake up temporarily." He looked at Li Xuan sincerely. "If your death still can't bring her back to life, then you might as well be dead." Yes, it would be better to be dead. So he died, using his own death to make a big gamble. In a distant place, there is his and her hometown.He didn't know where he came from, and she didn't know how to appear in this world.As long as he can remember, he has been wandering around, and she just stood barefoot on the snow field, looking at the distant lights.

As if destined, she waited for him, and when she didn't meet him, she suffered a lot. He also waited for her, and when he didn't meet her, he wandered around. None of them have a hometown, perhaps, they really come from the same wilderness, there is their hometown far away in the distant sky. There, if a boy wants to win the love of a girl, he has to go through seven tests, go to the sky and enter the earth, and descend the dragon and the phoenix. Only the bravest and sincere heart can obtain the most beautiful love. He loves her, and he fears no test.Even at the expense of his life.

The grand blue temple is so empty. There was no one in the temple, and the only snow demon was sitting in the middle of the temple. She was sitting on the cold stone steps of the temple, her pure white clothes hanging down in a mess, as if she was sitting covered in ice and snow. At this moment, she was confused. She didn't know whether she should be Su Youlian or Jiu Ling'er. There are a thousand kinds of memories in her heart, each one is so painful, like frozen fireworks, bluish, floating quietly.But they were still burning, making her heart ache. She suddenly resented. She resented Li Xuan, why did you die like this? Why didn't you find me a moment earlier, before my heart breaks? She resented that blue demon king even more, why did you hide? Hate to the bone. Could it be that he really didn't know that in the woman in front of him, the consciousness of the snow demon still dominates everything?Could it be that he really didn't realize that the so-called Jiu Ling'er's soul was so weak that even he couldn't perceive it? But he still only whispered softly to Jiu Ling'er, as if there was no one else around. He would rather be obsessed with a soul that is still imaginary than look at this living snow demon. Treat her like dust. Even, no matter how cruelly she stabbed and hurt him, he would bear it silently. He is a demon who can destroy the world, why is he so tolerant towards her? Is it to repay the debt owed to Jiu Ling'er, or is it just because Xue Yao's joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and deliberate provocation are insignificant in his eyes? Only those who care will really hurt you. Perhaps, the Snow Demon is so humble in his mind, not even qualified to hurt him? Perhaps, he silently endured the snow demon's nonsense, just to wait until one day he could extract Jiu Ling'er's soul, and then abandon this insignificant snow demon. that is it? The snow demon's nails painted with Danko pierced deeply into the palm of his hand, as if he wanted to use pain to dilute some of the sorrow in his heart. Why are you doing this to me? She looked up feebly at the sky. The sky is endless blue, the magnificence of the Great Demon Kingdom, but also the clear sky of Zhongnan Mountain For a moment, her hateful heart softened. She began to hesitate whether to give herself another chance and believe in love again. She fantasized that someone would suddenly appear beside her and tell her to follow me without doubt.She will follow him resolutely, regardless of the world, the ends of the world.She followed him and never looked back. Even if the ending of the story is still sad, she will never regret it. She waited, as if she had waited for a thousand years, and the Canglan Temple was still silent. She raised her head suddenly, the pearl hairpin slipped off, her loose long hair cut through the silence in the hall, and there was a "shua". So, I would rather die! She bit her lips tightly and made the most tragic decision. At this moment, the last tenderness in my heart turned into a thorn, piercing deeply into her heart. In the depths of the temple, there is endless space. The blue color gradually condensed, forming a pair of eyes looking into the distance with melancholy, looking at the snow demon going away. The blue snow twisted backwards into a large tornado, frantically tearing apart the ice sheet, rolling up large chunks of ice, and rushing into the deep valley.The tornado ice and snow collided with the deep valley, making a reckless howl.This power can destroy everything. When the snow gathers to a certain extent, it will cause a snowstorm.The ice and snow are like thunder, thrown up by a strong force, smashing anything they touch. It was pent-up