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Chapter 112 The fourth part of the high people seventeen

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 251Words 2018-03-20
All good things reach their purpose by twists and turns.They all hunch their waists like cats, their hearts meowing at the approaching happiness.All good things laugh. A man's steps tell whether he is on his way.Watch how I walk!People who draw close to their goals dance. Verily, I am not a stone statue, nor am I there clumsily, stupidly, hard as a pillar; I love to run as fast as I can. Though there are swamps and heavy sorrows in the land, yet the swift-footed man even runs through the mud and dances as on a smooth ice rink. My brothers, lift up your hearts higher and higher!But don't forget your legs!Lift up your legs too, you fine dancers, it would be better if you could stand on your heads!

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