Home Categories philosophy of religion thus spoke Zarathustra

Chapter 114 The fourth part of the high people nineteen

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 289Words 2018-03-20
My brothers, lift up your hearts higher and higher!Don't forget your legs, hold your legs up too.You good dancers, it would be better if you could stand on your heads! Even in happiness there are heavy animals, animals with broken feet from the beginning.They push themselves wonderfully, like an elephant struggling to stand upright. But it is better to be stupid for happiness than for unhappiness.Better to dance clumsily than to walk with a limp.So, you superiors, I ask you to learn from my wisdom: Even bad things have two good sides. Even the worst things have two good dancing legs: so you masters, learn from me to stand on your own inherent retreat!

Forget all sorrowful sighs, all vulgar sorrows!O, how sad is the buffoon of rascals in this day and age!But today's age is the age of the rascals.
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