resentment, which was vented day after day. A pale shadow suddenly appeared in the snowstorm. She was moving with difficulty, climbing down from the top of the ravine.Fengxue finally found a target to wreak havoc on, and the screams suddenly became more urgent. They want to torture her, tear her apart, and make her suffer just like herself! The strong wind mixed with ice and snow hit her sharply.She ignored it.She clung hard to the gap between the rocks and slowly climbed down.Her clothes were very thin, and she couldn't resist the severe cold here, but she didn't care.Once she reached the bottom of the valley, she was looking around frantically. But the wind and snow are long, and everything has been covered up long ago. What can she find? She bent down and stirred the cold snow with her hands, touching every rock.Disappointment kept tormenting her, she almost fell to the ground, mingled with the wind and snow. Her fingers and ankles were all deeply frostbitten, but she didn't care about them at all. She is like a traveler who has lost her beloved. She has traveled all over the world and gone through all kinds of hardships to find it. Finally, her hand climbed onto the huge crystal coffin.At this moment, she suddenly lost her strength and completely collapsed on the coffin lid. After panting for a long time, she recovered a little and wiped off the ice and snow from the coffin with great effort.Li Xuan's face appeared in front of her bit by bit. So peaceful, so serene, so heartless. She couldn't help crying.Sure enough, she was still fit to love him. This rough big boy, without careful thought, carefree and noisy Li Xuan.She is still fit to love him. With all her strength, she hugged the huge ice coffin. She finally figured it out, she should be Su Youlian.It was that poor, little Snow Demon.She is no princess, and she is not fit to live on the great Forbidden Peak.She should take this boy's hand and travel all over the endless rivers and mountains of the Tang Dynasty. This is who she is, what she deserves, and what she strives for. She is just a weak and helpless snow demon, she can only reap a small and ordinary love, like now, locked in a crystal coffin. This love is not perfect, there are all kinds of incompleteness, it is not brilliant, and there are regrets everywhere.When people talk about it, they will not be full of envy and admiration, and it will not become a legend and be sung in poems and operas.But it was love, her love. She can only have one love. Everyone can only have one love. She slowly got up from the crystal coffin.Brushed the long hair on the sideburns. She turned around and left without looking back. She wants to go back to that blue temple. She wants to take off her gorgeous palace dress. She wants to change into that plain snow dress. She wants to go back to the deep valley, accompany him, and die together. At this moment, she only wanted to die, she didn't care about anything, she didn't care about anything. At that time, will the aloof devil be sad?Will she cry bitterly while hugging the crystal coffin like she is now? Was it Jiu Ling'er or Su Youlian who was crying bitterly? She thought about it coldly, feeling a momentary pleasure running through her whole body.She resolutely walked towards the Canglan Temple. She is not a princess, she does not deserve to be admired by thousands of people, she is not qualified to own a country. She is just an ordinary snow demon, she wants to live like a snow demon, and if she has love, she will love like a snow demon.She will die with her own dignity, stabbing the heart of the living. The snowstorm stopped suddenly. The fierce majesty makes all restlessness surrender in the name of fear.Fengxue seemed to be kneeling silently, welcoming the arrival of the touch of blue. It was a figure that all the emperors in the world dare not look up to. It slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of the crystal coffin. He stared at the transparent coffin for a long time, with a touch of loneliness in his eyes. He should be happy that this man is dead. But he couldn't be happy.There is only endless depression in my heart, I just want to raise my hand and burn the whole world. He stretched out a finger and touched the crystal silently. In the past, he also slept quietly in the blue ice, bearing her tears and her heartbreak. One sleep is three lives. Then there is infinite separation. Now, if it could be exchanged, would he rather be sleeping here, still be himself? The blue demon king was speechless, he slowly withdrew that finger, and slowly raised his body. Snow, gently falling, no longer so violent, softly covered the crystal coffin. The demon king's eyes were full of pain. Disappeared at the end of the holy peak.
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